How to append a file with the existing one using CURL? - shell

I've searched all over the web but couldn't find anything useful for this. Using CURL, I want to append content to a file which is already existing and named as test.pls. Can anyone please tell me how can I do it using curl. The commands I've tried are
curl --output test.pls
curl -K --output test.pls
curl -a --output test.pls
But all of above starts creating files from scratch.They don't keep the initial content of file Can anyone please help me!

Use the shell's appending output redirection (>>) rather than curl's --output option.
curl >> test.pls

A much easier and cleaner way is as follows:
curl -sS >> file-name.txt


How do I format a variable inside the broken double quotes of a curl command?

I am trying to test the Sumo Logic API by updating the information of my collector. The second curl command is the one that is causing the issue 'curl: (55) Failed sending PUT request'. It works in my terminal but not in the bash script.
readonly etag=$(curl -u '<accessId>:<accessKey>' -I -X GET<id> | grep -Fi etag | awk '{print $2}' | tr -d \''"\')
echo ${etag}
curl -vvv -u '<accessId>:<accessKey>' -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "If-Match: \"${etag}\"" -T updated_collector.json<id>
set -x
The first curl command is assigned to the variable called 'etag' which stores the necessary etag. The etag is used in the second curl command to make a request to update the information stored in the 'updated_collector.json'. The updated_collector.json file is not the issue as I have successfully updated the information via the terminal with it. I suspect the content-type is not being sent in the header because someone ran the script on their end and it was not showing that information with the -vvv tag.
Here you can find the Sumo Logic Collector API Methods and Examples from which I got the curl commands to test the API:
Update: I retieved the etag and then ran the second command in a bash script. I manually inserted the etag into the ${etag} portion of the second curl command. I then ran the script and it worked. Therefore, the etag variable isn't correctly formatted inside the second curl command. I do not know how to fix this.
The issue was partially the syntax but after fixing that, I was still getting an error. "If-Match: \"${etag}\" in my command should be "If-Match: ${etag}" instead. I had to add the --http1.1 flag for it to work. I'm sure this is a sumo logic issue. I am able to execute GET requests no problem using http2.0.

How to upload .jtl file to blazemeter sense

I created a Jenkins job where it run some JMeter scripts and return .jtl files. Now, I want to upload this files to Blazemeter Sense to see the performance test, downloads pdf reports, etc.
I've searched a lot of information, where I find that to upload some file, I can use this command thats running from Windows CMD:
curl -v -H "Authorization: Token 'cat ~/.loadosophia.token'" -F "projectKey=Project_name" -F "jtl_file=#jtl.gz"
The only values that I change are
cat ~/.loadosophia.token, where I replaced for my Upload Token (finded in Blazemeter Sense -> Options -> Settings -> Your Upload Token)
projectKey where I replaced by my project name (test_taurus)
jtl_file where I replaced by the file directory generated by Jmeter test (.jtl)
The final command is:
curl -v -H "Authorization: Token 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXYLaa'" -F "projectKey=test_taurus" -F "jtl_file=/path/of/file/file.jtl"
I missed some? What is my wrong? Existe another posibility to make it?
Thanks everyone
U P D A T E:
I did what Dmitri T said. Thats works. But when I run the command, the output is the following:
What could be the issue?
You need to remove quotation marks around the token
You need to add an "at" symbol before the .jtl file path
Fixed command would be something like:
curl -v -H "Authorization: Token XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXYLaa" -F "projectKey=test_taurus" -F "jtl_file=#/path/of/file/file.jtl"
More information: Upload files with CURL
You might find BM.Sense Uploader plugin more convenient to use, the plugin can be installed using JMeter Plugins Manager:

