I'm trying to reproduce the css files of bootswatch using compass but I receive error.
My compass folders:
|_ css
| |_ styles.css
| |_ ..........
|_ fonts
| |_ bootstrap
|_ img
|_ js
|_ sass
|_ bootstrap
| |_ mixins
| |_ _variables.scss
| |_ .........
|_ themes
|_ _cerulean-bootswatch.scss
|_ _cerulean-variables.scss
|_ _bootstrap.scss
|_ _custom-variables.scss
|_ styles.scss
Compass uses last file styles.scss to produce styles.css.
I created a folder themes and copied there the cerulean files: _cerulean-bootswatch.scss and _cerulean-variables.scss. I used the project files where all bootswatch themes reside.
Now, I follow the directions of the projects page:
#import "bootswatch/theme/variables";
#import "bootstrap-sass-official/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap";
#import "bootswatch/theme/bootswatch";
with my structure these would be:
import the theme variables (_cerulean-variables.scss)
import the bootstrap partial (_bootstrap.scss)
last import the relevant bootswatch partial (_cerulean-bootswatch.scss)
All the above happen at styles.scss:
// Import custom Bootstrap variables
// Bootswatch theme variables
//#import "themes/cerulean-variables"
// Import Bootstrap for Sass
#import "bootstrap";
// Bootswatch themes
#import "themes/cerulean-bootswatch"
If I un-comment /#import "themes/cerulean-variables" I receive error:
error sass/styles.scss (Line 29: Invalid CSS after "...tstrap for Sass": expected selector or at-rule, was "#import "bootst...")
and the styles.css contains the error:
"Error: Invalid CSS after \"...tstrap for Sass\": expected selector or at-rule, was \"#import \"bootst...\"\A on line 15 of bs-compass-simple/sass/styles.scss\A \A 10: // Bootswatch theme variables\A 11: #import \"themes/cerulean-variables\"\A 12: \A 13: \A 14: // Import Bootstrap for Sass\A 15: #import \"bootstrap\";\A 16: \A 17: // Bootswatch themes\A 18: #import \"themes/cerulean-bootswatch\"
Am I missing something?
You have missed out two semi-colons. Should be:
// Import custom Bootstrap variables
// Bootswatch theme variables
//#import "themes/cerulean-variables";
// Import Bootstrap for Sass
#import "bootstrap";
// Bootswatch themes
#import "themes/cerulean-bootswatch";
Either that or you might need:
// Import custom Bootstrap variables
// Bootswatch theme variables
//#import "themes/cerulean-variables"
// Import Bootstrap for Sass
#import "bootstrap"
// Bootswatch themes
#import "themes/cerulean-bootswatch"
If Compass uses a different syntax than I'm used to with vanilla SCSS or you've set something to a non-standard configuration. Either way usage should be consistent. I'd suggest likely the former, since the lack of semi-colon would cause an error at #import "bootstrap" when the browser attempted to parse both of the lines together, instead of separately.
I have a CSS file in which I am importing other CSS files using #import. When I compile that CSS file using laravel-mix, I am unable to import the included CSS files after compilation
I have following CSScss stored in
/* iCheck plugin skins
----------------------------------- */
#import url("minimal/_all.css");
#import url("square/_all.css");
#import url("flat/_all.css");
#import url("line/_all.css");
#import url("polaris/polaris.css");
#import url("futurico/futurico.css");
And following is my webpack.mix.js
mix.js('resources/js/app.js', 'public/js')
.sass('resources/sass/app.scss', 'public/css')
.styles('resources/css/icheck/all.css', 'public/css/icheck.css')
Now when I run 'npm run dev' command it should copy the imported CSS files, but I have only the following icheck.css file in public/css folder
#import url("minimal/_all.css");
#import url("square/_all.css");
#import url("flat/_all.css");
#import url("line/_all.css");
#import url("polaris/polaris.css");
#import url("futurico/futurico.css");
Now all I want is When I compile resources/css/icheck/all.css file using laravel-mix then all the imported CSS files should be copied in public/css folder
I am now creating html project using sass and client requested to use material.io web component. My sass is working fine. I included material.io component through node_modeules folder. But when I tried to access material-components-web.scss like below code
//style.scss file
#import 'layout';
#import 'typo';
#import 'image';
#import 'overwrite';
#import "~material-components-web";
I got this error message in style.css file.
