Real life use of doubly linked list - data-structures

When does using a doubly linked list seem to be best option in real life scenario? Can someone suggest practical use of it?

Adding to templatetypedef's answer.
You consider following applications :
- A music player which has next and prev buttons.
- Represent a deck of cards in a game.
- The browser cache which allows you to hit the BACK-FORWARD pages.
- Applications that have a Most Recently Used list (a linked list of file names)
- Undo-Redo functionality
Any application where you want to traverse both side from specific point.

In many operating systems, the thread scheduler (the thing that chooses what processes need to run at which times) maintains a doubly-linked list of all the processes running at any time. This makes it easy to move a process from one queue (say, the list of active processes that need a turn to run) into another queue (say, the list of processes that are blocked and waiting for something to release them). The use of a doubly-linked list here allows each of these splices and rewires to run in time O(1) and without any memory allocations, and the doubly-linked-list structure works well for implementing the scheduler using queues (where you only need to pull things out from the front.)

Doubly linked list is used in constructing MRU/LRU (Most/Least Recently Used) cache. You can find the implementation using HashMap and DoublyLinkedList in the link
One of the main applications of LRU cache is that it is employed in cases which uses most/least recently accessed items, like in the case of android phone home screen to save the most recently used apps. Here is a link explaining the application
Hope this helps!

You can think it algorithmically. Like, suppose you want to store some data in which you have to insert some element in between. The best data structure for it would be a linked list as it does the task in O(1).
Next, is suppose you want to access some element from the data. An array would be the best for this as it takes O(1) for accessing an element. But it makes insertion in O(n).
Now, in the linked list we can maintain a map of all the nodes and hence this will make the accessing thing in O(1). The insertion thing was already in O(1).
Now what's remaining is the deletion part. In an array, the deletion is done in O(n) and in the linked list also deletion is done in O(n)(if you have only the element to be deleted).
However, in the linked list if we had the address of the previous node then we could have just deleted the desired node in O(1). Here, comes the use of the doubly linked list.
The above data structure does the three most important things in a system i.e. insertion, deletion and accessing an element in O(1).


Linked List vs Vector

Over the past few days I have been preparing for my very first phone interview for a software development job. In researching questions I have come up with this article.
Every thing was great until I got to this passage,
"When would you use a linked list vs. a vector? "
Now from experience and research these are two very different data structures, a linked list being a dynamic array and a vector being a 2d point in space. The only correlation I can see between the two is if you use a vector as a linked list, say myVector(my value, pointer to neighbor)
Vector is another name for dynamic arrays. It is the name used for the dynamic array data structure in C++. If you have experience in Java you may know them with the name ArrayList. (Java also has an old collection class called Vector that is not used nowadays because of problems in how it was designed.)
Vectors are good for random read access and insertion and deletion in the back (takes amortized constant time), but bad for insertions and deletions in the front or any other position (linear time, as items have to be moved). Vectors are usually laid out contiguously in memory, so traversing one is efficient because the CPU memory cache gets used effectively.
Linked lists on the other hand are good for inserting and deleting items in the front or back (constant time), but not particularly good for much else: For example deleting an item at an arbitrary index in the middle of the list takes linear time because you must first find the node. On the other hand, once you have found a particular node you can delete it or insert a new item after it in constant time, something you cannot do with a vector. Linked lists are also very simple to implement, which makes them a popular data structure.
I know it's a bit late for this questioner but this is a very insightful video from Bjarne Stroustrup (the inventor of C++) about why you should avoid linked lists with modern hardware.
With the fast memory allocation on computers today, it is much quicker to create a copy of the vector with the items updated.
I don't like the number one answer here so I figured I'd share some actual research into this conducted by Herb Sutter from Microsoft. The results of the test was with up to 100k items in a container, but also claimed that it would continue to out perform a linked list at even half a million entities. Unless you plan on your container having millions of entities, your default container for a dynamic container should be the vector. I summarized more or less what he says, but will also link the reference at the bottom:
"[Even if] you preallocate the nodes within a linked list, that gives you half the performance back, but it's still worse [than a vector]. Why? First of all it's more space -- The per element overhead (is part of the reason) -- the forward and back pointers involved within a linked list -- but also (and more importantly) the access order. The linked list has to traverse to find an insertion point, doing all this pointer chasing, which is the same thing the vector was doing, but what actually is occurring is that prefetchers are that fast. Performing linear traversals with data that is mapped efficiently within memory (allocating and using say, a vector of pointers that is defined and laid out), it will outperform linked lists in nearly every scenario."
Use vector unless "data size is big" or "strong safety guarantee is essential".
data size is big
:- vector inserting in middle take linear time(because of the need to shuffle things around),but other are constant time operation (like traversing to nth node).So there no much overhead if data size is small.
As per "C++ coding standards Book by Andrei Alexandrescu and Herb Sutter"
"Using a vector for small lists is almost always superior to using list. Even though insertion in the middle of the sequence is a linear-time operation for vector and a constant-time operation for list, vector usually outperforms list when containers are relatively small because of its better constant factor, and list's Big-Oh advantage doesn't kick in until data sizes get larger."
strong safety guarantee
List provide strong safety guaranty.
As a correction on the Big O time of insertion and deletion within a linked list, if you have a pointer that holds the position of the current element, and methods used to move it around the list, (like .moveToStart(), .moveToEnd(), .next() etc), you can remove and insert in constant time.

