I'm trying to convert strings, describing a time interval, to the corresponding number of seconds.
After some experimenting I figured out that I can use date like this:
soon=$(date -d '5 minutes 10 seconds' +%s); now=$(date +%s)
echo $(( $soon-$now ))
but I think there should be an easier way to convert strings like "5 minutes 10 seconds" to the corresponding number of seconds, in this example 310. Is there a way to do this in one command?
Note: although portability would be useful, it isn't my top priority.
You could start at epoch
date -d"1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC 5 minutes 10 seconds" "+%s"
You could also easily sub in times
Time="1 day"
date -d"1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC $Time" "+%s"
There is one way to do it, without using date command in pure bash (for portability)
Assuming you just have an input string to convert "5 minutes 10 seconds" in a bash variable with a : de-limiter as below.
$ convertString="00:05:10"
$ IFS=: read -r hour minute second <<< "$convertString"
$ secondsValue=$(((hour * 60 + minute) * 60 + second))
$ printf "%s\n" "$secondsValue"
You can run the above commands directly on the command-line without the $ mark.
This will do (add the epoch 19700101):
$ date -ud '19700101 5 minutes 10 seconds' +%s
It is important to add a -u to avoid local time (and DST) effects.
$ TZ=America/Los_Angeles date -d '19700101 5 minutes 10 seconds' +%s
Note that date could do some math:
$ date -ud '19700101 +5 minutes 10 seconds -47 seconds -1 min' +%s
The previous suggestions didn't work properly on alpine linux, so here's a small helper function that is POSIX compliant, is easy to use and also supports calculations (just as a side effect of the implementation).
The function always returns an integer based on the provided parameters.
$ durationToSeconds '<value>' '<fallback>'
$ durationToSeconds "1h 30m"
$ durationToSeconds "$someemptyvar" 1h
$ durationToSeconds "$someemptyvar" "1h 30m"
# Calculations also work
$ durationToSeconds "1h * 3"
$ durationToSeconds "1h - 1h"
# And also supports long forms for year, day, hour, minute, second
$ durationToSeconds "3 days 1 hour"
# It's also case insensitive
$ durationToSeconds "3 Days"
function durationToSeconds () {
set -f
normalize () { echo $1 | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | tr -d "\"\\\'" | sed 's/years\{0,1\}/y/g; s/months\{0,1\}/m/g; s/days\{0,1\}/d/g; s/hours\{0,1\}/h/g; s/minutes\{0,1\}/m/g; s/min/m/g; s/seconds\{0,1\}/s/g; s/sec/s/g; s/ //g;'; }
local value=$(normalize "$1")
local fallback=$(normalize "$2")
echo $value | grep -v '^[-+*/0-9ydhms]\{0,30\}$' > /dev/null 2>&1
if [ $? -eq 0 ]
>&2 echo Invalid duration pattern \"$value\"
if [ "$value" = "" ]; then
[ "$fallback" != "" ] && durationToSeconds "$fallback"
sedtmpl () { echo "s/\([0-9]\+\)$1/(0\1 * $2)/g;"; }
local template="$(sedtmpl '\( \|$\)' 1) $(sedtmpl y '365 * 86400') $(sedtmpl d 86400) $(sedtmpl h 3600) $(sedtmpl m 60) $(sedtmpl s 1) s/) *(/) + (/g;"
echo $value | sed "$template" | bc
set +f
Edit : Yes. I developed for OP after comment and checked on Mac OS X, CentOS and Ubuntu. One liner, POSIX compliant command for converting "X minutes Y seconds" format to seconds. That was the question.
echo $(($(echo "5 minutes 10 seconds" | cut -c1-2)*60 + $(echo "5 minutes 10 seconds" | cut -c1-12 | awk '{print substr($0,11)}')))
OP told me via comment that he wants for "X minutes Y seconds" format not for HH:MM:SS format. The command with date and "+%s" is throwing error on (my) Mac. OP wanted to grab the numerical values from "X minutes Y seconds" format and convert it to seconds. First I extracted the minute in digit (take it as equation A) :
echo "5 minutes 10 seconds" | cut -c1-2)
then I extracted the seconds part (take it as equation B) :
echo "5 minutes 10 seconds" | cut -c1-12 | awk '{print substr($0,11)}'
Now multiply minute by 60 then add with the other :
echo $((equation A)*60) + (equation B))
OP should ask the others to check my developmental version (but working) of command before using it for automatic repeated usage like we do with cron on a production server.
If we want to run this on a log file with values in "X minutes Y seconds" format, we have to change echo "5 minutes 10 seconds" to cat file | ... like command. I kept a gist of it too if I or others ever need we can use it with cat to run on server log files with x minutes y seconds like log format.
