ETL lookup transformation equivalent in Nifi - apache-nifi

I am evaluating Apache Nifi for moving data to Hive from Postgresql database. While moving the data to Hive, I am having a requirement to mask/transform some of the data attributes using a lookup table similar to what can be done using lookup transformations available in ETL tools. What options are available to achieve the same in Apache Nifi ?

You should take a look at the ReplaceText and ReplaceTextWithMapping processors. In addition, there are EncryptContent, HashAttribute, and HashContent processors available to perform standard cryptographic operations on the data.


Apache Nifi for data masking

We are using Nifi as our main data ingestion engine. Nifi is used to ingest data from multiple sources like DB, blob storage, etc and all of the data is pushed to kafka ( with avro as serializatiton format). Now, one of the requirement is to mask the specific fields(
PII) in input data.
Is nifi a good tool to do that ?
Does it have any processor to support data masking/obfuscation ?
Nifi comes with the EncryptContent and CryptographicHashContent and CryptographicHashAttribute processors which can be used to encrypt/hash data respectively.
I would look into this first.
In addition ReplaceText could also do simple masking. An ExecuteScript processor could perform custom masking, or a combination of UpdateRecord with a ScriptedRecordSetWriter could easily mask certain fields in a record.

Mechanism to interact timeseries database in hadoop with structured RDBMS data

I am new to this Hadoop thing . What I want to accomplish is store time series data over cloud in a distributed system. Looking at few stuffs over web OpenTSDB seems to be a feasible option for me to do so .
I also have some RDBMS databases which can be stored in distributed system and used using hive.
What we plan to do is use timeseries databases and the structured RDBMS data (read and write via HIVE ) and then join time series data with this structured data . Store the output in such a way that it can be read and write like SQL something via HIVE.
Not sure if you're asking about Hadoop or TSDBs.
If you already had a Hadoop environment, sure, adding HBase and then OpenTSDB might make sense.
If you want alternatives that offer more query centric ideas, then Influxdb or TimescaleDb seem more popular in that realm.
If scalability is really the issue, then Cassandra with Kairos is another option.
As part as Hive-like processing goes, SparkSQL probably can interact with all the above

What is the best way to ingest data from Terdata into Hadoop with Informatica?

What is the best ways to parallel ingest data from Teradata database into Hadoop with parallel data moving?
If we create a job which is simple opens one session to Teradata database it will take a lot of time to load huge table.
if we create a set of sessions to load data in parallel, and also make Select in each of the sessions, than it will make a set of Full table scans Teradata to produce a data
What is the recommended best practice to load data in parallelised streams and make unnecessary workload to Teradata?
If Tera data supports table partitioning like oracle, you could try reading the table based on partitioning points which will enable parallelism in read...
Other option you have is, split the table into multiple partitions like adding a where clause on indexed column. This will ensure index scan and you can avoid full table scan.
The most scalable way to ingest data into Hadoop form teradata, which i found is to use Teradata connector for hadoop. It is included in Cloudera & Hortonworks distributions. I will show example base on Cloudera documentation, but the same works with Hortonworks as well:
Informatica big Data edition is using standard Scoop invocation via command line and submitting set of parameters to it. So the main question is - which driver to use to make parallel connections between two MPP systems.
Here is the link to the Cloudera documentation:
Using the Cloudera Connector Powered by Teradata
And here is the digest from this documentation (You could find that this connector support different kinds of load balancing between connections):
Cloudera Connector Powered by Teradata supports the following methods for importing data from Teradata to Hadoop: Method
This optimal method retrieves data from Teradata. The connector creates one mapper per available Teradata AMP, and each mapper subsequently retrieves data from each AMP. As a result, no staging table is required. This method requires Teradata 14.10 or higher.
If you use partition names in the select clause, Power Center will select only the rows within that partition so there won't be duplicate read (don't forget to choose Database partitioning in Informatica session level). However if you use key range partition you have to choose the range as you mentioned in settings. Usually we use NTILE oracle analytical function to split the table into multiple portions so that the read will be unique across the selects. Please let me know if you have any question. If you have range/auto generated/surrogate key column in the table use it in where clause - write a sub-query to divide the table into multiple portions.