Error: File to import not found or unreadable: ~material-components-web.
Load paths:
on line 5 of /Users/kenvsi/www/static/mycondo/assets/sass/style.scss
1: #import 'layout';
2: #import 'typo';
3: #import 'image';
4: #import 'overwrite';
5: #import "~material-components-web";
My question is that I would like to assess all material scss components, variable and function to my custom scss file. Is there any ways to access those material scss options in html project?
i think you miss to include the scss file.
I am using this with webpack for sass compiling.
#import "~material-components-web/material-components-web";
First "material-components-web" is a folder and second is a scss file.
I've set up my own (Bootstrap 3) scss mixins as it is done in Bootstrap itself:
a mixin folder in my scss folder (template). Like this:
-scss (with template.scss)
-- bootstrap
-- template/mixins
linked it in the file template.scss: #import "template/mixins";
Prepros doesn't accept it: "File to import not found or unreadable: template/mixins".
How do I set this up?
Found it. The folder was set up correctly, but the corresponding #import was not. One level too high. #import mixins shouldn't be in template.scss, but in the template folder itself as _mixins.scss
I want to use Bootstrap with SASS, but I can't find any tutorials or explanation how one can use Bootstrap with SASS. The only thing I find is installatio trough a ruby gem:
compass create my-new-project -r bootstrap-sass --using bootstrap
Which creates the following tree in my folder:
Is this enough for Bootstrap to use its own Grid, because I don't see the bootstrap.scss file, neither any Grid related files. However, I find the grid classes and all in a styles.css file. Isn't there a bootstrap.scss file that has all the mixins and everything else? And where can I find a more extended use of SASS's Bootstrap mixins, which are described here briefly:
Thank You all in advance! I really can't find nothing on my problem.
(I'm using .sass files in my answer, but it should apply to .scss files, too)
Isn't there a bootstrap.scss file that has all the mixins and everything else?
Yes, there is. Here's the generated styles.sass file:
// Import Bootstrap Compass integration
#import "bootstrap-compass"
// Import custom Bootstrap variables
#import "bootstrap-variables"
// Import Bootstrap for Sass
#import "bootstrap"
bootstap_variables refers to the generated _bootstrap-variables.sass file in your project tree, whereas bootstrap-compass and bootstrap are imported from the gem's stylesheets directory.
The latter imports all other Bootstrap files, including the grid:
// Core variables and mixins
#import "bootstrap/variables";
#import "bootstrap/mixins";
// Reset and dependencies
#import "bootstrap/normalize";
#import "bootstrap/print";
#import "bootstrap/glyphicons";
// Core CSS
#import "bootstrap/scaffolding";
#import "bootstrap/type";
#import "bootstrap/code";
#import "bootstrap/grid"; # <-- here it is
I just recently downloaded a ready made project and it has scss files on it too. when I tried to compile main.scss file using koala-app it gives me this error.
C:\Users\1\Desktop\agency\sass\main.scss Syntax error: File to import not found or unreadable: compass/css3.
Load paths:
C:/Program Files (x86)/Koala (DEPRECATED)
on line 2 of C:\Users\1\Desktop\agency\sass\partials\_base.scss
from line 4 of C:\Users\1\Desktop\agency\sass\main.scss Use --trace for backtrace.
by the way line 4 : #import "compass/css3";
I already installed:
ruby 1.9.3p545
gem 1.8.28
// all modules, general styles and variables
#import "partials/base";
#import "partials/general";
// third-party
#import "vendors/supersized";
#import "vendors/font-awesome.min";
#import "vendors/brankic-icon";
#import "vendors/flexslider";
#import "vendors/animate";
#import "vendors/jpreloader";
#import "vendors/magnific-popup";
// web elements/components
#import "partials/hero-unit";
#import "partials/about";
#import "partials/services";
#import "partials/works";
#import "partials/call-to-action";
#import "partials/team";
#import "partials/testimonial";
#import "partials/contact";
#import "partials/twitter-stream";
#import "partials/footer";
/* ------------------ BASE STYLES ------------------ */
// import compass
#import "compass/css3";
// all variables
any suggestions would really be appreciated.. thanks ( note: newbie on sass :)
what I did was create a new sass project using ruby's command prompt "compass create newproject" then transfer the files there. then it worked.. I really did not solve the problem, thought but somehow I found a way to make it work. heres the link for reference.