Visual Studio Integrated terminal bash error - bash

I'm trying to use the integrated terminal in VCS but it doesn't like my bash_profile script.
I get the following errors (Added corresponding code) -
bash: parse_git_branch: command not found
parse_git_branch() {
git branch 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* \(.*\)/ (\1)/'
bash: work: command not found
alias work="cd ./blah"
I'm not sure exactly why it's not working in VCS but works in Iterm2 and terminal fine.

Did you set "terminal.integrated.shellArgs.osx": ["-l"] in your settings so it will run your bash_profile?


Show current branch on prompt on zsh shell

I am trying to display the git branch on prompt on Big Sur.
So I have created a script file to run for each new session .zshrc
# Git branch in prompt.
parse_git_branch() {
git branch 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* \(.*\)/ [\1]/'
export PS1="\u#\h \W\[\033[01;33m\]\$(parse_git_branch)\[\033[00m\] $ "
The above doesn't work it actually displays the string not its outpupt.
\u#\h \W\[\033[01;33m\]$(parse_git_branch)\[\033[00m\] $
How can I show current branch in prompt on zsh shell?
I am assuming you want to display something like this [username#computername directory](branch)
The code below should do it for Zsh which is a little more involved than accomplishing the same task in bash. There are multiple solutions to this, and you can find more information here if you are interested.
Add the following to your .zshrc or .zsh_profile
# Load version control information
autoload -Uz vcs_info
precmd() { vcs_info }
# Format the vcs_info_msg_0_ variable
zstyle ':vcs_info:git:*' formats '%b'
# Set up the prompt (with git branch name)
PROMPT='[%n#%m %1~]%F{green}(${vcs_info_msg_0_})%F{white}$ '
It would be beneficial to read up on the differences between bash and zsh as you cannot use solutions found online interchangeably.
Bash PS1 is not ZSH PS1, they differ. The \u \h etc. sequences are substituted by bash, they do not work in ZSH. Research both shells and how they differ.

when I try to move to previous command, it covers current dir root in iterm

Hi i'm new to command line interface on OSX. before I started to code, I changed bash color I like.
#github branch show
parse_git_branch() {
git branch 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* \(.*\)/ (\1)/'
#export PS1="\W \$"
export PS1="\[\e[0;36m\W\e[m\e[32m\$(parse_git_branch)\[\033[00m\] $ "
#hightlight path
alias ls="ls -G"
it works fine mostly but when i move to previous command with up and down key, previous command covers current dir like this.
Desktop $
Descd ~
is there any documentation that i can learn more about PS1 setting and solve this problem?
thanks in advance.
You only want to enclose characters that don't advance the cursor inside \[...\].
Compare your prompt on top with the correct prompt on the bottom.
export PS1="\[\e[0;36m\W\e[m\e[32m\$(parse_git_branch)\[\033[00m\] $ "
export PS1="\[\e[0;36m\]\W\[\e[32m\]\$(parse_git_branch)\[\033[00m\] $ "
(I took the liberty of removing an apparently unnecessary \e[m from the middle of your prompt as well.)

Git branch name in prompt

I am able to show the git branch name in the shell prompt. But whenever I am using screen I am getting
bash: parse_git_branch: command not found
and git branch is not shown.
Please help me get this in the screen sessions also.
I have following in my .bash_profile.
parse_git_branch() {
git branch 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* \(.*\)/ (\1)/
export PS1="[\W\$(parse_git_branch)]$ "
I don't have .git-completion.bash
System specs:
OS: OSX 10.8.4
Terminal & iTerm2
Screen version: 4.00.03 (FAU) 23-Oct-06
I had the same issue when running under screen and was able to resolve by moving the definition of the parse_git_branch() function from .bash_profile to .bashrc.
When you open your terminal, .bash_profile is executed and therefore PS1 is defined. Then you execute screen, and screen reads the environment variable PS1 which includes a call to parse_git_branch and tries to parse it. But, since screen didn't execute .bash_profile the function parse_git_branch is not defined inside screen.
Move the definition of PS1 to .bashrc because both, screen and iTerm execute it.