What are some uses for linked lists?

Do linked lists have any practical uses at all. Many computer science books compare them to arrays and say the main advantage is that they are mutable. However, most languages provide mutable versions of arrays. So do linked lists have any actual uses in the real world, or are they just part of computer science theory?
They're absolutely precious (in both the popular doubly-linked version and the less-popular, but simpler and faster when applicable!, single-linked version). For example, inserting (or removing) a new item in a specified "random" spot in a "mutable version of an array" (e.g. a std::vector in C++) is O(N) where N is the number of items in the array, because all that follow (on average half of them) must be shifted over, and that's an O(N) operation; in a list, it's O(1), i.e., constant-time, if you already have e.g. the pointer to the "previous" item. Big-O differences like this are absolutely huge -- the difference between a real-world usable and scalable program, and a toy, "homework"-level one!-)
Linked lists have many uses. For example, implementing data structures that appear to the end user to be mutable arrays.
If you are using a programming language that provides implementations of various collections, many of those collections will be implemented using linked lists. When programming in those languages, you won't often be implementing a linked list yourself but it might be wise to understand them so you can understand what tradeoffs the libraries you use are making. In other words, the set "just part of computer science theory" contains elements that you just need to know if you are going to write programs that just work.
The main Applications of Linked Lists are
For representing Polynomials
It means in addition/subtraction /multipication.. of two polynomials.
Eg:p1=2x^2+3x+7 and p2=3x^3+5x+2
In Dynamic Memory Management
In allocation and releasing memory at runtime.
*In Symbol Tables
in Balancing paranthesis
Representing Sparse Matrix
So do linked lists have any actual uses in the real world,
A Use/Example of Linked List (Doubly) can be Lift in the Building.
- A person have to go through all the floor to reach top (tail in terms of linked list).
- A person can never go to some random floor directly (have to go through intermediate floors/Nodes).
- A person can never go beyond the top floor (next to the tail node is assigned null).
- A person can never go beyond the ground/last floor (previous to the head node is assigned null in linked list).
Yes of course it's useful for many reasons.
Anytime for example that you want efficient insertion and deletion from the list. To find a place of insertion you have an O(N) search, but to do an insertion if you already have the correct position it is O(1).
Also the concepts you learn from working with linked lists help you learn how to make tree based data structures and many other data structures.
A primary advantage to a linked list as opposed to a vector is that random-insertion time is as simple as decoupling a pair of pointers and recoupling them to the new object (this is of course, slightly more work for a doubly-linked list). A vector, on the other hand generally reorganizes memory space on insertions, causing it to be significantly slower. A list is not as efficient, however, at doing things like adding on the end of the container, due to the necessity to progress all the way through the list.
An Immutable Linked List is the most trivial example of a Persistent Data Structure, which is why it is the standard (and sometimes even only) data structure in many functional languages. Lisp, Scheme, ML, Haskell, Scala, you name it.
Linked Lists are very useful in dynamic memory allocation. These lists are used in operating systems. insertion and deletion in linked lists are very useful. Complex data structures like tree and graphs are implemented using linked lists.
Arrays that grow as needed are always just an illusion, because of the way computer memory works. Under the hood, it's just a continous block of memory that has to be reallocated when enough new elements have been added. Likewise if you remove elements from the array, you'll have to allocate a new block of memory, copy the array and release the previous block to reclaim the unused memory. A linked list allows you to grow and shrink a list of elements without having to reallocate the rest of the list.
Linked lists are useful because elements can be efficiently spliced and removed in the middle as others noted. However a downside to linked lists are poor locality of reference. I prefer not using lists for this reason unless I have an explicit need for the capabilities.

