How to get response message HTTP Request on Beanshell Jmeter - jmeter

Hi actually I want to test web service using Jmeter. but I am stuck when I want try to get response message from http request. actually I want to get the response message from beanshell post processor. How should I do to get the response code?

You can also use context(ctx) variable to get the previous result data:

It is as simple as
where prev is a shorthand to parent SampleResult class
See How to Use BeanShell: JMeter's Favorite Built-in Component article for more information on using Beanshell in JMeter


Ignore Oath Request Throughput and Response Time through CLI in JMeter

While doing Testing I need to taken the token from Oath API and use it in another subsequent API's which is successfully done. But when HTML report is generated through CLI the Oath API's Response time and Throughput is also calculated, is there a way we can ignore that request ?
Add to requests JSR223 PostProcessor below them which will ignore request/response
prev - (SampleResult) - gives access to the previous SampleResult
Call this method to tell JMeter to ignore this SampleResult by Listeners
There are following options:
Add JSR223 PostProcessor as a child of the Sampler(s) you need to exclude from Listeners/test results/whatever and put the following code into "Script" area:
Use FilterResults Tool (available via JMeter Plugins project, can be installed using JMeter Plugins Manager), it allows excluding sample results basing on strings or regular expressions or time offsets or both
JMeter .jtl result files are basically CSV files, you can use your favourite text editor or tool like MS Excel to remove the result entries you're not interested in

Jmeter - Using GET/POST with single call

For the purpose of my test, i need to test the same endpoint is capable of using both GET/POST http method. What is the easiest way, how i can do it without creating duplicates of the script?
You can normally parameterize the HTTP request method by creating a simple CSV file with the following contents:
once done you can add a CSV Data Set Config element and set it up like:
and in your HTTP Request sampler just use ${method} JMeter Variable
That's it, you can now run your request and it will hit the endpoint twice using different methods:

How to extract data from AMQP request in JMeter

I have used AMQP Publisher to publish the message in RabbitMQ then I use AMQP Consumer as listener. In the View Results Tree the messages from the queue in shown in the request tab of AMQP Consumer. My question is how to extract data from that request. I tried following the Bean Shell Post Processor but it seems it will only work on Http request. I tried to use JSR223 Post Processor and XPath extractor but it doesn't work as well. Any help?
I wanted to extract the documentId from the request. Here is the Request pattern.
I have already tried following links:
Extracting value from jmeter post request
how to extract value from request in Jmeter
How to extract the values from request input xml in jmeter
The statement that you tried something without sharing the code doesn't make sense
Posting JSON data or code as image is not the best idea
Any reason to extract data from the request? Normally people know everything about the request hence don't require to extract anything from it. Even if they do - they should normally able to store the request data into a JMeter Variable and apply the relevant Post-Processor to it.
Whatever, just in case here is the solution:
Add JSR223 PostProcessor (if you really want to do this using the Post-Processor) as a child of the request
Put the following code into "Script" area:
That's it, you should be able to access the extracted value as ${foo} where required.
JsonPath: Getting Started
Apache Groovy - Why and How You Should Use It

Open full URL in jmeter which return in previous response

I have response which return full url e.g. redirectUrl=https://myurl:9999/path/path2?a=b
I want to submit a sampler without parsing it, as it is.
Can it be done in jmeter or jmeter plugin?
Extract the URL from the response using i.e. Regular Expression Extractor and store it into a JMeter Variable, i.e. use redirectUrl as the "Reference Name"
Add another HTTP Request sampler and put ${redirectUrl} into "Path" section:
JMeter is smart enough to build a proper HTTP request from the URL provided via "Path" section:

How do I pass a post with a response parameter in JMeter using Groovy

I am using JMeter to performance/load test our Reports page on our site. I can use the recorder to get up to viewing the reports page. That is fine.
I enter a search keyword "John" and this is an Ajax request.
I am aware I need to use the JSR223 sampler to achieve this part.
On executing the search on the reports page I inspect the Net\XHR tab from Firefox developer tools.
I can see the Post tab has the following data (I can see John near the end of the parameter if you scroll across):
The Response tab has the following data:
If i use the sample JSR223 Groovy code from where can i insert the post & response parameters?
Does anyone have a sample code i could use to do this please?
Substitute HttpGet with HttpPost and it should work
Reference code below:
HttpPost post = new HttpPost("");
List <NameValuePair> params = new ArrayList <NameValuePair>();
params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("paramname1", "paramvalue1"));
params.add(new BasicNameValuePair("paramname2", "paramvalue2"));
post.setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(params, "UTF-8"));
HttpResponse response = client.execute(post);
For more information on Apache HTTPClient and some examples refer to HttpClient Quick Start guide.
Also make sure that you properly enable Groovy scripting engine and follow best scripting practices. See Beanshell vs JSR223 vs Java JMeter Scripting: The Performance-Off You've Been Waiting For! article for details on how to install groovy support and scripting tips and tricks.