Although off-topic (what I understood, question has not much to do with current time), this is not working for POSIX-compliant OS to get current time in seconds :
date -d "1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC 5 minutes 10 seconds" "+%s"
It will throw error on MacOS X but work on most GNU/Linux distro. That +%s part will throw error on POSIX-compliant OS upon complicated usage. These commands are mostly suitable to get current time in seconds on POSIX compliant to any kind of unix like OS :
awk 'BEGIN{srand(); print srand()}'
perl -le 'print time'
If OP needs can extend it by generating current time in seconds and subtract. I hope it will help.
---- OLD Answer before EDIT ----
You can get the current time without that date -- echo | awk '{print systime();}' or wget -qO- http://www.timeapi.org/utc/now?\\s. Other way to convert time to second is echo "00:20:40.25" | awk -F: '{ print ($1 * 3600) + ($2 * 60) + $3 }'.
The example with printf shown in another answer is near perfect.
That thing you want is always needed by the basic utilities of GNU/Linux - gnu.org/../../../../../Setting-an-Alarm.html
Way to approach really depends how much foolproof way you need.
I have a file with more than 10K lines of record.
Within each line, there are two date+time info. Below is an example:
"aaa bbb ccc 170915 200801 12;ddd e f; g; hh; 171020 122030 10; ii jj kk;"
I want to filter out the lines the days between these two dates is less than 30 days.
Below is my source code:
echo $filename
touch filterfile
totalline=`wc -l $filename | awk '{print $1}'`
echo $totalline lines
while read -r line
if [ $i -gt $[j+9] ]; then
echo $i
shortline=`echo $line | sed 's/.*\([0-9]\{6\}\)[ ][0-9]\{6\}.*\([0-9]\{6\}\)[ ][0-9]\{6\}.*/\1 \2/'`
date1=`echo $shortline | awk '{print $1}'`
date2=`echo $shortline | awk '{print $2}'`
if [ $date1 -gt 700000 ]
d1=`date -d $date1 +%s`
d2=`date -d $date2 +%s`
#diffdays=`date -d $date2 +%s` - `date -d $date1 +%s`)/(24*3600)
if [ $diffday -lt 30 ]
echo $line >> filterfile
done < "$filename"
I am running it in cywin. It took about 10 second to handle 10 lines. I use echo $i to show the progress.
Is it because i am using some wrong way in my script?
This answer does not answer your question but gives an alternative method to your shell script. The answer to your question is given by Sundeep's comment :
Why is using a shell loop to process text considered bad practice?
Furthermore, you should be aware that everytime you call sed, awk, echo, date, ... you are requesting the system to execute a binary which needs to be loaded into memory etc etc. So if you do this in a loop, it is very inefficient.
alternative solution
awk programs are commonly used to process log files containing timestamp information, indicating when a particular log record was written. gawk extended the awk standard with time-handling functions. The one you are interested in is :
mktime(datespec [, utc-flag ]) Turn datespec into a timestamp in the
same form as is returned by systime(). It is similar to the function
of the same name in ISO C. The argument, datespec, is a string of the
form "YYYY MM DD HH MM SS [DST]". The string consists of six or seven
numbers representing, respectively, the full year including century,
the month from 1 to 12, the day of the month from 1 to 31, the hour of
the day from 0 to 23, the minute from 0 to 59, the second from 0 to
60, and an optional daylight-savings flag.
The values of these numbers need not be within the ranges specified;
for example, an hour of -1 means 1 hour before midnight. The
origin-zero Gregorian calendar is assumed, with year 0 preceding year
1 and year -1 preceding year 0. If utc-flag is present and is either
nonzero or non-null, the time is assumed to be in the UTC time zone;
otherwise, the time is assumed to be in the local time zone. If the
DST daylight-savings flag is positive, the time is assumed to be
daylight savings time; if zero, the time is assumed to be standard
time; and if negative (the default), mktime() attempts to determine
whether daylight savings time is in effect for the specified time.
If datespec does not contain enough elements or if the resulting time
is out of range, mktime() returns -1.
