Could you please help me with one task, please. I understand Probability theory more or less but cannot solve that one:
Given one deck of 52 playing cards, you draw two random cards. (The cards are drawn at the same time, so the selection is considered without replacement) Assuming a fair deck, what is P({both cards are aces})?
wrong group but...
P(first card is ace) = 4/52
P(second card is ace, when first one was ace) = 3/51
P(two aces) = P(first card is ace) * P(second card is ace, when first one was ace)
Suppose, I am playing a poker match. I have a pair of 5 in hand and see that the there is no 5 in the first 3 drawn cards. What is the probability that there will be at least one 5 in the next two cards.
My solution:
{P(5 in the fourth card and a different card in the fifth) = 2/47*45/46}+ {P(different card in fourth and 5 in the fifth)=45/47*2/46}+ {P(5 in both cards)=2/47*1/46}= 0.084
Is it correct? Does it depend on the number of opponents playing?
This is my first post on Stack Overflow, so please excuse my mistakes if I'm doing something wrong.
Ok so I'm trying to find an algorithm/function/something that can calculate how many times I have to do the same type of shuffle of 52 playing cards to get back to where I started.
The specific shuffle I'm using goes like this:
-You will have two piles.
-You have the deck with the back facing up. (Lets call this pile 1)
-You will now alternate between putting a card in the back of pile 1 Example: Let's say you have 4 cards in a pile, back facing up, going from 4 closest to the ground and 1 closest to the sky (Their order is 4,3,2,1. You take card 1 and put it beneath card 4 mening card 1 is now closest to the ground and card 4 is second closest, order is now 1,4,3,2. and putting one in pile 2. -Pile 2 will "stack downwards" meaning you will always put the new card at the bottom of that pile. (Back always facing up)
-The first card will always get put at the back of pile 1.
-Repeat this process until all cards are in pile 2.
-Now take pile 2 and do the exact same thing you just did.
My question is: How many times do I have to repeat this process until I get back where I started?
Side notes:
- If this is a common way of shuffling cards and there already is a solution, please let me know.
- I'm still new to math and coding so if writing up an equation/algorithm/code for this is really easy then don't laugh at me pls ;<.
- Sorry if I'm asking this at the wrong place, I don't know how all this works.
- English isn't my main language and I'm not a native speaker either so please excuse any bad grammar and/or other grammatical errors.
I do however have a code that does all of this (Link here) but I'm unsure if it's the most effective way to do it, and it hasn't given a result yet so I don't even know if it works. If you wan't to give tips or suggestions on how to change it then please do, I would really appreciate it. It's done in scratch however because I can't write in any other languages... sorry...
Thanks in advance.
Any fixed shuffle is equivalent to a permutation; what you want to know is the order of that permutation. This can be computed by decomposing the permutation into cycles and then computing the least common multiple of the cycle lengths.
I'm not able to properly understand your algorithm, but here's an example of shuffling 8 elements and then finding the number of times that shuffle needs to be repeated to get back to an unshuffled state.
Suppose the sequence starts as 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 and after one shuffle, it's 3,1,4,5,2,8,7,6.
The number 1 goes to position 2, then 2 goes to position 5, then 5 goes to position 4, then 4 goes to position 3, then 3 goes to position 1. So the first cycle is (1 2 5 4 3).
The number 6 goes to position 8, then 8 goes to position 6. So the next cycle is (6 8).
The number 7 stays in position 7, so this is a trivial cycle (7).
The lengths of the cycles are 5, 2 and 1, so the least common multiple is 10. This shuffle takes 10 iterations to get back to the intitial state.
If you don't mind sitting down with pen and paper for a while, you should be able to follow this procedure for your own shuffling algorithm.
Currently, I have a pool of basketball players where I have a projected total of points for each player. Additionally, I have a normal distribution function that gives me a random drawing from a normal distribution for each player. Currently, I have an algorithm that calculates n unique random lineups of 8 players based on some constraints. Between each lineup, the normal distribution function runs again to produce new predictions for each player. Then the best lineup is produced for that specific set of predictions.
I would like to tweak this algorithm in the following way. I would like to have 4 tiers of maximum and minimum percentages where each player is assigned a tier. Within the number of lineups generated, I would like each specific player to occur with that frequency. So for example if I wanted to generate 10 lineups and player 1 is in tier 1 which requires the player to be between 50-60%, then the player would occur in 5-6 lineups ideally.
I'm struggling with how to modify my current algorithm to include this stipulation. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated! I just don't know how to force each player within a specific range of percentages.
There are a lot of ways to do it.
Here is an easy approach. Keep a current relative odds of being picked for each player. The actual probability is the relative odds divided by the sum of the odds. Each person starts with the expected number of times be selected. Whenever someone is selected, their relative odds is reduced by 1. If it goes below 0, that person is out of the pool.
This approach guarantees that each player will not be in more than a maximum number of teams. It makes it unlikely, but not impossible, that any given player will be in fewer teams than you want.
An easy way to solve that is to randomly round people's desired frequencies up and down to get the right integer count. And now everything has to come even.
There is yet another problem, though. Which is that it is possible that you'll not succeed in assignment to fill all the teams. But if you go from the most popular player to the least, the odds of such mistakes should be acceptably low. Doubly so if you widen the ranges slightly by populating a few extra teams, then throwing away ones that didn't work out.
First draft
So if I understand correctly, you have N players that might appear in the first
position of the string. But you want them to be selected not at random, but according
to some percentage.