Stack and Queue, Why?

Why and when should I use stack or queue data structures instead of arrays/lists? Can you please show an example for a state thats it'll be better if you'll use stack or queue?
You've been to a cafeteria, right? and seen a stack of plates? When a clean plate is added to the stack, it is put on top. When a plate is removed, it is removed from the top. So it is called Last-In-First-Out (LIFO). A computer stack is like that, except it holds numbers, and you can make one out of an array or a list, if you like. (If the stack of plates has a spring underneath, they say you "push" one onto the top, and when you remove one you "pop" it off. That's where those words come from.)
In the cafeteria, go in back, where they wash dishes. They have a conveyor-belt where they put plates to be washed in one end, and they come out the other end, in the same order. That's a queue or First-In-First-Out (FIFO). You can also make one of those out of an array or a list if you like.
What are they good for? Well, suppose you have a tree data structure (which is like a real tree made of wood except it is upside down), and you want to write a program to walk completely through it, so as to print out all the leaves.
One way is to do a depth-first walk. You start at the trunk and go to the first branch, and then go to the first branch of that branch, and so on, until you get to a leaf, and print it. But how do you back up to get to the next branch? Well, every time you go down a branch, you "push" some information in your stack, and when you back up you "pop" it back out, and that tells you which branch to take next. That's how you keep track of which branch to do next at each point.
Another way is a breadth-first walk. Starting from the trunk, you number all the branches off the trunk, and put those numbers in the queue. Then you take a number out the other end, go to that branch, and for every branch coming off of it, you again number them (consecutively with the first) and put those in the queue. As you keep doing this you are going to visit first the branches that are 1 branch away from the trunk. Then you are going to visit all the branches that are 2 branches away from the trunk, and so on. Eventually you will get to the leaves and you can print them.
These are two fundamental concepts in programming.
Because they help manage your data in more a particular way than arrays and lists.
Queue is first in, first out (FIFO)
Stack is last in, first out (LIFO)
Arrays and lists are random access. They are very flexible and also easily corruptible. IF you want to manage your data as FIFO or LIFO it's best to use those, already implemented, collections.
Use a queue when you want to get things out in the order that you put them in.
Use a stack when you want to get things out in the reverse order than you put them in.
Use a list when you want to get anything out, regardless of when you put them in (and when you don't want them to automatically be removed).
When you want to enforce a certain usage pattern on your data structure. It means that when you're debugging a problem, you won't have to wonder if someone randomly inserted an element into the middle of your list, messing up some invariants.
Fundamentally whenever you need to put a reverse gear & get the elements in constant time,use a Stack.
Stack follows LIFO it’s just a way of arranging data.
Achieving the undo operation in notepads.
Browser back button uses a Stack.
Queues are implemented using a First-In-Fist-Out (FIFO) principle
In real life, Call Center phone systems will use Queues, to hold people calling them in an order, until a service representative is free.
CPU scheduling, Disk Scheduling. When multiple processes require CPU at the same time, various CPU scheduling algorithms are used which are implemented using Queue data structure.
In print spooling
Breadth First search in a Graph
Handling of interrupts in real-time systems. The interrupts are handled in the same order as they arrive, First come first served.
Apart from the usage enforcement that others have already mentioned, there is also a performance issue. When you want to remove something from the beginning of an array or a List (ArrayList) it usually takes O(n) time, but for a queue it takes O(1) time. That can make a huge difference if there are a lot of elements.
