How to use a splat as a ruby method parameter [duplicate] - ruby

This question already has an answer here:
naked asterisk as parameter in method definition: def f(*)
(1 answer)
Closed 6 years ago.
I'm looking at a ruby method
def test(*)
puts "hello"
I'm confused about the *. Obviously if I run test it returns "hello". But what if I pass an argument into test...
test("this argument")
How do I call that method within the test method yet still have the splatter? I'm just awfully confused about having a splatter without a name. How does it work?

This post has a fairly detailed low level explanation:
To quote the most relevant part:
def go(x, *args, y)
puts x # => 1
puts y # => 5
puts args.inspect # => [2,3,4]
go(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)


Why doesn't my ruby method call work? (yield) [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Passing block into a method - Ruby [duplicate]
(2 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I can't figure out why I get this error message when I run my file on the console: no block given (yield) (LocalJumpError)
Here my code:
def block_splitter(array)
array.partition { |item| yield(item) }
beatles = ["John", "Paul", "Ringo", "George"]
puts block_splitter(beatles) do |beatle|
Thanks for your help!
It's a whitespace issue. Your problem is in this line:
puts block_splitter(beatles) do |beatle|
# ...
The above code is being interpreted like this:
puts(block_splitter(beatles)) do |beatle|
# ...
I.e. the ruby interpreter thinks that the block is being passed to the puts method, not the block_splitter method.
By assigning a variable and printing the result, you'll see that this works as expected:
result = block_splitter(beatles) do |beatle|
puts result
Or, you can define this as a 1-liner, and the ruby interpreter handles it like you expected:
puts block_splitter(beatles) { |beatle| beatle.start_with?("P") }
Or, you could wrap it in extra brackets:
puts(block_splitter(beatles) do |beatle|
So there is a problem with missing parentheses. Ruby interpreter allow not to use those, but when You use nested method calls It's better (and sometimes necessary) to use them. To fix it You can do something like this
puts(block_splitter(beatles) do |beatle|
Or even better
puts(block_splitter(beatles) {|beatle| beatle.start_with?("P")})

Ruby - get method params names and values [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Is there a way to access method arguments in Ruby?
(11 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
Is there a way to get method parameters names and values dynamically, maybe a metaprogramming?
def my_method(name, age)
# some code that solves this issue
my_method('John', 22) # => { name: 'John', age: 22 }
I want to use this in all my methods in order to log methods calls and respective parameters, but without to do this manually in every method.
Yup! In ruby, it's called the binding, which is an object that encapsulates the context in which a particular line runs. The full docs are here, but in the case of what you're trying to do...
def my_method(arg1, arg2)
var = arg2
p binding.local_variables #=> [:arg1, :arg2, :var]
p binding.local_variable_get(:arg1) #=> 1
p Hash[{|x| [x, binding.local_variable_get(x)]}] #=> {:arg1 => 1, :arg2 => 2, :var => 2}
my_method(1, 2)
I'd strongly advise against Binding#eval, if you can possibly help it. There's almost always a better way to sovle problems than by using eval. Be aware that binding encapsulates context on the line at which it is called, so if you were hoping to have a simple log_parameters_at_this_point method, you'll either need to pass the binding into that method, or use something cleverer like binding_of_caller

Ruby: specifying value of single argument on multiple argument function with default values

Coming from a python background, I'm used to running functions providing only the parameters that I need:
def f(a=1,b=2)
print a,b
f(b=3) #prints "1 3"
Ruby seems to provide the same syntax for optional parameters:
def f(a=1, b=2)
puts "#{a} #{b}"
But running f(b=3) prints 3 2 instead.
My guess is that it's evaluating b=3 before the function call occurs, and passing it as the first argument.
Is this interpretation correct, and is there a way to call a function providing arbitrary arguments?
f(b=3) means a local variable b create with value assignment as 3, then it passed as an argument. Son in your method actual parameter a got value 3, and b goes with its default value 2.
Thus running f(b=3) prints 3 2 instead.
In Ruby when you are calling a method, you are just passing the values to the methods actual argument, no scope to set the value of its actual parameters from method calling area.
You should use Keyword Arguments to meet your need. I wouldn't write the code, as #sawa did it for you.
Notice that all arguments are evaluated prior to a method call. If you do f(b = 3), then value assignment b = 3 takes place first, whose return value is 3, and that is used as the argument, so it is the same as doing f(3). Since you provide only one argument, it will be interpreted as the first argument a, and the default value would be used for b.
You are using the wrong construction. This is the way to do it:
def f a: 1, b: 2
puts "#{a} #{b}"
f(b: 3)
# => 1 3
It is using keyword arguments introduced in Ruby 2.0, as is explained in a page that Arup's answer links to.
Here is a workaround for Ruby 1.8, Ruby 1.9.
def f h = {}
h[:a] ||= 1
h[:b] ||= 2
puts "#{h[:a]} #{h[:b]}"
f(:b => 3) # Ruby 1.8
f(b: 3) # Ruby 1.9
# => 1 3