As your date format is of the form yymmdd HHMMSS we need to write a parser function convertTime for this. Be aware in this function we will pass times of the form yymmddHHMMSS. Furthermore, using a space delimited fields, your times are located in field $4$5 and $11$12. As mktime converts the time to seconds since 1970-01-01 onwards, all we need to do is to check if the delta time is smaller than 30*24*3600 seconds.
awk 'function convertTime(t) {
s="20"substr(t,1,2)" "substr(t,3,2)" "substr(t,5,2)" "
s= s substr(t,7,2)" "substr(t,9,2)" "substr(t,11,2)"
return mktime(s)
{ t1=convertTime($4$5); t2=convertTime($11$12)}
(t2-t1 < 30*3600*24) { print }' <file>
If you are not interested in the real delta time (your sed line removes the actual time of the day), than you can adopt it to :
awk 'function convertTime(t) {
s="20"substr(t,1,2)" "substr(t,3,2)" "substr(t,5,2)" "
s= s "00 00 00"
return mktime(s)
{ t1=convertTime($4); t2=convertTime($11)}
(t2-t1 < 30*3600*24) { print }' <file>
If the dates are not in the fields, you can use match to find them :
awk 'function convertTime(t) {
s="20"substr(t,1,2)" "substr(t,3,2)" "substr(t,5,2)" "
s= s substr(t,7,2)" "substr(t,9,2)" "substr(t,11,2)"
return mktime(s)
{ match($0,/[0-9]{6} [0-9]{6}/);
match(a,/[0-9]{6} [0-9]{6}/)
(t2-t1 < 30*3600*24) { print }' <file>
With some modifications, often without speed in mind, I can reduce the processing time by 50% - which is a lot:
echo "$filename"
# touch filterfile
totalline=$(wc -l < "$filename")
echo "$totalline" lines
while read -r line
if (( i > ((j+9)) )); then
echo $i
shortline=($(echo "$line" | sed 's/.*\([0-9]\{6\}\)[ ][0-9]\{6\}.*\([0-9]\{6\}\)[ ][0-9]\{6\}.*/\1 \2/'))
if (( date1 > 700000 ))
d1=$(date -d "$date1" +%s)
d2=$(date -d "$date2" +%s)
# diffdays=$(date -d $date2 +%s) - $(date -d $date1 +%s))/(24*3600)
if (( diffday < 30 ))
echo "$line" >> filterfile
done < "$filename"
Some remarks:
# touch filterfile
Well - the later CMD >> filterfile overwrites this file and creates one, if it doesn't exist.
totalline=$(wc -l < "$filename")
You don't need awk, here. The filename output is surpressed if wc doesn't see the filename.
Capturing the output in an array:
shortline=($(echo "$line" | sed 's/.*\([0-9]\{6\}\)[ ][0-9]\{6\}.*\([0-9]\{6\}\)[ ][0-9]\{6\}.*/\1 \2/'))
allows us array access and saves another call to awk.
On my machine, your code took about 42s for 2880 lines (on your machine 2880 s?) and about 19s for the same file with my code.
So I suspect, if you aren't running it on an i486-machine, that cygwin might be a slowdown. It's a linux environment for windows, isn't it? Well, I'm on a core Linux system. Maybe you try the gnu-utils for Windows - the last time I looked for them, they were advertised as gnu-utils x32 or something, maybe there is an a64-version available by now.
And the next thing I would have a look at, is the date calculation - that might be a slowdown too.
2880 lines isn't that much, so I don't suspect that my SDD drive plays a huge role in the game.
At the moment, I have a while-loop that takes a starting date, runs a python script with the day as the input, then takes the day + 1 until a certain due date is reached.
while [ "$day_start"!=2018-01-01 ] ;
day_end=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d" -d "$day_start + 1 day")
python script.py --start="$day_start" --end="$day_end";
day_start=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d" -d "$day_start + 1 day")
I would like to do the same thing, but now to pick a random day between 2016-01-01 and 2018-01-01 and repeat until all days have been used once. I think it should be a for-loop instead of this while loop, but I have trouble to specify the for-loop over this date-range in bash. Does anyone have an idea how to formulate this?
It can take quite a long time if you randomly choose the dates because of the Birthday Problem. (You'll hit most of the dates over and over again but the last date can take quite some time).
The best idea I can give you is this:
Create all dates as before in a while loop (only the day_start-line)
Output all dates into a temporary file
Use sort -R on this file ("shuffles" the contents and prints the result)
Loop over the output from sort -R and you'll have dates randomly picked until all were reached.
Here's an example script which incorporates my suggestions:
while [ "$day_start" != "2018-01-01" ] ;
day_start=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d" -d "$day_start + 1 day")
echo "${day_start}"
done > "${TMPFILE}"
sort -R "${TMPFILE}" | while read -r day_start
day_end=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d" -d "$day_start + 1 day")
python script.py --start="$day_start" --end="$day_end";
rm "${TMPFILE}"
By the way, without the spaces in the while [ "$day_start" != "2018-01-01" ];, bash won't stop your script.