This is much simpler and avoids the unnecessary sed:
parse_git_branch () {
while read -r branch; do
[[ $branch = \** ]] && current_branch=${branch#* }
done < <(git branch 2>/dev/null)
[[ $current_branch ]] && printf ' [%s]' "$current_branch"
You are missing a ' at the end of your sed statement:
parse_git_branch() {
git branch 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* \(.*\)/ (\1)/'
export PS1="[\W\$(parse_git_branch)]$ "
Othewerise, it seems to work for me in bash-3.2
I had the same error in OS X High Sierra when switching to root or when starting to ssh-agent /bin/bash I resolved it to put it in /etc/bashrc with check if i am root
if [[ $UID == 0 ]]; then
PS1="\[\e[1;31;40m\]\u#\h \W\[\e[0m\]\$ "
parse_git_branch() {
git branch 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* \(.*\)/ (\1)/'
PS1="\u#\h \[\033[32m\]\w\[\033[33m\]\$(parse_git_branch)\[\033[00m\] $ "

How can I display the current branch and folder path in terminal?

I've been watching some of the Team Treehouse videos and they have a very nice looking terminal when working with Git.
For example they have (something similar):
mike#treehouseMac: [/Work/test - feature-branch-name] $ git add .
mike#treehouseMac: [/Work/test - feature-branch-name] $ git commit -m "Some feature."
mike#treehouseMac: [/Work/test - feature-branch-name] $ git checkout master
mike#treehouseMac: [/Work/test - master] $ git status
How can my terminal show me some useful information of what branch I'm on, with colors to distinguish bits of the data I want? Is there some sort of de-facto plugin I haven't found yet?
I'm using Mac OSX 10.8
For anyone looking for how to do this in macOS Catalina or above (10.15+ incl. Big Sur 11.0) which has deprecated bash in favour of zsh, here is my .zshrc file:
parse_git_branch() {
git branch 2> /dev/null | sed -n -e 's/^\* \(.*\)/[\1]/p'
export PROMPT='${COLOR_USR}%n#%M ${COLOR_DIR}%d ${COLOR_GIT}$(parse_git_branch)${COLOR_DEF}${NEWLINE}%% '
If you don't like the colours I have used, replace the 243/197/39 values with the colour codes as defined here:
Simple way
Open ~/.bash_profile in your favorite editor and add the following content to the bottom.
Git branch in prompt.
parse_git_branch() {
git branch 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* \(.*\)/ (\1)/'
export PS1="\u#\h \[\033[32m\]\w - \$(parse_git_branch)\[\033[00m\] $ "
Add Git Branch To Terminal Prompt (Mac)
It's not about a plugin. It's about prompt tricks in the shell.
For a cool setup in bash, check out the dotfiles project of this guy:
To get a fancy prompt, include the .bash_prompt in your ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc.
To get the exact same prompt as in your question, change the export PS1 line at the end of .bash_prompt like this:
export PS1="\[${BOLD}${MAGENTA}\]\u\[$WHITE\]#\[$ORANGE\]\h\[$WHITE\]: [\[$GREEN\]\w\[$WHITE\]\$([[ -n \$(git branch 2> /dev/null) ]] && echo \" - \")\[$PURPLE\]\$(parse_git_branch)\[$WHITE\]] \$ \[$RESET\]"
I ended up using all the .bash* files from this repository about a month ago, and it's been really useful for me.
For Git, there are extra goodies in .gitconfig.
And since you're a mac user, there are even more goodies in .osx.
To expand on the existing great answers, a very simple way to get a great looking terminal is to use the open source Dotfiles project.
Installation is dead simple on OSX and Linux. Run the following command in Terminal.
git clone && cd dotfiles && source
This is going to:
Git clone the repo.
cd into the folder.
Run the installation bash script.
