Prevent SpringBoot from creating an EmbeddedServletContainer - spring-boot

I'm trying to convert an existing spring application into a spring boot application. this application is not a web application but somewhere deep in it's maven dependencies hierarchy it includes a spring-web jar and therefore spring-boot tries to autoconfigure a WebEnvironment and in turn complains about not finding an EmbeddedServletContainerFactory. But this is intended as I'm using spring-boot-starter instead of spring-boot-starter-web.
My questing is: how can I prevent spring-boot from autodiscovering web specific items in the classpath? I already tried something like
#EnableAutoConfiguration(exclude = { EmbeddedServletContainerAutoConfiguration.class })
but it doesn't seem to work. Debugging the startup process I see that it runs into a method called deduceWebEnvironment() which is called unconditionally. This method returns true as soon as the following classes are on the classpath:
javax.servlet.Servlet, org.springframework.web.context.ConfigurableWebApplicationContext
But again, even this classes exist in the cp, I don't want to startup a web-application.

Try new SpringApplicationBuilder(YourApp.class).setWebEnvironment(false).run(args) You can also disable the web mode via configuration in
See the documentation


what does "spring-kafka without springboot" mean

I'm totally new to Kafka and terribly confused by this:
I don't understand what that even means. What does "no spring boot mean" because that example sure as hell uses spring boot. I'm so confused....
if I'm using SpringBoot and spring-kafka, should I have to manually create #Bean ConcurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactory as shown here. Most of the examples in the docs for setting up filtering / config / etc seem to use the "manual" configuration using #Bean. Is that "normal"? The docs are very confusing to me...especially this warning:
Spring for Apache Kafka is designed to be used in a Spring Application Context. For example, if you create the listener container yourself outside of a Spring context, not all functions will work unless you satisfy all of the …​Aware interfaces that the container implements.
It's referring to the autowired configuration, as compared to putting each property in the config via HashMap/Properties in-code.
Also, it does not use #SpringBootApplication or, it just calls a regular main method using a hard-coded Config class.
Spring boot contains the functionality of AutoConfiguration
What this means is that spring boot when discovers some specific jar dependencies it knows, in the project, it automatically configures them to work on a basic level. This does not exist in simple Spring project where even if you add the dependency you have to also provide the configuration as to how it should work in your application.
This is also happening here with dependencies of Kafka. Therefore the documentation explains what more you have to configure if you don't have spring-boot with auto-configuration to make kafka work in a spring project.
Another question asked in comment is what happens in case you want some complex custom configuration instead of the automatic configuration provided while you are in a spring-boot app.
As documented
Auto-configuration tries to be as intelligent as possible and will
back-away as you define more of your own configuration. You can always
manually exclude() any configuration that you never want to apply (use
excludeName() if you don't have access to them). You can also exclude
them via the spring.autoconfigure.exclude property.
So if you want to have some complex configuration which is not automatically provided by spring-boot through some other mechanism like a spring-boot specific application property, then you can make your own configuration with your custom bean and then either automatic configuration from spring-boot for that class will back of as spring does several intelligent checks during application context set up or you will have to exclude the class from auto configuration manually.
In that case you could probably take as an example reference of how to register manually your complex configurations in spring boot what is documented on how to be done in non spring boot app. doc

Dynamic loading of spring bean from jar along with dependent beans

I am running a spring application.
My requirement is user will be placing a plugin jar file at run time at designated lib folder location.
This plugin jar file will have spring application context file as well. I want to load this jar, means all the classes - spring beans
and all its dependent beans/components(this is important), from this jar file at run time.
I do not want to create new/child application context and want to use the existing spring bean context loaded at application start up.
I reffered to few other similar threads/questions on SO and could resolve the issue of dynamically loading of spring beans.
But i am not able to resolve issue of loading all the dependent beans for the spring beans.
Could you please provide any pointers/hints to dynamically load all the dependent beans of spring bean(which is also)loaded at run time?
Thanks in advance,
If you want to be able to load the plugin after startup you are not going to get away with not creating another application context as a child.
I'd suggest you do exactly this and then create some hooks in parent context whereby your plugin will integrate itself.
The alternative is to include that plugin.jar in the main classpath and then restart the application to include the plugin.

