Bash: how to copy multiple files with same name to multiple folders - bash

I am working on Linux machine.
I have a lot of files named the same, with a directory structure like this:
P45_input_cool/result.dat ...
It is difficult to copy them one by one. I want to copy them into another folder named as data with similar folder names and file names:
/data/cool/result.dat ...
In stead of copy them one by one what I should do?

Using a for loop in bash :
# we list every files following the pattern : ./<somedirname>/<any file>
# if you want to specify a format for the folders, you could change it here
# i.e. for your case you could write 'for f in P45*/*' to only match folders starting by P45
for f in */*
# we strip the path of the file from its filename
# i.e. 'P45_input_foo/result.dat' will become 'P45_input_foo'
# mkdir -p /data/${newpath##*_} will create our new data structure
# - /data/${newpath##*_} extract the last chain of character after a _, in our example, 'foo'
# - mkdir -p will recursively create our structure
# - cp "$f" "$_" will copy the file to our new directory. It will not launch if mkdir returns an error
mkdir -p /data/${newpath##*_} && cp "$f" "$_"
the ${newpath##*_} and ${f%/*} usage are part of Bash string manipulation methods. You can read more about it here.

You will need to extract the 3rd item after "_" :
P45_input_foo --> foo
create the directory (if needed) and copy the file to it. Something like this (not tested, might need editing):
VAR=$(ls -1)
while read DIR; do
TARGET_DIR=$(echo "$DIR" | cut -d'_' -f3)
if [ ! -d "$NEW_DIR" ]; then
mkdir "$NEW_DIR"
cp "$DIR/result.dat" "$NEW_DIR/result.dat"
if [ $? -ne 0 ];
echo "ERROR: encountered an error while copying"
done <<<"$VAR"
Explanation: assuming all the paths you've mentioned are under root / (if not change STARTING_PATH accordingly). With ls you get the list of the directories, store the output in VAR. Pass the content of VAR to the while loop.

A bit of find and with a few bash tricks, the below script could do the trick for you. Remember to run the script without the mv and see if "/data/"$folder"/" is the actual path that you want to move the file(s).
while IFS= read -r -d '' file
fileNew="${file%/*}" # Everything before the last '\'
fileNew="${fileNew#*/}" # Everything after the last '\'
IFS="_" read _ _ folder <<<"$fileNew"
mv -v "$file" "/data/"$folder"/"
done < <(find . -type f -name "result.dat" -print0)


Can one automatically append file names with increasing numerical value when copying many files from one directory to another on Mac terminal?

I am trying to use a single line command in terminal to find and copy all the files of a certain type in one directory of my computer to another directory. I can do this right now using the below command:
find ./ -name '*.fileType' -exec cp -prv '{}' '/destination_directory/' ';'
The problem I'm having is that if a file that is being copied has the same name as a file that was previously copied, it will replace the previously copied file.
To remedy this, I would like to edit my command such that the files are numbered as they are copied to the new directory.
so the output should look something like this:
Original Files
Copied Files
The list of commands I can work with are linked here:
Specifically for the cp command:
-Note: --backup and -b are not available (it seems) for this version of cp
You are looking for the --backup option of the cp command. E.g.:
find ./ -name '*.fileType' -exec cp --backup=t -prv '{}' '/destination_directory/' ';'
Edit: If you are stuck with MacOS's cp you can emulate --backup's behaviour in a script:
set -e
# First parameter: source directory
# Second parameter: destination directory
# Print all filenames separated by '\0' in case you have strange
# characters in the names
find "$srcdir" -type f -print0 |
# Split the input using '\0' as separator and put the current line
# into the $file variable
while read -d $'\0' file; do
# filename = just the name of the file, without dirs
filename=$(basename "$file")
# if destdir does not have a file named filename
if [ \! -f "$destdir/$filename" ]; then
cp -pv "$file" "$destdir/$filename";
# Otherwise
# Find the first suffix number that is free
while [ -f "$destdir/$filename.$suffix" ]; do
suffix=$(($suffix + 1))
cp -pv "$file" "$destdir/$filename.$suffix"

Delete/move files which in all respects have same file name except one set has a specific prefix added

