linux:extract specific words using awk,grep or sed - bash

Looking to extract Specific Words from each line
Nov 2 11:25:51 imau03ftc CSCOacs_TACACS_Accounting 0687979272 1 0 2016-11-02 11:25:51.250 +13:00 0311976914 3300 NOTICE Tacacs-Accounting: TACACS+ Accounting with Command, ACSVersion=acs-, ConfigVersionId=145, Device IP Address=, CmdSet=[ CmdAV=show controllers <cr> ], RequestLatency=0, Type=Accounting, Privilege-Level=15, Service=Login, User=nc-rancid, Port=tty1, Remote-Address=, Authen-Method=TacacsPlus, AVPair=task_id=8280, AVPair=timezone=NZDT, AVPair=start_time=1478039151, AVPair=priv-lvl=1, AcctRequest-Flags=Stop, Service-Argument=shell, AcsSessionID=imau03ftc/262636280/336371030, SelectedAccessService=Default Device Admin, Step=13006 , Step=15008 , Step=15004 , Step=15012 , Step=13035 , NetworkDeviceName=CASWNTHS133, NetworkDeviceGroups=All Devices:All Devices, NetworkDeviceGroups=Device Type:All Device Types:Corporate, NetworkDeviceGroups=Location:All Locations, Response={Type=Accounting; AcctReply-Status=Success; }
Looking to extract
Nov 2 11:25:51 show controllers User=nc-rancid NetworkDeviceName=CASWNTHS133
can use awk,grep or sed
i have tried few combinations like
sudo tail -n 20 /var/log/tacacs/imau03ftc-accounting.log | grep -oP 'User=\K.*' & 'NetworkDeviceName=\K.*'
sudo tail -n 20 /var/log/tacacs/imau03ftc-accounting.log | sudo awk -F" " '{ print $1 " " $3 " " $9 " " $28}'
i can add few more lines but most of them have same format

Try to run this:
sudo tail -n 20 /var/log/tacacs/imau03ftc-accounting.log > tmpfile
Then execute this script:
while read i
str="$(echo $i |awk '{print $1,$2,$3}')"
str="$str $(echo $i |awk 'match($0, /CmdAV=([^<]+)/) { print substr( $0, RSTART,RLENGTH ) }'|awk -F "=" '{print $2}')"
str="$str $(echo $i |awk 'match($0, /User=([^,]+)/) { print substr( $0, RSTART, RLENGTH ) }')"
str="$str $(echo $i |awk 'match($0, /NetworkDeviceName=([^,]+)/) { print substr( $0, RSTART, RLENGTH ) }')"
echo $str
done < tmpfile
Nov 2 11:25:51 show controllers User=nc-rancid NetworkDeviceName=CASWNTHS133


How to convert a txt file to a `json` object using Shell?

I have a text file, which I want to convert to a json object:
DS_MAX_SCANS: 1048576
My script outputs wrong and I have to manually edit it to json.
How do I use shell to make this change?
Desired output:
# date:2019-02-02
# informix Show mgmdy .
#expect mgm.#expect |grep -Ev 'Password:|spawn|Invalid' >$pathfile/mgm1.txt
cat $pathfile/mgm1.txt|grep MGM -A 8|grep -Ev 'MGM|-|^$' >$pathfile/mgm.txt
check=`cat $pathfile/mgm.txt|wc -l`
if [ $check -eq 0 ];then
echo "No query results"
exit 1
MAX_PDQPRIORITY=($(cat $pathfile/mgm.txt|grep MAX_PDQPRIORITY |awk -F[:] '{print $2}'|awk '{print $1*1.00}'))
DS_MAX_QUERIES=($(cat $pathfile/mgm.txt|grep DS_MAX_QUERIES |awk -F[:] '{print $2}'|awk '{print $1}'))
DS_MAX_SCANS=($(cat $pathfile/mgm.txt|grep DS_MAX_SCANS |awk -F[:] '{print $2}'|awk '{print $1}'))
DS_NONPDQ_QUERY_MEM=($(cat $pathfile/mgm.txt|grep DS_NONPDQ_QUERY_MEM |awk -F[:] '{print $2}'|awk '{print $1}'))
DS_TOTAL_MEMORY=($(cat $pathfile/mgm.txt|grep DS_TOTAL_MEMORY |awk -F[:] '{print $2}'|awk '{print $1}'))
printf '\t[\n'
printf '\t\t{\n'
printf "\t]\n"
My current output:
Can someone help me?
If jq is available, please try:
jq -s -R '[[ split("\n")[] | select(length > 0) | split(": +";"") | {(.[0]): .[1]}] | add]' input.txt
"DS_MAX_SCANS": "1048576",
"DS_TOTAL_MEMORY": "1000000 KB"
As an alternative, if python happens to be your option, following will work as well:
python -c '
import re
import json
import collections as cl
list = []
with open("input.txt") as f:
od = cl.OrderedDict()
for line in f:
key, val = re.split(r":\s*", line.rstrip("\r\n"))
od[key] = val
print (json.dumps(list, indent=4))
Hope this helps.
For a simple translation, try using awk; it only reads the file once:
print "{"
name=substr($1, 1, length($1)-1)
print "\t\""name"\":\""value"\","
print "}"
This strips the trailing colon from field 1, then prints the values surrounded by double-quotes. It also silently drops the units (KB), as your sample output indicates.
or perl:
with JSON module
perl -MJSON -lne '
#F = split(/:?\s+/);
$data{$F[0]} = $F[1]
} END {
print encode_json [\%data]
' file
perl -lne '
#F = split(/:?\s+/);
push #data, sprintf(q{"%s":"%s"}, map {s/"/""/g; $_} #F[0,1]);
} END {
print "[{", join(",", #data), "}]";
' file

