my BlueJ project has 2 classes: StateProvince and Country. Below is the StateProvince class first, then the Country class where I'm at. I'm stuck on a method: "public int howManyHaveThisPopulation(int min, int max)" which takes the population in millions(e.g. 4, 6) and returns how many StateProvinces there are with populations in that range(e.g. 4-6 million, inclusive). I am not able to set it up and return the right answer. I would like help on how I can do this please. With how my method is now, the error message is that I'm missing a return statement. I know my method isn't correct. I have listed the class below and my progress on the method:
public class StateProvince
private String name; //e.g. "British Columbia" or "California"
private String capital; //e.g. "Victoria or "Sacramento"
private int populationInMillions; //e.g. 4 or 38
private final static int DEFAULT_POPULATION_MILLIONS = 4;
private final static String DEFAULT_STATE_PROVINCE = "British Columbia";
private final static String DEFAULT_CAPITAL = "Victoria";
public StateProvince()
* constructor that takes in all 3 parameters and assigns them if they follow the rules:
* name: must be one of the 50 Unites States or 10 Canadian Provinces
* capital: must be the name of the capital city
* populationInMillions: must be between 0 and 38
public StateProvince(String name, String capital, int populationInMillions)
if(isValidPopulation(populationInMillions) && (isValidStateProvince(name) &&
this.populationInMillions = populationInMillions; = name; = capital;
this.populationInMillions = DEFAULT_POPULATION_MILLIONS; // = DEFAULT_STATE_PROVINCE; //"British Columbia" = DEFAULT_CAPITAL; //"Victoria"
//StateProvince p1 = new StateProvince("British Columbia", "Victoria", 5);
private boolean isValidStateProvince(String name)
String[] provinces = new String[10];
provinces[0] = "British Columbia";
provinces[1] = "Alberta";
provinces[2] = "Saskatchewan";
provinces[3] = "Manitoba";
provinces[4] = "Ontario";
provinces[5] = "Quebec";
provinces[6] = "PEI";
provinces[7] = "Newfoundland";
provinces[8] = "New Brunswick";
provinces[9] = "Nova Scotia";
for(int index = 0; index < provinces.length; index++)
return true;
return false;
private boolean isValidCapitalCity(String capital)
String[] capitals = new String[10];
capitals[0] = "Victoria";
capitals[1] = "Edmonton";
capitals[2] = "Regina";
capitals[3] = "Winnipeg";
capitals[4] = "Toronto";
capitals[5] = "Quebec City";
capitals[6] = "Charlottetown";
capitals[7] = "St. John's";
capitals[8] = "Fredericton";
capitals[9] = "Halifax";
for(int index = 0; index < capitals.length; index++)
return true;
return false;
private boolean isValidPopulation(int populationInMillions)
if(populationInMillions >= 4 || populationInMillions <= 38)
return true;
return false;
public void setName()
{ = name;
public void setCapital()
{ = capital;
public String getName()
return name;
public String getCapital()
return capital;
public int getPopulationInMillions()
return populationInMillions;
public String getDetails()
return ("The capital of " + getName() + " (pop. " + populationInMillions + " million) is " + getCapital());
public class Country
private String country;
private StateProvince[] Canada;
public Country()
Canada = new StateProvince[10];
Canada[0] = new StateProvince("British Columbia", "Victoria", 4);
Canada[1] = new StateProvince("Alberta", "Edmonton", 3);
Canada[2] = new StateProvince("Saskatchewan", "Regina", 1);
Canada[3] = new StateProvince("Manitoba", "Winnipeg", 1);
Canada[4] = new StateProvince("Ontario", "Toronto", 13);
Canada[5] = new StateProvince("Quebec", "Quebec City", 8);
Canada[6] = new StateProvince("PEI", "Charlottetown", 0);
Canada[7] = new StateProvince("Newfoundland", "St. John's", 0);
Canada[8] = new StateProvince("New Brunswick", "Fredericton", 1);
