Catch incoming emails and send them to a web service (rather than just to a mail server) - ajax

I would like to catch incoming emails and send them a web service (rather than just to a mail server).
After some searching I found a way of getting new emails via polling - see below: This may be of some help to others. Is there a way to receive messages by SMTP? Perhaps by ISAPI ???
using Limilabs.Mail;
using Limilabs.Client.IMAP;
public ActionResult checkIMAPmail()
string rval = "not a sausage";
using (Imap imap = new Imap())
imap.Connect(<mail server>);
imap.Login(<username>, <password>);
List<long> uids = imap.Search(Flag.Unseen);
foreach (long uid in uids)
byte[] ourBytes = imap.GetMessageByUID(uid);
IMail email = new MailBuilder().CreateFromEml(ourBytes);
rval = email.Subject + " [" + email.From + "][" + email.Text + "]";
return Content(rval, "text/html");
See also
for other IMAP packages, although note the change to using byte[], above.
Given that Limilabs.Mail is a paid service, I finally used MailKit:
using MailKit;
public int checkIMAPmail()
int numEmails = 0;
try {
using (var client = new MailKit.Net.Imap.ImapClient())
client.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = (s, c, h, e) => true;
// disable the XOAUTH2 authentication mechanism.
client.Authenticate(ourSmtpAdminUser, ourSmtpAdminUserPwd);
// The Inbox folder is always available on all IMAP servers...
var inboxFolder = client.Inbox;
var savedFolder = client.GetFolder("saved");
for (int ii = 0; ii < inboxFolder.Count; ii++)
var query = MailKit.Search.SearchQuery.NotSeen;
foreach (var uid in inboxFolder.Search(query))
var thisMsg = inboxFolder.GetMessage(uid);
string thisDate = notNullString(thisMsg.Date);
string thisSubject = notNullString( thisMsg.Subject);
string thisBody = notNullString(thisMsg.GetTextBody(0)); // plain text
string thisFromName = "";
string thisFromEmail = "";
if ( thisMsg.From != null)
// just get the first
foreach( var mb in thisMsg.From.Mailboxes)
thisFromName = notNullString( mb.Name);
thisFromEmail = notNullString( mb.Address);
numEmails += 1;
// move email to saved
inboxFolder.MoveTo(uid, savedFolder);
catch (Exception exc)
log2file("checkIMAPmail Error: " + exc.ToString());
return numEmails;


TOTP Problem - Microsoft Authenticator is not matching the code generated on server

I am getting a not verified using the TOTP method I have found on the following link.
OTP code generation and validation with
!My! code is below.
The _2FAValue line at the top is embedded into the QR barcode that Microsoft Authenticator attaches too.
The _Check... Function is the server ajax call to the server which implements OTP.Net library exposing TOTP calculation.
MakeTOTPSecret creates an SHA1 version of a Guid which is applied to the User profile and stored in _gTOTPSecret. NB: This IS populated in the places it is used.
I think I must have missed something obvious to get a result, here.
loSetup2FAData._s2FAValue = $#"otpauth://totp/{loUser.UserName}?secret={loUser.MakeTOTPSecret()}&digits=6&issuer={Booking.Library.Classes.Constants._sCompanyName}&period=60&algorithm=SHA1";
public JsonResult _CheckTOTPCodeOnServer([FromBody] Booking.Site.Models.Shared.CheckTotpData loCheckTotpData)
string lsMessage = "<ul>";
string lsEmail = this.Request.HttpContext.Session.GetString("Buku_sEmail");
Booking.Data.DB.Extensions.IdentityExtend.User loUser = this._oDbContext.Users.Where(U => U.UserName.ToLower() == lsEmail.ToLower() || U.Email == lsEmail).FirstOrDefault();
if (loUser != null && loUser.Load(this._oDbContext) && loUser._gTOTPSecret != Guid.Empty)
OtpNet.Totp loTotp = new Totp(Booking.Library.Classes.Utility.StringToBytes(loUser.MakeTOTPSecret()), 60, OtpHashMode.Sha1, 6);
long lnTimeStepMatched = 0;
bool lbVerify = loTotp.VerifyTotp(loCheckTotpData._nTotp.ToString("000000"), out lnTimeStepMatched, new VerificationWindow(2, 2));
if (lbVerify)
lsMessage += "<li>Successfully validated Totp code</li>";
lsMessage += "<li>Save is now activated</li>";
return this.Json(new { bResult = true, sMessage = lsMessage + "</ul>" });
catch (Exception loException)
lsMessage += "<li>" + Booking.Library.Classes.Utility.MakeExceptionMessage(true, loException, "\r\n", "_CheckTOTPCodeOnServer") + "</li>";
lsMessage += "<li>Unsuccessfully validated Totp code</li>";
return this.Json(new { bResult = false, sMessage = lsMessage + "</ul>" });
public string MakeTOTPSecret()
string lsReturn = String.Empty;
using (SHA1Managed loSha1 = new SHA1Managed())
var loHash = loSha1.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(this._gTOTPSecret.ToString()));
var loSb = new StringBuilder(loHash.Length * 2);
foreach (byte b in loHash)
lsReturn = loSb.ToString();
catch (Exception loException)
Booking.Library.Classes.Utility.MakeExceptionMessage(true, loException, "\r\n", "Identity.MakeSHA1Secret");
return lsReturn;

