jQplot different time format on xaxis and highlight - time

I have some series on jQplot for which I have set highlight options. My idea is to use %H:%M:%S for time format in highlight and %H:%M but cant set it.
autoscale: true,
renderer: $.jqplot.DateAxisRenderer,
tickRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisTickRenderer,
tickOptions: {
showTicks: true,
formatString:'%e %b %H:%M:%S',
fontSize: '11px',
highlighter: {
show: true,
sizeAdjust: 12,
tooltipContentEditor: customTooltip,
formatString: '#serieLabel#<br/>%s | %s',

If you want to use a different date/time format in the tooltip (highlight) than the date/time format used on the x-axis, rather than using formatString you can use the tooltipContentEditor to define a function that will return the formatted string to display in the tooltip.
Assuming you want the x-axis to show dates in the format %e %b %H:%M:%S (e.g. 29 Oct 04:12:12) but you want the tooltip to show them in the format %H:%M (e.g. 12:12) you can use the following code (unchanged from your code snippet above) to define the axes:
axes: {
xaxis: {
autoscale: true,
renderer: $.jqplot.DateAxisRenderer,
tickRenderer: $.jqplot.CanvasAxisTickRenderer,
tickOptions: {
showTicks: true,
formatString: '%e %b %H:%M:%S',
fontSize: '11px',
and the following code to define the highlighter:
highlighter: {
show: true,
sizeAdjust: 12,
tooltipContentEditor: function(str, seriesIndex, pointIndex, plot) {
// x-axis value
var date = series[seriesIndex][pointIndex][0];
// jqPlot formatter function for date/time (used by $.jqplotDateTickFormatter)
var formatter = $.jqplot.DateTickFormatter;
// Do the formatting
var formattedDate = formatter('%H:%M', date);
// y-axis value for series hovered over
var seriesValue = series[seriesIndex][pointIndex][1];
return '#serieLabel#<br/>' + formattedDate + '|' + seriesValue;
Here we are using a custom function tooltipContentEditor which retrieves the date/time from the series hovered over and formats it using $.jqplot.DateTickFormatter. The function then concatenates the strings together to return the text to display in the tooltip. The key lines for formatting the date/time correctly are:
// DateAxisRenderer
var formatter = $.jqplot.DateTickFormatter;
// Do the formatting
var formattedDate = formatter('%H:%M', date);
This produces the following tooltip when a data point is hovered over:
A working example can be seen here.


jqPlot PieRender number formatting

I am using jqplot.PieRenderer and need my percentages to round to 2 decimal places. I have formatted the text labels to include a percentage for ADA Compliance, so the users are not solely relying on colors in the legend matching the percentages. However, my bar chart is rounding to a whole number.
Currently the code is:
var data = [ OMMITTED_PII_IN_CODE ];
var plot1 = jQuery.jqplot ('chart1', [data],
seriesDefaults: {
// Make this a pie chart.
renderer: jQuery.jqplot.PieRenderer,
rendererOptions: {
// Put data labels on the pie slices.
// By default, labels show the percentage of the slice.
showDataLabels: true
legend: {
location: 's',
border: '0px',
fontSize: '12px',
// Breaks the ledgend into horizontal.
rendererOptions: {
numberRows: '4',
numberColumns: '3'
series: [{color:"#000000"}],
seriesColors: ["#d1ded4","#b8c8bb","#7a9f83","#F4D03F","#337ab7","#ccc","#fcf8e3","#f2dede"],
title: {
text: 'WVSOM Contributions Breakdown'
); // end plot chart
}); // end document ready
You can use the dataLabelFormatString to specify the format you want the labels in the segments to be. If you define the following within rendererOptions it will display to 2 decimal places:
dataLabelFormatString: '%#.2f%'
%#.2f tells it to display to 2 decimal places, and the % at the end will display a percent symbol after the number.
You will end up with something like this:
Please see this Fiddle for a working example

QxJqPlot, decimalMark and thousandsSeparator

little question:
I add the tickOptions formatString "%'.2f" to my axis, change decimalMark and thousandsSeparator characters at jquery.jqplot.js and jquery.jqplot.min.js, and nothing change. The same decimalMark and thousandsSeparator appears.
If I add the " '.2 " to my format string, the thousands separations and decimal appears, but with the standart characters.
Somebody know what's is wrong? I want use the european "1.000.000,00" format.
Please some little help, thanks.
(sorry my english)
a solution, adding this 2 lines:
$jqplot.sprintf.thousandsSeparator = '.';
$jqplot.sprintf.decimalMark = ',';
inside the function: (example)
var options = function($jqplot){
$jqplot.sprintf.thousandsSeparator = '.';
$jqplot.sprintf.decimalMark = ',';
return {
title: "Importe",
seriesDefaults:{renderer: $jqplot.BarRenderer, pointLabels: {show: true}},
series: paramet.resultado.series,
legend: {show: true},
renderer: $jqplot.CategoryAxisRenderer,
ticks: [""]
yaxis: {
tickOptions: {
formatString: "%'.2f"
var plugins = ['barRenderer', 'categoryAxisRenderer', 'pointLabels'];
plot = new qxjqplot.Plot(paramet.resultado.dataSeries_total, options, plugins);