add output in command

I started only a few weeks ago with scripting or I am trying at least ...
bash-4.3# /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bperror -backstat -hoursago 72 \
| grep xxx1 \
| awk '{ print $1 "\t" $19 "\t" $12 "\t" $14 "\t" $16 }' >> test
bash-4.3# cat test
1535229470 0 xxx1 policy1 sched1
1535314239 0 xxx1 policy1 sched1
1535400749 0 xxx1 policy1 sched1
Now I want to transform the first entry (timestamp) into a readable date
date=$(awk 'NR == 1 {print $1}' test); bpdbm -ctime $date |awk '{ print $3 " " $4 " " $5 " " $6 " " $8 }'
Sat Aug 25 22:37:50 2018
How can I now replace the first entry on each line by this output or change the first command?
thank you very much!
Using GNU awk:
awk '$1~/[0-9]+/{$1=strftime(PROCINFO["strftime"],$1)}1' file
This replaces the timestamp in the first field of the line with the associated readable date using the function strftime.
The date format is the default one PROCINFO["strftime"] as mentioned in the awk man page.

Insert a date in a column using awk

I'm trying to format a date in a column of a csv.
The input is something like: 28 April 1966
And I'd like this output: 1966-04-28
which can be obtain with this code:
date -d "28 April 1966" +%F
So now I thought of mixing awk and this code to format the entire column but I can't find out how.
Edit :
Example of input : (separators "|" are in fact tabs)
1 | 28 April 1966
2 | null
3 | null
4 | 30 June 1987
Expected output :
1 | 1966-04-28
2 | null
3 | null
4 | 30 June 1987
A simple way is
awk -F '\\| ' -v OFS='| ' '{ cmd = "date -d \"" $3 "\" +%F 2> /dev/null"; cmd | getline $3; close(cmd) } 1' filename
That is:
cmd = "date -d \"" $3 "\" +%F 2> /dev/null" # build shell command
cmd | getline $3 # run, capture output
close(cmd) # close pipe
1 # print
This works because date doesn't print anything to its stdout if the date is invalid, so the getline fails and $3 is not changed.
Caveats to consider:
For very large files, this will spawn a lot of shells and processes in those shells (one each per line). This can become a noticeable performance drag.
Be wary of code injection. If the CSV file comes from an untrustworthy source, this approach is difficult to defend against an attacker, and you're probably better off going the long way around, parsing the date manually with gawk's mktime and strftime.
EDIT re: comment: To use tabs as delimiters, the command can be changed to
awk -F '\t' -v OFS='\t' '{ cmd = "date -d \"" $3 "\" +%F 2> /dev/null"; cmd | getline $3; close(cmd) } 1' filename
EDIT re: comment 2: If performance is a worry, as it appears to be, spawning processes for every line is not a good approach. In that case, you'll have to do the parsing manually. For example:
m["January" ] = 1
m["February" ] = 2
m["March" ] = 3
m["April" ] = 4
m["May" ] = 5
m["June" ] = 6
m["July" ] = 7
m["August" ] = 8
m["September"] = 9
m["October" ] = 10
m["November" ] = 11
m["December" ] = 12
$3 !~ /null/ {
split($3, a, " ")
$3 = sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d", a[3], m[a[2]], a[1])
Put that in a file, say foo.awk, and run awk -F '\t' -f foo.awk filename.csv.
This should work with your given input
awk -F'\\|' -vOFS="|" '!/null/{cmd="date -d \""$3"\" +%F";cmd | getline $3;close(cmd)}1' file
| 1 |1966-04-28
| 2 | null
| 3 | null
| 4 |1987-06-30
I would suggest using a language that supports parsing dates, like perl:
$ cat file
1 28 April 1966
2 null
3 null
4 30 June 1987
$ perl -F'\t' -MTime::Piece -lane 'print "$F[0]\t",
$F[1] eq "null" ? $F[1] : Time::Piece->strptime($F[1], "%d %B %Y")->strftime("%F")' file
1 1966-04-28
2 null
3 null
4 1987-06-30
The Time::Piece core module allows you to parse and format dates, using the standard format specifiers of strftime. This solution splits the input on a tab character and modifies the format if the second field is not "null".
This approach will be much faster than using system calls or invoking subprocesses, as everything is done in native perl.
Here is how you can do this in pure BASH and avoid calling system or getline from awk:
while IFS=$'\t' read -ra arr; do
[[ ${arr[1]} != "null" ]] && arr[1]=$(date -d "${arr[1]}" +%F)
printf "%s\t%s\n" "${arr[0]}" "${arr[1]}"
done < file
1 1966-04-28
2 null
3 null
4 1987-06-30
Only one date call and no code injection problem is possible, see the following:
This script extracts the dates (using awk) into a temporary file processes them with one "date" call and merges the results back (using awk).
awk -F '\t' 'match($3,/null/) { $3 = "0000-01-01" } { print $3 }' input > temp.$$
date --file=temp.$$ +%F > dates.$$
awk -F '\t' -v OFS='\t' 'BEGIN {
while ( getline < "'"dates.$$"'" > 0 )
if ($0 == "0000-01-01") {$0 = "null"}
date[f1_counter] = $0
{$3 = date[NR]}
1' input.$$
One-liner using bash process redirections (no temporary files):
awk -F '\t' -v OFS='\t' 'BEGIN {while ( getline < "'<(date -f <(awk -F '\t' 'match($3,/null/) { $3 = "0000-01-01" } { print $3 }' "$inputfile") +%F)'" > 0 ){f1_counter++; if ($0 == "0000-01-01") {$0 = "null"}; date[f1_counter] = $0}}{$3 = date[NR]}1' "$inputfile"
here is how it can be used:
# configuration
# create the sample file (optional)
#printf "\t%s\n" $'1\t28 April 1966' $'2\tnull' $'3\tnull' $'4\t30 June 1987' > "$input"
# Extract all dates
awk -F '\t' 'match($3,/null/) { $3 = "0000-01-01" } { print $3 }' "$input" > "$temp1"
# transform the dates
date --file="$temp1" +%F > "$temp2"
# merge csv with transformed date
awk -F '\t' -v OFS='\t' 'BEGIN {while ( getline < "'"$temp2"'" > 0 ){f1_counter++; if ($0 == "0000-01-01") {$0 = "null"}; date[f1_counter] = $0}}{$3 = date[NR]}1' "$input" > "$output"
# print the output
cat "$output"
# cleanup
rm "$temp1" "$temp2" "$output"
#rm "$input"
Using "0000-01-01" as a temporary placeholder for invalid (null) dates
The code should be faster than other methods calling "date" a lot of times, but it reads the input file two times.

