Is it possible to migrate the data from an old version of to a new version running with snaps? -

I have an old version (0.17) of running on Ubuntu(14.04.5). Is it possible to migrate the data to a new version running with snaps?

Importing data into snaps is technically possible. But very complicated right now. Some effort is currently underway to make it extremely simple to import data.
In the mean time I would suggest upgrading to a newer version of Rocket.Chat to make that transition easier.
To upgrade you need to first update your version of Node.js.
Install n via npm install -g n then perform the upgrade to Node.js 4.5 by running: n 4.5
Now you'll need to grab the latest version of Rocket.Chat and install it. You'll pretty much repeat the install step from what ever guide you followed. A great guide is also available here

You should read the Rocket Chat upgrade guide:


BaseApplicationCustomizer throws errors

So today I was updating one of our SPFX extensions to use the latest spfx framework (1.16) with node (16.13) and after finishing my updates I got the following inside my code:
I am not exactly sure why these are not coming in, I suspect the newest version of spfx moves these classes out of sp-application-base, but why? and where is the documentation for it? Because there is this link that is only 6 months old and explains to use this code for the top and bottom headers.
I was expecting this code to remain in sp-application-base, but it appears it isn't in that package.
How did you perform the upgrade? I highly recommend using the Microsoft 365 CLI to upgrade projects, as the developers of that app do thier best to cover every part of the project that needs to change. Learn more at
Here are the commands to run from the root of your project
npm install -g #pnp/cli-microsoft365
m365 spfx project upgrade --output text
This will give a list of npm commands and code update instructions to follow. See the above documentation for other options for output and use whatever works best for you.
It is still there. What version of #microsoft/sp-application-base is in your project? Should be 1.16.1 I believe. I will say that I am new to all of this as well, but I am using the latest framework and VS is not flagging any issues with these.

Check if a new version of go based binary is available using go get

I am a little bit new to Go, specifically go get mechanism to download single binaries (CLI apps). Some cool projects in github allow you to download cli apps using go get. How can I check that binary that I installed is outdated? I am looking for something like debian based apt update that checks for newest package versions without installing them.
As an example. Let's say that I installed lazygit using go get And after a while a new version was released in github . Is it possible to check new version of binary using go get?
I checked the help and found the -u flag. Use go get -u to update the tool.
None of this is speicific to the GitHub.

I have 2 versions of node installed on my coding environment and can't update the older version

I use vagrant and installed it first day of a bootcamp I took. I'm now trying to learn react but the installed version of node is too low to use npx/npm. I've tried a ton of different things, looked up different videos and I'm at a wall. I now have nodeJS version 12, and node v7 and my environment seems to just default to v7 and I can't sudo apt remove it
Well, I think there are 2 steps to resolve your issue, more or less it will help you in a long run.
Uninstall all the node installed
You can follow this guide on SO to do the removal steps: How do I completely uninstall Node.js, and reinstall from beginning (Mac OS X)
5 mentioned steps are enough to make sure your dev is clean of node.
This will revert your development back to default environment. After that, just dont install any new node like the old way you did.
Install nvm to manage node version management
Go to and follow their installation guide.
Basically this tool will help to manage your node version on your machine. You can install multi version and choose which one to work on, depend on your specific needs.
The installation guide is quite easy to follow, for some Mac OS user there might have some slight tweaks, but it's not that difficult.
Hope this help,
nvm 100% solved the issue. Was able to use it to update the one that wasnt updating, and i was able to uninstall the unused version. Unfortunately i could never get create-react-app to work. Its something to do with a node_module folder installed in my root files that i cant find and delete so it crashed every time i try to create react app. But i think i can just use cdn to create a react app so i guess its not that important, at least i have npm/npx if i need it

Laravel Update 4.1.24 to 4.2

im currently working on an update from laravel 4.1.24 to 5.6 The problem is i got nearly no experience with laravel. My question is now, how do i properly upgrade. Should i first upgrade to 4.2 and then to 5.0 and so on or would it be better to upgrade directly to 5.6 and how should i do this? I mean there are so many changes that i think i could miss something.
Also the project is just in a github repository, so it's hard to check if it's still working after an upgrade because i dont got the old modules. Or would it be enough to go on laravelshift. com and just upload it there to go from 4.1 to 4.2, 4.2 to 5.0 and so on.
Best regards!
The Laravel documentation contains a whole list of breaking changes that can help you to upgrade your application to a newer version. Laravel Shift is a service that checks and updates these changes in your project.
However, there is no way of being sure that your project will still work after these upgrades. Especially if you are using external modules its very risky.
If it is not required, I would not recommend upgrading from 4.1.x to 5.6 unless you have a lot of time on your hands. A solution could be to set up a completely new 5.6 project and add the project code file by file and test the implementations.
Start from here and follow instructions to upgrade it to 4.2. Then go through your packages and update their versions accordingly. When done use dropdown list in the top-right corner to select next version (5.0) and repeat it until you are at 5.6.
You definitely need to be able to run your code and test it somehow after each step because there will be problems. From 4.1 to 5.6 is a big leap and a lot of packages might have breaking changes etc. I only migrated as far as from 5.1 to 5.6 and it took me whole day to fix everything.
As for automated upgrade you can try it as well, but as I already mentioned you need to be able to test your work because all packages need to be updated as well.

Upgrading to Laravel 5.4.0 from 5.1

I am using Laravel 5.1 and I would like to know how to upgrade to the latest version of Laravel which is 5.4.
Can we directly upgrade to Laravel 5.4 From 5.1 ?
The best way to upgrade is to follow the steps for each version. So upgrade to 5.2 then 5.3 then finally 5.4. The upgrade guides look lengthy but it most cases it wont take to much time because the guide covers all potential changes but they won't all apply to your application.
Alternatively you could install a fresh version of 5.4 then copy your application code into the new Laravel. Since the upgrade for each version is relatively straight forward and this method would lose your git history I wouldn't recommend it.
Another paid method would be to use Laravel Shift which will automate the upgrade process for you.
Edit: As #Scott mentioned you should make sure your server meets the server requirements for your target Laravel version. Specifically make sure you have PHP >= 5.6.4 installed
Well, you first you need to update your composer.json file. Around line 9, you should be requiring in the framework itself. Change that to use version 5.4.*. After that, run a composer update and then, yes, you do need to go through your files manually to address any incompatibilities.
after you replace provider folder to the new version.