c3js - change the initial date label in x-axis

I have a c3js line graph of type timeseries.
My axis tables are currently like this:
and it want it to be
where each dot indicates a month, note that the datapoint at 11/10 is still kept and displayed, only the axis labelling has changed. FYI, The increment is not set directly but hacked using culling.
Is there any way to alter the starting label to 12/10 (with all subsequent labels increasing in 6-months intervals)?
UPDATE (14NOV14): I have added a working jsFiddle for you to tinker with. Any help is appreciated!
UPDATE (14NOV14): I have tried using functions for this. But I want the 'pop-up' box to show the grey heading all the time.
This was a painfully long learning process, for a very badly-documented library. But I had to use a function for the format option for the tick, and then format the title again for the tooltip. Here's the final, working copy.
HTML (Include the d3.js, c3.js, and c3.css scripts too)
<div id="chartContainer"></div>
var chart = c3.generate({
bindto: '#chartContainer',
data: {
x: 'x',
columns: [
['x', '2013-04-01', '2013-05-02', '2013-06-03', '2013-07-04', '2013-08-05', '2013-09-06'],
['data1', 30, 200, 100, 400, 150, 250],
['data2', 130, 340, 200, 500, 250, 350]
axis: {
x: {
type: 'timeseries',
tick: {
format: function (x) {
if((x.getMonth()+1) % 6 === 0) {
return ('0' + (x.getMonth()+1)).slice(-2) + '/' + x.getFullYear().toString().substr(2,2);
tooltip: {
format: {
title: function (d) {
var format = d3.time.format('%m/%y');
return format(d)
N.B. Also be aware that culling might interfere with this. I had to set culling: {max: 100} to ensure any built in incrementations are not applied.

Jqplot date line chart axis point not in corect position

I'm used the following code to generate the jqplot line chart there is some issues occurred in y-axis point .the x-axis value 'feb,march,apr,may ' the first point showing correctly and other points are moving to between march and apr points.kindly refer the images for clarification .Please help me .Thank in advance
$.jqplot.config.enablePlugins = true;
var line1 = new Array(2);
var line1=[['2013-02-28',1756403],['2013-03-31',0],['2013-04-30',0]];
var line2 = new Array(2);
var line2=[['2013-02-28',107],['2013-03-31',0],['2013-04-30',0]];
var plot1 = $.jqplot('chart', [line1,line2], {
tickInterval:'1 month'
min: 1
seriesColors: ["#49AD48", "#0BC2EF"],legend: {
show: true
series:[{ lineWidth:4, markerOptions:{ style:'square' }, label: 'Actual'},{label: 'Plan' }],
highlighter: {
show: true,
sizeAdjust: 7.5
looseZoom: true,
show:fals![enter image description here][1]e
I've been struggling with this all morning. While my date's were being dynamically generated by my database, I was defaulting the time to all entries to 8:00AM (as they show in jqplots examples).
The date plots are not only date, but also time sensitive. My solution was to change the default time to 12:01AM for all my plots and now they line up on grid.
I use PHP to dynamically generate my plot arrays as mentioned, they look something like this now:
[chart1] => Array
[plots] => ['2013-04-02 12:01AM',11, 11], ['2013-04-03 12:01AM',95, 95], ['2013-04-19 12:01AM',325, 325], ['2013-04-22 12:01AM',90, 90],

how to use monthNames in jqgrid when validating date?

