Retrieve svn last changed revision number with the buildnumber-maven-plugin - maven

I'm currently developing a microservice based architecture for my application. I've got a maven multi-module project which has many services, so I can easily deploy them to the docker hub using the maven deploy command and also a maven docker plugin.
Still, the docker image tags are based in the project version number, while I would like to have them tagged with each repository's last changed revision number. From the time being, I'm trying just to add this field as a manifest entry using the buildnumber-maven-plugin:
Let's say that's my multi-module project:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
And the model for module-a would be:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
The issue is that {buildNumber} evaluates to my working copy number, which is the one referring to the last commit made to the repository and not to the scm:svn: location. To explain it better, when I display the properties of module-a from tortoise I've got this:
What I want is to retrieve 3248 which refers to the last real change made to module-a, instead of 3257 (working copy), which is what I'm getting from the plugin. That way the docker plugin would know if it's a different image tag and push it only if changes were made to the module in the repo.

I couldn't get buildnumber-maven-plugin to work for this same scenario either. <useLastCommittedRevision> does not work in v1.4 and in v1.3 it does not return the last changed revision but the penultimate one in some situations.
There is a crafty workaround you can do to get the last changed revision number from svn info command output. Two options depending on your SVN version:
For SVN v1.9 or newer versions, use maven-antrun-plugin to run svn info --show-item=last-changed-revision and save the output into a property.
<exec executable="svn" outputProperty="">
<arg value="info"/>
<arg value="--show-item=last-changed-revision"/>
For SVN versions older than v1.9 (v1.8.13 in my case) you can use maven-antrun-plugin to run svn info --xml and save the output into a property, and build-helper-maven-plugin to parse the contents of that property with a regular expression, matching the last changed revision number and saving it into a second property.
I chose to add the --xml parameter because basic svn info output is translated depending on the language of the installation, but the xml output format is always the same.
<exec executable="svn" outputProperty="">
<arg value="info"/>
<arg value="--xml"/>
<!-- Output property -->

This worked for me.

I think the only thing you missed here is
I think it should be true.

Having stumbled upon this issue as well, I felt compelled to get to the bottom of it:
This seems to be a rather old issue in buildnumber-maven-plugin itself:
Implement "Last Changed Rev" instead of "Revision" field
A fix was actually committed, but no new version has been released since then.
The easiest option would be to checkout/download the code and build it locally, making sure to put it into the central repository of your organization.
If this is not an option try jitpack to get the latest version as maven dependency directly:
Can I use a GitHub project directly in Maven? =>

This is well-known bug in maven-scm-provider-svnexe. Still not fixed.


Installing maven generated artifacts without using the artifactId

I have a maven parent project with 2 modules. When building the parent project, I want to generate and install the final artifact with a different name than the artifactId used in the pom.xml. I can see that the artifact generated does have the name that I want use in the build dir. However when the archive is installed in the local Maven repository, the maven-install-plugin copies the artifacts using the project's artifactId. How can I configure the plugin to install the artifacts without using the artifactId?
My child project's pom.xml:
The parent pom.xml:
The desired output of mvn clean install:
1) com-mycomp- in the local maven repository
2) comprising of the above jar and its dependencies.
The observed behavior:
3) com-mycomp- is created in the build dir. But it is installed in the maven repository as child1-
4) is created in the build dir. But it is installed in the maven repository as
How can I achieve the desired behavior (#1 and #2) ?
Artifacts in the local repository are always installed with their artifactId.
You cannot change that. And even if you could, I would strongly recommend against that because you are breaking expectations.
If you want to create an additional zip that contains the jar with dependencies, you don't need a second module. You can create it through the assembly plugin and attach it with a classifier like dependencies. You then have two artifacts like

Maven build sub projects using root pom

I have different independent maven projects and want to build it with single pom. So I am using following pom
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<description>Generating SDK</description>
<ant antfile="build.xml" target="init" />
I have the following questions:-
Javadoc is not generating, so where I am doing wrong. If I run "mvn javadoc:javadoc package" command it generates java doc. But if I run "mvn package" it doesn't.
In project2 there is assembly plugin to generate fat jar, it generates jar of project2 but unable to generate fat jar. If I build project2 independently it generate fat jar successfully.
Follwing section is from project2 pom to generate fat jar which works successfully if I run the build independently
<mainClass>[MAIN CLASS]</mainClass>
Any Suggestions.
I'd say check the documentation for both of your questions ;-)
javadoc (
javadoc:jar and javadoc:javadoc should not be used for an aggregator project, use javadoc:aggregate or (in your case) javadoc:aggregate-jar
assembly (
first, assembly:assembly is deprecated and second, it should only be used on the command line. I guess using goal single will help.