Canada[9] = new StateProvince("Nova Scotia", "Halifax", 1);
public void displayAllStates()
for(int index = 0; index < Canada.length; index++)
if(Canada[0] != null)
public void addStateProvince(StateProvince stateProvince)
if(Canada != null)
for(int i = 0; i < Canada.length; i++)
if(Canada[i] == null)
Canada[i] = stateProvince;
public int howManyHaveThisPopulation(int min, int max)
for(int i = 0; i < Canada.length; i++)
if(i > min && i < max)
return Canada[i].getPopulationInMillions();
Generate headers like so:
public void ClearDataGrid()
this.xDataGrid.ItemsSource = null;
//// [Grid Headr 초기 세팅]
//// [Wave header 생성]
//Column cNo = GridUtil.Instance.SetColumn(ColumnTypes.Text, "No", "No", new ColumnWidth() { Value = 75 });
DevExpress.XamarinForms.DataGrid.TextColumn cNo = GridUtil.Instance.SetColumn(ColumnTypes.Text, "No", "No", 75) as DevExpress.XamarinForms.DataGrid.TextColumn;
// [파장값 입력]
for (int i = 0; i < this.m_Model.WaveLength.Count; i++)
string strID = string.Empty;
if ((DisplayDataType)Enum.Parse(typeof(DisplayDataType), this.m_Model.DisplayDataUnitType.ToString()) == DisplayDataType.ABS)
strID = string.Format("ABS[{0}]", i);
DevExpress.XamarinForms.DataGrid.NumberColumn Col = GridUtil.Instance.SetColumn(
string.Format("A[{0}]", this.m_Model.WaveLength[i]),
150) as DevExpress.XamarinForms.DataGrid.NumberColumn;
strID = string.Format("Trans[{0}]", i);
DevExpress.XamarinForms.DataGrid.NumberColumn Col = GridUtil.Instance.SetColumn(
string.Format("T[{0}]", this.m_Model.WaveLength[i]),
150) as DevExpress.XamarinForms.DataGrid.NumberColumn;
DevExpress.XamarinForms.DataGrid.TextColumn cCell = GridUtil.Instance.SetColumn(ColumnTypes.Text, "Cell", "Cell", 75) as DevExpress.XamarinForms.DataGrid.TextColumn;
DevExpress.XamarinForms.DataGrid.DateColumn cDateTime
= GridUtil.Instance.SetColumn(ColumnTypes.Date, "Date", "Date", 150) as DevExpress.XamarinForms.DataGrid.DateColumn;
this.xDataGrid.ItemsSource = this.m_Model.MeasureData;
When a button is clicked, temporary data is created and added to the bound model.
private async void BtnMeasureClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
PhotometricMeasureData data = new PhotometricMeasureData();
data.No = nIndex.ToString();
data.Cell = string.Format("C[{0}]", nIndex);
data.DateTime = DateTime.Now;
for (int i = 0; i < this.m_Model.WaveLength.Count; i++)
data.OriginABS.Add(new Random().Next(-10, 10));
data.OriginTrans.Add(new Random().Next(-10, 10));
data.ABS.Add(data.OriginABS[i] * this.m_Model.Factor);
data.Trans.Add(data.OriginTrans[i] * this.m_Model.Factor);
//this.xDataGrid.Columns[0].Pinned = PinnedPositions.Left;
binding model
public BindingList<PhotometricMeasureData> MeasureData
set; get;
} = new BindingList<PhotometricMeasureData>();
public class PhotometricMeasureData : INotifyPropertyChanged
//List<float> m_lstABS = new List<float>();
//List<float> m_lstTrans = new List<float>();
public string No { get; set; }
public string Cell { get; set; }
public DateTime DateTime { get; set; }
public BindingList<float> ABS
get; set;
} = new BindingList<float>();
public BindingList<float> Trans
get; set;
} = new BindingList<float>();
public BindingList<float> OriginABS
get; set;
} = new BindingList<float>();
public BindingList<float> OriginTrans
get; set;
} = new BindingList<float>();
public void UpdateABSByFactor(float factor)
for (int i = 0; i < this.ABS.Count; i++)
this.ABS[i] = this.OriginABS[i] * factor;
OnPropertyChanged(string.Format("ABS[{0}]", i));
public void UpdateTransByFactor(float factor)
for (int i = 0; i < this.Trans.Count; i++)
this.Trans[i] = this.OriginTrans[i] * factor;
OnPropertyChanged(string.Format("Trans[{0}]", i));
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
In the current bound model, No and Cell DateTime are binding fine.