I have a large set of working files of the form a.mp4 b.txt c.avi d.doc etc (the extension is irrelevant to the question). I also have a set of files which include the same named files except with a common specific prefix "broken_" eg broken_a.mp4, broken_b.txt
If I have a.mp4 and broken_a.mp4, I want to move the broken_a.mp4 to a holding directory. If I have broken_d.mp4 but no matching d.mp4, then leave it alone.
I have some code successfully used to identify and move files with the same extension which I'd like to modify
This is the form of working example code for same extension files (kudos to the original author) which I'd like to modify if possible to do the job
# Name of source directory
# Name of destination directory
# Create the destination directory for the moved files, if it doesn't already exist.
[ ! -d $DEST_DIR ] && mkdir -p $DEST_DIR
find $SOURCE_DIR -maxdepth 1 -type f -iname "*.avi" | while read fin
#echo "m4v doing avi"
[ -f "$fm4v" ] && gmv -v --backup=numbered "$fin" $DEST_DIR/
My garbage first attempt which clearly doesnt work looks horribly like:
# Name of source directory
# Name of destination directory
# Create the destination directory for the moved files, if it doesn't already exist.
[ ! -d $DEST_DIR ] && mkdir -p $DEST_DIR
find $SOURCE_DIR -maxdepth 1 -type f -iname "*" | while read fin
#echo "working to find existing broken and unbroken files"
filetest_basename=$(basename "$fin" )
filetest_extension=$(extension "$fin" )
echo $filetest_basename
echo $filetest_extension
[ -f "$fileok" ] && gmv -v --backup=numbered "$fin" $DEST_DIR/
Grateful for help
find is irrelevant here, a simple shell loop would suffice:
if ! [ -d "$DSTDIR" ]; then
mkdir -p -- "$DSTDIR"
for broken in "$SRCDIR"/broken_*; do
if [ -f "${broken%"${broken##*/}"}${broken##*/broken_}" ]; then
echo gmv -v --backup=numbered "$broken" -- "$DSTDIR"
If its output looks good, remove echo.
Some notes:
We can't use ${broken/broken_} here for SRCDIR might contain broken_ in the future.
Nested PE (${broken##*/}) needs to be quoted for its result might contain metacharacters and that would bring about undesired results.

How to copy from list of files based on first character

I have requirement where I need to copy files from the list based on first character. Below if you see i have three line in list file and i need to copy line which start with M and A to new location for example (destination/testfolder) along with folder structure. Code also has to support spaces. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
cat /tmp/patchfiles.txt
M Hyperion/Planning/AAAAA/Planning/HP-AAAAA/info plan/listing.xml
A Hyperion/Planning/AAAAA/Planning/Import.xml
D Hyperion/Planning/AAAAA/Planning/HP-AAAAA/Import.xml
A simple while read loop will suffice here:
while read -r status file; do
case $status in
cp "$file" /path/to/destination
done < /tmp/patchfiles.txt
This reads each line from your file, storing the first field in the variable $status and the rest in $file. If $status is "M" or "A", the file is copied to the destination.
If you have dirname on your system, you could create the directory structure quite easily like this:
dir="/path/to/destination/$(dirname "$file")"
mkdir -p "$dir" && cp "$file" "$dir"
Otherwise, you could use bash like this:
mkdir -p "$dir" && cp "$file" "$dir"
This uses bash built-in string manipulation to trim the part of the filename following the last /.

Rename files in shell

I've folder and file structure like
How can I rename the files such that the output becomes
How can this be achieved in linux shell?
How many different ways do you want to do it?
If the names contain no spaces or newlines or other problematic characters, and the intermediate directories are always single digits, and if you have the list of the files to be renamed in a file file.list with one name per line, then one of many possible ways to do the renaming is:
sed 's%\(.*\)/\([0-9]\)/\(.*\)%mv \1/\2/\3 \1/\2_\3%' file.list | sh -x
You'd avoid running the command through the shell until you're sure it will do what you want; just look at the generated script until its right.
There is also a command called rename — unfortunately, there are several implementations, not all equally powerful. If you've got the one based on Perl (using a Perl regex to map the old name to the new name) you'd be able to use:
rename 's%/(\d)/%/${1}_%' $(< file.list)
Use a loop as follows:
while IFS= read -d $'\0' -r line
mv "$line" "${line%/*}_${line##*/}"
done < <(find Folder -type f -print0)
This method handle spaces, newlines and other special characters in the file names and the intermediate directories don't necessarily have to be single digits.
This may work if the name is always the same, ie "file":
for i in {1..3};
mv $i/file ${i}_file
If you have more dirs on a number range, change {1..3} for {x..y}.
I use ${i}_file instead of $i_file because it would consider $i_file a variable of name i_file, while we just want i to be the variable and file and text attached to it.
This solution from AskUbuntu worked for me.
Here is a bash script that does that:
Note: This script does not work if any of the file names contain spaces.
#! /bin/bash
# Only go through the directories in the current directory.
for dir in $(find ./ -type d)
# Remove the first two characters.
# Initially, $dir = "./directory_name".
# After this step, $dir = "directory_name".
# Skip if $dir is empty. Only happens when $dir = "./" initially.
if [ ! $dir ]
# Go through all the files in the directory.
for file in $(ls -d $dir/*)
# Replace / with _
# For example, if $file = "dir/filename", then $new_file = "dir_filename"
# where $dir = dir
# Move the file.
mv $file $new_file
# Remove the directory.
rm -rf $dir
Copy-paste the script in a file.
Make it executable using
chmod +x file_name
Move the script to the destination directory. In your case this should be inside Folder/.
Run the script using ./file_name.

