Composer autoloads classes of TYPO3 extension without any autoload configuration - composer-php

Why does the following root composer.json result in an vendor/composer/autoload_classmap.php containing all the class mappings for Smarty's classes – although the composer.json of typo3-ter/smarty does not come with any autoload configuration?
"repositories": [
"type": "composer",
"url": ""
"require": {
"typo3/cms": "^6.2",
"typo3-ter/smarty": "2.1.2"

Some background info: is a composer repository, which enables legacy TYPO3 Extension Repository (TER) extensions to be installable via composer. Because TER extensions do not have a vendor name, all of them share the same vendor, which is "typo3-ter".
This (legacy) composer repository is built by using meta information (dependencies to other TER extensions and TYPO3 versions, author, description …) from TER.
To make this repository more useful for end users and especially because TYPO3 >7.6 completely relies on the composer autoloader when installed via composer, the complete extension directory is added to the composer classmap. Without that, extension classes would not be loadable at all, without any additional configuration.
Because this can cause trouble, I taught TER to partially capture information from composer.json in case this file is present. This means if a composer.json is present and it contains an autoload section, this section is used to generate the autoload information for this extension on
Regarding the smarty extension:
Surprisingly this extension has a composer.json file already. But it is broken. First and foremost: It misses autoload information, although it clearly has classes available. Because of the lack of autoload information, the package generator adds the complete directory as classmap.
If this causes trouble (you never mentioned that, but I assume so), you should add the repo directly as type "vcs" to your composer.json and require "rtp/smarty" instead of "typo3-ter/smarty".
Or you ask the author to fix the composer.json and upload a new version to TER, or even better register that package directly on


Composer - Using a custom fork of a package dependency

I am using the package teamtnt/laravel-scout-tntsearch-driver and I wish to make a very small change to one of the files within teamtnt/tntsearch which is one of the packages dependencies.
Usually I would:
Create a fork of the package.
Add the repository into my composer.json as follows:
"repositories": [
{"type": "vcs", "url": ""}
Require/Upgrade the package to the correct version (usually dev-master) keeping the original name spacing and it all works fine.
However, with a dependency which is not directly included in my composer.json file, this does not seem to work. Do I need to fork both the base package, and the dependency package even though I do not need to change anything within the base?
I am hoping there is a simple way to do this, without having to fork each level.
This was actually quite simple. Not too sure why it did not work originally! Instructions below for anyone wondering:
Fork the package (i.e. GitHub)
Add the repo from your username, to your projects main composer.json as follows:
"repositories": [
{"type": "vcs", "url": ""}
Edit the composer.json file within the new fork you created in step 1 (youruser/tntsearch) and create/add to the extras key:
"extra": {
"branch-alias": {
"dev-master": "2.0.x-dev"
This effectively allows you to install your dev-master version, but allow other packages where this is a dependency to request the 2.0 version (in this case). You do need to be careful in this case that you have forked the correct version and any upgrades are correctly managed later down the line, or things may break!
More info on composer alias here
Require/Upgrade the package using original package namespace, at the dev-master version.
composer require teamtnt/tntsearch:dev-master
The name spacing and package versions will remain the same as before your fork, but the edits from your fork will be pulled into your project instead.

Why did composer install oauth2-client with different directory names and files

I am new to composer and I used it to install the oauth2-client. I think I am having some sort of misunderstanding about how this is supposed to work.
From thephpleague github page I installed from the command line using
composer require league/oauth2-client
This added files to /usr/local/bin/vendor/league/oauth2-client.
The file structure looks the same as it does on github, except I don't have all the same files.
And the php in the files is looking for files in \League\OAuth2, so I am getting errors that it can't find included files, because I don't have that directory.
Did I do it wrong, or am I just not getting something?
The backslash is the PHP namespace separator, not the directory separator.
In the composer.json for oauth2 from TheLeague, this is the autoload directive:
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"League\\OAuth2\\Client\\": "src/"
It says that the code inside of src directory is in the League\OAuth2\Client namespace.
Composer follows PSR-4 with regards to namespacing and autoloading, so check that out if you want to know what goes on.
If you've installed other League extensions, like oauth2-facebook, it will install itself into the same src directory - because of the autoload directive in composer.json.
Well, because of the namespace, you will find 'Facebook' in the League\OAuth2\Client\Provider namespace.
Because of PSR-4, this means that they need to go into the same directory, even though they are different packages.
That is the reason why you'll see Facebook.php in src/Providers directory. Check the oauth2-facebook repository
You probably have required oauth2-facebook and oauth2-google, or one of your other required packages requires it. It rarely just add themselves. :)

Composer private package issue

I have created a private composer package in but when I use
composer require command to fetch it. My package coming under vendor folder which is on root.
But I want it to be in app/code folder. Is there any parameter for composer.json where I can set app/code, so it will come under app/code/.
Yes there is. According to the composer documentation, if your project uses the PSR-4 specification for loading classes, then adding the snippet below to the composer.json file would work.
NB: You will need to change ProjectNameSpace to the base namespace for your project.
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"ProjectNameSpace\\": "app/code"
Theoretically. You can't composer will always place the code in vendor directory. The code is external and therefore can be updated only by composer. It must not be in app/code as only code you modify for the project should be in app/code.
If you wish to make a Magento project, you should have the fallowing files in the versioning tool.
The other files will be handled by composer.
But if you really need to do it, but I don't see any reason to do so, then you could use a post-update & post-install script to move the code. But it's a very bad idea.