In ruby, what does "&block" do? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
What’s this &block in Ruby? And how does it get passes in a method here?
I dont Understand the &block part, what does it do?
here is an example:
def method_missing(method_name, *args, &block)
#messages << method_name
#object.send method_name, *args, &block
Blocks give you an opportunity to state a callback to pass on to a method.
The & is key here - like #pst mentioned, it "promotes" the block to a Proc and binds the Proc to the variable with the given name.
With &
def time(&block)
puts block
# => nil
time { foo }
# => #<Proc:0x00029bbc>
Without &
def time(block)
puts block
time { foo }
# => ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (0 for 1)
# Because & isn't included, the method instead expected an arguement,
# but as a block isn't a arguement an error is returned.
Answering "And how would I pass it to another method?" comment by Brian:
Like this:
def compose init_value, n=2, &b
if n==0 then init_value else compose init_value, n - 1, &b )
compose 2 do |n| n * n end
#=> 16
compose 2, 4 do |n| n * n end
#=> 65536
compose 2, 4 do |n| n * 0.5 end
#=> 0.125
This is a recursive method that recursively applies the same block to a number several times. Here, the block packaged into b argument gets called, but at the same time it is passed on recursively to compose method, while n argument is decremented by 1. In the same way, b could be passed to any method, like map, reduce, anything.
Whereas, should you not need to pass the block to another method, you could simply use yield:
def apply_block_to_1_2_3
return yield( 1 ), yield( 2 ), yield( 3 )
apply_block_to_1_2_3 { |n| n * n }
#=> [1, 4, 9]
May the force be with you.
It converts the block to a proc object that can be passed on to another method.
when you call a method with a block, there are 2 ways to use that block:
call yield inside method
convert it into a Proc object by prepending & to it
with second way you can pass it to another method.
so in your case it transforms the given block into a Proc and calling method_name with it.
think of it as you can pass a block just like any argument.

Is it possible to access block's scope in method?

I'd like to write the method (define_variables) which can get a block and use the variables defined in it. Is it possible? For example, I'd like to get 5 in output:
module A
def self.define_variables
puts a # not 5 :(
A::define_variables do
a = 5
Maybe there is some tricks with eval, but haven't found anyone yet.
In short, no. After you've called yield those variables defined in the block are gone (sort of, as we shall see), except for what is returned—that's just how scope works. In your example, the 5 is still there in that it is returned by the block, and thus puts yield would print 5. Using this you could return a hash from the block {:a => 5}, and then access multiple "variables" that way. In Ruby 1.8 (in IRb only) you can do:
eval "a = 5"
a # => 5
Though I don't know of anyway to eval the contents of a block. Regardless, in Ruby 1.9 the scope of eval was isolated and this will give you a NameError. You can do an eval within the context of a Binding though:
def foo
b = yield
eval(a, b) + 2
foo do
a = 5
end # => 7
It seems to me that what you're trying to do is emulate macros in Ruby, which is just not possible (at least not pure Ruby), and I discourage the use of any of the "workarounds" I've mentioned above.
Agreed that this is a bit backwards, and Andrew's explanation is correct. If your use case is defining variables, however, there are already class_variable_set and instance_variable_set methods that are great for this:
module A
def self.define_variables(vars = {})
vars.each { |n, v| class_variable_set n, v }
puts ##a
A::define_variables :##a => 5
The above is more of an example of how it would work within the code you've posted rather than a recommendation.