For Mac Catilina 10.15.5 and later version:
add in your ~/.zshrc file
function parse_git_branch() {
git branch 2> /dev/null | sed -n -e 's/^\* \(.*\)/[\1]/p'
export PROMPT='%F{grey}%n%f %F{cyan}%~%f %F{green}$(parse_git_branch)%f %F{normal}$%f '
My prompt includes:
Exit status of last command (if not 0)
Distinctive changes when root
rsync-style user#host:pathname for copy-paste goodness
Git branch, index, modified, untracked and upstream information
Pretty colours
To do this, add the following to your ~/.bashrc:
# Set the prompt #
# Select git info displayed, see /usr/share/git/completion/ for more
export GIT_PS1_SHOWDIRTYSTATE=1 # '*'=unstaged, '+'=staged
export GIT_PS1_SHOWSTASHSTATE=1 # '$'=stashed
export GIT_PS1_SHOWUNTRACKEDFILES=1 # '%'=untracked
export GIT_PS1_SHOWUPSTREAM="verbose" # 'u='=no difference, 'u+1'=ahead by 1 commit
export GIT_PS1_STATESEPARATOR='' # No space between branch and index status
export GIT_PS1_DESCRIBE_STYLE="describe" # detached HEAD style:
# contains relative to newer annotated tag (v1.6.3.2~35)
# branch relative to newer tag or branch (master~4)
# describe relative to older annotated tag (v1.6.3.1-13-gdd42c2f)
# default exactly eatching tag
# Check if we support colours
__colour_enabled() {
local -i colors=$(tput colors 2>/dev/null)
[[ $? -eq 0 ]] && [[ $colors -gt 2 ]]
unset __colourise_prompt && __colour_enabled && __colourise_prompt=1
local exit="$?" # Save the exit status of the last command
# PS1 is made from $PreGitPS1 + <git-status> + $PostGitPS1
local PreGitPS1="${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}"
local PostGitPS1=""
if [[ $__colourise_prompt ]]; then
# Wrap the colour codes between \[ and \], so that
# bash counts the correct number of characters for line wrapping:
local Red='\[\e[0;31m\]'; local BRed='\[\e[1;31m\]'
local Gre='\[\e[0;32m\]'; local BGre='\[\e[1;32m\]'
local Yel='\[\e[0;33m\]'; local BYel='\[\e[1;33m\]'
local Blu='\[\e[0;34m\]'; local BBlu='\[\e[1;34m\]'
local Mag='\[\e[0;35m\]'; local BMag='\[\e[1;35m\]'
local Cya='\[\e[0;36m\]'; local BCya='\[\e[1;36m\]'
local Whi='\[\e[0;37m\]'; local BWhi='\[\e[1;37m\]'
local None='\[\e[0m\]' # Return to default colour
# No username and bright colour if root
if [[ ${EUID} == 0 ]]; then
PreGitPS1+="$BRed\h "
else # No colour
# Sets prompt like: ravi#boxy:~/prj/sample_app
# Now build the part after git's status
# Highlight non-standard exit codes
if [[ $exit != 0 ]]; then
# Change colour of prompt if root
if [[ ${EUID} == 0 ]]; then
PostGitPS1+="$BRed"'\$ '"$None"
PostGitPS1+="$Mag"'\$ '"$None"
# Set PS1 from $PreGitPS1 + <git-status> + $PostGitPS1
__git_ps1 "$PreGitPS1" "$PostGitPS1" '(%s)'
# echo '$PS1='"$PS1" # debug
# defaut Linux Mint 17.2 user prompt:
# PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[01;32m\]\u#\h\[\033[01;34m\] \w\[\033[00m\] $(__git_ps1 "(%s)") \$ '
# This tells bash to reinterpret PS1 after every command, which we
# need because __git_ps1 will return different text and colors
In 2019, I think git branch --show-current is a better command than the accepted answer.
$ git branch --show-current
(Added in git 2.22 release in June 2019)
It runs much faster as it doesn't need to iterate through all branches. Similarly git branch should be avoided too in the command prompt as it slows down your prompt if you have many local branches.
Put it in a function to use anywhere on command prompt:
# This function returns '' in all below cases:
# - git not installed or command not found
# - not in a git repo
# - in a git repo but not on a branch (HEAD detached)
get_git_current_branch() {
git branch --show-current 2> /dev/null
More context:
$ git version
git version 2.23.0
Just Install the oh-my-zsh plugins as described in this link.
It works best on macOS and Linux.
