How to Hide the source code in xcode? - xcode

I am writing an app using applescriptobjc in xcode, and while making the archive I see the source code is still inside the package, is there a way to hide it or transform it completely to binary code?

I may be a year late to the discussion but I asked the same question around the same time as you did last year and hope that the answer I got will satisfy your own question. Here is an extract answer from
my own question:
When you save the AppleScript file you have the option of checking "Run Only" - in that case the script is compiled into a new form that can be run exactly as the original script, but it is not meant for further editing/development.
It doesn't mean that the run-only file is complete protected or non-readable, but parts of your code, comments, etc. are not included or not easily readable.
If you want to do more you'll need a code obfuscator if you still want to use AppleScript - however I'm not sure if one exists on the market, or you need to develop your own.
As you can see, a simple way to do this is:
Open your final AppDelegate.applescript file in Script Editor on the mac.
Select: File > Export...
2.1. Don't change the file name but override the archive file
2.2. BEFORE SAVING: Choose Run-only checkbox from the save options but leave the File Format as Script
Now your file cannot be opened in plain text as it is set to Run-only. Please remember that it is not a 100% read-proof solution, but works great for small projects (provided you are not rushing the final export and don't forget to perform the above mentioned steps before handing it over to the customer).
I hope you can make the most of this answer and still deem it useful. Let me know how you get on or whether you have any more questions. Perhaps you have since found a far better solution (or just an alternative), if so, I am still looking for the next best thing in source code protection.

In Xcode 9.2. (and maybe earlier versions) you can find under Build Settings the item OSACompile and can choose to compile to an executable only directly from Xcode.


Can you force VB6 to re-save every file in the project?

Let's say you update your project to a new OCX reference. As a result the GUID and other details of that OCX will change in the project's VBP file. So far so good.
However VB6 also writes the same information to FRM files (and maybe others, like user controls). But these files are NOT updated until they themselves are specifically / manually saved. This can lead to confusion when it appears that references are inconsistent.
There are other sorts of automatic changes VB6 makes to files also, but seemingly only when you touch the file manually.
It would be very handy if there were a way to force VB6 to resave every file and make sure it is totally up to date - say, on the build machine. Then you'd know for certain what the most up to date clean copy was as a point of comparison.
I don't know of a command-line option that can do this... but maybe someone knows a trick.
There's an add-on created by Martin Liss in this thread:
I didn't try it myself but it could do what you are looking for. I assume you tried Save Project?

Delete unused ressources from Localizable.strings

I'm using BartyCrouch to maintain an up-to-date localized project. My project is currently translated in 4 different languages, and I'm going to add some new languages. My issue is that my base Localizable.strings file has about 200-300 resources, even though there are probably less than 100 currently used in the project.
I'm looking for the best way to remove the un-referenced localized strings in the project, all while keeping the currently localized values.
Is there any native solution or do I have to use a third party? And if so, is there anything automatic?
Well, I definitely didn't look hard enough. I think it's worth posting an answer instead of deleting the question because I don't think the answer is on Stackoverflow yet.
This little gem will do exactly this. Easy to use. Simply download the zip file, use the Terminal to go into the "AbandonedStrings" folder containing a single "main.swift" file.
Then, on the terminal, enter: ./main.swift /the/path/to/your/project
This will display a list of all the unused ressources.
Then, if you also want the script to delete them, simply add "write" at the end of the command.
Watch out though: it will delete all the Storyboard localized ressources, so commit your project before and simply discard the changes.

Is there a way to link two comments together in an IDE?

Case: One source file has a comment in it that is directly linked to a comment in another source file (it says see line 315 in xxx.cs for more information). The problem with this approach is that the comment on line 315 may not be at that line number in the future. Is there a way to link comments together in an IDE? (currently using Visual Studio 2010, but use other IDEs from time to time)
You can try this addin (I haven't used this):
Besides this addin, the only thing I can think of is using a file link to directly go to the linked file; something like:
// ...
// See file://path_to_file
The link will be converted to an actual link that you can click using Ctrl+Left Click but it won't take you to a given line number - it just opens the file.
The path can be a relative file path or a full file path - full paths work best if all team members use the same folder structure in the project. For example:
// file://w:/projects/GUI/frmMain.cs
Referring to a particular source file and line number is never a good idea, because someone might move things around in the other file without being aware that something is pointing at it. It's better to point at the particular type/method, for example See DoThings() in the MyThing class..
In Java, using Javadoc, you can use #link to do this, for instance See {#link MyThing#doThings()}. Eclipse will automatically update these when using its refactoring tools (e.g. renaming the class or the method). If the change is done manually, Eclipse will still warn that the target of the #link is invalid. (There is also #see which is more appropriate in some situations.)
I'm not sure about C# and Visual Studio, but it's likely that its XML-based doc format offers similar functionality.
The only way to handle this is to put the comment in the same file. Duplicating a comment is not the same as duplicating code, although ideally the code wouldn't need too much explanation in comments.
There are many, many reasons why the comment being in another file will cause pain. As you have stated, the line number may change but also it could be deleted (as they won't know another comment references it), updated in a way that changes its meaning and it is annoying to have to open another file in any case.

