How do I reduce Hamiltonian path to a weight-constrained Hamiltonian path? - complexity-theory

I have a problem, where you'd like to find a Hamiltonian path whose weight sum is more than or equal to half the total weight sum of a graph G=(V, E), to reduce by the help of usual Hamiltonian path.
How can I perform this? I am not sure about how I am supposed to do this, I am trying to write a reduction algorithm, but I am completely stuck right now.
Thanks in advance!


Find a positive simple s-t Path on a Graph is NP-Complete?

I'm trying to find something on the literature to help me to solve this problem:
Given a graph with non negative edge weights, find a simple s-t positive path of any size, i.e., a path that goes from s to t with length greater than 0. I was trying to use dijkstra algorithm to find a positive shortest path by avoiding relax the edges that have cost zero, but this is wrong. I don't want to believe that this problem is NP-Complete =/. Sometimes it seems to be NP-Complete, because there may be a case where the only positive path is the longest path. But this is such a specific case. I think that on this kind of instance the longest path problem is polynomially solvable.
Can someone help me identifying this problem or showing that it is NP-Complete ?
Observations: The only requirement is to be some positive path (not necessarily the lowest or longest). In case of multiple positive paths it can be anyone. In case of non existence of such path, the algorithm should flag that the graph has no positive path.
Dijkstra's algorithm produces an answer in polynomial time (so in P rather than NP) and provides a shortest path between any 2 points on the graph.
Please refer to Dijkstra's Algorithm Wiki for further details.
You don't really need any more proof.
I'm not quite sure how "relax the edges that have cost 0" has any impact on this question at all.
The problem is NP-complete even with only one single edge having value 1, and all the others having value 0. Reduce from Two Directed Paths:
Two Directed Paths
Input: A directed graph G and two pairs of vertices (s1, t1) and (s2, t2)
Output: Two vertex-disjoint paths, one from s1 to t1 and from from s2 to t2.
Create a new instance with all edges having weight 0, and create an edge from t1 to s2 with weight 1.

Given undirected weighted connected graph, s,t. Find path from s to t that its most weighted edge is low as possible

Given: undirected weighted connected graph. s,t are vertices.
Question: Find an algorithm as efficient as possible that returns a path from s to t. In that path, the edge that has the highest weight, will has the least weight as possible. So if we have 5 paths from s,t and for every path we have the heaviest edge, so the minimum edge of these 5.
What I've tried:
Use some algorithm to find the shortest path between s and t.
Delete all the edges that are not part of the shortest paths we've found
Use BFS with some modification, We run BFS depending on the number of paths from s to t. Every time we find a maximum edge and store it in an array, then we find the minimum of the array.
I'm struggling to find an algorithm that can be ran in (1), Bellman ford won't work - because it has to be directed graph. Dijkstra won't work because we don't know if it has negative circles or negative edges. And Prim is for finding MST which I'm not aware of how it can help us in finding the shortest path. Any ideas?
And other from that, If you have an algorithm in mind that can solve this question, would be much appreciated.
You can solve this with Kruskal's algorithm. Add edges as usual and stop as soon as s and t are in the same cluster.
The idea is that at each stage of the algorithm we have effectively added all edges below a certain weight threshold. Therefore, if s and t are in the same cluster then there is a route between them consisting entirely of edges with weight less than the threshold.
You can solve it by converting into a MST problem, basically the path from s to t in the MST would be the path which has the least possible maximum weight
find the most negative edge in the graph
add that (weight+1) to every edge.
Now all edge are positive so you can apply Dijkstra's algorithm
you can get the shortest_path between source and destination
Now count the number of edges between source and destination (say x)
Real shortest path will be: shortest_path - x * (weight+1)

Given a weighted undirected graph, how do I find a path which has the total weights close to a given value?