Basic Installation
Oh My Zsh is installed by running one of the following commands in your terminal. You can install this via the command-line with either curl or wget.
via curl
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
via wget
sh -c "$(wget -O -)"
for anyone still looking for this , i just installed ohmyz and the branches it's showing
In the new Catalina OS for Mac
i) zsh way. Add below lines in .zshrc
parse_git_branch() {
git branch 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* \(.*\)/ \1/'
export PROMPT='${COLOR_DIR}%1d${COLOR_DEF}${COLOR_GIT}$(parse_git_branch)${COLOR_DEF} $ '
ii) Or to use old bash, you need to change
System Preference -> Users & Groups -> Right click user user
-> Advanced Option -> Login shell -> /bin/bash
Write .bash_profile as below and restart the system
parse_git_branch() {
git branch 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* \(.*\)/ \1/'
export PS1="\W\[\033[33m\]\$(parse_git_branch)\[\033[00m\] $ "
Output: FolderName BranchName $
The git package installed on your system includes bash files to aid you in creating an informative prompt. To create colors, you will need to insert terminal escape sequences into your prompt. And, the final ingredient is to update your prompt after each command gets executed by using the built-in variable PROMPT_COMMAND.
Edit your ~/.bashrc to include the following, and you should get the prompt in your question, modulo some color differences.
# Git provides a bash file to create an informative prompt. This is its standard
# location on Linux. On Mac, you should be able to find it under your Git
# installation. If you are unable to find the file, I have a copy of it on my GitHub.
source /usr/share/git/completion/
# Next, we need to define some terminal escape sequences for colors. For a fuller
# list of colors, and an example how to use them, see my bash color file on my GitHub
# and my coniguration for colored man pages.
# To get a fancy git prompt, it's not sufficient to set PS1. Instead, we set PROMPT_COMMAND,
# a built in Bash variable that gets evaluated before each render of the prompt.
export PROMPT_COMMAND="PS1=\"\${color_start}\${color_bg_blue}\${color_end}\u#\h [\w\$(__git_ps1 \" - %s\")]\${color_reset}\n\$ \""
# If you find that the working directory that appears in the prompt is ofter too long,
# then trim it.
There are many PS1 generators but ezprompt has the git status (2nd tab 'Status Elements' ) also.
For macOS:
Step 1:
Create and edit a .zshrc file that will be used for terminal configuration.
touch ~/.zshrc; open ~/.zshrc
Step 2:
Add this to your ~/.zshrc file:
function parse_git_branch() {
git branch 2> /dev/null | sed -n -e 's/^\* \(.*\)/[\1]/p'
export PROMPT='%F{grey}%n%f %F{cyan}%~%f %F{green}$(parse_git_branch)%f %F{normal}$%f '
Based on 6LYTH3's answer I've decided to post my own due to some improvements that may come in handy:
Simple solution
Open ~/.bash_profile and add the following content
# \[\e[0m\] resets the color to default color
# \[\033[33m\] sets the color to yellow
# \e[0;32m\ sets the color to green
# \e[0;31m\ sets the color to red
# determines if the git branch you are on is clean or dirty
git_prompt ()
# Is this a git directory?
if ! git rev-parse --git-dir > /dev/null 2>&1; then
return 0
# Grab working branch name
git_branch=$(git branch 2>/dev/null| sed -n '/^\*/s/^\* //p')
# Clean or dirty branch
if git diff --quiet 2>/dev/null >&2; then
echo " [$git_color$git_branch${reset_color}]"
export PS1="${path_color}\w\[\e[0m\]$(git_prompt)\n"
This should:
1) Prompt the path you're in, in color: path_color.
2) Tell you which branch are you.
3) Color the name of the branch based on the status of the branch with git_clean_color
for a clean work directory and git_dirty_color for a dirty one.
4) The brackets should stay in the default color you established in your computer.
5) Puts the prompt in the next line for readability.
You can customize the colors with this list
Sophisticated Solution
Another option is to use Git Bash Prompt, install with this. I used the option via Homebrew on Mac OS X.
git_prompt_list_themes to see the themes but I didn't like any of them.
git_prompt_color_samples to see available colors.
git_prompt_make_custom_theme [<Name of base theme>] to create a new custom theme, this should create a file.
subl ~/ to open and customize:
The file should look like this with my customization
override_git_prompt_colors() {
# Clean or dirty branch
if git diff --quiet 2>/dev/null >&2; then
reload_git_prompt_colors "Custom"
Hope this helps, have a great day!
