Using cp -ur, but update only directories - bash

I have two directories that I want to contain mostly the same information.
I wrote the basic script
# Update the two folders
cp -vur ../catkin_ws/src .
cp -vur . ../catkin_ws/src
Now I want to change this, to only update the directories and their content but not other files on the top level directory, like the bash script itself.
If that is not possible, is there a way to exclude certain files during the update?

Suppose you want to synchronize ../catkin_ws/src with the current directory, and the current script is located in the current directory. As far as I understand, you want to synchronize only the top-level directories including their contents, but not other types of nodes possibly located at the top level, i.e. directly within ../catkin_ws/src, or ./.
Then it is easily done with find command:
find "$src_dir" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d \
-exec cp -vru {} . \;
find ./ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d \
-exec cp -vru {} "$src_dir" \;
where {} stands for the next directory found.
If you want to filter further, you may use extra options such as -name, -path, or -regex. For example, the following skips directory x:
find "$src_dir" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d \
! -name 'x' \
-exec cp -vru {} . \;
where ! is causes the next expression to return True, if the expression is false, i.e. acts as some kind of logical NOT operator.
The drawback of the above commands is that the cp command is launched for each folder sequentially (due to \;). If you want to run single cp command for all sources, you may use an approach described in this answer.
I didn't try to suggest better way to synchronize the directories, but only suggested a way to fix your current approach.


How to delete all files or Sub-folders (both) in a folder except 2 folders with shell script

I would like to know how to deleted all the contents of a folder (it contains other folders and some files) except for 2 folders and its contents
The below command keeps the folder conf and removes all the other folders
find . ! -name 'conf' -type d -exec rm -rf {} +
I have tried to pipe it like below
find . -maxdepth 1 -type d ! -name 'conf' |find . -maxdepth 1 -type d ! -name 'foldername2'
but didnt work.
is it possible to do with a single command
You haven't specified which shell you're using, but if you're using bash then extended globs can help:
printf '%s\n' !(#(conf|foldername2)/)
If you're happy with the list of files and directories produced by that, then pass the same glob to rm -rf:
rm -rf !(#(conf|foldername2)/)
Inside a script, you may need to enable extglob using shopt -s extglob. Later, you can change -s to -u to unset the option.
If you're using a different shell, then you can add some more options to your find command:
find -maxdepth 1 ! -name 'conf' -a ! -name 'foldername2' -exec rm -rf {} +
Try it without the -exec part first to print the matches rather than deleting everything.
It may my little program utility can help you. I hope so.
First of all you should find the path of your files .sh
then you should find the main folder that contains those files .sh
then remove anything except those folders
I wrote drr for such a purpose that it can do such a task so easy
drr, stands for: remove or rename files based on regular expression in D language. So you must compile it before using.
See the screenshot:
Please be careful since this is not an appropriate tool for beginner.

Bash script to move folders based on filesize changes?

I have some automated downloads in a proprietary linux distro.
They go to a temp scratch disk. I want to move them when they're finished to the main RAID array. The best way I can see to do this is to check the folders on the disk to see if the contents have changed in the last minute. If not then its probably finished downloading and then move it.
Assuming there could be hundreds of folders or just one in this location and its all going to the same place. Whats the best way to write this?
I can get a list of folder sizes with
du -h directory/name
The folders can contain multiple files anywhere from 1.5mb to 10GB
Temp Loc: /volume2/4TBScratch/Processing
Dest Loc when complete: /volume1/S/00 Landing
Using this:
find /volume2/4TBScratch/Processing -mindepth 1 -type d -not -mmin +10 -exec mv "{}" "/volume1/S/00 Landing" \;
find: `/volume2/4TBScratch/Processing/test': No such file or directory
yet it DOES copy the relevant folders and all files. But the error worries me that something might go wrong in the future.... is it because there is multiple files and it's running the same move command for EACH file or folder in the root folder? But since it moves it all on the first iteration it cant find it on the next ones?
Using Rsync
4.3# find /volume2/4TBScratch/Processing -mindepth 1 -type d -not -mmin +10 -exec rsync --remove-source-files "{}" "/volume1/S/00 Landing" \;
skipping directory newtest
skipping directory erw
Resolved with the help in the comments below. Final script looks like this:
find /volume2/4TBScratch/Processing -mindepth 1 -type d -not -mmin +10 -exec rsync -a --remove-source-files "{}" "/volume1/S/00 Landing" \;
find /volume2/4TBScratch/Processing -depth -type d -empty -delete
rsync to move folders and files but leaves empty root dir
the next command finds empty folders and removes them.
Thanks all!
You can use GNU find with options -size for detecting files/folders of certain size and use mv with the -exec option to move to destination directory. The syntax is
find /volume2/4TBScratch/Processing -type d -maxdepth 1 -size -10G -exec mv "{}" "/volume1/S/00 Landing" \;
Using rsync
find /volume2/4TBScratch/Processing -type d -maxdepth 1 -size -10G -exec rsync --remove-source-files "{}" "/volume1/S/00 Landing" \;
The size with a - sign to indicate less than the mentioned size which in this case is 10GB. A note on each of the flags used
-type d -> For identifying only the folders from the source path.
-maxdepth 1 -> To look only on the current source directory and not
being recursive.
-exec -> Execute command following it.
Alternatively, if you want to find files that are last modified over a certain time(minutes), find has an option for -mmin which can be set to a value. E.g. -mmin -5 would return files modified five minutes ago.
So suggest adding it to your requirement, for x as you need and see if the directories are listed, then you can add the -exec option for moving the directories
find /volume2/4TBScratch/Processing -type d -maxdepth 1 -mmin -2 -size -10G
Refer to the GNU documentation for finding files according to size on how this works.
Note:- The double quotes("") are added to avoid Bash from splitting the names containing spaces.