Suppose I have a weighted, undirected graph. Each edge has a positive weight. I would like to find a simple path (no vertices appear in the path twice) from a given source node (s) to a target node (t) which has the total sum of weights close to a given value (P).
Even though it sounds like a well-studied problem, I couldn't find a satisfying solution. Many graph algorithms are aiming to find the shortest path (in a sense of steps or cost), but not to find the "matched" cost path.
A naive solution would be finding all paths from s to t, compute sum of weights for each path and select the one that is close to P. However, finding all paths between two nodes in a graph is known to be #P-hard.
A possible solution could be modified the A* algorithm, so that for each node in the frontier we get the cost from the root to that node (g), and estimate the cost from that node to the goal (h). Then instead of choosing a node with the smallest g+h, we choose a node with the smallest |P - (g+h)|. However, I am not sure if this is the best solution.
Another thought is inspired from the linear programming since the objective function of this problem is sum(weights of a path from s to t) - P = 0. I know the shortest path problem can be formed as a linear programming task but not sure how to formulate this problem as a one.
Please help, thanks in advance!
This problem is NP-hard via a reduction from the Hamiltonian path problem. In that problem, you are given a graph and a pair of nodes s and t and are asked whether there's a simple path from s to t that passes through all the nodes in the graph. You can solve the Hamiltonian path problem via your problem as follows:
Assign each edge in the graph weight 1.
Find the s-t simple path whose weight is as close to n-1 as possible, where n is the number of nodes in the graph.
Returns whether this path has cost exactly n-1.
If the graph has a Hamiltonian path, then that path will have cost n-1. Otherwise, it doesn't, and the best path found will have a cost that's lower than n-1.

NP complete Theory: Long Path

The question is basically to show that for any unweighted graph G(V,E), if we could find a simple path as big as floor(|V|/2), we could compute hamiltonian paths.
Basically that Hamiltonian Paths are polynomial time reducible to the long path problem.
I have tried to find a graph in which a path of size |v|/2 would map to another graph's Hamiltonian Path. Yet I have not gotten anywhere with that approach.
Maybe there is a way to prove there is a finite number of paths grater than length |V|/2 for any graph, which would mean we could just repeat our long path algorithm several times to find our Hamiltonian Paths. But I am not sure of this.
As a hint, suppose that you want to find a Hamiltonian path in a graph with n nodes. What happens if you create a new graph that's two independent copies of the original graph and ask whether that new graph has a Hamiltonian path going through n nodes?
Hope this helps!

Reduction algorithm from the Hamiltonian cycle

I believe that the Hamiltonian cycle problem can be summed up as the following:
Given an undirected graph G = (V, E), a
Hamiltonian circuit is a tour in G passing through
every vertex of G once and only once.
Now, what I would like to do is reduce my problem to this. My problem is:
Given a weighted undirected graph G, integer k, and vertices u, v
both in G, is there a simple path in G from u to v
with total weight of AT LEAST k?
So knowing that the Hamiltonian cycle problem is NP-complete, by reducing this problem to the Hamiltonian, this problem is also proved NP-complete. My issue is the function reducing it to Hamiltonian.
The big issue is that the Hamiltonian problem does not deal with edge weights, so I must convert my graph to one that doesn't have any weights.
On top of that, this problem has a designated start and finish (u and v), whereas the Hamiltonian finds a cycle, so any start is the same as the finish.
For (1), I am thinking along the lines of passing a graph with all simple paths of total weight LESS THAN k taken out.
For (2), I am thinking that this is not really an issue, because if there is a Hamiltonian cycle, then the simple path from u to v can be sliced out of it.
So, my real questions are:
Is my solution going to give me the right answer?
If yes, then how can I take out the edges that will produce simple paths of total weight less than k WITHOUT affecting the possibility that one of those edges may be required for the actual solution? Because if an edge e is taken out because it produces a simple path of weight < k for a subset of E, it can still be used in a simple path with a different combination of edges to produce a path of weight >= k.
Your reduction is in the wrong direction. To show that your problem is NP-complete, you need to reduce Hamilton Circuit to it, and that is very easy. I.e. show that every Hamilton Circuit problem can be expressed in terms of your problem variant.
More of a hint than an answer:
A unweighted graph can be interpreted as a weighted graph where each edge has weight 1. What would the cost of a Hamiltonian cycle be in a graph like that?
The part about the mismatch between cycles and paths is correct and is a problem you need to solve. Basically you need to prove that the Hamiltonian Path problem is also NP complete (a relatively straightfoward reduction to the Cycle problem)
As for the other part, you are doing things in the wrong direction. You need to show that your more complicated problem can solve the Hamiltonian Path problem (and is thus NP-hard). To do this you just basically have to use the special case of unit-cost edges.
