Some favicons returning "Unable to init from given binary data." when using Intervention Image - laravel

I am using intervention image to save favicons from a url.
I have this working, but only for some URL's. For example:
This doesn't work:
But this does:
My code is (The providerIcon is from scraping the page content):
\Image::make($info->providerIcon)->save(public_path('/uploads/' . $faviconName));
The error returned is:
NotReadableException in Decoder.php line 96:
Unable to init from given binary data.
in Decoder.php line 96
at Decoder->initFromBinary('h( ###&&&'''222333555666999???AAAIIIJJJLLLNNNOOOaaaeeeooopppssszzz{{{���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������7FHHD9(+HHHHHHHH#&FHHHHHHHHHH*#HHHH%)EHHF$GGGB /HHH-;HHH6.<FHHHH23HHHHHHHG0HHHHHHH?" AHHHH>/! AHHH,3HHH+CHHHEHHG:1=HHHG$FHHHHHHHH85EHHHHG4!'' ') in AbstractDecoder.php line 65
Any ideas why one works and one doesn't?

There must be something with $faviconName. Look at <input type="file" name="faviconName">


wkhtmltopdf with '?' in URL

My question is about use of '?' with wkhtmltopdf
Using StackOverflow advice, I have wkhtmltopdf working as invoked from a
php webpage...for example this works as expected:
$exec_string = "xvfb-run -a -s "."\"-screen 0, 1024x768x24 \""."
wkhtmltopdf temp.pdf";
However, if I add to the URL like this:
wkhtmltopdf ignores the page=clients and produces a pdf identical to the above result. I even tried surrounding with " as
...\" \"...
but still no good.
How can I force wkhtmltopdf to pickup the the ?page=clients piece?
I've discovered my problem is more complicated than simply wkhtmltopdf not recognizing ?page=clients.
The website that the page belongs to does 'security' checks prior to displaying a page like this. An experiment done outside this framework shows me that wkhtmltopdf does indeed pickup the page=clients specification.

How to convert PIL image file into string in python3.4?

I have been trying to read a jpeg file using PIL in python 3.4. I need to save this file into string format. Although some options are provided on this site but I have tried a few but it is not working. Following is my code snippet which i have found on this site only:-
from io import StringIO
fp ="images/login.jpg")
output = StringIO(), format="JPEG")
contents = output.getvalue()
But i am facing the following error :-
TypeError: string argument expected, got 'bytes'
Could you please suggest what I have done wrong and how to get this working?
In python 3 you should use a BytesIO,
whereas as read in python docs:
StringIO is a native in-memory unicode container
Thanks a lot for the hint. I Actually have a found a different way of reading the image file and storing in string object in python2.x . Here is the code. Please let me know if there is any disadvantage of using this.
imgText = open("images/login.jpg", 'rb')
imgTextStr =

pandoc document conversion failed with error 43 : pdflatex: The memory dump file could not be found