A script that iterates over all files in folder

There is a script on a server that I need to run over all the files in a folder. To run this script over one file I use this shell script:
for input in /home/arashsa/duo-bokmaal/Bokmaal/DUO_BM_28042.txt ; do
name=$(basename "$input")
/corpora/bokm/tools/The-Oslo-Bergen-Tagger/./ "$input" > "/home/arashsa/duo-bokmaal-obt/$name"
I'm terrible at writing shell scripts, and have not managed to found out how to iterate over files. What I want it is to make the script iterate over all files in a given folder that end with .txt and not those that end with _metadata.txt. So I'm thinking I would give it the folder path as argument, make it iterate over all the files in that folder, and run script on files ending with .txt and not _metadata.txt
Use find and the exec option.
$ find /path/to/dir -exec <command here> \;
Each file or directory can be obtained by using {}.
Example usage: $ find . -exec echo {} \;, this will echo each file name recursively or directory name in the current directory. You can use some other options to further specify the desired files and directories you wish to handle. I will briefly explain some of them. Note that the echo is redundant because the output of find will automatically print but I'll leave it there to illustrate the working of exec. This being said, following commands yield the same result: $ find . -exec echo {} \; and $ find .
maxdepth and mindepth
Specifying the maxdepth and mindepth allows you to go as deep down the directory structure as you like. Maxdepth determines how many times find will enter a directory and mindepth determines how many times a directory should be entered before selecting a file or dir.
Example usages:
(1) listing only elements from this dir, including . (= current dir).
(2) listing only elements from current dir excluding .
(3) listing elements from root dir and all dirs in this dir
(1)$ find . -maxdepth 1 -exec echo {} \;
(2)$ find . -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -exec echo {} \;
# or, alternatively
(2)$ find . ! -path . -maxdepth 1 -exec echo {} \;
(3)$ find / -maxdepth 2 -exec echo {} \;
Specifying a type option allows you to filter files or directories only, example usage:
(1) list all files in this dir
(2) call shell script funtion func on every directory in the root dir.
(1)$ find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec echo {} \;
(2)$ find / -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec func {} \;
name & regex
The name option allows you to search for specific filenames, you can also look for files and dirs using a regex format.
Example usage: find all movies in a certain directory
$ find /path/to/dir -maxdepth 1 -regextype sed -regex ".*\.\(avi\|mp4\|mkv\)"
Another filter is the file size, any file or dir greater than this value will be returned. Example usage:
(1) find all empty files in current dir.
(2) find all non empty files in current dir.
(1)$ find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -size 0
(2)$ find . -maxdepth 1 -type f ! -size 0
Further examples
Move all files of this dir to a directory tmp present in .
$ find . -type f -maxdepth 1 -exec mv {} tmp \;
Convert all mkv files to mp4 files in a dir /path/to/dir and child directories
$ find /path/to/dir -maxdepth 2 -regextype sed -regex ".*\.mkv" -exec ffmpeg -i {} -o {}.mp4 \;
Convert all your jpeg files to png (don't do this, it will take very long to both find them and convert them).
$ find ~ -maxdepth 420 -regextype sed -regex '.*\.jpeg' -exec mogrify -format png {} \;
The find command is a strong tool and it can prove to be fruitful to pipe the output to xargs. It's important to note that this method is superior to the following construction:
for file in $(ls)
some commands
as the latter will handle files and directories containing spaces the wrong way.
In bash:
shopt -s extglob
for input in /dir/goes/here/*!(_metadata).txt