While Mail body being received, how to fetch the Image from multipart body

My application actually has mail send / receive functionalities to handle.
While receiving the mail, i am unable to view the image which is an inline image being sent from outlook.
Can some one help me how can i catch the image and make available always.
I have java code like below,
try (InputStream stream = new ByteArrayInputStream(Base64
.getMimeDecoder().decode(mail))) {
MimeMessage message = new MimeMessage(null, stream);
Object messageContent = message.getContent();
if (messageContent instanceof String) {
body = (String) messageContent;
} else if (messageContent instanceof MimeMultipart) {
content = (MimeMultipart) messageContent;
for (int i = 0; i < content.getCount(); i++) {
BodyPart bodyPart = content.getBodyPart(i);
String disposition = bodyPart.getDisposition();
if (disposition == null
|| disposition
.equalsIgnoreCase(Part.INLINE)) {
Object object = bodyPart.getContent();
if (object instanceof String) {
body = object.toString();
} else if (object instanceof MimeMultipart) {
MimeMultipart mimeMultipart = (MimeMultipart) object;
String plainBody = null;
String htmlBody = null;
for (int j = 0; j < mimeMultipart.getCount(); j++) {
BodyPart multipartBodyPart = mimeMultipart
String multipartDisposition = multipartBodyPart
String multipartContentType = multipartBodyPart
if (multipartDisposition == null
&& multipartContentType != null) {
if (multipartContentType
.contains(MediaType.TEXT_HTML)) {
htmlBody = multipartBodyPart
} else if (multipartContentType
.contains(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN)) {
plainBody = multipartBodyPart
if (htmlBody != null) {
body = htmlBody;
} else {
body = plainBody;
Client side i am using CKEditor to handle email body data.
Thanks a lot.
i got a solution from the example shared below
But, this example explains, how to find the image in body and store.
I have also done below to replace src
Pattern htmltag = Pattern.compile("]src=\"[^>]>(.?)");
Pattern link = Pattern.compile("src=\"[^>]\">");
String s1 = "";
Matcher tagmatch = htmltag.matcher(s1);
List<String> links = new ArrayList<String>();
while (tagmatch.find()) {
Matcher matcher = link.matcher(;
String link1 ="src=\"", "")
.replaceFirst("\">", "")
.replaceFirst("\"[\\s]?target=\"[a-zA-Z_0-9]*", "");
s1 = s1.replaceAll(link1, "C:\\//Initiatives_KM\\//image.jpg");
And on top of this, i gonna do Base64 encoding so that i dont require store in file system.
encodedfileString = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(bArray);
With all these i can conclude to say, i got solution for my issue. Thank you.