How can I manipulate file names using bash and sed?

I am trying to loop through all the files in a directory.
I want to do some stuff on each file (convert it to xml, not included in example), then write the file to a new directory structure.
for file in `find /home/devel/stuff/static/ -iname "*.pdf"`;
echo $file;
sed -e 's/static/changethis/' $file > newfile +".xml";
echo $newfile;
I want the results to be:
$file => /home/devel/stuff/static/2002/hello.txt
$newfile => /home/devel/stuff/changethis/2002/hello.txt.xml
How do I have to change my sed line?
If you need to rename multiple files, I would suggest to use rename command:
# remove "-n" after you verify it is what you need
rename -n 's/hello/hi/g' $(find /home/devel/stuff/static/ -type f)
or, if you don't have rename try this:
find /home/devel/stuff/static/ -type f | while read FILE
# modify line below to do what you need, then remove leading "echo"
echo mv $FILE $(echo $FILE | sed 's/hello/hi/g')
Are you trying to change the filename? Then
for file in /home/devel/stuff/static/*/*.txt
echo "Moving $file"
mv "$file" "${file/static/changethis}.xml"
Please make sure /home/devel/stuff/static/*/*.txt is what you want before using the script.
First, you have to create the name of the new file based on the name of the initial file. The obvious solution is:
Second you have to make sure that the new directory exists or create it if not:
mkdir -p $(dirname $newfile)
Then you can do something with your file:
doSomething < $file > $newfile
I wouldn't do the for loop because of the possibility of overloading your command line. Command lines have a limited length, and if you overload it, it'll simply drop off the excess without giving you any warning. It might work if your find returns 100 file. It might work if it returns 1000 files, but it might fail if your find returns 1000 files and you'll never know.
The best way to handle this is to pipe the find into a while read statement as glenn jackman.
The sed command only works on STDIN and on files, but not on file names, so if you want to munge your file name, you'll have to do something like this:
$newname="$(echo $oldname | sed 's/old/new/')"
to get the new name of the file. The $() construct executes the command and puts the results of the command on STDOUT.
So, your script will look something like this:
find /home/devel/stuff/static/ -name "*.pdf" | while read $file
echo $file;
newfile="$(echo $file | sed -e 's/static/changethis/')"
echo $newfile;
Now, since you're renaming the file directory, you'll have to make sure the directory exists before you do your move or copy:
find /home/devel/stuff/static/ -name "*.pdf" | while read $file
echo $file;
newfile="$(echo $file | sed -e 's/static/changethis/')"
echo $newfile;
#Check for directory and create it if it doesn't exist
$dirname=$(dirname "$newfile")
if [ ! -d "$dirname" ]
mkdir -p "$dirname"
#Directory now exists, so you can do the move
mv "$file" "$newfile"
Note the quotation marks to handle the case there's a space in the file name.
By the way, instead of doing this:
if [ ! -d "$dirname" ]
mkdir -p "$dirname"
You can do this:
[ -d "$dirname"] || mkdir -p "$dirname"
The || means to execute the following command only if the test isn't true. Thus, if [ -d "$dirname" ] is a false statement (the directory doesn't exist), you run mkdir.
It's a fairly common shortcut when you see shell scripts.
find ... | while read file; do
newfile=$(basename "$file").xml;
do something to "$file" > "$somedir/$newfile"
for file in `find . -iname "*.pdf"`;
echo $file;
cp $file $file.xml
echo "file created in directory = {$OUTPUT}"
This will create a new file with name whatyourfilename.xml, for hello.pdf the new file created would be hello.pdf.xml, basically it creates a new file with .xml appended at the end.
Remember the above script finds files in the directory /home/devel/stuff/static/ whose file names match the matcher string of the find command (in this case *.pdf), and copies it to your present working directory.
The find command in this particular script only finds files with filenames ending with .pdf If you wanted to run this script for files with file names ending with .txt, then you need to change the find command to this find /home/devel/stuff/static/ -iname "*.txt",
Once I wanted to remove trailing -min from my files. i.e. wanted alg-min.jpg to turn into alg.jpg. so after some struggle, managed to figure something like this:
for f in *; do echo $f; mv $f $(echo $f | sed 's/-min//g');done;
Hope this helps someone willing to REMOVE or SUBTITUDE some part of their file names.