Multiple condition in nawk command

I have the nawk command where I need to format the data based on the length .All the time I need to keep first 6 digit and last 4 digit and make xxxx in the middle. Can you help in fine tuning the below script
cat $FILES | nawk -F '|' '{
if (length($3) >= 13 )
print $1 "|" $2 "|" substr($3,1,6) "xxxxxx" substr($3,13,4) "|" $4"|" $5
print $1 "|" $2 "|" $3 "|" $4 "|" $5"|
}' > output.txt
Try this:
$ awk '
BEGIN {FS = OFS = "|"}
length($5)>=13 {
start = substr($5,1,7)
end = substr($5,length($5)-4)
$1=$2; $2=$4; $3=$5; $4=fld5; NF-=3;
}1' file

capture-specific-columns and mask the column

I am trying to write the script to capture and mask the specific column.I need to have the 4 column with clear text and also mask it too in output file .I am not sure how to mask the same column
Pls help me in rewriting the below command or new command
AA | BB | CC | 123456
BB | 123456 | 12xx56
Script I wrote
cat input.txt | nawk -F '|' '{print $2 "|" $4 "|" $4} >output.txt
nawk -F '|' '{print $2 "|" $4 "|" substr($4, 1,3) "xx" substr($4,6,2)}' input.txt > output.txt
BB | 123456| 12xx56
Assuming you don't really need the leading and trailing spaces, I would make it
nawk -F '|' '{gsub(/ */, "", $0);print $2 "|" $4 "|" substr($4, 1,2) "xx" substr($4,5,2)}' input.txt > output.txt
cat output.txt
final solution
echo "AA | BB | CC | 12345678" \
| awk -F '|' '{gsub(/ */, "", $0)
#dbg print "length$4=" (length($4)-4)
masking=sprintf("%"(length($4)-4)"s", " ") ; gsub(/ /, "x", masking)
print $2 "|" $4 "|" substr($4, 1,2) masking substr($4,(length($4)-1),2)
I using echo "..." to simplfy the testing process. You can take that out, replace with input.txt > output.txt and the end of the line and it will work as before.
I've added the (length($4)-1) to make the position of the 2nd to last char on $4 dynamic, based on the length of what ever word is in $4.