how to access whole nessus through shell script

I am trying to do a script to get me access of advance scan option of nessus in localhost. So I want advance scan operation through shell script without GUI. I want all operations like login, advance scan and export report are performed through shell script without GUI access.
Why do you want to do it with bash script?
You can do this much easier with the nessus API.
Have a look at the link below
the simplest way of doing automatisation in nessus is to use the nessus API.
its located at https://NessusServerIP:8834/ - if you visit it, you will be greeted by the API-Documentation.
There are various API-Implementations available - if you google 'Nessus API client' you'll get a glimpse.
If you, as you said, want to to run bash-skripts than the simplest way is probably using CURL for the API-Requests.
A typical workflow will look like this:
authorize yourself to the NessusAPI (either via TOKEN or API-Key)
launch or configure a scan (and wait until it finished)
export a report (and wait until it finished)
download the exported report
CURL #1 (authorize using token):
curl -X POST --data '{"username":"NessusUser","password":"YourPassword"}' -k "https://NessusServerIp:8834/session"
--header "Content-Type:application/json" | python -m json.tool
..which will yield you following JSON yielding an Token which you need for the other API-Calls:
{"token": "e411e443521adee4496d79823a510cc68c5bf05aeda6e6eb"}
CURL #2 (launch a scan):
curl -X POST -H 'X-Cookie: token=e411e443521adee4496d79823a510cc68c5bf05aeda6e6eb' -H 'Content-Type:application/json'
--data '{"scan_id":"21", "alt_targets":[]}'
-k "https://NessusServerIp:8834/scans/21/launch" | python -m json.tool
...which will be answered with a JSON like this, containing the ID of the just startet scan:
CURL #3 (exporting a scan):
curl -X POST -H 'X-Cookie: token=766ef7a2302780c189ba563b89c5eb3706140c0ef1e4de8b' -H
'Content-Type:application/json' --data '{"scan_id":"33", "format":"html"}' -k
"https://NessusServerIP:8834/scans/33/export" | python -m json.tool
...which will yield this JSON response, containing a token to the exported file and the file_id:
{"token":"3e13ab381c480caa1e377411c0b561970c46e5d78894c5a0cb2be0e7f00fefe0","file":1434780027} now we are ready to download the report. in this case, since i have specified "format: html" in the last call, its a .html you will need to safe the outcome into.
Curl #4 (download exported report):
curl -X GET -H 'X-Cookie: token=7d155aef4359d02addea29d8d56bca4a5045ca61efeb38ee' -H 'Content-Type:application/json'
--data '{"scan_id":"21", "alt_targets":}'
-k "https://NessusServerIP:8834/scans/17/export/945237343/download" > report.html
...which should leave you with a report.html in the folder you started your script.
Now... how do you automatize this? Well write a Bash-Skript, put in this calls, parse the answers to extract the information you need - and then enjoy! :)
ps: i use the python -m json.tool to beautify the otherwise not very beautiful output of CURL.
Hope i have helped,

how to use curl --ftp-create-dirs?

I have been searching the Internet trying to find an example of --ftp-create-dirs.
Overall my goal is to use "--ftp-create-dirs" to automatically create the necessary folders if they are not present when I upload my file.
The problem is I don't know the exact syntax for properly using --ftp-create-dirs, can someone help me with this?
My current curl:
curl -k -T 000-0000-0000-000.png -u [username]:[pass] --ftp-create-dirs /test --ftp-ssl ftp:[ftp server]
In the example above, I am trying to upload the .png image and create /test on the ftp server if it does not exist.
To add a new directory via FTP:
curl ftp://username:password# --ftp-create-dirs
Just putting this in here for future reference (and because I keep making the same mistake that I just saw in your code): it is important to end your folder name with a / (slash). Otherwise, curl will create a file, not a folder. Here is the command I used:
curl -T path/to/local_file.txt --ftp-create-dirs -u username:password
This will move local_file.txt to my_new_folder on the FTP server. The folder will be created if it doesn't exist, otherwise, the command will simply be ignored.
If there are any issues with creating the folder, curl will return error number 9 (see This can happen if a file with the same name as the new folder already exists in the given directory:
curl: (9) Failed to MKD dir: 451
You don't need to use the /test after the --ftp-create-dirs. Its just a parameter similar to your -k(doesn't take any value) at the command.

Using cURL to send JSON within a BASH script

Alright, here's what I'm trying to do. I'm attempting to write a quick build script in bash that will check out a private repository from GitHub on a remote server. To do this a "hands off" as possible, I want to generate a local RSA key set on the remote server and add the public key as a Deploy Key for that particular repository. I know how to do this using GitHub's API, but I'm having trouble building the JSON payload using Bash.
So far, I have this particular process included below:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -N '' -f ~/.ssh/keyname -q
public_key=`cat ~/.ssh/`
curl -u 'username:password' -d '{"title":"Test Deploy Key", "key":"'$public_key'"}' -i
It's just not properly building the payload. I'm not an expert when it comes to string manipulation in Bash, so I could seriously use some assistance. Thanks!
It's not certain, but it may help to quote where you use public_key, i.e.
curl -u 'username:password' \
-d '{"title":"Test Deploy Key", "key":"'"$public_key"'"}' \
Otherwise it will be much easier to debug if you use the shell's debugging options set -vx near the top of your bash script.
You'll see each line of code (or block (for, while, etc) as it is in your file. Then you see each line of code with the variables expanded to their values.
If you're still stuck, edit your post to show the expanded values of variables for the problem line in your script. What you have looks reasonable at first glance.