NetMQ client to client messaging

I'm trying to create an rpc program to communicate hosts located on different networks and chose Router-Dealer configuration of NetMQ provided here:
But the problem is that router always selects a random dealer when routing a message to backend.
Code which I used :
using (var frontend = new RouterSocket(string.Format("#tcp://{0}:{1}", "", "5556")))//"#tcp://"
using (var backend = new DealerSocket(string.Format("#tcp://{0}:{1}", "", "5557")))//"#tcp://"
// Handler for messages coming in to the frontend
frontend.ReceiveReady += (s, e) =>
Console.WriteLine("message arrived on frontEnd");
NetMQMessage msg = e.Socket.ReceiveMultipartMessage();
string clientAddress = msg[0].ConvertToString();
Console.WriteLine("Sending to :" + clientAddress);
//TODO: Make routing here
backend.SendMultipartMessage(msg); // Relay this message to the backend };
// Handler for messages coming in to the backend
backend.ReceiveReady += (s, e) =>
Console.WriteLine("message arrived on backend");
var msg = e.Socket.ReceiveMultipartMessage();
frontend.SendMultipartMessage(msg); // Relay this message to the frontend
using (var poller = new NetMQPoller { backend, frontend })
// Listen out for events on both sockets and raise events when messages come in
Code for Client:
using (var client = new RequestSocket(">tcp://" + "" + ":5556"))
var messageBytes = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Hello");
var messageToServer = new NetMQMessage();
//PrintFrames("Client Sending", messageToServer);
NetMQMessage serverMessage = client.ReceiveMultipartMessage();
//PrintFrames("Server receiving", clientMessage);
byte[] rpcByteArray = null;
if (serverMessage.FrameCount == 3)
var clientAddress = serverMessage[0];
rpcByteArray = serverMessage[2].ToByteArray();
Code for Dealer:
using (var server = new ResponseSocket())
server.Options.Identity = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(confItem.ResponseServerID);
Console.WriteLine("Server ID:" + confItem.ResponseServerID);
server.Connect(string.Format("tcp://{0}:{1}", "", "5557"));
using (var poller = new NetMQPoller { server })
server.ReceiveReady += (s, a) =>
byte[] response = null;
NetMQMessage serverMessage = null;
serverMessage = a.Socket.ReceiveMultipartMessage();
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("Exception on ReceiveMultipartMessage : " + ex.ToString());
byte[] eaBody = null;
string clientAddress = "";
if (serverMessage.FrameCount == 2)
clientAddress = serverMessage[0].ConvertToString();
Console.WriteLine("ClientAddress:" + clientAddress);
eaBody = serverMessage[1].ToByteArray();
Console.WriteLine("Received message from remote computer: {0} bytes , CurrentID : {1}", eaBody.Length, confItem.ResponseServerID);
Console.WriteLine("Received message from remote computer: CurrentID : {0}", confItem.ResponseServerID);
Is it possible to choose a specific backend on frontend.ReceiveReady?
Your backend should be router as well. You need the worker to register or you need to know all the available workers and their identity. When send on the backend push the worker identity at the beginning of the server.
Take a look at the Majordomo example in the zeromq guide:

EWS The server cannot service this request right now

I am seeing errors while exporting email in office 365 account using ews managed api, "The server cannot service this request right now. Try again later." Why is that error occurring and what can be done about it?
I am using the following code for that work:-
_GetEmail = (EmailMessage)item;
bool isread = _GetEmail.IsRead;
sub = _GetEmail.Subject;
fold = folder.DisplayName;
historicalDate = _GetEmail.DateTimeSent.Subtract(folder.Service.TimeZone.GetUtcOffset(_GetEmail.DateTimeSent));
props = new PropertySet(EmailMessageSchema.MimeContent);
var email = EmailMessage.Bind(_source, item.Id, props);
