Setting POM version for upload archive in Gradle build - gradle

I am using Gradle to build my own Android Libraries. I put this libraries into a gradle multi project.
Root Project
Lib A
Lib B
and so on.
I am trying to upload the created aar files into my local maven repo (.m2 directory)
I am using the following commands in my gradle file of the Root Project
uploadArchives {
repositories {
mavenDeployer {
repository(url: mavenLocal().url)
pom.groupId =
pom.artifactId =
pom.version = project.version
everything works fine except the settings for the project.version. Where can I define the value for every single subproject?

Try checking out Gradle-Fury at
Essentially, set the pom.version and various other settings in, add a few apply from throughout the build.gradle files and you're set. Definitely works with direct publication to sonatype oss/central.
These settings can be overridden on a per module basis by adding a file in each module that you need to override the parent's settings from.
declaimer: i'm one of the authors


how to set archiveBaseName for local .m2 repository

I'm trying to upgrade a dependency to a project that will ultimately become a dependency to my project. I've made the upgrade and I want to test it locally before I put it out on the repo to be used. I'm learning Gradle and a few Google searches showed me how to add the project to the settings.gradle file. But the dependency project uses aliases for their dependencies (see build.gradle below).
include ':TransportImpl'
Changed to:
include ':TransportImpl', ':jeromq'
project(':jeromq').projectDir = new File("../zeromq/jeromq")
//project.ext.set("JEROMQ", 'THIRD-PARTY:jeromq:0.4.2')
project.ext.set("JEROMQ", ':jeromq')
If I uncomment the original line (shown commented above), because that apk is in the repo it gets recognized. I'm guessing that this only works for external libraries.
Other things I have tried:
//project.ext.set("JEROMQ", 'C:/Users/username/.m2/repository/THIRD_PARTY/jeromq/0.5.1-SNAPSHOT/jeromq-0.5.1-SNAPSHOT-jeromq.jar')
//project.ext.set("JEROMQ", 'C:\\Users\\username\\.m2\\repository\\THIRD_PARTY\\jeromq\\0.5.1\\jeromq-0.5.1-jeromq.jar')
//implementation filetree(dir: 'C:\\Users\\username\\.m2\\repository\\THIRD_PARTY\\jeromq\\0.5.1', include:['jeromq-0.5.1-jeromq.jar'])
Can anyone give me a tip on how I can assign a variable that points to the local repository and use that variable to set an archiveBaseName?
New Information: for our jeromq project
apply plugin : 'maven'
apply plugin : 'maven-publish'
// Top-level build file where you can add configuration options common to all sub-projects/modules.
ext {
// Nexus paths
nexusUsername = project.findProperty("nexusUsername") ?: (System.getenv("NEXUS_USERNAME") ?: "user_name"
nexusPassword = project.findProperty("nexusPassword") ?: (System.getenv("NEXUS_PASSWORD") ?: "password")
// Project versions
jeromqVersion = "0.5.1-SNAPSHOT"
allprojects {
// Read only repositories for dependencies; this should never be used to publish
repositories {
The project that uses it as a dependency finds it using the following from its build.gradle file:
// Create aliases for dependencies
project.ext.set("EASY_MOCK", 'Test:easymock:3.5.1')
project.ext.set("OBJENESIS", 'Test:objenesis:2.6')
// **************** HERE ***************************
// THIRD-PARTY is configured to look on the nexus server
project.ext.set("JEROMQ", 'THIRD-PARTY:jeromq:0.4.2') ... or 0.5.1 or 0.5.1-SNAPSHOT ...
allprojects {
// Read only repositories for dependencies; this should never be used to publish
repositories {
// maven {
// // trying to add my local repo,
// // BUT this still does not change where THIRD-PARTY is pointing to
// url 'file://C:/Users/me/.m2/repository/THIRD_PARTY/jeromq/0.5.1-SNAPSHOT/jeromq-0.5.1-SNAPSHOT-jeromq.jar'
// }
maven {
name 'ReleasesName'
url "$nexusUrl$ReleasesName
maven {
name 'ReleasesNameSnapshots'
url "$nexusUrl$ReleasesNameSnapshots"
credentials {
username "${rootProject.ext.nexusReadOnlyUsername}"
password "${rootProject.ext.nexusReadOnlyPassword}"
jcenter {
url ""
The only reason I need the alias for that dependency is because it is used in other places.
I'm not entirely sure what you are asking, but I think what you are trying is completely off.
The build you are trying to include is a Maven build, not a Gradle build, so it is unlikely you can simply treat it as it were a Gradle build.
And even if it were a Gradle build, including it like you did would not be the right way. How you tried it is for including multiple projects of a multi-project build, not including external libraries.
If it were a Gradle build, you would use a composite build, which effectively replaces a declared binary dependency by the build output of a "sub-build". But afair this only works cleanly with a Gradle build.
Why don't you simply mvn install your modified jeromq version, add mavenLocal() to your dependencies and depend on that just installed version? That would be the usual way for locally testing new Maven built dependencies.

