Recently I have encountered a performance problem with spring-boot embedded tomcat. Later I found APR libraries improved the performance and execution problem.
I have update my comments in below link;
Spring Boot Embedded Tomcat Performance
Is it possible to update this step in official documentation ?
Peter Jerald.
I am not sure what you want us to update in the official documentation but please create a request in the Spring Boot issue tracker and we'll have a look. Thanks!
I'd need to use keycloak in my Spring Boot project. I can see from the many tutorials that it should be available in the Spring Boot Initializr:
However I cannot find it (anymore?) neither with the Cloud app, nor with "spring init". Has it been removed as starter?
Yes it has been removed, see this issue for more details. In general going to and searching in issues could be an effective way to get some information about the evolution of the service in general.
Is it possible to integrate activiti explorer maven plugin with activiti Spring boot app?, so that we can make use of activit-explorer to view deployed process in activit-spring boot engine.
I know we can use rest-api over spring boot to query process engine, but I want to know if it is possible to run the explorer over spring boot by adding it as a maven plugin during deployment?Or can we tweak the activit-explorer.war somehow to point to spring-boot activiti engine?
activiti-explorer.war is standalone webapp by itself. I've write some guideline on how to manually to embed activiti-explorer to you own app.
Most probably step 5 in my blog is your solution.
btw, there's reason why the name is 'default'. I can't recall it atm
I thought of answering my own question so that it will be useful for other developers with similar requirement. If you want to make an eco-system where activiti-rest, explorer and your custom end points co-exist, please refer this thread from activit forum. I have tried this and is working fine. link to thread
I would like to give my observation here. In order to avoid getting into pulling source and trying to build myself, I achieved partial success, by installing the activit-explorer as part of the usual standalone installation.Started the standalone activiti-explorer using Apache-Tomcat but I configured the database for Activiti as same as (MYSQL in my case) I used in my spring-boot application to hit the common ground.
But apparently the activiti version in my spring boot app was and that for activiti-explorer was, which created some misalignment for spring boot application startup to fail. I am hopeful that with matching versions it might succeed. When I get some more time on me I will try and update. Since then may be someone can use this route.
What's the role of the Spring module : spring-instrument-tomcat ?How does it work?I can't find anything about it on the web and in various books.
i just stumbled across this documentation for it
oh and to provide some context, it basically has to do with getting eclipselink to work with spring on tomcat. here's another stack overflow thread about the subject for reference, but i got more out of the spring documentation
How to configure EclipseLink 2.0 and Spring 3.0.5 and Tomcat 6?
Has anyone used Spring boot's spring-boot-starter-jta-atomikos feature? I could not find any tutorials or documentation on the web. I am aware of the Spring Boot + Spring Data JPA + Atomikos + multiple database article. I want to know if it is easier to configure the same with spring-boot-starter-jta-atomikos.
Any pointers to documentation or a tutorial is greatly appreciated!
I checked the forums and found the relevant Spring Data forum have been deactivated with new address pointing to Stack Overflow. Spring does not have any other forum where I can ask this question.
That feature is brand new so I doubt it has much coverage on the interweb yet. There's a sample:, and documentation here: You should just be able to add Atomikos to your classpath, and create DataSource #Beans.
I'm trying to integrate spring boot with velocity tools but it still fails, the documentation did not find anything related to how to load, anyone have any help? Thank you.
I ran into some Boot/Velocity configuration issues this morning. You are right that the documentation is spare here.
If you are looking to use Velocity for Spring MVC templating, be sure to include spring-context-support on the classpath. Based on the behavior, it appears that Boot is doing some classpath autodetection here, and creates VelocityConfigurer and VelocityViewResolver beans if and only if spring-context-support is on the classpath.