bytes = new byte[email.MimeContent.Content.Length];
fs = new MemoryStream(bytes, 0, email.MimeContent.Content.Length, true);
fs.Write(email.MimeContent.Content, 0, email.MimeContent.Content.Length);
Demail = new EmailMessage(_destination);
Demail.MimeContent = new MimeContent("UTF-8", bytes);
// 'SetExtendedProperty' used to maintain historical date of items
Demail.SetExtendedProperty(new ExtendedPropertyDefinition(57, MapiPropertyType.SystemTime), historicalDate);
Demail.SetExtendedProperty(new ExtendedPropertyDefinition(3590, MapiPropertyType.SystemTime), historicalDate);
if (isread == false)
Demail.IsRead = isread;
if (_source.RequestedServerVersion == flagVersion && _destination.RequestedServerVersion == flagVersion)
Demail.Flag = _GetEmail.Flag;
_objtask = new TaskStatu();
_objtask.TaskId = _taskid;
_objtask.SubTaskId = subtaskid;
_objtask.FolderId = Convert.ToInt64(folderId);
_objtask.SourceItemId = Convert.ToString(_GetEmail.InternetMessageId.ToString());
_objtask.DestinationEmail = Convert.ToString(_fromEmail);
_objtask.CreatedOn = DateTime.UtcNow;
_objtask.IsSubFolder = false;
_objtask.FolderName = fold;
if (counter == countGroup)
Demails = new EmailMessage(_destination);
Demails.Service.CreateItems(_lstdestmail, _destinationFolder.Id, MessageDisposition.SaveOnly, SendInvitationsMode.SendToNone);
counter = 0;
catch (Exception ex)
ClouldErrorLog.CreateError(_taskid, subtaskid, ex.Message + GetLineNumber(ex, _taskid, subtaskid), CreateInnerException(sub, fold, historicalDate));
counter = 0;
This error occurs only if try to export in office 365 accounts and works fine in case of outlook 2010, 2013, 2016 etc..
Usually this is the case when exceed the EWS throttling in Exchange. It is explain in here.
Make sure you already knew throttling policies and your code comply with them.
You can find throttling policies using Get-ThrottlingPolicy if you have the server.
One way to solve the throttling issue you are experiencing is to implement paging instead of requesting all items in one go. You can refer to this link.
For instance:
using Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data;
static void PageSearchItems(ExchangeService service, WellKnownFolderName folder)
int pageSize = 5;
int offset = 0;
// Request one more item than your actual pageSize.
// This will be used to detect a change to the result
// set while paging.
ItemView view = new ItemView(pageSize + 1, offset);
view.PropertySet = new PropertySet(ItemSchema.Subject);
view.OrderBy.Add(ItemSchema.DateTimeReceived, SortDirection.Descending);
view.Traversal = ItemTraversal.Shallow;
bool moreItems = true;
ItemId anchorId = null;
while (moreItems)
FindItemsResults<Item> results = service.FindItems(folder, view);
moreItems = results.MoreAvailable;
if (moreItems && anchorId != null)
// Check the first result to make sure it matches
// the last result (anchor) from the previous page.
// If it doesn't, that means that something was added
// or deleted since you started the search.
if (results.Items.First<Item>().Id != anchorId)
Console.WriteLine("The collection has changed while paging. Some results may be missed.");
if (moreItems)
view.Offset += pageSize;
anchorId = results.Items.Last<Item>().Id;
// Because you’re including an additional item on the end of your results
// as an anchor, you don't want to display it.
// Set the number to loop as the smaller value between
// the number of items in the collection and the page size.
int displayCount = results.Items.Count > pageSize ? pageSize : results.Items.Count;
for (int i = 0; i < displayCount; i++)
Item item = results.Items[i];
Console.WriteLine("Subject: {0}", item.Subject);
Console.WriteLine("Id: {0}\n", item.Id.ToString());
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("Exception while paging results: {0}", ex.Message);