How to get data from HDFS? Hive?

I am new to Hadoop. I ran a map reduce on my data and now I want to query it so I can put it into my website. Is Apache Hive the best way to do that? I would greatly appreciate any help.
Keep in mind that Hive is a batch processing system, which under the hoods converts the SQL statements to bunch of MapReduce jobs with stage builds in between. Also, Hive is a high latency system i.e. based on your dataset sizes you are looking at minutes to hours or even days to process a complicated query.
So, if you want to serve the results from your MapReduce job output in your website, its highly recommended you export the results back to a RDBMS using sqoop and then take it from there.
Or, if the data itself is huge and cannot be exported back to RDBMS. Then another option you could think of is using a NoSQL system like HBase.
welcome to Hadoop!
I highly recommend you watch Cloudera Essentials for Apache Hadoop | Chapter 5: The Hadoop Ecosystem and familiarize yourself with the different ways to transfer data inbound and outbound from your HDFS cluster. The video is easy-to-watch and describes advantages / disadvantages to each tool, but this outline should give you the basics of the Hadoop Ecosystem:
Flume - Data integration and import of flat files into HDFS. Designed for asynchronous data streams (e.g., log files). Distributed, scalable, and extensible. Supports various endpoints. Allows preprocessing on data before loading to HDFS.
Sqoop - Bidirectional transfer of structured data (RDBMS) and HDFS. Permits incremental import to HDFS. RDBMS must support JDBC or ODBC.
Hive - SQL-like interface to Hadoop. Requires table structure. JDBC and/or ODBC is required.
Hbase - Allows interactive access of HDFS. Sits on top of HDFS and apply structure to data. Allows for random reads, scales horizontally with cluster. Not a full query language; only permits get/put/scan operations (can be used with Hive and/or Impala). Row-key indexes only on data. Does not use Map Reduce paradigm.
Impala - Similar to Hive, high-performance SQL Engine for querying vast amounts of data stored in HDFS. Does not use Map Reduce. Good alternative to Hive.
Pig - Data flow language for transforming large datasets. Permits schema optionally defined at runtime. PigServer (Java API) permits programmatic access.
Note: I assume the data you are trying to read already exists in HDFS. However, some of the products in the Hadoop ecosystem may be useful for your application or as a general reference, so I included them.
If you're only looking to get data from HDFS then yes, you can do so via Hive.
However, you'll most beneficiate from it if your data are already organized (for instance, in columns).
Lets take an example : your map-reduce job produced a csv file named wordcount.csv and containing two rows : word and count. This csv file is on HDFS.
Let's now suppose you want to know the occurence of the word "gloubiboulga". You can simply achieve this via the following code :
word STRING,
count INT,
text2 STRING
LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '/wordcount.csv'
select word, count from data where word=="gloubiboulga";
Please note that while this language looks highly like SQL, you'll still have to learn a few things about it.

Lookup data in Relation database from Hadoop side

I am converting SSIS solution to Hadoop for ETL processing in the data-warehouse.
My expected system:
ETL - landing & staging (Hadoop) ----put-data---> Data-warehouse(MySQL)
The problem is: in transform phrase, I need to lookup data in MySQL from hadoop side (pig or mapreduce job). There are 2 solutions:
1st: Clone all tables need to lookup from MySQL into Hadoop. It means that we need to maintain data from 2 places.
2nd: query directly to MySQL. I am worried about many connections come to MySQL server.
What is solution/best practise for this problem? Are there any other solutions.
You will have to have some representation of your dimensional tables in Hadoop. Depending on the way how you do ETL of the dimension data, you might actually have them as a side effect of the ETL.
Are you planning to store the most granular fact data in MySQL? I my experience, Hive + Hadoop beat realational databases when it comes to storing and analyzing the fact data. If you need a realtime access to the results of the queries, you then can "cache" the summary results by storing them in MySQL.
