Is there a function in ATSLIB to check if one string is a substring of another? - ats

For instance, "tween" is a substring of "between" but "teen" is not. Basically, I am looking for a function like strstr in libc.

There is a strstr function in the ATS prelude as well. See a working example with all common combinations of the "haystack" and "needle" strings.

If you target JavaScript, please use the function string_indexOf.
It takes two strings haystack and key; if it returns -1, then key does not occur in haystack; otherwise, it returns a non-negative integer referring to the position of the leftmost occurrence of key in haystack.


Ruby: Add value to Variable and Clamp/limit the Variable in one line

Suppose I have several arrays in Ruby which I add/subtract values and afterwards I limit their range, like so:
array[x][y]=array[x][y].clamp (0..99)
Since I have many different arrays with rather long (index) names - and in order not to repeat those names twice in one line, I'd like to achieve something like
array[x][y]+=1.clamp (0..99)
Which is accepted by the interpreter, but doesn't work. It adds, but the value in the array does not get clamped.
Splitting it in at least two lines
does also add, but doesn't clamp.
Is there any solution for this to fit the entire command in one line?
Many thanks!
The #clamp method doesn't take a range as a single argument for Ruby versions before 2.7, but rather two arguments representing the min and max, and #clamp does not mutate the object it's called on.
array[x][y] = (array[x][y] + 1).clamp(0, 99)
Note that because it's valid to call a method without parentheses, if parentheses are used around an argument list, there should not be any space between the method name and the parentheses. E.g. 1.clamp(0..4) rather than 1.clamp (0..4).

write always initial value in Prolog programming

Assume I made a function like below in swi-prolog.
function1(param) :- VALUE is 0, findValue(VALUE), write(VALUE).
However 0 is always printed out. findValue function is logically correct.'
Is it impossible to use calculated VALUE in function1?
Omit VALUE is 0.
By stating it, the function findValue will set the rest of the variables according to VALUE, because the claims you provide first are the axiom-level true ones, and the rest correspond to them.
For example, take
func(X):- X is 0.
If you query func(X). it will result in X=0 because it assumes you want to make an assignment.
However, if you query with a number like func(0). it will check if X==0 or not, resulting in a boolean answer.

Why does s[n..-1] work in ruby?

I'm fairly new to ruby. Recently, I wanted to extract a portion of a string from the n'th character of said string to the end.
Doing something like s[n,(s.size - n)] seemed pretty inelegant to me, so I asked a couple of friends.
One suggested I try s[n..-1], and sure enough that works, but he couldn't give me a good reason why it should work. I find the fact that it works rather puzzling, as the following output from irb1.9 should explain:
> s = "0123456789"
=> "0123456789"
> s[2..-1]
=> "23456789"
> (2..-1).to_a
=> []
So as you can see, the range object 2..-1 is empty -- it has no members, which is absolutely what you expect if you go upwards in value from 2 to -1. This is consistent with the documentation for how range objects should work.
The documentation for indexing a string with a range clearly says: "If given a range, a substring containing characters at offsets given by the range is returned" -- but that is an empty set.
I also can find no examples in "The Ruby Programming Language" or in the Ruby docs in which a string is indexed using s[n..-1] or the like, and can find no examples of it in other official sources. It appears to be folklore, however, that it works even though nothing in the manuals indicate that you can index a string with a range this way, and get the result you get even though the range has no members.
Yet, my friend was correct, it works.
So, could someone please explain why this works to me? I'm also very much interested in knowing if the fact that it works is a fluke of MRI/YARV or if this is absolutely expected to work in all Ruby implementations, and if so, where is it documented to work?
An answerer below claimed that only the range's begin and end attributes matter for these purposes, but I can find no documentation of that in TRPL or in the Ruby documentation. The answer also claims that there are indeed examples of such "mixed-sign" range indexing, but the only one I could find was in a context where the mixed-range index was shown to produce nil, not a slice of a string. I therefore don't find that answer satisfying.
It appears that the correct answer is that this is indeed a defect in the Ruby documentation.
The bug was fixed by the Ruby documentation team: see
This is a bug in the documentation.
Ruby's documentation has sucked since the Pickaxe book descended like a meteor on matz's actually correct and comprehensive HTML doc. This is a subject that still irritates me on occasion. The answer to your question, from 1.4: link
Retrieves the nth item from an array. Index starts from zero. If index is the negative, counts backward from the end of the array. The index of the last element is -1. Returns nil, if the nth element is not exist in the array.
Returns an array containing the objects from start to end, including both ends. If ... is used (instead of ..), then end is not included. if end is larger than the length of the array, it will be rounded to the length. If start is out of an array range , returns nil. And if start is larger than end with in array range, returns empty array ([]).
-1 is the last index of an array by definition, as a convenience.
You're right that the range n..-1 is empty. However that doesn't matter because String#[] doesn't treat the range as a collection - it just uses the range's begin and end attributes.
Regarding documentation: The rdoc documentation of String#[] lists the behavior of String#[] for every possible type of argument (including ranges with negative numbers) with examples. So you don't have to rely on folklore. Relevant quote:
If given a range, a substring containing characters at offsets given by the range is returned. [...] if an offset is negative, it is counted from the end of str.
a = "hello there"
# ...
a[-4..-2] #=> "her"

Turn string into number in Racket

I used read to get a line from a file. The documentation said read returns any, so is it turning the line to a string? I have problems turning the string "1" to the number 1, or "500.8232" into 500.8232. I am also wondering if Racket can directly read numbers in from a file.
Check out their documentation search, it's complete and accurate. Conversion functions usually have the form of foo->bar (which you can assume takes a foo and returns a bar constructed from it).
You sound like you're looking for a function that takes a string and returns a number, and as it happens, string->number does exist, and does pretty much exactly what you're looking for.
Looks like this was answered in another question:
Convert String to Code in Scheme
NB: that converts any s-expression, not just integers. If you want just integers, try:
Which is mentioned in
Scheme language: merge two numbers

Prolog: append a list to itself

suppose I have a list ListSum, and I want to append a new list to ListSum recursively, like
%%generate a list: ListTemp,
but append(ListTemp,ListSum,ListSum) didn't work in the way i wanted.
Can anyone help me out?
You have to understand the concept of unification (or actually "matching" as implemented in Prolog). You can't bind two or more values to the same variable. Variables in Prolog once matched persisted its value until the final goal achieved, or fails somewhere. After that, if there're more possibilities then the variable is re-instantiated with another value and so on.
For example, if I query appList([]), then the append would be tested to match as:
If ListTemp isn't empty list, this clause would fail because the semantic of append is "append the first argument with second, both are lists, resulting in the third". The recursive call to appList(ListSum) would be called as appList([]) since ListSum is matched with [] previously, resulting in infinite recursion (fortunately, if ListTemp isn't [], this won't be reached).
You must have two arguments in the clause, where one is the original list, and the other is the resulting list. The first two argument of append is then ListSum and ListTemp (depends on the append order you want), while the third is the resulting list. Done, no recursion required.
here's a non-recursive solution, not sure why you even need recursion:
appself(L,X) :- append(L,L,X).
