Gradle: how to add dependencies to the specific task? - gradle

I have dependencies block in my configuration:
dependencies {
compile ...
Now I'm trying to create a task which will build a specific debug artefact:
task buildDebugRpm (type: Rpm) {
requires('java-1.8.0-openjdk', '', GREATER | EQUAL)
Artefact built in this task should include AspectJ libraries in runtime. But I don't want to have them in my common project dependencies.
Is there a way to add "org.aspectj:aspectjrt:1.8.9", "org.aspectj:aspectjweaver:1.8.9" libs only for this specific task?

You can create a custom configuration and add the dependencies to it:
configurations {
debugRpm {
extendsFrom compile
dependencies {
compile ...
debugRpm 'org.aspectj:aspectjrt:1.8.9'
debugRpm 'org.aspectj:aspectjweaver:1.8.9'
Then include these dependencies in the task:
task buildDebugRpm (type: Rpm) {
from(configurations.debugRpm) {
into 'lib'


gradle - Add custom configuration to installDist for a specific task

I'm trying to make a custom runtime dependency configuration, so that the specified dependencies will only be installed for a specific task. The dependencies are installed using the installDist task. So it seems like I need the configuration to be added to the runtimeClasspath for one task and not the other. I'm thinking I need a custom distribution, but I'm not sure how to set that to have a different runtimeClasspath.
In the example below, I want the run2 task to have the myRuntimeDep dependencies installed, but for the run1 task I do not.
I've be struggling to figure this out all day, does someone know what I'm missing?
Example build.gradle:
configurations {
myRuntimeDep.extendsFrom runtimeOnly
dependencies {
myRuntimeDep 'the:dependency:1.0'
task run1(type: JavaExec, dependsOn: installDist) {
// does not need myRuntimeDep dependencies
task run2(type: JavaExec, dependsOn: installDist) {
// needs myRuntimeDep dependencies
So after a long weekend, I sort of got something working. Maybe someone can tell me if there's a better way? Also, it doesn't fully work because it doesn't follow transitive dependencies with the configuration (which is kind of a pain because all sub-dependencies need to be manually added).
top-level build.gradle
subprojects {
configurations {
fooRuntime.extendsFrom runtimeOnly
fooClasspath.extendsFrom runtimeClasspath, fooRuntime
distributions {
foo {
contents {
from installDist.destinationDir
from(configurations.fooClasspath) {
into 'lib'
installFooDist.dependsOn installDist
project A build.gradle
dependencies {
fooRuntime project(':projectB')
fooRuntime project(':projectC') // only need this because transitive dependencies won't work
task run(type: JavaExec, dependsOn: installFooDist) {
classpath = fileTree("$installFooDist.destinationDir/lib")
project B build.gradle
dependencies {
fooRuntime project(':projectC')
task run(type: JavaExec, dependsOn: installFooDist) {
classpath = fileTree("$installFooDist.destinationDir/lib")

Gradle 4.8+ breaks ivy publish with custom configurations

I've got a gradle file which is working in some ancient version of gradle but I want to upgrade to gradle 5.0. Unfortunately its using ivy rather than maven to publish its jars. I've cut it down to a simple test case.
I'm not sure if I'm missing something or its a bug or what. I've attached the gradle below. I'm running it
./gradlew wrapper && ./gradlew publish --info && cat build/publications/ivy/ivy.xml
It works as expected with 4.7. It publishes the main jar and the source jar and adds the dependencies.
If I switch to 4.8 it breaks, it only publishes the source jar, main jar and dependencies are missing.
If I switch to 4.8 and comment out the configurations bit it publishes the main jar and dependencies again.
Perhaps there's a new way of doing things but if so I've failed to find where its documented. Here's the source build.gradle.
plugins {
id 'java'
id 'ivy-publish'
sourceSets {
testSupport {
java {
compileClasspath += main.output
runtimeClasspath += main.output
test {
java {
compileClasspath += testSupport.output
runtimeClasspath += testSupport.output
dependencies {
compile group: '', name: 'icu4j', version: '58.2'
compile group: 'org.apache.httpcomponents', name: 'httpclient', version: '4.5.3'
compile group: 'io.swagger', name: 'swagger-parser', version: '1.0.32'
task sourceJar(type: Jar) {
from sourceSets.main.allJava
task testSupportJar(type: Jar) {
from sourceSets.testSupport.output
appendix "test-support"
task testSupportSourceJar(type: Jar) {
appendix "test-support-sources"
artifacts {
archives sourceJar
archives testSupportJar
archives testSupportSourceJar
publishing {
repositories {
ivy {
name = 'myRepo'
url = "file://${buildDir}/repo"
layout "pattern", {
artifact "[organisation]/[module]/[revision]/jars/[artifact].[ext]"
ivy "[organisation]/[module]/[revision]/ivys/ivy-[revision].xml"
publications {
ivy(IvyPublication) {
organisation = ''
// If you comment out the configurations below it will generate sensible ivy.xml
configurations {
"compile" {}
"runtime" {}
artifact(sourceJar) {
type "source"
extension "src.jar"
conf "runtime"
wrapper {
// 4.7 works but 4.8+ doesn't.
gradleVersion = '4.7'
Oh man I just figured it out. Its the relative ordering of from and the configurations element bits. If configurations is first it seems to take precedence over from and the latter is seemingly ignored. If you put from before configurations it works and you don't have to manually declare the configs it generates by default any more.
FFS gradle.