But the data created by BindingList is not being bound.
When creating a column in the header, the field name was created and inserted like string.Format("ABS[{0}]", i).
And I tried to bind the data accessed by the index of the ABS list of the binding model.
But it doesn't work as well as I thought.
What am I doing wrong?
enter image description here
enter image description here
We tried of using TimerPickerDialog with Number Picker in Xamarin android. Since we have time interval of 15mins
In Android 10 - getMinute() is returning Null
var classForid = Java.Lang.Class.ForName("$id");
var timePickerField = classForid.GetField("timePicker");
[![timePicker][1]][1] = (TimePicker)FindViewById(timePickerField.GetInt(null));
var field = classForid.GetField("minute");
NumberPicker minuteSpinner = (NumberPicker)timePicker
minuteSpinner.MinValue = 0;
minuteSpinner.MaxValue = (60 / TimePickerInterval) - 1;
List<string> displayedValues = new List<string>();
for (int i = 0; i < 60; i += TimePickerInterval)
We need to get the Minute picker. Screenshot:
Try to create a custom TimePickerDialog ,here is a simple sample,you could check it:
create CustomTimePickerDialog :
public class CustomTimePickerDialog : TimePickerDialog
private int _interval = 1;
public CustomTimePickerDialog(Context context, EventHandler<TimeSetEventArgs> callBack, int hourOfDay, int minute, bool is24HourView, int interval)
: base(context, ThemeHoloLight, (sender, e) =>
callBack(sender, new TimeSetEventArgs(e.HourOfDay, e.Minute * interval));
}, hourOfDay, minute / interval, is24HourView)
_interval = interval;
FixSpinner(context, hourOfDay, minute, is24HourView);
protected CustomTimePickerDialog(IntPtr javaReference, JniHandleOwnership transfer) : base(javaReference, transfer)
public override void SetView(Android.Views.View view)
void SetupMinutePicker(Android.Views.View view)
var numberPicker = FindMinuteNumberPicker(view as ViewGroup);
if (numberPicker != null)
int i = _interval;
List<string> values = new List<string>();
while (i < 60)
if (i < 10)
values.Add("0" + i);
i += _interval;
numberPicker.MinValue = 0;
numberPicker.MaxValue = values.Count - 1;
protected override void OnCreate(Android.OS.Bundle savedInstanceState)
GetButton((int)DialogButtonType.Negative).Visibility = Android.Views.ViewStates.Gone;
private NumberPicker FindMinuteNumberPicker(ViewGroup viewGroup)
for (var i = 0; i < viewGroup.ChildCount; i++)
var child = viewGroup.GetChildAt(i);
var numberPicker = child as NumberPicker;
if (numberPicker != null)
if (numberPicker.MaxValue == 59)
return numberPicker;
var childViewGroup = child as ViewGroup;
if (childViewGroup != null)
var childResult = FindMinuteNumberPicker(childViewGroup);
if (childResult != null)
return childResult;
return null;
private void FixSpinner(Context context, int hourOfDay, int minute, bool is24HourView)
// Get the theme's android:timePickerMode
var styleableClass = Java.Lang.Class.ForName("$styleable");
var timePickerStyleableField = styleableClass.GetField("TimePicker");
int[] timePickerStyleable = (int[])timePickerStyleableField.Get(null);
var a = context.ObtainStyledAttributes(null, timePickerStyleable, Android.Resource.Attribute.TimePickerStyle, 0);
var timePickerModeStyleableField = styleableClass.GetField("TimePicker_timePickerMode");
int timePickerModeStyleable = timePickerModeStyleableField.GetInt(null);
int mode = a.GetInt(timePickerModeStyleable, MODE_SPINNER);
Android.Widget.TimePicker timePicker = (Android.Widget.TimePicker)findField(Java.Lang.Class.FromType(typeof(TimePickerDialog)), Java.Lang.Class.FromType(typeof(Android.Widget.TimePicker)), "mTimePicker").Get(this);
var delegateClass = Java.Lang.Class.ForName("android.widget.TimePicker$TimePickerDelegate");
var delegateField = findField(Java.Lang.Class.FromType(typeof(Android.Widget.TimePicker)), delegateClass, "mDelegate");
var delegatee = delegateField.Get(timePicker);
Java.Lang.Class spinnerDelegateClass;
if (Build.VERSION.SdkInt != BuildVersionCodes.Lollipop)
spinnerDelegateClass = Java.Lang.Class.ForName("android.widget.TimePickerSpinnerDelegate");
// TimePickerSpinnerDelegate was initially misnamed TimePickerClockDelegate in API 21!