Now the first step is to normalize those percentages:
Alice 20%
Bob 40%
Charlie 10%
Doug 60%
Eric 30%
The sum is 160%, so you generate a random number from 1 to 160; say it's 97.
97 is more than 20, so subtract 20 and ignore Alice.
77 is more than 40, so subtract 40 and ignore Bob.
37 is more than 10, so subtract 10 and ignore Charlie.
27 is less than 60: Doug it is.
You can also pre-populate a 160-element array with 20 "Alice" indexes, 60 "Doug" indexes etc., and your player is players[array[random(160)]].
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to create some sort of algorithm to make a computer win more than it loses at a modified game of blackjack.
Red cards will be negative, black cards were positive.
I will write it in pseudo code I want sure about the probability part in making the computer win more games (last line).
Here is my attempt:
//Hand out 2 random cards for each person selection of 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,J,Q,K,A.
//Store these in an array with their equivalent value.
Card =[2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,J,Q,K,A]
Also, colour of card is random red or black.
Bust_ AI=0
All of the below is in a big loop that loops each time a player is bust
Do this for both players, until Value_AI or Value_Human>21
If colour==red then
Value=value – card
If Value_AI >21 then
Bust_ AI+=1
Print “Computer has bust”
If Value_Human >21
Bust_ human+=1
Print “You have bust”
Hand out another card for both
If Bust_ AI> Bust_ human then
**//Increase the probability of getting an ace and a card with a value of 10 for the computer**
You can make the human go before the computer. Then when they both would have busted, it will be a computer win by default because the computer won't need to go. That should change a fair game into one favoring the computer.
Right now, your pseudocode doesn't seem to include an option for either player to choose to stop receiving cards, which is the central choice to be made in Blackjack. After the newest card is received, you need to have the AI make a choice as to whether it wants another. This is probably the best point in the algorithm at which to build actual intelligence into your AI, so you can increase its probability of winning without just hard-coding wins like you suggest in your pseudocode. The simplest option is to have your AI calculate the probability that the next card will send its value over 21. Here's some pseudocode for that (it doesn't look like you remove cards from the deck after you draw them, so I'm not taking that into account):
highest_safe = 21 - value_AI
n_safe_cards = highest_safe - 1 + 13 //the second 13 is for all of the red cards and the - 1 is because 1 is not a card
prob_safe = n_safe_cards/26 //since there are 28 possible cards (I'm assuming you didn't mean to leave 10 off your list)
if prob_safe < .5:
stop taking cards
This should result in your AI winning more often than not, as it will result in it playing optimally. If you want it to be a little easier to beat, you can add some noise to the threshold at which it decides to stop taking cards.
I have this problem: I want to know how often a player holding a portfolio of poker hands beats another player holding a different portfolio of poker hands.
Each hand in a portfolio is given a weight (i.e. a likelihood). Each hand in a portfolio also knows it's own "strength". This effectively means all cards have been dealt. So please assume no more cards need to be dealt.
The reason this problem is annoying is because of duplicate card problems. For example, if I pick a random holding from each player's portfolio I must check that these holdings don't share a card -- obviously both plays can't be dealt the same card.
I want to do this quickly so that I can make many different RangeA vs RangeB comparisions per second. I have a solution, but I won't talk about it yet because I don't want to taint any responces.
-- For an Example --
Given a 5 card board of "Ah 3c 8c Td Jh":
HandRangeA = {{"As Ac", 2.5%}, {"As Ad", 2.5%}, {"Ac Kc", 5%}....}
HandRangeB = {{"As Ac", 7.5%}, {"As Ad", 7.5%}, {"Ac Kc", 5%}....}
(Each HandRange contains all possible holding that don't use a "board card")
Goal :: compute the probaility HandRangeA beats HandRangeB
I wrote some software that did this via monte carlo. That means I ran both hands to completion, 1000 times with random boards that could arrive given the situation, and counted wins and losses. It was surprisingly accurate.
Since I was doing it for texas holdem, I would do the same thing after the (1) deal, (2) flop, 3 (turn) so the player could see how their percentages changed given the board.
I really should have finished that software. But I stopped playing poker online....
I think Andrew Prock is considered the expert here; check out the discussion here, and links therein.
I think you want something like this:
probWin = 0
For Each HandA in RangeA
probA = getProbability(HandA)
For Each HandB in RangeB
probB = getConditionalProbability(HandB, HandA)
probWin += probA * probB * getProbabilityADefeatsB(HandA, HandB)
You need to consider conditional probability, because given HandA is As Ac, there is no longer a 7.5% chance that HandB is As Ac (in fact, there is a 0% chance of that). So you are taking the probability of A having a particular hand multiplied by the probability of B having a particular hand, given what A has, multiplied by the probability of A's hand beating B's hand. That should give you the probability of A having that hand against that particular hand of B's and winning. Iterating over all such pairs should give the desired result I think.
Since the approach is exhaustive, there is no need for any sort of Monte Carlo simulation. Of course this will be O(n^2) where n is the number of possible hands, but n here is relatively small.
I should note that since you are referring to the case where all cards have been dealt, the getProbabilityADefeatsB() function would return either 1 or 0. Also, getConditionalProbability() will either be exactly 0 (because the hands share a card) or simply what your regular weight was. It would be more complicated if the hands were less specific (if HandA is AA then HandB could be a different flavor of AA, but it is less likely).