How do I retrieve global contacts with Exchange Web Services (EWS)?

I am using EWS and wish to obtain the global address list from exchange for the company. I know how to retrieve the personal contact list.
All the samples in the API documentation deal with updating user information but not specifically how to retrieve them.
I've even tried the following to list the folders but it doesn't yeild the correct results.
private static void ListFolder(ExchangeService svc, FolderId parent, int depth) {
string s;
foreach (var v in svc.FindFolders(parent, new FolderView(int.MaxValue))) {
Folder f = v as Folder;
if (f != null) {
s = String.Format("[{0}]", f.DisplayName);
Console.WriteLine(s.PadLeft(s.Length + (depth * 2)));
ListFolder(svc, f.Id, depth + 1);
try {
foreach (Item i in f.FindItems(new ItemView(20))) {
i.Subject.PadLeft(i.Subject.Length + ((depth + 1) * 2)));
} catch (Exception) {
While the question has already been raised (How to get contact list from Exchange Server?) this question deals specifically with using EWS to get the global address list while this question asks for advice on a general level.
you may got ItemType objects in a specifiedfolder with the code snippet below
and then cast ItemType objects to ContactItemType (for contact objects) ....
/// <summary>
/// gets list of ItemType objects with maxreturncriteria specicification
/// </summary>
/// <param name="esb">ExchangeServiceBinding object</param>
/// <param name="folder">FolderIdType to get items inside</param>
/// <param name="maxEntriesReturned">the max count of items to return</param>
public static List<ItemType> FindItems(ExchangeServiceBinding esb, FolderIdType folder, int maxEntriesReturned)
List<ItemType> returnItems = new List<ItemType>();
// Form the FindItem request
FindItemType request = new FindItemType();
request.Traversal = ItemQueryTraversalType.Shallow;
request.ItemShape = new ItemResponseShapeType();
request.ItemShape.BaseShape = DefaultShapeNamesType.AllProperties;
request.ParentFolderIds = new FolderIdType[] { folder };
IndexedPageViewType indexedPageView = new IndexedPageViewType();
indexedPageView.BasePoint = IndexBasePointType.Beginning;
indexedPageView.Offset = 0;
indexedPageView.MaxEntriesReturned = 100;
indexedPageView.MaxEntriesReturnedSpecified = true;
request.Item = indexedPageView;
FindItemResponseType response = esb.FindItem(request);
foreach (FindItemResponseMessageType firmtMessage in response.ResponseMessages.Items)
if (firmtMessage.ResponseClass == ResponseClassType.Success)
if (firmtMessage.RootFolder.TotalItemsInView > 0)
foreach (ItemType item in ((ArrayOfRealItemsType)firmtMessage.RootFolder.Item).Items)
//Console.WriteLine(item.GetType().Name + ": " + item.Subject + ", " + item.DateTimeReceived.Date.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"));
//handle error log here
return returnItems;
I just did a similiar thing. However, I was unable to get the list of contacts via Exchange since that only gets users that have mailboxes, and not necessarily all users or groups. I eventually ended up getting all the users via AD
here is code to get all the contacts in AD. All you need is the folderID of the global address list which can be gotten from using the ADSI.msc tool on your AD server and browsing to the Global address list folder, look at properties and grab the value of the "purported search". In my system the searchPath for the global address list is"(&(objectClass=user)(objectCategory=person)(mailNickname=)(msExchHomeServerName=))"
public List<ListItem> SearchAD(string keyword, XmlDocument valueXml)
List<ListItem> ewsItems = new List<ListItem>();
using (DirectoryEntry ad = Utils.GetNewDirectoryEntry("LDAP://"))
using (DirectorySearcher searcher = new DirectorySearcher(ad))
if (this.EnableSizeLimit)
searcher.SizeLimit = GetMaxResultCount();
if (Utils.maxResultsCount > 1000)
searcher.PageSize = 100;
searcher.SizeLimit = 1000;
searcher.PageSize = 10;
string sisya = Utils.DecodeXml(valueXml.SelectSingleNode("Folder/SearchPath").InnerText); //this is the folder to grab your contacts from. In your case Global Address list
return null;
keyword = Utils.EncodeLdap(keyword);
string text = Utils.DecodeXml(valueXml.SelectSingleNode("Folder/Text").InnerText);
searcher.Filter = this.CreateFilter(keyword, sisya);
searcher.Sort = new SortOption("DisplayName", System.DirectoryServices.SortDirection.Ascending);
searcher.PropertiesToLoad.Add("SAMAccountName"); //どのPropertyでもいい。
SearchResultCollection searchResults = searcher.FindAll();
foreach (SearchResult searchResult in searchResults)
//ListItem contact = null;
using (DirectoryEntry userEntry = searchResult.GetDirectoryEntry())
string schemaClassName = userEntry.SchemaClassName;
switch (schemaClassName)
case "user":
case "contact":
string fname = userEntry.Properties["GivenName"].Value == null ? "" : userEntry.Properties["GivenName"].Value.ToString();
string lname = userEntry.Properties["sn"].Value == null ? "" : userEntry.Properties["sn"].Value.ToString();
string dname = userEntry.Properties["DisplayName"][0] == null ? lname + " " + fname : userEntry.Properties["DisplayName"][0].ToString();
//No Mail address
if ((userEntry.Properties["mail"] != null) && (userEntry.Properties["mail"].Count > 0))
string sAMAccountName = "";
if(userEntry.Properties["SAMAccountName"].Value != null){
sAMAccountName = userEntry.Properties["SAMAccountName"].Value.ToString();
sAMAccountName = userEntry.Properties["cn"].Value.ToString();
string contactXml = Utils.ListViewXml(sAMAccountName, UserType.User, Utils.UserXml(fname, lname, userEntry.Properties["mail"].Value.ToString(), dname, null), ServerType.Ad);
ewsItems.Add(new ListItem(dname + "<" + userEntry.Properties["mail"].Value.ToString() + ">", contactXml));
ListItem contact = new ListItem(dname, null);
contact.Enabled = false;
Trace.Info("追加できないユーザ: " + searchResult.Path);
case "group":
ewsItems.Add(new ListItem(userEntry.Properties["DisplayName"].Value.ToString(), Utils.ListViewXml(userEntry.Properties["SAMAccountName"].Value.ToString(), UserType.Group, null, ServerType.Ad)));
ewsItems.Add(new ListItem(userEntry.Properties["name"].Value.ToString(), Utils.ListViewXml(userEntry.Properties["SAMAccountName"].Value.ToString(), UserType.Group, null, ServerType.Ad)));
catch (Exception ex)
Trace.Error("User data取得失敗", ex);
return ewsItems;