spinnerDelegateClass = Java.Lang.Class.ForName("android.widget.TimePickerClockDelegate");
// In 7.0 Nougat for some reason the timePickerMode is ignored and the delegate is TimePickerClockDelegate
if (delegatee.Class != spinnerDelegateClass)
delegateField.Set(timePicker, null); // throw out the TimePickerClockDelegate!
timePicker.RemoveAllViews(); // remove the TimePickerClockDelegate views
var spinnerDelegateConstructor = spinnerDelegateClass.GetConstructors()[0];
spinnerDelegateConstructor.Accessible = true;
// Instantiate a TimePickerSpinnerDelegate
delegatee = spinnerDelegateConstructor.NewInstance(timePicker, context, null, Android.Resource.Attribute.TimePickerStyle, 0);
delegateField.Set(timePicker, delegatee); // set the TimePicker.mDelegate to the spinner delegate
// Set up the TimePicker again, with the TimePickerSpinnerDelegate
timePicker.Hour = hourOfDay;
timePicker.Minute = minute;
// set interval
catch (Exception e)
throw new Java.Lang.RuntimeException(e.ToString());
private static Java.Lang.Reflect.Field findField(Java.Lang.Class objectClass, Java.Lang.Class fieldClass, String expectedName)
var field = objectClass.GetDeclaredField(expectedName);
field.Accessible = true;
return field;
catch (Java.Lang.NoSuchFieldException e) { } // ignore
// search for it if it wasn't found under the expected ivar name
foreach (var searchField in objectClass.GetDeclaredFields())
if (Java.Lang.Class.FromType(searchField.GetType()) == fieldClass)
searchField.Accessible = true;
return searchField;
return null;
call like this:
CustomTimePickerDialog timePickerDlg = new CustomTimePickerDialog(this, new EventHandler<TimePickerDialog.TimeSetEventArgs>((o,e)=> { }),
hourOfDay, minute, true,15);// the 15 is the minute interval
public class PokerHand
// ArrayList for cards
private ArrayList<Card> cards;
* Constructor for class Pokerhand
public PokerHand()
cards = new ArrayList<Card>(); // arrayList of cards
* Add cards to list
public void addCard(Card card1, Card card2, Card card3)
This is my Card Class
public class Card()
private int value;
private int suit;
private static String[] suits = { "hearts", "spades", "diamonds", "clubs" };
private static String[] values = { "Ace", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7",
"8", "9", "10", "Jack", "Queen", "King" };
public static String valueAsString( int value ) {
return values[value];
Card(int suit, int rank)
public String toString()
return values[value] + " of " + suits[suit];
public int getValue() {
return value;
public int getSuit() {
return suit;
How can I deal a 1000 three card hands? I am stuck on how a variety of things, including what additional methods I need. How can I construct a deal method and how can I make the deal method dish out a thousand random hands while shuffling every time a hand is dealt?