Autoloading a third party library via Composer's autoloader?

I've got a little Laravel4 project into which I need to incorporate a third party library. This library is not available via GIT or Packagist (only from the vendor), so I downloaded it into my vendor directory (had to add some custome vendor and package directories).
Rather than just include()-ing it as suggested by the vendor's documentation, I'm hoping to just use the existing Composer autoloader, and can use a hand figuring out what I'm doing wrong.
My dir tree is like this
|__ app
|__ vendor
| |__ merchantcompany
| |__ client
| |__ src
| |__ client.php
|__ blah
|__ blah
And I updated my compser.json to include:
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"MerchantCompany\\": "vendor/merchantcompany/client/src"
I also tried "MerchantCompany\\": "src", but to no avail.
WHAT am I missing?
NOTE: The class from the vendor is not namespaced.
Am I under the correct assumption that this is fine, or should I be adding a namespace to the class script?
You are currently doing it wrong. You manually inject the package into a folder that is managed by Composer (which can wipe that directory if seen fit), and you incorporate the autoloading sort of into your own code.
Composer offers a way to add the needed metadata to projects which do not have them. This is the "package" type of repository described in
If you look at the example given there for Smarty, you see that you basically need to add a key "type" with value "package" and a key "package" with the content of the composer.json file you'd like to see contained inside the project.
In this case there is a version tag added (in sync with the version of Smarty being used, just in case some later versions make use of Composer and Packagist, which Smarty does since some version 3.1.x) to allow Composer to reference this version, a name for that package (both values can be arbitrarily made up if you doubt you'll ever get that software with Composer support), and a URL to download the code from (you don't have to provide both a ZIP download AND a repository if you don't know them).
The thing that is missing is the definition of autoloading, which can be added just the same way as everywhere else. If nothing else works, use "classmap". Composer will then scan all files for occurrences of classes, interfaces and traits and will generate an array containing the accompanying filenames. You can however also use PSR-0 or PSR-4 if the code conforms to that standard.
Note that PSR-4 can only be used for classes using namespaces! Without namespaces, you must use either PSR-0, or classmap. From the short piece of directory listing I doubt the code is compatible with PSR-0, so just use classmap for quick results.
As a suggestion:
"repositories": [
"type": "package",
"package": {
"name": "merchantvendor/client",
"version": "1.0.0",
"dist": {
"url": "",
"type": "zip"
"autoload": {
"classmap": ""
"require": {
"otherstuff": "...",
"merchantvendor/client": "1.0.0"
PSR-4 is a namespace-based autoload standard. You won't be able to use it if your vendor's PHP package does not utilize namespaces.
If the package's files are class based (not procedural functions like a helpers file), then you can use Composer's classmap autoloader instead. Otherwise you can use the files autoloader, which basically includes the file on every request, regardless if you use it or not.
Note that since you are defining the path to these files manually, they do not need to be in your vendor folder. I'd actually recommend that you put the library in a different, non-.gitignore folder, since it is an external dependency that you can not automatically include into your project via Composer.
Of course you can always nag your vendor into updating their package to be more compliant with things like PSR-4 and namespaces. :)

How to use composer with a non-packagist github project containing a packages.json

I want to put into my composer.json for easy maintenance.
It's not an official packagist project (of course, as it's not PHP), but it contains a packages.json for nodejs. Can I use this in my composer.json?
I tried this, but it didn't work:
"repositories": {
"timrwood/moment": {
"type": "git",
"url": "git://"
It throws an error message saying "No valid composer.json was found in any branch or tag of git://, could not load a package from it."
And it is lacking the version string to define the version I want to use...
Can anyone help here?
Or shouldn't I use composer here at all cause I'm mixing JS and PHP?
Composer only manages composer packages. It does not know how to parse a package.json file. There are different approaches to this problem. Composer may be able to deal with frontend dependencies in the future.
For the time being I'd recommend using a separate dependency manager for your JavaScript dependencies. Either NPM or something like jam or ender.
Check out composer plugin to handle components via bower, nodejs and git repositories: fxpio/composer-asset-plugin.
