Can't install sense plugin for Kibana - elasticsearch

I am trying to install sense plugin for elasticsearch/kibana.
I have successfully installed Kibana but when following the instruction on
I type :
./kibana plugin --install elastic/sense, on the bin directory inside kibana folder, and I get :
ERROR unknown command plugin
Usage: bin/kibana [command=serve] [options]
Kibana is an open source (Apache Licensed), browser based analytics and search dashboard for Elasticsearch.
serve [options] Run the kibana server
help <command> Get the help for a specific command
"serve" Options:
-h, --help output usage information
-e, --elasticsearch <uri> Elasticsearch instance
-c, --config <path> Path to the config file, can be changed with the CONFIG_PATH environment variable as well. Use mulitple --config args to include multiple config files.
-p, --port <port> The port to bind to
-q, --quiet Prevent all logging except errors
-Q, --silent Prevent all logging
--verbose Turns on verbose logging
-H, --host <host> The host to bind to
-l, --log-file <path> The file to log to
--plugin-dir <path> A path to scan for plugins, this can be specified multiple times to specify multiple directories
--plugin-path <path> A path to a plugin which should be included by the server, this can be specified multiple times to specify multiple paths
--plugins <path> an alias for --plugin-dir
I can't figure out why I get this error, how can I install sense plugin then ?

As wuxiwei said, Sense was renamed to Console and it is already available on Kibana 5.*. In Kibana, just click on Dev Tools:

Sense was renamed to Console and is built into Kibana 5. You can find it by clicking on the Dev Tools application.

Sense is now included as Console in Kibana 5.0. You can view the following link:
There is no need of installing sense seprately, as it is now included as Console. elasticsearch and kibana should be running then Console can be found on :

Manual Downloaded it
Kibana’s bin/plugin script requires direct internet access for downloading and installing Sense. If your server doesn’t have internet access, you can download the Sense tar file from the following link:
Once downloaded you can install Sense using the following command:
$ bin/kibana plugin -i sense -u file:///PATH_TO_SENSE_TAR_FILE

I am using kibana 6.5.4 and now we use Dev Tools instead of using sense plugin. you can input: after starting your new version of kibana services and you will find Dev Tools on the left side.

It was renamed to Console. After you start Kibana, you can easily browse Console directly from http://localhost:5601/app/kibana#/dev_tools/console


Having problems setting up Logstash

I've succesfully been able to set up Elasticsearch, Kibana etc and when I run: 'sudo systemctl status elasticsearch' it is all running fine.
However, when I execute 'sudo systemctl status logstash' this is the output:
It fails to start logstash, I've read numerous articles online saying it's something to do with path or config perhaps but I've had no luck finding a correct working solution.
I have JDK downloaded and followed the guide on the logstash documentation site so I'm unsure to as why logstash is not being allowed to run.
This is the output when I try to find out the logstash version.
The error message is
No configuration found in the configured sources
This means that you don't have any pipeline configuration in /etc/logstash/conf.d that Logstash can run, so it stops.
run logstash, logstash will read pipelines.yml to find your conf location
Logstash will find your .conf file from pipelines.yml. By default it will looking at /etc/logstash/conf.d/ as pipelines.yml show.
You have to move your configuration file to the path so logstash could find it.
or you want to run with specified file with it will ignore the pipeline.yml so logstash will directly go into your .conf
/usr/share/logstash/bin/logstash -f yourconf.conf
I will suggest you to do 1. but 2 is good for debugging your configuration file.

Google cloud app engine - How to edit code using SSH and debug-mode

I am trying to debug an application I have deployed to google cloud app engine. Reading the docs, I figured out that in order to do so I have to enter the debug mode using
gcloud app --project [Project ID] instances enable-debug
afterwards I am able to SSH into my instance and access root. Now I would like to edit some of the files. However, trying to use vim or nano does not seem to work.
Is there a way to edit those files without re-deploying the entire app?
Once you SSH into the App Engine instance and open a shell into the Docker container, you'll need to download the package list before installing nano or vim:
apt-get update && apt-get install nano
Then you can edit your app's files (which are in /app):
nano composer.json
The deployed app runs live code. It is not generally feasible to edit it. Moreover, changes made to the running container are not permanent; in fact they and are lost at the first re-start.
You may find some information on the Debugging an Instance page.
Unrelated to the above, an actual command-line editor is offered in the cloud shell.

Unable to use the generate_plugin.js script in Kibana

I tried to run the plugin generator included in Kibana 7.0.0-alpha, but generate_plugin.js script doesn't exist after upgrading Kibana by running the .deb installation file for Kibana 7.0.0-alpha. I know I successfully installed Kibana 7.0.0-alpha because it runs properly through the browser. In addition, I attempted to run the script directly from clone of the git repo but I got a "Error: Cannot find module '#kbn/plugin-generator'" error. Do I have to manually define the generate_plugin script? I wasn't even able to find a scripts folder within my Kibana installation directory.

How to see Parse Server cloud code logs?

I have Bitnami's Parse Server set up on Azure.
I'm logging some info from cloud code using console.log and console.error. When using hosted Parse these logs were displayed in the Info & Error Logs section on the Dashboard. Any idea where the logs go to now?
The issue is not specific to Bitnami's distribution. I also tested on a local machine with parse-server-example & Parse Dashboard and got the same result (no logs).
I use AWS but you can see the logs by downloading them or running it on localhost just cd into your folder then do Npm start on terminal and switch you parse server URL to http://localhost:1337/parse.
You can manually download them through the azure cli
Take a look here for installation :
I used npm : npm install azure-cli -g
open up terminal and type in : azure site log download webappname
This will save the logs for the web app named 'webappname' to a file named in the current directory.
Unzip and open the folder diagnostics -> LogFiles -> Application
The text file with -stderr- in the name of it will display the logs you display by using console.error() in your cloud code.
The text file with -stdout- in the name of it will display the logs you display by using console.log() in your cloud code.
This is a known issue on Bitnami Parse. We are working on fixing it for the next release.
You have to log in your server via SSH and modify the line below at the /opt/bitnami/apps/parse/htdocs/server.js file:
cloud: "./node_modules/parse-server/lib/cloud-code/Parse.Cloud.js",
cloud: "./cloud/main.js",
You have to include the path to the ./cloud/main.js you previously created (assuming you created it in /opt/bitnami/apps/parse/htdocs/).
Remember to restart the Server after applying those changes running:
sudo /opt/bitnami/ restart

Elasticsearch Kibana plugin not working (Missing app chooser icon)

I installed ELK on Ubuntu, all is working fine. (being able to browse to Kibana from http://sample:5601/app/kibana)
I installed Kibana time-lion plugin following these guidelines:
mlast#elk:/$ sudo docker run -i -t kibana /bin/bash
root#2816533dd8a5:/# cd bin
root#2816533dd8a5:/bin# kibana plugin -i kibana/timelion
Installing timelion
Attempting to extract from
Downloading 3381940 bytes....................
Extraction complete
Optimizing and caching browser bundles...
Plugin installation complete
After installation I was expecting to see the Kibana app chooser icon but it does not exist. moreover when trying to browse to this url http://sample:5601/app/timelion I am getting
{"statusCode":404,"error":"Not Found","message":"Unknown app timelion"}
What seems to be the issue? I also trying to install other Kibana plugin such as Marvel but still, I am not being able to see the icon
You need restart kibana for load the new plugins.
Additional you are using docker, add persistence in plugins
sudo docker run -i -t -v /to/path/host/plugins:/opt/kibana/installedPlugins kibana