All of these are implementations are based on code from my card library.
public Card[] shuffle(Card[] deck) {
Random gen = new Random();
boolean[] added = new boolean[deck.length];
int positionToAdd = gen.nextInt(deck.length);
Card[] newDeck = new Card[deck.length];
for (int i = 0; i < deck.length; i++) {
while (newDeck[i] == null) {
if (!added[positionToAdd]) {
newDeck[i] = deck[positionToAdd];
positionToAdd = gen.nextInt(deck.length);
added[i] = true;
} else {
positionToAdd = gen.nextInt(deck.length);
return newDeck;
ArrayList<Card> dealFrom = new ArrayList<Card>();
PokerHand[] hands = new PokerHand[1000];
/*Populate the "dealFrom" yourself here*/
dealFrom = Array.asList(shuffle(dealFrom.toArray()));
for (int i = 0; i < 3000; i += 3) {
//Write your deal method here
hands[i] = new PokerHand(dealFrom[i], dealFrom[i + 1], dealFrom[i + 2]);
Hope this helps.
we have a list of the class
public class DummyClass
public string Text { get; set; }
public int LevelNo { get; set; }
public List<DummyClass> Children { get; set; }
we want to add this list to another list with class.
public class FragmentLevel
public int currentLevelNo { get; set; }
public int ParentLevelNo { get; set; }
public string Text { get; set; }
we need the result like
var list = new List<FragmentLevel>
new FragmentLevel{ id = 1, text = "Root" },
new FragmentLevel{ id = 2, parent= 1, text = "Node-1.1" },
new FragmentLevel{ id = 3, parent= 2, text = "Node-1.1.1" }
For getting result we are doing like
for (int i = 0; i < DummyClassList.Count; i++)
list.Add(new FragmentLevel
currentLevelNo = DummyClassList[i].LevelNo,
Text = DummyClassList[i].Text,
for (int j = 0; j < DummyClassList[i].Children.Count; j++)
list1.Add(new FragmentLevel
LevelNo = DummyClassList[i].Children[j].LevelNo,
Text = DummyClassList[i].Children[j].Text,
} while (DummyClassList[i].Children[i].Children != null);
But this will give wrong result. How we can get the result?
Try this way of filling the fragments recursively,
private static void FillFragments(List<DummyClass> DummyClassList, List<FragmentLevel> list)
for (int i = 0; i < DummyClassList.Count; i++)
list.Add(new FragmentLevel
currentLevelNo = DummyClassList[i].LevelNo,
Text = DummyClassList[i].Text,
if (DummyClassList[i].Children != null && DummyClassList[i].Children.Count > 0)
FillFragments(DummyClassList[i].Children, list);
and the main method would look like this
static void Main(string[] args)
var DummyClassList = new List<DummyClass>
new DummyClass
Children = new List<DummyClass>
new DummyClass{
Children = null,
Text = "two"
LevelNo = 1,
Text = "one"
var list = new List<FragmentLevel>();
FillFragments(DummyClassList, list);
I'm making a program in java that essentially knows a variety of ocean animals, asks the user to think of an animal, and then asks the user questions until it is ready to make a guess. I used a binary tree to do this. here is my code as of right now:
import java.util.Scanner;
public class TwentyQuestions
private static Scanner stdin = new Scanner(;
public static void main(String[ ] args)
BTNode<String> root;
instruct( );
root = beginningTree( );
while (query("Shall we play again?"));
System.out.println("Thanks for teaching me a thing or two.");
System.out.println ("Here is the tree:");
public static void instruct( )
System.out.println("Please think of an ocean animal.");
System.out.println("I will ask some yes/no questions to try to figure out which animal you're thinking of.");
public static void play(BTNode<String> current)
while (!current.isLeaf( ))
if (query(current.getData( )))
current = current.getLeft( );
current = current.getRight( );
System.out.print("My guess is " + current.getData( ) + ". ");
if (!query("Am I right?"))