In Catalina and above, you can open your .zshrc file by running nano ~/.zshrc, and posting the following at the top of the document:
# Show git branch in terminal
function parse_git_branch() {
git branch 2> /dev/null | sed -n -e 's/^\* \(.*\)/[\1]/p'
export PROMPT='${COLOR_USR}%n ${COLOR_DIR}%~
${COLOR_GIT}$(parse_git_branch)${COLOR_DEF} $ '
Exit and save. Restart your terminal, or run exec zsh and that should be it.
You can check out this theme and see if you like it. It is really easy to install and looks good in my opinion:
Hope that helps.
From Mac OS Catalina
.bash_profile is replaced with .zprofile
Step 1:
Create a .zprofile
touch .zprofile
Step 2:
nano .zprofile
type below line in this
source ~/.bash_profile
and save(ctrl+o return ctrl+x)
Step 3:
Restart your terminal
To Add Git Branch Name
Now you can add below lines in .bash_profile
parse_git_branch() {
git branch 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* \(.*\)/ (\1)/'
export PS1="\u#\h \[\033[32m\]\w - \$(parse_git_branch)\[\033[00m\] $ "
Restart your terminal this will work.
Even you can rename .bash_profile to .zprofile that also works.
Keep it fast, keep it simple
put this in your ~/.bashrc file.
git_stuff() {
git_branch=$(git branch --show-current 2> /dev/null)
if [[ $git_branch == "" ]];then
echo -e ""
elif [[ $git_branch == *"Nocommit"* ]];then
echo -e "No commits"
echo -e "$git_branch"
prompt() {
PS1="\e[2m$(date +%H:%M:%S.%3N) \e[4m$(git_stuff)\033[0m\n\w$ "
Then source ~/.bashrc
Did some searching & then adjusted it a bit & settled with this.
vi ~/.zshrc
And within zshrc file ->
function git_branch_name()
branch=$(git symbolic-ref HEAD 2> /dev/null | awk 'BEGIN{FS="/"} {print $NF}')
if [[ $branch == "" ]];
echo '- ('$branch')'
setopt prompt_subst
prompt='%n %1/ $(git_branch_name) $ '

(Mac) -bash: __git_ps1: command not found

I'm trying to change my command promt in terminal. I keep getting the error:
-bash: __git_ps1: command not found
I've tried it just by typing it into the terminal as is: __git_ps1. I've also tried it out in the .bash_profile
if [ -f ~/.git-completion.bash ]; then
source ~/.git-completion.bash
export PS1='[\W]$(__git_ps1 "(%s)"): '
As you might be able to see/tell, yes, I do have the auto-completion installed and it does work great!
I came across this question: " PS1 env variable does not work on mac " which gives the code
alias __git_ps1="git branch 2>/dev/null | grep '*' | sed 's/* \(.*\)/(\1)/'"
So I add it to my .bash_profile hoping that it will change something. Well, it did. It just changed the error output.
Here's the .bash_profile with the addition:
alias __git_ps1="git branch 2>/dev/null | grep '*' | sed 's/* \(.*\)/(\1)/'"
if [ -f ~/.git-completion.bash ]; then
source ~/.git-completion.bash
export PS1='[\W]$(__git_ps1 "(%s)"): '
And now here's the changed error output:
sed: (%s): No such file or directory
Note: I've also moved the alias below the source with no difference. I have git version
This should be a simple change. Can someone please help me?
Edit 10/13/12
No, I definitely do not want to define __git_ps1 myself but was just trying to see if it would be recognized by doing so. Yes, I have the .git-completion.bash file installed. Here's how I got auto completion on my machine.
cd ~
curl -OL
mv ~/git.completion.bash ~/.git-completion.bash
A ls -la then lists the .git-completion.bash file.
Edit 10/13/12 - Solved by Mark Longair (below)
The following code worked for me in the .bash_profile while others did not...
if [ -f ~/ ]; then
source ~/
export PS1='Geoff[\W]$(__git_ps1 "(%s)"): '
You've installed the version of git-completion.bash from master - in git's development history this is after a commit that split out the __git_ps1 function from the completion functionality into a new file ( The commit that introduced this change, which explains the rationale, is af31a456.