Fortunately, from 16 to 18 there was no leap year (or was it, and it just works because of that)?
Magic number: 2*365 = 730
The i % 100, just to have less output.
for i in {0..730}; do nd=$(date -d "2016/01/01"+${i}days +%D); if (( i % 100 == 0 || i == 730 )); then echo $nd ; fi; done
With the format instruction (here +%D), you might transform the output to your needs, date --help helps.
In a better readable format, and with +%F:
for i in {0..730}
nd=$(date -d "2016/01/01"+${i}days +%F)
echo $nd
For a random distribution, use shuf (here, for bevity, with 7 days):
for i in {0..6}; do nd=$(date -d "2016/01/01"+${i}days +%D); echo $nd ;done | shuf
I'm running AIX with coreutils 5.0. I need to advance an arbitrary date (or time) as given conformative to ISO-8601 format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.
For example:
Value of D1 is: 2017-07-08 19:20:01, and I need to add 30 minutes.
In a modern UNIX-system I could probably write something like
date -d "$D1 + 30 minutes" +'%H:%M'
but, alas, I need it to work on an old AIX.
$ date -d "$(date -d "$D1") + 30 minutes" +'%H:%M'
This works in bash, but not in ksh.
The inner call to date will parse D1 to a date, and present it in date's "native" format.
$ date -d "$D1"
Sat Jul 8 19:20:01 CEST 2017
This output will be used with + 30 minutes to create the date that you want, with the outer call to date.
The inner call to date will be expanded so that
$ date -d "$(date -d "$D1") + 30 minutes" +'%H:%M'
will be equivalent to
$ date -d "Sat Jul 8 19:20:01 CEST 2017 + 30 minutes" +'%H:%M'
which will be
date -d #$(($(date -d "$D1" +%s) + 30 * 60)) +%H:%M
$(date -d "$D1" +%s) echoes the epoch
$((epoch + value)) calculates the wanted time
date -d#epoch +fmt formats it
If you are running AIX from 2003 you are in dire straits, my friend, but if you only need the time, not the full date, as your question implies, I think #RamanSailopal got us half way there.
echo $D1 | awk -F "[: ]" '{
m = $3+30;
h = ($2+int(m/60)) % 24;
printf("%02i:%02i\n", h, m%60)
awk splits the input in different fields, with the splitter pattern given in the -F argument. The pattern denotes : or space .
The input will be split in
$1 = 2017-07-08
$2 = 19
$3 = 20
$4 = 01
Then the script calculates a fake minute value (that can be more than or equal to 60) and stores it in m. From that value it calculates the hour, modulo 24, and the actual minutes, m modulo 60.
This could fail if you hit a leap second, so if you need second precision at all times, you should use some other method.
Awk solution:
awk -F '[-: ]' '{
ram=(mktime($1" "$2" "$3" "$4" "$5" "$6)+(30*60));
print strftime("%Y-%m-%d %T",ram)
}' <<< "$D1"
Convert the date to a date string using awk's mktime function. Add 30 minutes (30*60) and then convert back to a date string with the required format using strftime.
I am trying to compute time difference between dates formatted as below:
dd/mm/YY;hh:mm:ss;dd/mm/YY;hh:mm:ss (the first couple dd/mm/YY;hh:mm:ss points out the start date and the second couple is
the end date)
I want the output to be like this:
dd/mm/YY;hh:mm:ss;dd/mm/YY;hh:mm:ss;hh:mm:ss , where the added hh:mm:ss is the time difference between both dates.
Here is an example:
I've tried a lot of things with gsub, mktime and awk, in order to format dates, but nothing is efficient enough (too many operations to format and split).
Here is my attempt:
cat times.txt | awk -F';' '{gsub(/[/:]/," ",$0);d1=mktime("20"substr($1,7,2)" "substr($1,4,2)" "substr($1,1,2)" "$2);d2=mktime("20"substr($3,7,2)" "substr($3,4,2)" "substr($3,1,2)" "$4); print strftime("%H:%M:%S", d2-d1,1);}' > timestamps.txt
paste -d";" times.txt timestamps.txt
What do you suggest?
Thank you :)
You could try this and save some gsub and substr calls:
awk -F'[:;/]' '{d1=mktime("20"$3" "$2" "$1" "$4" "$5" "$6);
d2=mktime("20"$9" "$8" "$7" "$10" "$11" "$12);
delta = d2-d1
sec = delta%60
min = (delta - sec)%3600/60
hrs = int(delta/3600)
print $0";"(hrs < 10 ? "0"hrs : hrs)\
":"(min < 10 ? "0"min : min)\
":"(sec < 10 ? "0"sec : sec);}' time.txt
Since we cannot use strftime (tanks to Ed Morton), we have to handle the case that hours > 23 or hour/min/sec < 10 manually.