SpringBoot Multiple AutoConfiguration exclusions defined at startup

I work on a corporate Spring Boot extension that autoconfigures its own RabbitMQ clients. This extension (a starter) replaces the Spring Boot RabbitAutoConfiguration.
I know there are many ways to disable the RabbitAutoConfiguration :
in each Application (main) class with #EnableAutoConfiguration(exclude = RabbitAutoConfiguration.class) or #SpringBootApplication(exclude = RabbitAutoConfiguration.class)
in the or yml file (externalized or within the jar), with spring.autoconfigure.exclude=org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.amqp.RabbitAutoConfiguration
I wonder if there is a way that the presence of my new starter disables the Spring Boot RabbitAutoConfiguration.
I tried some dirty things, such as putting an with the exclude property in the corporate starter module, but as Spring Boot only reads one in the classpath, it can be easily overriden by one used in a client application. I do not want to impose some restrictions.
I do not like the idea of each application adding the same exclusion one way or the other (properties or annotation).
Any ideas ?
I need to configure several RabbitMQ ConnectionFactory and RestTemplate within the same application.
If you want to truly replace the standard RabbitAutoConfiguration by yours, you just need to add #AutoconfigureBefore(RabbitAutoConfiguration.class) on your own auto-configuration to teach Spring Boot to process yours before the standard one.
If it is a replacement, yours will register beans that the standard auto-configuration will detect and it will back-off the same way as if you would have defined them manually.
Having said that, why are you doing this? I'd rather complement the existing auto-configuration rather than replacing the standard one. Is there a problem with the standard one? If so, we'd love to hear about it and adapt the code so that you don't have to fully replace it.

Can Jersey resources classes be instantiated in Spring Boot if they're external?

I'm developing a Spring Boot app using Jersey for Rest.
The app will regularly have Rest controller and supporting classes added to it, basically adding small, specific logic at specific endpoints.
I'd like to be able to drop jars containing Jersey controllers into a directory specified by loader.path and have them created (including Spring auto-wiring) by just restarting the server.
Some Jersey resources form the base of the application and these are working fine because I've registered them via a ResourceConfig class but I'd really like to add resources without requiring a rebuild of the app.
Is this possible? I'm failing to get the resources created, I'm not even sure they're in the classpath.
In application.properites, I added:
and I've copied the jars into these folders, but they don't get instantiated.
Anybody got any ideas?

Spring with maven-shade-plugin

I am trying to use to versions of spring in the same application: the first one is a webapp with spring 2.6 and the second it a jar client, with spring 4.0.2. The client communicates with another application and will be a dependency for the webapp. The problem is that the classloader will just load one time the common classes from spring and it will certainly fail.
I tried to use ElasticSearch aproach of using shaded dependencies(maven shade plugin) and relocate spring from the client to a different package (from org.springframework to my.springframework) and the uber jar seems to be constructed fine.
The issue is that Spring is based on spring.schemas and spring.handlers for validating xml config files and loads this files from classpath (META-INF folder and this paths are hardcoded in Spring code - e.q. PluggableSchemaResolver). I modified this files to point from org.srpingframework to my.springframework.
At runtime it seems that the classloader reads these files from the webapp, which has this files but with the real spring path and the exception is something like
org.realsearch.springframework.beans.FatalBeanException: Class [org.springframework.context.config.ContextNamespaceHandler] for namespace [] does not implement the [my.springframework.beans.factory.xml.NamespaceHandler] interface.
To me it seems that is impossible to achieve what I am trying (use tho spring versions in the same application with one of them relocated). Any ideas here? Am I wright?:d