How to create a custom task in gradle to pack java and kotlin code to a jar?

We have a multi modular setup and we are sharing some tests classes between the modules (mainly Fakes implementations). Our current solution (that you can find below) works just for classes written in Java, but we are looking at supporting also shared kotlin classes.
if (isAndroidLibrary()) {
task compileTestCommonJar(type: JavaCompile) {
classpath = compileDebugUnitTestJavaWithJavac.classpath
destinationDir = file('build/testCommon')
taskToDependOn = compileDebugUnitTestSources
} else {
task compileTestCommonJar(type: JavaCompile) {
classpath = compileTestJava.classpath
destinationDir = file('build/testCommon')
taskToDependOn = testClasses
task testJar(type: Jar, dependsOn: taskToDependOn) {
classifier = 'tests'
from compileTestCommonJar.outputs
How can I modify the compileTestCommonJar so it supports kotlin?
Here is what we do:
In the module with shared test classes, pack the test source set output into a jar
configurations { tests }
task testJar(type: Jar, dependsOn: testClasses) {
baseName = "test-${project.archivesBaseName}"
from sourceSets.test.output
artifacts { tests testJar }
In a module that depends on the shared classes
dependencies {
testCompile project(path: ":my-project-with-shared-test-classes", configuration: "tests")
PS: Honestly, I would prefer to have a separate Gradle module with common test classes as it's more explicit solution.
The task compileTestCommonJar(type: JavaCompile) compiles .java files only because its the task of JavaCompile type.
There's KotlinCompile task aswell, so you would need to merge it, it basically works similary to JavaCompile but compiles .kt files only.
Said that i wouldn't use task system to share the dependencies across, i would use separate module and work with default compileTestKotlin and compileTestJava task's outputs

Gradle copy build script dependency to folder

We are building one of our applications with gradle and part of the distribution I want to include an external jar which is not a run time dependency in a config folder. That jar is needed as part of the application install and it contains some custom ant tasks.
Our build script dependency looks like below:
buildscript {
dependencies {
classpath 'org.jfrog.buildinfo:build-info-extractor-gradle:3.1.1'
classpath 'my-group:custom-tasks:1.2.3'
How would I access and copy the custom-task-1.2.3.jar into a certain folder so I can include it in my distribution? Something like below:
task copyCustomTasks {
doLast {
copy {
// This below is a make up to express what I want
from buildscript.dependencies
include 'custom-tasks*.jar'
into "$buildDir/config"
If this is not the gradle way of doing things please let me know what alternatives I have.
Thank you in advance for your help.
I solved my problem in a different way by creating an extra configuration. However I would still be interested to find out how you can access build script dependencies at run time. Thanks again for your inputs.
configurations {
install {
description = "application install classpath"
transitive = true
dependencies {
task copyInstallDeps {
doLast {
copy {
from configurations.install
into "$buildDir/config"
You're quite close:
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath ''
task copyLibs(type: Copy) {
from buildscript.configurations.classpath
into 'lib'

How to exclude dependencies in the POM file generated by the Gradle

I'm using the "maven" plugin to upload the artifacts created by Gradle build to Maven central repository. I'm using a task similar to the following one:
uploadArchives {
repositories {
mavenDeployer {
beforeDeployment { MavenDeployment deployment -> signing.signPom(deployment) }
pom.project {
name 'Example Application'
packaging 'jar'
url ''
scm {
connection 'scm:svn:'
url ''
licenses {
license {
name 'The Apache License, Version 2.0'
url ''
However the POM file created by this task does not report correctly the dependencies that have been excluded in my Gradle build file. For example:
dependencies {
compile('org.eclipse.jgit:org.eclipse.jgit.java7:') { exclude module: 'commons-logging' }
compile('com.upplication:s3fs:0.2.8') { exclude module: 'commons-logging' }
How to have excluded dependencies managed correctly in the resulting POM file?
You can simply override the dependencies of the pom by filtering out the unwanted dependencies, e.g. to exclude junit you can add the following lines to the mavenDeployer configuration:
pom.whenConfigured {
p -> p.dependencies = p.dependencies.findAll {
dep -> dep.artifactId != "junit"
The problem was that in the exclude definition was not specified the group but only the module.
Adding the both of them the exclusions are added correctly in the POM file. For example:
compile('org.eclipse.jgit:org.eclipse.jgit.java7:') {
exclude group: 'commons-logging', module: 'commons-logging'
compile('com.upplication:s3fs:0.2.8') {
exclude group: 'commons-logging', module: 'commons-logging'
Using 'exclude' on a Gradle dependency is normally the correct answer, but I still needed to remove some of my "runtimeOnly" dependencies from the POM that led me to this StackOverflow page. My testing using Gradle 4.7 seems to show that using "compileOnly" leaves the dependency out of the pom entirely, but "runtimeOnly" adds a "runtime" dependency in the pom, which in my case, is not what I wanted. I couldn't figure out a "standard" Gradle way of leaving runtime dependencies out of the POM.
The pom.whenConfigured method shown in another answer works for legacy "maven" plugin publishing, but doesn't work for the newer "maven-publish" plugin. My experimentation led to this for "maven-publish":
publishing {
publications {
mavenJava(MavenPublication) {
pom.withXml {
asNode().dependencies.dependency.each { dep ->
if(dep.artifactId.last().value().last() in ["log4j", "slf4j-log4j12"]) {
assert dep.parent().remove(dep)