I would still suggest that you just source the version of git-completion.bash (or that is bundled with your installation of git.
However, if for some reason you still want to use this functionality by using scripts separately downloaded from master, you should download similarly:
curl -o ~/ \
... and add the following line to your ~/.bash_profile:
source ~/
Then your PS1 variable that includes __git_ps1 '%s' should work fine.
After upgrading to OSX 10.9 Mavericks I had to reference the following files to get git shell command completion and git prompt to work again.
From my .bash_profile or similar:
if [ -f /Applications/ ]; then
. /Applications/
source /Applications/
#shell prompt example
PS1='\u $(__git_ps1 "(%s)")\$ '
You should
$ brew install bash bash-completion git
Then source "$(brew --prefix)/etc/bash_completion" in your .bashrc.
Following worked for me like a charm:
Run following in your Terminal:
curl -L > ~/.bash_git
Open/Create bash_profile:
$ vi ~/.bash_profile
Add following to the file:
source ~/.bash_git
export PS1='\[\033[01;32m\]os \[\033[01;34m\]\w $(__git_ps1 "[%s]")\$\[\033[00m\] '
export GIT_PS1_SHOWUPSTREAM="auto"
Finally, source it using:
$ source ~/.bash_profile
This will solve the problem of bash: __git_ps1: command not found.
Also your prompt will change to "os ". To change "os" to something else, modify "os" string in export PS1 line.
Solution for MacOS Sierra and git version 2.10.1 <2017-2-06>
Step 1: Install the Git
You can skip this step if you already installed the latest git.
Download git package from browser
Note: if you install with curl [option] https://... option to download, you would have to make sure your system support SSL. So for new comer, to download from browser and install directly from git installer is much easier.
Installation Verification:
Show where is your git directory at: which git
Show which version your git currently is: git --version current version should be 2.10.1.
Step 2: Add your git profile to your shell
Open your shell profile:
nano ~/.bash_profile or nano ~/.bashrc Depends on where your modification is.
Add the following code to the file:
source /usr/local/git/contrib/completion/git-completion.bash
source /usr/local/git/contrib/completion/
Note: git installation location changed from opt/ directory to usr/local/ after OSX upgrade to El Capitain, and this is why some of the old answer above doesn't work anymore in MacOS Sierra.
Add the following code to your PS1 configuration:
Option 1: add directly to your PS1: export PS1='\w$(__git_ps1 "(%s)") > '
I prefer this simple approach since I already know the .git-completion.bash is there in my home directory, and I can add other prompt format in the front of it. here is my personal prompt for your reference: export PS1='\t H#\! \u:\w$(__git_ps1 "{%s}") -->> '
Option 2: Add a selection script
if [ -f ~/.git-completion.bash ]; then
export PS1='\w$(__git_ps1 "(%s)") > '
Save and use the profile: source ~/.bash_profile or source ~/.bashrc
Now you should see the git prompt working properly and shows which branch you are in right now.
High Sierra clean solution with colors !
No downloads. No brew. No Xcode
Just add it to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile
export CLICOLOR=1
[ -f /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/share/git-core/ ] && . /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/share/git-core/
export GIT_PS1_SHOWUPSTREAM="auto"
PROMPT_COMMAND='__git_ps1 "\h:\W \u" "\\\$ "'
I had same problem when upgrading to Yosemite.
I just had to modify ~/.bashrc to source /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/ instead of the old path.
then re-source your . ~/.bashrc to get the effect.
__git_ps1 for bash is now found in in /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d on my brew installed git version
this works in OS 10.8 in the .bash_profile
if [ -f ~/ ]; then
source ~/
export PS1='YOURNAME[\W]$(__git_ps1 "(%s)"): '
For macports I had to add: source /opt/local/share/git-core/ to my ./profile
If you're hoping to use Homebrew to upgrade Git and you've let your system become out-of-date in general (as I did), you may need to bring Homebrew itself up-to-date first (as per brew update: The following untracked working tree files would be overwritten by merge: thanks #chris-frisina)
First bring Homebrew into line with the current version
cd /usr/local
git fetch origin
git reset --hard origin/master
Then update Git:
brew upgrade git
Problem Solved! ;-)
At least with Xcode 6, you already have git-completion.bash. It's inside the Xcode app bundle.