System.out.println("I knew it all along!");
public static BTNode<String> beginningTree( )
BTNode<String> root;
BTNode<String> child;
BTNode<String> child1;
BTNode<String> child2;
BTNode<String> child3;
BTNode<String> child4;
BTNode<String> child5;
BTNode<String> child6;
BTNode<String> child7;
BTNode<String> child8;
BTNode<String> child9;
BTNode<String> child10;
BTNode<String> child11;
BTNode<String> child12;
BTNode<String> child13;
BTNode<String> child14;
final String ROOT_QUESTION = "Is it a mammal?";
final String LEFT_QUESTION = "Is it able to move on land?";
final String LEFT_QUESTION2 = "Is it a solitary animal?";
final String RIGHT_QUESTION2 = "Is it larger than a truck?";
final String RIGHT_QUESTION3 = "Does it have tusks?";
final String RIGHT_QUESTION = "Does it have any limbs/tentacles?";
final String LEFT_QUESTION4 = "Does it have more than four limbs/tentacles?";
final String LEFT_QUESTION5 = "Does it have an exoskeleton?";
final String LEFT_QUESTION6 = "Does it have claws?";
final String LEFT_QUESTION7 = "Does it have a long tail?";
final String RIGHT_QUESTION7 = "Does it have 8 arms?";
final String RIGHT_QUESTION5 = "Does it have a shell?";
final String RIGHT_QUESTION4 = "Can it sting?";
final String LEFT_QUESTION8 = "Is it long and snakelike?";
final String RIGHT_QUESTION8 = "Is it generally smaller than a car?";
final String ANIMAL1 = "Seal";
final String ANIMAL2 = "Sea Lion";
final String ANIMAL3 = "Walrus";
final String ANIMAL4 = "Whale";
final String ANIMAL5 = "Dolphin";
final String ANIMAL6 = "Shrimp";
final String ANIMAL7 = "Lobster";
final String ANIMAL8 = "Crab";
final String ANIMAL9 = "Jellyfish";
final String ANIMAL10 = "Octopus";
final String ANIMAL11 = "Squid";
final String ANIMAL12 = "Turtle";
final String ANIMAL13 = "Alligator";
final String ANIMAL14 = "Eel";
final String ANIMAL15 = "Stingray";
final String ANIMAL16 = "Shark";
final String ANIMAL17 = "Fish";
// Create the root node with the question “Are you a mammal?”
root = new BTNode<String>(ROOT_QUESTION, null, null);
child = new BTNode<String>(LEFT_QUESTION, child2, child14);
child2 = new BTNode<String>(LEFT_QUESTION2,null,child3);
child2.setLeft(new BTNode<String>(ANIMAL1, null, null));
child14 = new BTNode<String>(RIGHT_QUESTION2,null,null);
child14.setLeft(new BTNode<String>(ANIMAL4,null,null));
child14.setRight(new BTNode<String>(ANIMAL5,null,null));
child3 = new BTNode<String>(RIGHT_QUESTION3, null, null);
child3.setLeft(new BTNode<String>(ANIMAL3, null, null));
child3.setRight(new BTNode<String>(ANIMAL2, null, null));
child1 = new BTNode<String>(RIGHT_QUESTION, child4, child8);
child4 = new BTNode<String>(LEFT_QUESTION4,child5,child10);
child5 = new BTNode<String>(LEFT_QUESTION5,child6,child8);
child6 = new BTNode<String>(LEFT_QUESTION6,child7, null);
child6.setRight(new BTNode<String>(ANIMAL6,null,null));
child7 = new BTNode<String>(LEFT_QUESTION7, null, null);
child7.setLeft(new BTNode<String>(ANIMAL7,null,null));
child7.setRight(new BTNode<String>(ANIMAL8,null,null));
child8 = new BTNode<String>(RIGHT_QUESTION4,null,child9);
child8.setLeft(new BTNode<String>(ANIMAL9,null,null));
child9 = new BTNode<String>(RIGHT_QUESTION7,null,null);
child9.setLeft(new BTNode<String>(ANIMAL10,null,null));
child9.setRight(new BTNode<String>(ANIMAL11,null,null));
child10 = new BTNode<String>(RIGHT_QUESTION5,null,null);
child10.setLeft(new BTNode<String>(ANIMAL12,null,null));
child10.setRight(new BTNode<String>(ANIMAL13,null,null));
child11 = new BTNode<String>(RIGHT_QUESTION4,child12,child13);
child12 = new BTNode<String>(LEFT_QUESTION8,null,null);
child12.setLeft(new BTNode<String>(ANIMAL14,null,null));
child12.setRight(new BTNode<String>(ANIMAL15,null,null));
child13 = new BTNode<String>(RIGHT_QUESTION8,null,null);
child13.setLeft(new BTNode<String>(ANIMAL17,null,null));
child13.setRight(new BTNode<String>(ANIMAL16,null,null));
return root;
public static void learn(BTNode<String> current)
String guessAnimal; // The animal that was just guessed
String correctAnimal; // The animal that the user was thinking of
String newQuestion; // A question to distinguish the two animals
// Set Strings for the guessed animal, correct animal and a new question.
