Docker can't pull image from repository - windows

I have trouble with docker.
Im trying to create a new instance of rethinkdb on docker. I used the origin command from dockerfile github.
$ docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -p 28015:28015 -p 29015:29015 dockerfile/rethinkdb
But it returned error about image not found from the repository.
Any advice for this issue?
Thank everyone
OS version: Windows 10

That github repo doesn't appear to have been updated in a few years, and all the docker hub links are old. Consider using the official repo on docker hub:
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -p 28015:28015 -p 29015:29015 rethinkdb


Is it possible to run sonatype/nexus3 docker container on MacOS?

I'm trying to start Maven repository as Docker container with this command:
docker run -d -p 8081:8081 --name nexus sonatype/nexus3
When I do it on my windows 10 host everything is fine.
When I try the same on my macOS host I get a lot of errors in logs, finnaly Nexus3 starts somehow, but when I try to open http://localhost:8081/ it stacks forever on initializing screen.
Is there any way to start Nexus on MacOS?
Ok. It looks line now (13.09.2021) the desidion is to use klo2k/nexus3 version of Nexus on ARM
I use also this image and it's work fine on my config (macOS Big Sur with Docker Desktop 3.6.0 on iMac Intel 64 Bits).
docker pull sonatype/nexus3
docker run -d -p 8081:8081 --name nexus sonatype/nexus3
Probably you have an issue in your Nexus config.

How to push a docker image to Heroku, which is pulled from Docker Hub

after pushing it to heroku how to run the command "docker run -d --hostname my-rabbit --name some-rabbit rabbitmq:3-management"
Heroku may have provided you the private docker repository URL, change docker image name to REPO_URL/rabbitmq:3-management

Deploy Existing Docker Image To Heroku

I am unable to deploy an existing docker image to Heroku.
docker run -it --name xp-home enonic/xp-home
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --volumes-from xp-home --name xp-app enonic/xp-app
The steps I took to do it.
heroku login
sudo heroku container:login
sudo docker tag dpd-image
sudo docker push
heroku open -a hidden-mountain-63983
What Am I doing wrong here?
Thank you in advance
I'll answer this for others that might have the same question.
As per the Heroku Container Registry & Runtime (Docker Deploys) documentation, you need to release the image. In your case
heroku container:release

Docker pull images No such host error on mac osx

I recently installed latest docker on my mac and i'm getting following error on pulling images.
First I install latest docker form mac binary and then i run
docker run -d -p 80:80 --name webserver nginx
And it return
ERROR: Service 'nginx' failed to build: Error while pulling image:
Get dial tcp:
lookup on ***.***.**.*:**: no such host
How can i fix this ?
After some days research I can't get the actual solution so i did one trick and worked for me. what i done is I open the docker preferences and there is a option reset to factory defaults and i reset my docker but it deletes all my containers and images after all it works. Thanks everyone.

Not able to access Kibana running in a Docker container on port 5601

I have built a docker image with the following Docker file.
# gunicorn-flask
FROM devdb/kibana
ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install -y python python-pip python-virtualenv gunicorn
# Setup flask application
RUN mkdir -p /deploy/app
COPY /deploy/
COPY app /deploy/app
RUN pip install -r /deploy/app/requirements.txt
WORKDIR /deploy/app
EXPOSE 5000 5601 9200
# Start gunicorn
CMD ["/usr/bin/gunicorn", "--config", "/deploy/", "listener:app"]
I am running the container from the image created from this Docker file as follows.
sudo docker run -p 5601:5601 -p 9200:9200 -p 5000:5000 -v /home/Workspace/xits/config/elasticsearch.yml:/opt/elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.yml -v /home/Workspace/xits/config/kibana.yml:/opt/kibana/config/kibana.yml es-kibana-gunicorn:latest
The issue I am facing is that I cannot access Kibana port 5601 on my host machine. My browser page says ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED
I am able to access port 5000 though.
I can't figure out why this is.Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The parent Dockerfile devdb/kibana is using a script to start kibana and elasticsearch when the docker container is started. See CMD ["/sbin/my_init"] and the script itself.
When in your own Dockerfile you use the CMD instruction, you override the one from the parents Dockerfiles.
Since your CMD only starts gunicorn, elasticsearch and kibana won't ever be started. That's why there is no response on their respective network ports.
The Docker image you inherits from inherits itself from phusion/baseimage which has its own way of making multiple processes run in Docker containers. I recommend you follow the instructions on their README file to learn how to add your gunicorn to the list of services to start. Basically you would have to define a script named run and add it to your docker image within the /etc/service/<service name>/ directory.
In your Dockerfile, add:
COPY run /etc/service/gunicorn/
and the run script should be something similar to:
cd /deploy/app
/usr/bin/gunicorn --config /deploy/ listener:app