Just add this to your .bashrc:
source `xcode-select -p`/usr/share/git-core/git-completion.bash
Download the files and git-completion.bash from this Git completion
Rename the files.
Move those files to your home directory.
Add the source file in to the .bash_profile
source ~/git-completion0.bash
source ~/
and four to trigger the code block.
I know it's not a real answer...
I had some strange issues with sourcing in my .bashrc so I started to look for other solution. This one: doesn't use __git_ps1 and author claims it works also on Mac (for now it works perfectly on my Ubuntu and it's easy to tweak).
I hope it helps!
I was doing the course on Udacity for git hub and was having this same issue. Here is my final code that make is work correctly.
# Change command prompt
alias __git_ps1="git branch 2>/dev/null | grep '*' | sed 's/* \ . (.*\)/(\1)/'"
if [ -f ~/.git-completion.bash ]; then
source ~/.git-completion.bash
export PS1='[\W]$(__git_ps1 "(%s)"): '
source ~/
# '\u' adds the name of the current user to the prompt
# '\$(__git_ps1)' adds git-related stuff
# '\W' adds the name of the current directory
export PS1="$purple\u$green\$(__git_ps1)$blue \W $ $reset"
It works!
curl -L -o ~/.git-prompt.bash
[[ -f ~/.git-prompt.bash ]] && . ~/.git-prompt.bash
# Available GIT_PS1 options/env vars
cat ~/.git-prompt.bash | grep GIT_PS1_ | sed -r 's,^\s*#.*,,' | grep -v -E '^$' | sed -r 's,^.*(GIT_PS1_[A-Z_]+).*,\1,' | sort | uniq | sed -r 's,^(.*)$,export \1=,'
for i in $(cat ~/.git-prompt.bash | grep GIT_PS1_ | sed -r 's,^\s*#.*,,' | grep -v -E '^$' | sed -r 's,^.*(GIT_PS1_[A-Z_]+).*,\1,' | sort | uniq); do varname=$i; declare -g ${i}=1; done
# P.S Above is just illustration not all config vars are [0/1].
# For more info:
cat ~/.git-prompt.bash | sed -r -n -e '1,/^[^\s*#]/p' | head -n -2
This one worked for me, and it has colored git output and an indicator in the prompt whether files have changed / been added, right baked into it:
. /usr/local/Cellar/git/
. /usr/local/Cellar/git/
PS1='\[\033[32m\]\u#\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[34m\]\w\[\033[31m\]$(__git_ps1)\[\033[00m\]\$ '
Be sure to use the correct path! I used homebrew to install git, use brew list git to get the path to your current installation.
Would be nice not to use a hard coded path, but don't know how to get the path to the current installation.
More infos here:
For git, there are /Applications/ And please look /etc/bashrc_Apple_Terminal too.
So, I put these in ~/.bash_profile:
if [ -f /Applications/ ]; then
. /Applications/
PROMPT_COMMAND="${PROMPT_COMMAND:+$PROMPT_COMMAND; }__git_ps1 '\u:\w' '\\\$ '"
Yet another option I just installed on Mojave: magicmonty/bash-git-prompt
Run (brew update) and brew install bash-git-prompt or brew install --HEAD bash-git-prompt
Then to your ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc:
if [ -f "$(brew --prefix)/opt/bash-git-prompt/share/" ]; then
__GIT_PROMPT_DIR=$(brew --prefix)/opt/bash-git-prompt/share
source "$(brew --prefix)/opt/bash-git-prompt/share/"
I'm happy.
Please not that, if you haven't installed git through Xcode or home-brew, you'll likely find the bash scripts haysclarks refers to in /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/, and not in /Applications/, thus making the lines to include within .bashrc the following:
if [ -f /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/share/git-core/git-completion.bash ]; then
. /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/share/git-core/git-completion.bash
source /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/share/git-core/
You'll need those lines if you wish to use git-prompt as well.
Copy/Download the following files and copy them to home directory: ~/
For the bash_profile, add this at the beginning:
source ~/git-completion.bash
source ~/
For more and easy downloads you could check this.