Arrays/lists and stacks/queues aren't mutually exclusive concepts. In fact, any stack or queue implementations you find are almost certainly using linked lists under the hood.
Array and list structures provide a description of how the data is stored, along with guarantees of the complexity of fundamental operations on the structures.
Stacks and queues give a high level description of how elements are inserted or removed. A queue is First-In-First-Out, while a stack is First-In-Last-Out.
For example, if you are implementing a message queue, you will use a queue. But the queue itself may store each message in a linked list. "Pushing" a message adds it to the front of the linked list; "popping" a message removes it from the end of the linked list.
It's a matter of intent. Stacks and queues are often implemented using arrays and lists, but the addition and deletion of elements is more strictly defined.
A stack or queue is a logical data structure; it would be implemented under the covers with a physical structure (e.g. list, array, tree, etc.)
You are welcome to "roll your own" if you want, or take advantage of an already-implemented abstraction.
The stack and the Queue are more advanced ways to handle a collection that the array itself, which doesn't establish any order in the way the elements behave inside the collection.
The Stack ( LIFO - Last in first out) and a Queue (FIFO - First in First out ) establish and order in which your elements are inserted and removed from a collection.
You can use an Array or a Linked List as the Storage structure to implement the Stack or the Queue pattern. Or even create with those basic structures more complex patterns like Binary Trees or priority queues, which might also bring not only an order in the insertion and removal of elements but also sorting them inside the collection.
There are algorithms that are easier to conceptualize, write and read with stacks rather than arrays. It makes cleaner code with less control logic and iterators since those are presupposed by the data structure itself.
For example, you can avoid a redundant "reverse" call on an array where you've pushed elements that you want to pop in reverse order, if you used a stack.
I think stack and queue both are memory accessing concepts which are used according to application demand. On the other hand, array and lists are two memory accessing techniques and they are used to implement stack(LIFO) and queue(FIFO) concepts.
The question is ambiguous, for you can represent the abstract data type of a stack or queue using an array or linked data structure.
The difference between a linked list implementation of a stack or queue and an array implementation has the same basic tradeoff as any array vs. dynamic data structure.
A linked queue/linked stack has flexible, high speed insertions/deletions with a reasonable implementation, but requires more storage than an array. Insertions/deletions are inexpensive at the ends of an array until you run out of space; an array implementation of a queue or stack will require more work to resize, since you'd need to copy the original into a larger structure (or fail with an overflow error).
Stacks are used in cache based applications, like recently opened/used application will comes up.
Queues are used in deleting/remove the data, like first inserted data needs to be deleted at first.
The use of queue has always been somewhat obscure to me (other than the most obvious one).
Stacks on the other hand are intrinsically linked to nesting which is also an essential part of backtracking.
For example, while checking if in a sentence brackets have been properly closed or not, it is easy to see that
sentence := chars | chars(chars)chars | chars{chars}chars | chars[chars]chars --- suppose cases like (chars) is not valid
chars := char | char char
char := a | b | ... | z | ␢ --- ignored uppercase
So now, when checking a given input is a sentence, if you encounter a (, you must check whether the part from here to ) is a sentence or not. This is nesting. If you ever study about context free languages and the push down automata, you will see in detail how stacks involved in these nested problems.
If you want to see difference between the use of stacks and queues, I recommend that you look up Breadth-First Search and Depth-First Search algorithms and their implementations.

