Stop CMD opening when bat file launched - windows

I have this code
start /b error.vbs
When I run it, a CMD opens for half a second, then it runs. How would I remove or hide the CMD?

You don't need a batch file to launch a VBScript script. Just run the .vbs file directly with with wscript.exe (if you don't want the console). For example:
wscript error.vbs


Keep cmd.exe console window with specific title open?

in Windows 7 x64 SP1 I need to create a batch file (.bat) which keeps the cmd.exe console window open and has a specific title:
title notepadtest
start "" /WAIT notepad
But this batch file keeps opening an infinite number of cmd.exe console windows in an unstoppable loop!
How can I create a batch file (.bat) which creates only ONE cmd.exe console window and keeps it open and has a specific title?
Please ensure that your batchfile is not named notepad.cmd or notepad.bat or anything like any system or external command. Name it something like mynotepad.cmd instead., then try this one please:
#echo off
title notepadtest
start "" /w notepad.exe
cmdline and batch files typically works like this. When a command is issued, it first checks the local path, where the script was launched from for the command, if not found, it will check your environment and system environment. So if you name a batchfile notepad.bat your batch is actually starting itself over and over, instead of finding notepad.exe in the environment variables.
Always name batch files something unique and not system/external command related.
Always use full executable name in a batch, like start "" /w notepad.exe and not start "" /w notepad

How to use a .bat file to run other .bat(s) and have each one in a seperate cmd prompt in different directory locations

start cmd
cd /d C:\U\O\D\L\D\M
call runbot.bat
cd /d C:\U\O\D\L\F
call RunBossBot.bat
My issue is switching between cmd windows, it attempts to put everything in one window.
Grateful for any help,
start "" "c:\somewhere\runbot.bat"
start "" "c:\somewhere\RunBossBot.bat"
Starting a Program
See start /? and call /? for help on all three ways.
Specify a program name
In a batch file the batch will wait for the program to exit. When
typed the command prompt does not wait for graphical
programs to exit.
If the program is a batch file control is transferred and the rest of the calling batch file is not executed.
Use Start command
start "" c:\windows\notepad.exe
Start starts a program and does not wait. Console programs start in a new window. Using the /b switch forces console programs into the same window, which negates the main purpose of Start.
Start uses the Windows graphical shell - same as typing in WinKey + R (Run dialog). Try
start shell:cache
Use Call command
Call is used to start batch files and wait for them to exit and continue the current batch file.

Closing a pdf file via a batch script (.bat)

I use a windows batch file .bat for running latex command to create a pdf. To open the final pdf file, I wrote
pdflatex %2
START "" %2.pdf
Where %2 is the filename I passed it as argument. Problem is, whenever, I run the script, I have to manually close the pdf file and run the script. I want to add a command to first close the opened pdf and then run latex command and then open it
pdflatex %2
START "" %2.pdf
I didn't find a CLOSE command in the list of available commands, Information on batch files
I highly recommend SS64 for a list of batch commands. The command you're looking for is taskkill. I don't know pdflatex appears in the task manager, but the code is going to be something along the lines of
taskkill /IM acrord32.exe
Replace acrord32.exe with whatever it appears as in the task manager. You may also need to add the /F flag before the /IM to force close the program.

Running vbscript from batch file

I just need to write a simple batch file just to run a vbscript. Both the vbscript and the batch file are in the same folder and is in the SysWOW64 directory as the vbscript can only be execute in that directory. Currently my batch file is as follows:
#echo off
cscript necdaily.vbs
But the vbscript wasn't executed and just the command prompt is open. Can anyone tell me how can i execute the vbscript when i run this batch file?
You can use %~dp0 to get the path of the currently running batch file.
Edited to change directory to the VBS location before running
If you want the VBS to synchronously run in the same window, then
#echo off
pushd %~dp0
cscript necdaily.vbs
If you want the VBS to synchronously run in a new window, then
#echo off
pushd %~dp0
start /wait "" cmd /c cscript necdaily.vbs
If you want the VBS to asynchronously run in the same window, then
#echo off
pushd %~dp0
start /b "" cscript necdaily.vbs
If you want the VBS to asynchronously run in a new window, then
#echo off
pushd %~dp0
start "" cmd /c cscript necdaily.vbs
This is the command for the batch file and it can run the vbscript.
C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exe /c cscript C:\Windows\SysWOW64\...\necdaily.vbs
Just try this code:
start "" "C:\Users\DiPesh\Desktop\vbscript\welcome.vbs"
and save as .bat, it works for me
Batch files are processed row by row and terminate whenever you call an executable directly.
- To make the batch file wait for the process to terminate and continue, put call in front of it.
- To make the batch file continue without waiting, put start "" in front of it.
I recommend using this single line script to accomplish your goal:
#call cscript "%~dp0necdaily.vbs"
(because this is a single line, you can use # instead of #echo off)
If you believe your script can only be called from the SysWOW64 versions of cmd.exe, you might try:
#%WINDIR%\SysWOW64\cmd.exe /c call cscript "%~dp0necdaily.vbs"
If you need the window to remain, you can replace /c with /k
Well i am trying to open a .vbs within a batch file without having to click open but the answer to this question is ...
start (your file here without the brackets with a .vbs if it is a vbd file)
You should put your .bat file in the same folder as your .vbs file and call the following code inside the .bat file.
start cscript C:\filePath\File.vbs

how to minimize the command prompt when running a batch script?

anybody know how to minimize the command prompt when running a batch script in Windows 3.11?
in Windows XP, there have a command
start /min start.bat
to minimize the cmd prompt, is it have similiar command in MSDos 6.22?
This little batch code should do what you need.
The relevant code then needs to be placed at the top of your script:
if not "%minimized%"=="" goto :minimized
set minimized=true
start /min cmd /C "%~dpnx0"
goto :EOF
rem Anything after here will run in a minimized window
Here is more information about "%~dpnx0".
There isn't a command that you can use from a DOS prompt, however you can create a PIF file that points to your batch file, in which you can set the default window position (including minimized).
...I think. It's been a couple of decades.
How to minimize the current command prompt:
Close a command prompt after execution.
Open a new command prompt using the same path.
First open command prompt :
Hold down the [Windows] + [R] keys.
Go to this location:
C:\>cd Users\Admin\Desktop
Next excute:
C:\Users\Admin\Desktop>start /min && exit
A new minimized command prompt should open with the same path.
Create a script named minimize.bat and type start /min && exit into the script and place it in your system32 folder. In order to have the ability to access it via the command prompt.
Windows 10 makes it very easy to start minimized. Simply create a shortcut and click properties. On the shortcut tab half way down is the "Run:" option witch lets you select how you want the command line window to start up. Just select minimized and your command window will remain minimized from the onset.
Windows10 properties window of a shortcut
Use WinExec to start your batch file and pass SW_SHOWMINIMIZED for the second parameter.
See also, How do I run a batch file with WinExec?
