How to build a local COM Server and Client? - visual-studio-2010

To build local COM exe server:
I have referred the implementation from below link.
It has not been explained how to register these server.
There is no implementation of proxy and stub.Is it required to implement? or internally built in COM library?


How to use grpc with spring boot

I am new in grpc i don't know how to use it with spring boot but using the below link
note* : - first is for server project and second is for client project.
i have created a project on grpc with spring boot but i can'nt getting understand one thing in this that in grpc client project how can i use classes which are generated by protobuf in the project of grpc server. because it is not creating any proto file in grpc client project then how can i use the classes of grpc server project in grpc client project or can we create one project for grpc server and client instead of creating a diffrent project for both.
I have two queries to ask related to this question one:-
1. How to use classes of grpc generated by protobuf compiler in another project like if client and server are two different project and only server have proto generated files and client wants to use same classes.
How can i create all these thing in a single project means client and server in one project and then how can i run this project with step by step demo.
There are two ways you can do this:
Copy the .proto files between the two projects, and have each one generate their own copies of the generated code. This is probably the easiest, and allows you to avoid checking in the generated code into source control. The downside to this approach is that the .proto files can get out of date if you modify one and not the other.
Keep the .proto in the same repository of both the client and server, and make both depend on the generated code. This allows the proto to be modified for the client and server at the same time, but requires the code to live in the same repository (this is sometimes called the "Monorepo" approach). The downside to this is that the client and server repos may get too big, and need to be split up.
Google (the author of Protobuf) typically uses option #2, but many users of Protobuf prefer option 1. I would highly recommend regenerating the classes each time, and not check in the generated code. The ABI of Protobuf classes can change occasionally, and you would lose the backwards compatibility of Protobuf.
I have created a sample spring boot grpc application and posted in here
use the dependency net.devh.grpc-server-spring-boot-starter in your pom
create a protofile (sample service code)
service PingPongService {
rpc ping(PingRequest) returns (PongResponse) {
option (google.api.http) = { get: "/v1/grpc/{ping}" };
generate stubs for proto file using io.grpc:protoc-gen-grpc-java:1.30.0:exe
use nettyserver
set the port to 9090 (default) grpc.server.port=9090 in application properties
I have used recently. You will get most of the spring features along with grpc using this library.
There is yidongnan/grpc-spring-boot-starter (DOC) which implement springboot autoconfiguration starter for both client and server.
It implements #GrpcServer and #GrpcClient.
#GrpcService, which will add service to grpc server and start server automatically.
Annotation that marks gRPC services that should be registered with a gRPC server.
If spring-boot's auto configuration is used, then the server will be created
automatically. This annotation should only be added to implementations of
BindableService (GrpcService-ImplBase).
#GrpcClient, which will create channel and stub for client automatically
Example: #GrpcClient("myClient") <-> grpc.client.myClient.address=static://localhost:9090
nils server sample
nils client sample
Based on these samples, I also implement my simple server and client sample:
You can based on those samples implement your project or implement a new springboot autoconfiguration starter.

silverlight project setup

i have a a new silverlight solution in visual studio. i have created a silverlight class library to share common functionality. this class library has a service reference and so it has a ServiceReferences.ClientConfig file. the problem is if i create a project in this solution and add a reference to the class library it seems that i need a ServiceReferences.ClientConfig in this individual project. if i copy and paste the ServiceReferences.ClientConfig file from the class library to the project, everything works fine. if i do not i get the error below. doesnt this defeat the purpose of sharing this service reference in a class library? i want to be able to change where the service reference points to (debug machine / production machine) easily in one place. what can i do? is there another way i'm missing? Thank you.
Cannot find 'ServiceReferences.ClientConfig' in the .xap application package. This file is used to configure client proxies for web services, and allows the application to locate the services it needs. Either include this file in the application package, or modify your code to use a client proxy constructor that specifies the service address and binding explicitly. Please see inner exception for details. >
The config for the class library is not packaged into the .xap file. Without that configuration, the service reference cannot be properly configured.
doesnt this defeat the purpose of sharing this service reference in a class library?
Not really. The bulk of the "service reference" is the code in the class library. This is what you are sharing. Since a xap (or exe and web app) has only one config file, you must have the ServiceReferences.ClientConfig in the application's config file.
I am not aware of a mechanism to copy some important bits from the config file of a class library to the application config file during a build.