Search algorithm for a sorted double linked list

As a learning excercise, I've just had an attempt at implementing my own 'merge sort' algorithm. I did this on an std::list, which apparently already had the functions sort() and merge() built in. However, I'm planning on moving this over to a linked list of my own making, so the implementation is not particuarly important.
The problem lies with the fact that a std::list doesnt have facilities for accessing random nodes, only accessing the front/back and stepping through. I was originally planning on somehow performing a simple binary search through this list, and finding my answer in a few steps.
The fact that there are already built in functions in an std::list for performing these kinds of ordering leads me to believe that there is an equally easy way to access the list in the way I want.
Anyway, thanks for your help in advance!
The way a linked list works is that you step through the items in the list one at a time. By definition there is no way to access a "random" element in the list. The Sort method you refer to actually creates a brand new list by going through each node one at a time and placing items at the correct location.
You'll need to store the data differently if you want to access it randomly. Perhaps an array of the elements you're storing.
Further information on linked lists:
A merge sort doesn't require access to random elements, only to elements from one end of the list.

Is there any practical usage of Doubly Linked List, Queues and Stacks?

I've been coding for quite sometime now. And my work pertains to solving real-world business scenarios. However, I have not really come across any practical usage of some of the data structures like the Linked List, Queues and Stacks etc.
Not even at the business framework level. Of course, there is the ubiquitous HashTable, ArrayList and of late the List...but is there any practical usage of some of the other basic data structures?
It would be great if someone gave a real-world solution where a Doubly Linked List "performs" better than the obvious easily usable counterpart.
Of course it’s possible to get by with only a Map (aka HashTable) and a List. A Queue is only a glorified List but if you use a Queue everywhere you really need a queue then your code gets a lot more readable because nobody has to guess what you are using that List for.
And then there are algorithms that work a lot better when the underlying data structure is not a plain List but a DoublyLinkedList due to the way they have to navigate the list. The same is valid for all other data structures: there’s always a use for them. :)
Stacks can be used for pairing (parseing) such as matching open brackets to closing brackets.
Queues can be used for messaging, or activity processing.
Linked list, or double linked lists can be used for circular navigation.
Most of these algorithms are usually at a lower level than your usual "business" application. For example indices on the database is a variation of a multiply linked list. Implementation of function calling mechanism(or a parse tree) is a stack. Queues and FIFOs are used for servicing network request etc.
These are just examples of collection structures that are optimized for speed in various scenarios.
LIFO-Stack and FIFO-Queue are reasonably abstract (behavioral spec-level) data structures, so of course there are plenty of practical uses for them. For example, LIFO-Stack is a great way to help remove recursion (stack up the current state and loop, instead of making a recursive call); FIFO-Queue helps "buffer up" and "peel away" work nuggets in a coroutine arrangement; etc, etc.
Doubly-linked-List is more of an implementation issue than a behavioral spec-level one, mostly... can be a good way to implement a FIFO-Queue, for example. If you need a sequence with fast splicing and removal give a pointer to one sequence iten, you'll find plenty of other real-world uses, too.
I use queues, linked lists etc. in business solutions all the time.
Except they are implemented by Oracle, IBM, JMS etc.
These constructs are generally at a much lower level of abstaction than you would want while implementing a business solution. Where a business problem would benifit from
such low level constructs (e.g. delivery route planning, production line scheduling etc.) there is usually a package available to do it or you.
I don't use them very often, but they do come up. For example, I'm using a queue in a current project to process asynchronous character equipment changes that must happen in the order the user makes them.
A linked list is useful if you have a subset of "selected" items out of a larger set of items, where you must perform one type of operation on a "selected" item and a default operation or no operation at all on a normal item and the set of "selected" items can change at will (possibly due to user input). Because linked list removal can be done nearly instantaneously (vs. the traversal time it would take for an array search), if the subsets are large enough then it's faster to maintain a linked list than to either maintain an array or regenerate the whole subset by scanning through the whole larger set every time you need the subset.
With a hash table or binary tree, you could search for a single "selected" item, but you couldn't search for all "selected" items without checking every item (or having a separate dictionary for every permutation of selected items, which is obviously impractical).
A queue can be useful if you are in a scenario where you have a lot of requests coming in and you want to make sure to handle them fairly, in order.
I use stacks whenever I have a recursive algorithm, which usually means it's operating on some hierarchical data structure, and I want to print an error message if I run out of memory instead of simply letting the software crash if the program stack runs out of space. Instead of calling the function recursively, I store its local variables in an object, run a loop, and maintain a stack of those objects.