How to run a LoadFromFile command using pom.xml in MAVEN?

I am working on a tool called Windchill. I have prepared a build to load few attributes through xml files.To load these xml files i use the following command.
For eg: windchill wt.load.LoadFromFile -d C:\ptc\Windchill_10.1\Windchill\loadFiles\pdmlink\itc\attributes\Attributes.xml -u wcadmin -p wcadmin
Like this I have some 100 commands to run manually on the windchill command prompt. So I basically want to automate the process by executing these commands sequentially using MAVEN without any much of manual work.
Is there any way to deploy this build. Please help.
I would suggest to take a look at the exec-maven-plugin which seemed to be the right choice for what you like to achieve.
<executable>windchill </executable>
<!-- optional -->
<argument>and so on</argument>
<project xmlns=""
<name>SMB PROJECT</name>
<!-- optional -->

Set directory in Maven Antrun Plugin

I've downloaded jquery-ui to my webapp which has a build.xml for compressing and minifying.
Now I would like to run this build.xml from within my pom.xml:
<ant antfile="src/main/webapp/resources/js/jquery-ui/build/build.xml" />
But now the behavior for this buildfile is wrong. It creates a dist folder on the wrong place. Here's thebuild.xml` from jquery-ui:
It creates the dist folder on the same place where pom.xml is (same place i run mvn clean package) and it should create it in src/main/webapp/resources/js/jquery-ui/build
Is it possible to run build.xml from a specified directory (working directory)?
Can't access the documentation for the Ant task:
EDIT: pom.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
<!-- ... -->
<!-- ... -->
<ant antfile="build.xml" dir="src/main/webapp/resources/js/jquery-ui/build" />
On running mvn clean package I'm getting the following errors in minify target of jquery-ui's build.xml:
[apply] build/ Line 3: /home/danny/myproject/dist/jquery-ui-1.9pre/ui/minified/jquery-ui.min.js: File or directory not found
The correct path should be ${basedir}/src/main/webapp/resources/js/jquery-ui/build/dist/jquery-ui-1.9pre/ui/minified/jquery-ui.min.js instead of the above mentioned...
According to, you can use the dir attribute:
<mkdir dir="${}/jquery-ui" />
<ant antfile="src/main/webapp/resources/js/jquery-ui/build/build.xml" dir="${}/jquery-ui" />
On the other hand, are you really sure you want to create the build directory underneath your src directory? Shouldn't this go into target rather?
I would recommend to use the maven plugin instead of Ant calls. Based on the docs maven-minify-plugin to do what you need. The plugin can be found in Maven Central. And furthermore you will find the maven-plugin-documention how to use the maven-plugin.

How to use master pom file to checkout all modules of a web application and build all modules

I have a web application that relies on several modules. So to build it, I have a master pom.xml file. What I want this pom file to do is to checkout out all the modules.
below is my pom file.
I have tried mvn scm:checkout and mvn scm:checkout -check-out-project1 but it give me the error:
Cannot run checkout command : Can't load the scm provider. You need to define a connectionUrl parameter.
I don't understand why this is happening since I have the connectionUrl parameters defined inside the pom file already,the ideas point that I want to get to is having the pom file configured to be able to checkout multiple projects at the same time. Please let me know what I am doing wrong here, Thanks in Advance.
I found that if placing each of the checkouts into its own <execution> ... </execution> and within place the individual <configuration> ... </configuration> for them works. For example:
I faced to same situation and I found a solution -using your code :D- that works on my computer:
<project xmlns=""
<name>Maven Quick Start Archetype</name>
After I executed "mvn scm:checkout" on the cmd console it did work.
I think the important point was to add the scm tag first, before I had executed the build tag.
