How do you add tabs to a Microsoft Teams Bot? - microsoft-teams

While there is a lot of documentation on how to add a tab to a Team, I can't seem to find any docs on how to create and drive the user to tab content like the ones demonstrated in T-Bot.
Can someone point me to any docs on how to add tabs to a bot?
This is what I am talking about:

This capability is not yet available for developers.

Please check Create a static tab in Microsoft Teams documentation section to know more about personal tabs.


Can't Get Microsoft Teams Basic Personal Tab to Work

Went through all of the documentation here: and repeated it for the letter. I can get my tab to show up in the browser but when I sideload the app into Teams, add it, and go to the Personal tab it just remains blank. Any help appreciated.
Sounds like the validDomains section in the manifest might be incomplete, as this is a typical reason why the tab doesn't display. See here for more:

Is it Possible to customize the About Tab for custom app in Microsoft Teams?

I am creating one custom application that is going to be available in the MS Teams. I have a requirement to capture data from the users in the About tab.
SO, Is it possible to customize the About Tab in Microsoft Teams for a custom application?
I will need to put the input box and form controls in that About tab.
You definitely can't customize the -capabilities- of the About box - at best you could put in a link directing users where to go to complete the form that you've hosted elsewhere. Note that the About box does support markdown, so it might even be possible to embed the link as an actual hyperlink, but I've not tried that.
As an alternative, perhaps you could offer the needed functionality into the app itself. E.g. if you have a tab, put something in the footer for example.
You cannot customize the About Tab for custom application, This is by design. You can customize the App detail page as documented here.

MS Teams Personal tabs Apps can have subtabs/submenus in it?

Is that possible to add child tabs(similar to sub-menus) to a Personal Tab Apps in MS Teams? If not, is there any workaround to achieve this.
Please note we have used the App studio to build the app not the custom code.
(refer screenshot below)?
There's nothing like that in the main tab infrastructure, but -inside- your tab you could build whatever you like - it's just a normal web page. You could tabs, menus, etc. For instance, see how Planner has it's own top menu in the first screenshot over here:

Replacing the "person" that links as contacts icon with another icon in MS Outlook

I was assigned for a client that needs and Outlook add-in and apparently, I don't know where to start but the client said that he wants that dollar icon to replace the person icon to create another function. I was wondering if that's possible, I mean, that has been pre-defined by the Microsoft team and they are the ones that have the source code. How am I supposed to do that?
PS. Sorry for bad english
Alright. I think I figured this out a little. I found a documentation of Microsoft here.

Is T-Bot "Help" section made with Teams Wiki?

I cannot find a way to create a wiki like the one I see in the T-Bot Help section
T-Bot Help Section
I tried Teams Wiki but it does not display in the same way.
enter image description here
Same for OneNote.
Any idea what kind of controller is used to create the Help section in T-Bot ?
T-Bot's help section is not a Microsoft Teams Wiki tab. It's a personal scope static tab.
You can create similar page structure easily using CSS styles. Please check How TO - Vertical Tabs.