RStudio : 0.98.994
OS: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate Edition, 64-bit Service Pack 1
MiKTeX: 2.9.4503
I get the following error when I try to knit a PDF document.
pandoc.exe: Error producing PDF from TeX source.
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-1.40.11 (MiKTeX 2.9)
pdflatex: The memory dump file could not be found.
pdflatex: Data: pdflatex.fmt
I also tried devtools::install_github('rstudio/rmarkdown') but was still getting an error when I added 'fig.align='center' to a ggplot2 plot in my document. It would work as HTML, but not as PDF.
After seeing isomorphismes's post I clicked on the gear symbol next to the knit PDF button, then under the advanced tab I changed the LaTeX Engine to xelatex. After that I no longer received the error message and my PDF document was created without problems.
Thank you.
I found the answer here:
The problem is that you need to add \usepackage[utf8]{inputnc} to the preamble of the tufte-handout.tex file in the rmarkdown package.
This was fixed here:
To update your rmarkdown package, you can use directly in the RStudio command line
None of the above worked for me when knitting to PDF (and I wanted to keep the scientific notation). The problem was that latex code was generated that included "\times" without the necessary bracketing by $. In the markdown I simply bracketed the inline R code with $'s, like so:
$p = `r signif(cor.HF$p.value, 2)`$
happy to share with you my solution.
title: "Untitled"
author: "-----"
date: "21/6/2017"
latex_engine: xelatex
I was able to fix it in my case. I experienced that error when generate PDF from Rmd if I added float values into a text that R tried to display as a scientific notation. For example, instead of "520274.72" it tried to add text "5.2027472 e10-5" which leads to latex code \textbf{5.2027472\times 10\^{}{5}} that was not compiling. I fixed it by wrapping it with format(....,scientific=FALSE).
r round(txn_pd,2)
r format(round(txn_pd,2),scientific=FALSE)
I had the same problem and devtools::install_github('rstudio/rmarkdown') didn't work for me. I needed to
with the novel command (use xelatex) on its own line.
I encountered this problem while I was trying to add an in-line r code r test1$p.value, which is a very small p-value from t test. The error information is as following:
> ! Missing $ inserted.
> <inserted text>
> $
>l.147 9.0044314\times
>pandoc: Error producing PDF
>Error: pandoc document conversion failed with error 43
>Execution halted
I think the problem is the pdflatex engine has a trouble in displaying the small p-value in exponential notation.
I solved the problem by clicking on the gear symbol next to the knit button, then under output options, advanced tab I changed the LaTeX Engine to lualatex, or you can just report the p-value as p < 0.001.
If you are using inline values from your R code which are in the scientific format (too small or too big), format them like:
replace r x
with r format(x, digits=n) where n is whatever.
for me it was because on my headers I was putting + signs. For example gene + treatment. This errors but when I removed it, it works.
In my case it was solved simply by editing the author field in:
title: "Document Title"
author: '-----'
date: "21-03-2017"
output: pdf_document
the default '-----' would yield the error, but replacing it with anything (for example 'Juan') solved the issue.
I just ran into this problem and already solved it. I didn't use any code as other people did in their posts.
I will assume that you have installed all these basic stuff: R, RStudio, the rmarkdown package, the knitr package, and the MikTex basic installation (I know this is very basic, but I want those first timers know that you need these stuff to make this happen).
If you run into this problem, go to R GUI, upgrade the rmarkdown package and it should work then. Note that if you change the LaTeX Engine to xelatex as the poster of the highest vote did, it may not work for you, at least it did not for me. I leave my latex engine as it is (pdflatex).
I had a similar issue. My solution was to remove the "leading" period in the YAML title argument:
Does not work:
title: “1. Title”
output: pdf_document
output file:
! Argument of \reserved#a has an extra }.
\par l.79 \end{enumerate}}
pandoc: Error producing PDF Error: pandoc document conversion failed
with error 43 Execution halted
title: “1 Title”
output: pdf_document
I did try to use the xelatex engine but still, I got the error that xetex.def is not found. This is another to work around.
keep_tex: yes
latex_engine: xelatex
Then open .tex file in your TEX editor and build pdf as usual.
I faced a similar issue. In my case, the error occurred because of putting a percentage inside the $ sign.
Like this,
$95%$, I removed the % sign, and everything worked fine.

Illegal quoting in line 1. (CSV::MalformedCSVError)

I'm getting a Illegal quoting in line 1. (CSV::MalformedCSVError) when I try to read a CSV that I download using Selenium WebDriver.
CSV.foreach( "foo.csv" ) do |row|
# anger :(
but when I copy the contents and paste it into a new file and save it again, it works just fine:
CSV.foreach( "bar.csv" ) do |row|
# works fine
Here's the first 5 lines of the CSV in question, in case it helps...
"Craig Kimbrel","5","1","1.79","0","65","35","65.0","42","13","4","95","19","0.95","13.16","2.65","1.84","1.7","6655"
"Aroldis Chapman","2","1","1.93","0","30","27","30.0","18","6","2","47","12","0.99","14.24","3.56","2.22","0.6","10233"
"Greg Holland","5","2","2.39","0","65","34","65.0","47","17","5","83","21","1.05","11.53","2.95","2.48","1.3","7196"
"Kenley Jansen","5","2","2.16","0","65","32","65.0","46","16","6","86","19","1.00","11.97","2.64","2.51","0.9","3096"
I haven't been able to find or come up with a way to get my raw, selenium-downloaded CSV to be read correctly. Anyone run into this or have any ideas on what could be wrong with my data, or how I can fix this programmatically?
Thank you!
It's very likely that your file has a byte-order mark U+FEFF at the very beginning. You are probably losing it when you copy and paste again.
The proper solution is:
CSV.foreach("foo.csv", "r:bom|utf-8") { ... }

how to read yii session in codeginiter controller. I am new to both the frameworks

Following is the code I have used :-
$config = require(realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/../../../email/apps/customer/config/main.php'));
i am getting following error:-
Message: include(): Failed opening 'Yii.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear')
Filename: framework/YiiBase.php
Line Number: 428
Be kind write full absolute path for the script that executes the code and location of the files YiiBase.php and main.php.
Solution from the creator of Yii says:
// you can access Yii::app() now as usual
$session = Yii::app()->session;
//....use session as you wish
My file that can help you start is:
// change the following paths if necessary
// remove the following lines when in production mode
defined('YII_DEBUG') or define('YII_DEBUG',true);
// specify how many levels of call stack should be shown in each log message
defined('YII_TRACE_LEVEL') or define('YII_TRACE_LEVEL',3);
Its is not recommended you use YiiBase. Use either yii or yiilite. YiiBase serves as base class and is not intended to be used directly (to the best of my kowledge). Also check paths if they real point to the file!