The above code outputs:
for the input
You cannot do this job robustly without mktime() as the time difference calculation needs to account for leap days, leap seconds, etc. I don't think you can do it any more efficiently than this:
$ cat tst.awk
BEGIN { FS="[/;:]" }
d1 = mktime("20"$3" "$2" "$1" "$4" "$5" "$6)
d2 = mktime("20"$9" "$8" "$7" "$10" "$11" "$12)
delta = d2 - d1
hrs = int(delta/3600)
min = int((delta - hrs*3600)/60)
sec = delta - (hrs*3600 + min*60)
printf "%s;%02d:%02d:%02d\n", $0, hrs, min, sec
$ awk -f tst.awk file
Note - you cannot use strftime() [alone] to calculate the hrs, mins, and secs because when your delta value is more than 1 day strftime() will return the hrs, mins, and secs associated with the time of day on the last day of that delta instead of the total number of hrs, mins, and secs associated with the entire delta.
What you're asking will be pretty tricky traditional awk.
Of course, gawk (GNU awk) supports mktime, but other awk implementations do not. But you can do this directly in bash, relying on the date command for your conversion. This solution uses BSD date (so it'll work in FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, OSX, etc).
while IFS=\; read date1 time1 date2 time2; do
stamp1=$(date -j -f '%d/%m/%y %T' "$date1 $time1" '+%s')
stamp2=$(date -j -f '%d/%m/%y %T' "$date2 $time2" '+%s')
printf '%s;%s;%s;%s;%02d:%02d:%02d\n' "$date1" "$time1" "$date2" "$time2" $(( (d/3600)%60)) $(( (d/60)%60 )) $((d%60))
done < dates.txt
Of course, if you're using a non-BSD OS, you may have to install bsddate (if it's available) to get this functionality, or figure out how to get something equivalent using the tools you have on hand.
Trying to pull the last 5 minutes of logs with (grep matches)
so i do a tac syslog.log | sed / date -d "5 minutes ago"
every line on the log shows this format
Jun 14 14:03:58
Jul 3 08:04:35
so i really want to get the check of data from
Jul 4 08:12
Jul 4 08:17
i tried this method but KINDA works (though its still going through every day from this that 08:12: through 08:17: fits in)
for (( i = 5; i >= 0; i-- ))
e='-e /'`date +\%R -d "-$i min"`':/p '$e;
tac /var/log/syslog.log | sed -n $e
for (( i = 5; i >= 0; i-- ))
if [[ -z $e ]]
then e=`date +\%R -d "-$i min"`
else e=$e'\|'`date +\%R -d "-$i min"`
re=' \('$e'\):'
tac /var/log/syslog.log | sed -n -e "/$re/p" -e "/$re/!q"
This creates a single regular expression listing all the times from the last 5 minutes, connected with \|. It prints the lines that matches them. Then it uses the ! modifier to quit on the first line that doesn't match the RE.
If you know the format of the dates then why not do:
tac syslog.log | awk '/Jul 4 08:17/,/Jul 4 08:12/ { print } /Jul 4 08:11/ {exit}'
/ .. /,/ .. / is regex range. It will print everything in this range. So as soon as you see /Jul 4 08:11/ on your line that would mean your 5 minutes window has been captured, you exit perusing the file.
So it didnt really work for the above method But i think i got it to work
if i see this i added a RANGE for the {exit}
awk '/'"$dtnow"'/,/'"$dt6min"'/ { print } /'"$dt7min"'/,/'"$dt11min"'/ {exit}'
Seems to work im testing it again
OK Finally looks like it really works this time (where it exits after the hour using SED instead of awk finally got it to work running through some tests.
tac /var/log/syslog.log | sed -e "$( date -d '-1 hour -6 minutes' '+/^%b %e %H:/q;'
date -d '-1 day -6 minutes' '+/^%b %e /q;'
date -d '-1 month -6 minutes' '+/^%b /q;'
for ((o=0;o<=5;o++)) do date -d "-$o minutes" '+/^%b %e %R:/p;'; done ; echo d)"
It works if log entries begins from "May 14 11:41". Variable LASTMINUTES is used to set the last n minutes in the log:
cat log | awk 'BEGIN{ LASTMINUTES=30; for (L=0;L<=LASTMINUTES;L++) TAB[strftime("%b %d %H:%M",systime()-L*60)] } { if (substr($0,0,12) in TAB) print $0 }'
To run the above script you need gawk which can be installed by:
apt-get install gawk
yum install gawk