Relaying a HTTPS stream with Icecast2 - https

I am trying to relay a stream that is being broadcasted over HTTPS, is there a way to be able to do that? The documentation describes how to broadcast with https using listen-socket which I think is not what I want. All the help would be appreciated
I tried relaying normal http streams and it works. But not with https
I tried doing it both with including https and without in the url

Unfortunately this is currently not possible.

A good workaround for this problem is to set up a reverse proxy using nginx. I did this to access a https stream over http and icecast2 is able to relay it without issues.

What is the origin server you are trying to relay? Another Icecast or something else?
The -kh fork if Icecast supports SSL and has a lot of extensions and may be able to relay a https stream. (Sorry I'm not more help with that) see
You're not supposed to include http or https in the context, just the address.
I just tested that with a -kh branch icecast server, and it worked, BUT I wasn't able to confirm it was actually making a SSL connection; but it is making a connection. The kh fork or Icecast will accept http or https over 80 or 443 (or any other port for that matter).


How to proxy HTTPS via HTTP without CA or MITM?

HTTP proxy with SSL and DNS support.
I must be lacking some key concepts about proxy-ing because I cannot grasp this. I am looking to run a simply http or https proxy without interfering with SSL. Simply, a fully transparent proxy that can passthrough all the traffic to the browser connected via HTTP or HTTPS proxy without modifying or intercepting any packets. Not able to find any code online or I'm not using the right keywords.
EX. On the browser adding on the HTTP proxy field and as soon as you try to visit a website, it prompts for authentication. Then it works perfectly with any domain, any security, any ssl, no further steps needed. Most VPN providers have this.
How's this possible? it even resolves DNS itself. I thought on transparent proxy the dns relies on the client. Preferably looking for a nodeJS solution but any lang works.
Please don't propose any solutions such as SOCKS5 or sock forwarding or DNS overriding or CA based MITM. According to HTTP 1.1 which supports 'CONNECT' this should be easy.
Not looking to proxy specific domains, looking for an all inclusive solution just like most VPN Providers providers.
----Found the answer too quickly, feel free to delete this post/question admins.
The way it works is that the browser knows it is talking to a proxy server, so for example if the browser want to connect to htttp:// it sends a CONNECT HTTP/1.1 to the proxy server, the proxy server resolves via DNS and then opens a TCP connection to port 443 and proxies the TCP stream transparently to the client.
I don't know any solution for nodejs. Common proxy servers include Squid, Privoxy and Apache Traffic Server
See also:
Found the solution right after I asked...
This module works perfectly
Does exactly what I was asking for.

Not able to receive and forward remote request using Charles Web Proxy as a Reverse Proxy

I am trying to capture an old application that didn't honour the system's proxy setting. The only config I can change is the server IP address.
Capturing the packets with Wireshark. Without the Charles reverse proxy, I can see requests after the first three handshake requests.
With the reverse proxy, the connection stuck after the handshake requests.
I notice that when Charles received a request and connecting to somewhere but it will just stuck there:
Following is the config of the reverse proxy (Remote host removed):
Any help, solution and workarounds would be appreciated!
First of all, your app uses neither HTTP nor HTTPS. Studying screen shot of successful connection gives some details on protocol used:
the first message after handhsake is originated by server contrary to common client-server approach, where client is responsible for sending query. This fact is enough to cross out HTTP and HTTPS.
payload data isn't human-readable, so it's a binary protocol.
based on PUSH flags, protocol is much more likely to be message-based rather than stream-based
So client establishes connection, immediately gets some command from server and replies it. Then communication continues. I can't guess exact protocol. Port number might be irrelevant, but even if it's not, there are only few protocols using 4321 port by default. Anyway, it can always be custom private protocol.
I'm not familiar with Charles, but forwarding arbitrary TCP stream is probably covered by its port forwarding feature rather than reverse proxy. However, I don't really see any benefits in sending traffic through Charles in this case, capturing data on your PC should be enough to study details.
If you are looking for traffic manipulation, for arbitrary TCP stream it's not an easy task, but it must be possible. I'm not aware of suitable tools, quick googling shows lots of utils, but some of them looks applicable to text based stream only, so deeper study is required.
Reason for Failure
It may be because you are requesting a local IP address from a remote scope, which Charles proxy doesn't applies. For POS(Proof Of Statement), please refer to the below link
So In order to solve the problem for the current scenario, use
Note: The url that you request will only be proxied properly by Charles not any other proxy services.

Detecting WebSockets with HAProxy in TCP mode

If I want to do SSL passthrough on HAProxy, I understand that I need to do use tcp mode. If I also want to detect WebSockets (previously done with acl is_websocket hdr(Upgrade) -i WebSocket) is there a way to do this when HAProxy is in TCP mode? I've tried a few different things without any luck. Any suggestions welcomed!
When doing SSL passthrough it is impossible to analyze the transferred data because the traffic is encrypted. Since the information about Websocket upgrade is only in the encrypted HTTP header detection is not possible.

How do I make a HTTP2-only request over http:// in Go?

I'm using Go 1.6 and want to make a HTTP2-only request over http://.
Attempting to do this currently results in:
Head http://localhost:2076/completed/764c1b6bc55548707507a2dd25570483a7216bf4: http2: unsupported scheme
To force http2, I believe I need http.Client.Transport.TLSConfig.NextProtos set to []string{"h2"}.
What else is required?
You need to use https, not http. The http2 transport doesn't recognize the http scheme.
The HTTP/2.0 by default works on highly secured connections. It uses high quality ciphers. So it can only run on HTTPS connections. Moreover, to make HTTPS connections, you also need to have your SSL enabled and have the required certificates installed.

Icecast server status

Does anybody know, how to check if broadcast is online or offline in Icecast2 server?
Ruby preferred.
I guess you can make a TCP (HTTP) connection to specified server. Icecast server works as a regular HTTP server but data transfers are actually streams. So, all you need is to make regular Socket connection and send request (you can grab it from live http headers extension in firefox). Also, you might want to set timeout in case that server is down. And if server responds with HTTP/OK (200) code then its live.