Move only files recursively from multiple directories into one directory with mv

I currently have ~40k RAW images that are in a nested directory structure. (Some folders have as many as 100 subfolders filled with files.) I would like to move them all into one master directory, with no subfolders. How could this be accomplished using mv? I know the -r switch will copy recursively, but this copies folders as well, and I do not wish to have subdirectories in the master folder.
If your photos are in /path/to/photos/ and its subdirectories, and you want to move then in /path/to/master/, and you want to select them by extension .jpg, .JPG, .png, .PNG, etc.:
find /path/to/photos \( -iname '*.jpg' -o -iname '*.png' \) -type f -exec mv -nv -t '/path/to/master' -- {} +
If you don't want to filter by extension, and just move everything (i.e., all the files):
find /path/to/photos -type f -exec mv -nv -t '/path/to/master' -- {} +
The -n option so as to not overwrite existing files (optional if you don't care) and -v option so that mv shows what it's doing (very optional).
The -t option to mv is to specify the target directory, so that we can stack all the files to be moved at the end of the command (see the + delimiter of -exec). If your mv doesn't support -t:
find /path/to/photos \( -iname '*.jpg' -o -iname '*.png' \) -type f -exec mv -nv -- {} '/path/to/master' \;
but this will be less efficient, as one instance of mv will be created for each file.
Btw, this moves the files, it doesn't copy them.
The directory /path/to/master must already exist (it will not be created by this command).
Make sure the directory /path/to/master is not in /path/to/photos. It would make the thing awkward!
Make use of -execdir option of find:
find /path/of/images -type f -execdir mv '{}' /master-dir \;
As per man find:
-execdir utility [argument ...] ;
The -execdir primary is identical to the -exec primary with the exception that
utility will be executed from the directory that holds the current
file. The filename substituted for the string ``{}'' is not qualified.
Since -execdir makes find execute given command from each directory therefore only base filename is moved without any parent path of the file.
find <base location of files> -type -f -name \*\.raw -exec mv {} master \;
If your hierachy is only one level deep, here is another way using the automated tools of StringSolver:
mv -a firstfolder/firstfile.raw firstfile.raw
The -a options immediately applies the similar transformation to all similar files at a nesting level 1 (i.e. for all other subfolders).
If you do not trust the system, you can use other options such as -e to explain the transformation or -t to test it on all files.
DISCLAIMER: I am a co-author of this work for academic purposes, and working on a bash script renderer. But the system is already available for testing purposes.

Programatically performing the same operation in multiple same-level subfolders

I want to write a shell script that would perform a single operation - pdflatex - on multiple files of the same type in same-level subfolders. Here's a simplified version of the directory structure:
| a1.tex
| b1.tex
What I'd like to do is have the script launch from /, and perform pdflatex on all the .tex files without having to manually include all of those subdirs in the actual script file.
The algorithm is simple enough on paper:
Go to directory /
Find all directories matching regex given in script (may also use wildcard expression)
Go down n levels, again following regex as needed
Perform pdflatex on all .tex files in current directory
... But I'm not sure how to implement this in a Unix shell script.
Do shell scripts allow for this kind of operation at all? If so, what would an implementation look like?
find is what you seem to be looking for:
find / -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec pdflatex {} \;
This would execute pdflatex on all files in the current directory.
In order to perform the action only for files n levels down, replace 1 with n+1 for both -mindepth and -maxdepth options above.
In order to say that you want to filenames matching *.tex, say
find / -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*.tex" -exec pdflatex {} \;
The only thing I might add from what others have said is a couple of parameters, given the desire as such in the question to turn it into a contrived little program.
if [ -z $1 ]; then
maxdepth=' '
if [ ! -z $2 ]; then
maxdepth=" -maxdepth $2 "
# borrowed from #devnull ;)
find / -mindepth 1${maxdepth}-type f -name "$pattern" -exec pdflatex {} \;
Then chmod u+x pdflatexdirs
Now call it as
pdflatexdirs [optional search pattern] [optional maxdepth]
With this script:
The default search pattern here is *.tex
If you want to specify maxdepth, you must also provide a search
When you do provide a search, *.tex is appended to whatever you pass