In my jqgrid when i am clicking on add new record i have date field prepopulated with current date. Format of the date is yyyy-MMM-d (e.g. 2010-Jan-23).
Date is required field and when i click submit button it fails validation and displays error that this date is invalid, and it wants Y-m-d format.
How can i check my value with jqgrid? In other words how to make jqgrid accept the following date format when validating 2010-Jan-23?
Here is my JSON data:
{"id":1,"cell":["2010-Mar-3","Pepto","2","False","not active"]},
{"id":2,"cell":["2009-May-6","Tylenol","5","False","not active"]},
Here is my date column definition:
{ name: 'Date',
index: 'date',
width: '80px',
align: 'center',
sortable: false,
editable: true,
datefmt: 'Y-M-d',
editoptions: { dataInit: function(elem) { $(elem).datepicker({ dateFormat: 'yy-M-d' });},value: getDate } ,
editrules: { required: true, date:true} },
The getdate function inserts current date into field. here is the function:
function getDate(){
var monthNames = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"];
var now = new Date();
return now.getFullYear() + "-" + monthNames[now.getMonth()] + "-" + now.getDate();
Maybe this is because of this function? Can i insert current date from datepicker?
Amount of data sent from the server is not too big (about 10-30 rows) and this application will be used by maximum of 50 people, so there is no concerns regarding amounts of data.
Anytime when i have value as 2010-Jun-23 in the field, i get error message:Enter valid date value - Y-M-d
Verify that you defined datefmt: 'Y-M-d' in the column definition of colModel. In the list of editrules options (see http://www.trirand.com/jqgridwiki/doku.php?id=wiki:common_rules#editrules) is defined that if you use date: true as a editrules option, the validation will be done corresponds with the datefmt option.
Some more recommendations if you use date in jqGrid:
If you not yet use, think about of the usage of jQuery.datepicker (see http://jqueryui.com/demos/datepicker/#date-formats) inside of dataInit function of editoptions (like
editoptions: {
dataInit : function (elem) {
// ...
in the simplest case). If you use searching for date fields, you can use dataInit with jQuery.datepicker also in searchoptions in the same way (see http://www.trirand.com/jqgridwiki/doku.php?id=wiki:singe_searching#colmodel_options). The usage of jQuery.datepicker in jqGrid is very easy, but it makes your program more comfortable.
Usage of standard date formatter (formatter: 'date') can be useful to convert source data format send to jqGrid to the new format which will be displayed. For example,
formatter: 'date', formatoptions: {srcformat:'y-m-d', newformat: 'Y-M-d' }
It is less interesting, but it can reduce a little the size of data send from server to client.
UPDATED: I must admit, I don't tested my suggestion with exactly your data format. Just now I tested all one more time and then read carefully jqGrid documentation about datefmt (see http://www.trirand.com/jqgridwiki/doku.php?id=wiki:colmodel_options). For datefmt are only numerical format for months is supported! So the value at the time of date verification must be in a numerical format. What can we do? For example following
we define as parameters of navGrid function "add" parameters (see http://www.trirand.com/jqgridwiki/doku.php?id=wiki:navigator parameter prmAdd) like following:
{ beforeCheckValues: function(posdata, formid, mode) {
var data = posdata.Date;
var dateParts = data.split("-");
var mounth = dateParts[1];
var mounths = $.jgrid.formatter.date.monthNames;
var iMounth = -1;
for (var i=0; i<12; i++) {
if (mounth === mounths[i]) {
iMounth = i;
if (iMounth !== -1) {
posdata.Date = dateParts[0]+'-'+(iMounth+1)+'-'+dateParts[2];
beforeSubmit: function(postdata, formid) {
var data = postdata.Date;
var dateParts = data.split("-");
var mounths = $.jgrid.formatter.date.monthNames;
postdata.Date = dateParts[0]+'-'+
return [true,""];
So we convert the Date field to the numerical format inside of beforeCheckValues function and then convert all back to the original format (like 2010-Jan-23) after usage of checkDate. It will work.
The main question is now: have we some advantage from such kind of the date checking? We can just don't use editrules: { date:true } and implement our own date checking inside of beforeSubmit function. If we find out the wrong date we should return [false,"My error message"] and our custom error message "My error message" will be displayed by jqGrid.
So the easiest solution of your problem we receive if we could change the date format to any numerical form (Y-mm-d, mm/d/Y or another one). Usage of datepicker will makes for users the format problem not very important. Think about this and choose the way which your prefer.
I was facing similar issue. I have resolved it using custom function for validation. I am suing date format as '23-Jan-05'. You may modify it to suit your required date format.
function datecheck(value, colname) {
var dateParts = value.split("-");
var datePart = dateParts[0];
var mounth = dateParts[1];
var yearPart = dateParts[2];
var mounths = $.jgrid.formatter.date.monthNames;
var monthPart = -1;
for (var i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
if (mounth === mounths[i]) {
monthPart = i + 1;
var dateText = monthPart + '-' + datePart + '-' + yearPart;
var date = Date.parse(dateText);
if (isNaN(date))
return [false,"Invalid date. Format expected: dd-mmm-yy. (23-Jul-05)"];
return [true,""];
JQGrid column details:
colModel: [name: 'JoiningDate', align: "center", editable: true,
editrules: { custom: true, custom_func: datecheck },
formatter: 'date', formatoptions: { srcformat: 'y-m-d', newformat: 'd-M-y' }, edittype: 'text', editable: true,
editoptions: { dataInit: function (el) { setTimeout(function () { $(el).datepicker({ dateFormat: 'd-M-y' }); }, 200); } }
Hope this helps.
