BATCH - Mirrow two Folders in both Ways - windows

I safe some Files at my Local Drive(Laptop) and also have Files saved at my Network Storage at Work.
I want that both Folders have the same Files, If I create/delete or change an File in one Folder, the other Folder should get Updated when I use the BATCH.
It should use the newest Version on an Document.
So I tried it with ROBOCOPY Folder01 Folder02 /MIR /R:3 /W.20, it worked but only in one Way, from Folder01 to Folder02, so if I created an File in Folder02 and used the Batch, the File got deleted.
Then I tried to copy both Folders into one TEMP Folder and then copy the TEMP-Files to both Folders. I used
ROBOCOPY Folder01 TEMP /XO /E /R:3 /W:20
ROBOCOPY Folder02 TEMP /XO /E /R:3 /W:20
ROBOCOPY TEMP Folder01 /MIR /R:3 /W.20
ROBOCOPY TEMP Folder02 /MIR /R:3 /W.20
this was almost perfect, always the newest Document was used and everything was there, but when I delete a File from Folder01, which still exists in Folder02, it will come back next time I use my BATCH.
Sorry for my English
Greetings, Tobias

Try this solution provided by #Sachadee with Xcopy
:://SachaDee 2014
#echo off&cls
:: We set Folders to synchonized
set "Folders= C:\HackooTest E:\Backup\Folder1 E:\Backup\Folder2 E:\Backup\Folder3"
for %%a in (%Folders%) do (
for %%b in (%Folders%) do (
if not "%%a"=="%%b" (
set "VAR%%a%%b=%%a %%b"
for /f "tokens=2,3 delims== " %%a in ('set VAR') Do (
echo xcopy "%%a" "%%b" /E /D /C /Y /I


batch for loop file search

SET driveLetter=%~d0
FOR /R %%x IN (*.pst) DO (
ROBOCOPY %%x %driveLetter%\%%x /E /COPYALL /ZB /MT:20 /XJ /R:2 /W:5
I can't get this working. What I want to do is search the user folder (incl. subfolders) for any .pst files and then copy these to a flash drive.
Pretty simple actually just use xcopy:
xcopy c:\users\%username%\*.pst F:\ /e
(replace F:/ with drive location if its not F).
SET driveLetter=%~d0
ROBOCOPY %USERPROFILE% %driveLetter%\Outlook *.pst /S /COPYALL /ZB /XJ /MT:20 /R:2 /W:5
Solution. Thanks to everybody.

xcopy batch folder tree

cd \newclients
xcopy "s:\clients\*\MER" . /s /d
This is my batch file. In my folder tree we have clients then names folders then MER folder. I want to be able to search the directory for the MER folder and copy that folder along with the client name before it. Is there a way to do this with batch files?
Using if exist should do the thing.
pushd "s:\newclients"
for /f "delims=" %%f in ('dir /b /ad "s:\clients\*"') do (
if exist "s:\clients\%%f\MER\nul" ( xcopy "s:\clients\%%f\MER" "s:\newclients" /s /d )
Note: Add a slash if it's to check folder ie. if exist "s:\clients\%%f\MER\" ... or if exist "s:\clients\%%f\MER\nul" ...
To suppress prompt about destination file/folder add /I in xcopy :
/I If in doubt always assume the destination is a folder
e.g. when the destination does not exist.

How to use Robocopy to copy files with TimeStamp in command line

Following is my command to copy the files in my computer and from my computer to network.
ROBOCOPY "K:\Builds" F:\Builds\ /E /COPY:DAT
ROBOCOPY "E:\" "K:\Shan Khan\" /E /COPY:DAT
How i can make timestamp in destination folder only when copying the file for example
"K:\Builds" when copied to F:\Builds\
F:\Builds\ ---> F:\Builds_26092015
"E:\" when copied to "K:\Shan Khan\Workspace"
"K:\Shan Khan\Workspace"---> "K:\Shan Khan\Workspace_26092015"
Kindly note that K drive is password protected and i manually saved the password while mapping the IP address to K drive.
I tried this lines and it works.
it created the directory in such a way
Fri 06_26_2015
for /f "tokens=1* delims=" %%a in ('date /T') do set datestr=%%a
md F:\Builds\"%date:/=_%"
ROBOCOPY "K:\Builds" "F:\Builds\%date:/=_%" /E /COPY:DAT /DCOPY:T

Robocopy - Copying folders and files doesn't recreate directory structure

Well, it kind of does but skips one level I think. So, here's folder structure I have (Windows 2008 R2 SP2 standard):
And so forth...
Here's the script I'm using:
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('type "folderlist.txt" ') do robocopy "%%a" "Z:\temp\test" /E /xo /fft /COPYALL /r:0 /w:0
My folderlist.txt looks like this:
And after executing the script, my folder structure becomes like this:
So, it skips creating parent folders which are ClientA and ClientB. What am I doing wrong?
Thank you for any help.
for /f "usebackq delims=" %%a in ("folderlist.txt") do (
robocopy "%%a" "Z:\temp\test%%~pnxa" /E /xo /fft /COPYALL /r:0 /w:0

how to traverse specified subfolders in a windows batch file?

Here is my folder hierarchy:
I want to copy some text files under the only "[Numbers/...../dev]" folders. How should i do?
I tried the below code and it's not work because it coppies under the all subfolders.
for /r %NUMBER_DIRS% %%d in (.) do (
copy %PROJECT_INPUTS%\*.txt "%%d"
Try this:
for /d /r "%NUMBER_DIRS%" %%d in (*DEV) do copy "%PROJECT_INPUTS%\*.txt" "%%~d\*.txt"
FOR /f "delims=" %%i IN (
'dir /s /b /a:d "\numbers" ^| findstr /i /e "\dev"'
) do ECHO COPY %PROJECT_INPUTS%\*.txt "%%i\"
This will report what the batch PROPOSES to do. Remove the ECHO keyword before the COPY to execute the copy.
Note : you may need to add /y to the copy options if you want to OVERWRITE an existing file in the destination directories.
I presume that you're copying FROM %PROJECT_INPUTS% TO many ...\dev directories.