guessAnimal = current.getData( );
System.out.println("I give up. What are you? ");
correctAnimal = stdin.nextLine( );
System.out.println("Please type a yes/no question that will distinguish a");
System.out.println(correctAnimal + " from a " + guessAnimal + ".");
newQuestion = stdin.nextLine( );
// Put the new question in the current node, and add two new children.
System.out.println("As a " + correctAnimal + ", " + newQuestion);
if (query("Please answer"))
current.setLeft(new BTNode<String>(correctAnimal, null, null));
current.setRight(new BTNode<String>(guessAnimal, null, null));
current.setLeft(new BTNode<String>(guessAnimal, null, null));
current.setRight(new BTNode<String>(correctAnimal, null, null));
public static boolean query(String prompt)
String answer;
System.out.print(prompt + " [Y or N]: ");
answer = stdin.nextLine( ).toUpperCase( );
while (!answer.startsWith("Y") && !answer.startsWith("N"))
System.out.print("Invalid response. Please type Y or N: ");
answer = stdin.nextLine( ).toUpperCase( );
return answer.startsWith("Y");
The error that keeps coming up is that the "variable child(+whatever number) may have not been inititalized." how do I fix this?
Oh, and here is the code for the BTNode:
public class BTNode<E>
private E data;
private BTNode<E> left, right;
public BTNode(E initialData, BTNode<E> initialLeft, BTNode<E> initialRight)
data = initialData;
left = initialLeft;
right = initialRight;
public E getData( )
return data;
public BTNode<E> getLeft( )
return left;
public E getLeftmostData( )
if (left == null)
return data;
return left.getLeftmostData( );
public BTNode<E> getRight( )
return right;
public E getRightmostData( )
if (left == null)
return data;
return left.getRightmostData( );
public void inorderPrint( )
if (left != null)
left.inorderPrint( );
if (right != null)
right.inorderPrint( );
public boolean isLeaf( )
return (left == null) && (right == null);
public void preorderPrint( )
if (left != null)
left.preorderPrint( );
if (right != null)
right.preorderPrint( );
public void postorderPrint( )
if (left != null)
left.postorderPrint( );
if (right != null)
right.postorderPrint( );
public void print(int depth)
int i;
// Print the indentation and the data from the current node:
for (i = 1; i <= depth; i++)
System.out.print(" ");
if (left != null)
else if (right != null)
for (i = 1; i <= depth+1; i++)
System.out.print(" ");
if (right != null)
else if (left != null)
for (i = 1; i <= depth+1; i++)
System.out.print(" ");
public BTNode<E> removeLeftmost( )
if (left == null)
return right;
left = left.removeLeftmost( );
return this;
public BTNode<E> removeRightmost( )
if (right == null)
return left;
right = right.removeRightmost( );
return this;
public void setData(E newData)
data = newData;
public void setLeft(BTNode<E> newLeft)
left = newLeft;
public void setRight(BTNode<E> newRight)
right = newRight;
public static <E> BTNode<E> treeCopy(BTNode<E> source)
BTNode<E> leftCopy, rightCopy;
if (source == null)
return null;
leftCopy = treeCopy(source.left);
rightCopy = treeCopy(source.right);
return new BTNode<E>(, leftCopy, rightCopy);
public static <E> long treeSize(BTNode<E> root)
if (root == null)
return 0;
return 1 + treeSize(root.left) + treeSize(root.right);
When you declare your variables, make sure you also initialize them before using them. That is, instead of writing
BTNode<String> root;
BTNode<String> child;
BTNode<String> child1;
BTNode<String> root = null;
BTNode<String> child = null;
This is because when you later go on and write the statement
child = new BTNode<String>(LEFT_QUESTION, child2, child14);
child2 and child14 would have been initialized (Whereas in your case, they have only been declared, not initialized)