Setting up Artifactory in gradle global

currently I have a project which is deploying artifacts in our artifactory. For that Project everything is setted up perfect and it works.
I just wonderd if there is a possibility to set up the whole artifactory configuration global in gradle, so that I don't have to write the artifactory {...} stuff for each project.
You can maintain a file lets say build_dependency.gradle and define the task for all project
//task common for all the project
//task for subprojects
or specify the type of project e.g ext.warProject = 1 in dependency file and refer it in build_dependency.gradle as
if(project.hasProperty('warProject '))
//task here
and use this file in build.gradle like apply from: "$rootDir/path_to_file/build_dependency.gradle"
You could simply write your own Gradle plugin that would be responsible for:
applying the artifactory plugin and other related plugin(s) like maven-publish
provide default values for the artifactory extension properties , like contextUrl, repoKey, credentials, etc...
Then your different projects will just have to apply your custom plugin, and provide only the project-specific configuration (configuration of the artefact to be published, for example, in publishing extension)
EDIT there are other ways to implement that, but it depends on what you mean by "global in gradle":
global to your own computer? then you could create a User InitScript that would contain the artifactory plugin configuration part
global to your team/company ? then you could need to implement a custom plugin, and maybe include this plugin into a custom gradle wrapper distribution (see example here
EDIT2 If you just want to set the artifactory plugin configuration of different sub-project of a same multi-project build, then the simpliest solution would be to define this configuration in the subprojects block of the root project build script:
subprojects {
apply plugin: "com.jfrog.artifactory"
artifactory {
publish {
contextUrl = '<repo url>'
repository {
repoKey = "<repo name>"
username = "user"
password = "pass"

How to structure Gradle builds to allow building interdependent libraries

I built a small little test project to see if Gradle would solve this problem we currently have with Maven. We have 200 little libraries, all of them Maven projects, whenever you do a clean checkout, you have to mvn install each of them individually
To simulate such a scenario, i've created 4 modules:
- jvaas-gson
- jvaas-jackson
- jvaas-json
- jvaas-provider
Both jvaas-gson and jvaas-jackson depends on jvaas-json and jvaas-provider. jvaas-json only depends on jvaas-provider.
If some external application wants to include JSON capabilities, they should only have to include jvaas-gson or jvaas-jackson which uses an interface in jvaas-json (as i said, this is just experimenting with it, actual use-case would be to switch out email providers, payment providers etc only having to change a line in the Gradle build script)
In jvaas-provider i have a settings.gradle.kts = "jvaas-provider"
and a build.gradle.kts
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.getKotlinPluginVersion
group = "io.jvaas"
version = "1.3.0"
plugins {
kotlin("jvm") version("1.3.10")
id("org.jetbrains.dokka") version "0.9.16"
repositories {
dependencies {
implementation(kotlin("stdlib", getKotlinPluginVersion()))
publishing {
repositories {
In jvaas-json i'm trying to access one of the classes in jvaas-provider, so i've added it to the settings.gradle.kts = "jvaas-json"
and the build.gradle.kts
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.getKotlinPluginVersion
group = "io.jvaas"
version = "1.3.0"
plugins {
kotlin("jvm") version("1.3.10")
id("org.jetbrains.dokka") version "0.9.16"
repositories {
dependencies {
implementation(kotlin("stdlib", getKotlinPluginVersion()))
implementation(group = "io.jvaas", name = "jvaas-provider", version = "$version")
Inside jvaas-json, i'm trying access one of the classes i created inside jvaas-provider, but it's not resolving.
Without having to manually install jvaas-provider in the local maven repo (mvn install), is it possible to use it as a dependency inside jvaas-json? If so, what should i be changing in my Gradle build scripts and Settings files?
Paul on the Kotlin Slack just answered my question just before i could hit Post on my StackOverflow question, so posting this as QA-style, maybe it'll help somebody else in the future.
Gradle has something called composite builds which allows you to include other projects / libraries inside your project without having to install them to a local maven repo first.
For the above example to work with composite builds, all i had to do was change something in the settings.gradle.kts file: = "jvaas-json"

Gradle - globally define plugins repository proxy-cache for all projects

I need to globally set the plugin repositories for all Gradle projects. There is a way of doing that by adding the below section in settings.gradle file:
pluginManagement {
repositories {
maven {
url ''
credentials {
username = 'some-user'
password = 'some-password'
However, when I put this file in ~/.gradle/settings.gradle, it doesn't seem to be working. I don't want to add such settings.gradle file in each project due to corporate reasons.
Is there a way of telling Gradle globally where to fetch all of the plugins?

Use gradle to upload jar to local Maven repository

This question has been asked several times, but somehow I don't get this to work. Gradle is a great tool, but its documentation is anything but great. No examples make it almost impossible to understand for someone who doesn't use it on a daily basis.
I am using Android Studio and I want to upload my module output jar to my local Maven repository.
apply plugin: 'java'
dependencies {
compile ''
apply plugin: 'maven'
configure(install.repositories.mavenInstaller) {
pom.project {
groupId 'com.example'
artifactId 'example'
packaging 'jar'
When I start a build in Android Studio, I can see on the Gradle tab that
is invoked. I also get a new jar in my build folder, but that jar is not uploaded to Maven. [The Maven repo exists and the Google appengine gradle plugin uploads its jar from another module of the same project just fine.]
What am I missing?
I suspect the problem is that you are only editing the POM (via pom.project), instead of configuring the actual Maven coordinates used for installation. Try the following instead:
// best way to set group ID
group = 'com.example'
install {
repositories.mavenInstaller {
// only necessary if artifact ID diverges from project name
// the latter defaults to project directory name and can be
// configured in settings.gradle
pom.artifactId = 'myName'
// shouldn't be needed as this is the default anyway
pom.packaging = 'jar'
PS: The samples directory in the full Gradle distribution contains many example builds, also for the maven plugin.
Peter N is CORRECT in the comments of the accepted answer, which works, but shouldn't be the accepted answer.
You should have this in your build.gradle file
apply plugin: "maven"
Then you can just do a
$ ./gradlew install
Or use the built-in task
$ ./gradlew publishToMavenLocal
Both methods install the artifacts in $HOME/.m2/com/example/example/version