NSFileCoordinator correct usage

when writing a file using NSFileCoordinator i need to specify the correct NSFileCoordinatorWritingOptions. Although they are explained in detail, I am not sure when to use which one. The available options are:
For example, what option is the correct one if I want to create a file (a plist for example)?
Wich one when I modify a file?
Can someone explain the NSFileCoordinatorWritingOptions for a better understanding?
I agree, documentation is not complete on that front, and hard to understand. And no sample code is available even for basic operations like these.
I try to think of these options in the perspective of other apps that have that specific file open, that helps getting the whole picture.
Pass no option (0) to simply update the file and notify others of your changes.
Let's say you are deleting a file that TextEdit currently displays, by providing the NSFileCoordinatorWritingForDeleting option, you're telling TextEdit to close the file as it does not exist anymore (or it could propose to save it to another place if it's in memory). It acts because of deletion.
If you're overwriting a file (as opposed to updating a file), you want about that same behavior for other apps. That's NSFileCoordinatorWritingForReplacing.
NSFileCoordinatorWritingForMoving says other apps to track the file to it's new location, so that it can be later updated.
NSFileCoordinatorWritingForMerging asks other processes to first commit their changes so that you can then merge your own changes with those.
To answer your question, you should use NSFileCoordinatorWritingForReplacing when creating a new file (even when no file exists, as it was to appear in the mean time from another app, you'd be replacing it with your own, unrelated contents). And NSFileCoordinatorWritingForMerging should be used when updating an existing file with new data, as it allows integrating the latest changes to that file immediately (instead of doing later with conflict resolution).

MacOSX open file with an application: where does it go to?

I posted this basic question before, but didn't get an answer I could work with.
I've been writing applications on my Mac, and have been physically making them into .app bundles
(i.e., making the directories and plist files by hand). But when I open a file in the application by right clicking on the file in finder and specifying my app, how do I then reference that file?
I mostly use python, but I'm looking for a way that is fairly universal.
My first guess was as an argument, as were the answers to my previous post, but that is not the case.
>>> print(sys.argv[1:])
Where is the file reference?
Thanks in advance,
The file is passed by the Apple Event, see this Apple document. You need to receive that from inside your Python script. If it's a PyObjC script, there should be a standard way to translate what's explained in that Apple document in Objective-C to Python.
If your script is not a GUI app, but if you just want to pass a file to a Python script by clicking it, the easiest way would be to use Automator. There's an action called "Run Shell Script", to which you can specify the interpreter and the code. You can choose whether you receive the file names via stdin or the arguments. Automator packages the script into the app for you.
This is not an answer but it wouldn't fit in the comments. To respond to #Sacrilicious and to give everyone else insight on this:
#Sacrilicious You're talking about something different. Download this sample application, it's a python script wrapped as an "App". Look inside and find a 4-line python script: - which will print the arguments using
file = open("/tmp/test.txt", "w")
Stick it in your Applications folder. Then right click some file and choose "Open With" and select this
Now take a look at /tmp/text.txt and you'll see that something like -psn_0_####### is there and not the name of the file you had selected "open with". This is because the file is passed using Apple Events and not a filename as an argument.
So this question is asking how can you access the filename of the thing that was passed in the python script wrapped in an OS X .app application wrapper, and if someone can let me know that they'll get the Bounty :)
Are we referring to the file where per-user binding of file types/extensions are set to point to certain applications?
The framework is launchservices, which had received a good amount of scrutiny due to 'murkiness' early in 10.6, and (like all property list files) can be altered via the bridges to ObjectiveC made for Python and Ruby. Here's a link with Python code examples for how to associate a given file type with an app.
I've never heard of it being done without a Cocoa / Carbon wrapper.
I described how to link certain filetypes to py2app-bundled Python applications at