Auto Generating SOAP WS Proxy in VS2008

It seems that there are two methods for auto generating web service proxies in VS2008 from a wsdl.
Adding a web reference/service reference from the interface
I've been using wsdl.exe because I like having access to the class - and when I add a reference, I haven't been able to find the generated proxy code. Is there a benefit of just adding a reference that I may be overlooking?
Adding a service reference is the way to go. As pointed out to me on another thread, it is prudent that I strongly encourage you to avoid using wsdl.exe unless you have a very good reason to be using it. For your reference, the VS option Add Web Reference is a wrapper over wsdl.exe and creates proxies for .NET 1.1 or 2.0 clients. Add Service Reference is a wrapper over svcutil.exe and is used to create .NET 3.0+ clients.

How to cache JAX-WS stub/port in Java?

The use case is that the application (running on JBoss 5) must operate on very limited bandwidth. Currently every time we go to make a webservice call we request the wsdl and recreate the stub using JAX-WS. Each time the stub is created the wsdl and schema is redownloaded. Idealy the wsdl would never be downloaded since we already have a copy of the schema, but even caching would work. Bonus points if the cache is Serializable!
Is it possible to cache a JAX-WS stub/port?
Best answer found so far:
Tell the service to look at a local wsdl:
JAX-WS client : what's the correct path to access the local WSDL?
Change the endpoint on the fly:
JAX-WS Loading WSDL from jar
I don't see a way to cache, but using a local copy can be done as specified on this page on metro: Developing client application with locally packaged WSDL
(found on SO question : How to cache a WSDL with Java-WS)
I think we can cache stub using org.apache.commons.pool2.impl.GenericObject lirbrary.
Please see the below link for the same.

Knopflerfish packaging

I am at the moment creating a matrix which is showing how far Knopflerfish, Equinox and Felix are OSGi 4.2 compliant.
So far I looked at the Knopflerfish documentation (Link 1, Link 2) to get an idea of how much of the Core and Compendium specs are actually implemented.
The core specification seems to be fully implemented, although there are some inconsistent statements about the Security Layer and the Declarative Services.
What makes me wonder is how much of all the Compendium specs are implemented:
Remote Services
Log Service
Http Service
Device Access
Configuration Admin Service
Metatype Service
Preferences Service
User Admin Service
Wire Admin Service
IO Connector Service
Initial Provisioning
UPnP Device Service
Declarative Services
Event Admin Service
Deployment Admin
Auto Configuration
Application Admin
DMT Admin Service
Monitor Admin Service
Foreign Application Access
Blueprint Container
XML Parser Service
Measurement and State
Execution Environment
To find out more I downloaded (Download page) the source code of Knopflerfish and had a look at it. It looks like some parts of the spec are implemented through the "original" framework provided by the OSGi Alliance (org.osgi.*).
One example is the UPnP package:
alt text
Does this mean that missing parts which are not directly implemented by Knopflerfish are added through the "original" OSGi framework?
And does this also apply to other frameworks like Felix or Equinox?
Most of the OSGi specifications define interface classes for services. You can download these classes together with the specification directly from the OSGi Alliance's website.
Implementations such as Knopflerfish must provide the underlying functionalities, e.g. the actual implementation for the UPnP Service Admin you mentioned in your example. Some of the interface classes also provide interfaces that must be implemented by the developer of a user service, e.g. a BundleActivator.
All frameworks that claim to be OSGi compliant must provide implementations for these interfaces. There is no "original" OSGi framework (well, beside of the reference implementation, of course). The interfaces do not provide implementations.
