Firefox - deactivate "open with Application" to prevent system manipulation - firefox

I am using firefox in an security system. There is an option under Preferences --> Applications that alows the user to define what url will be opened in which application.
For example: mailto: will open Outlook. You can also define other keywords to open an application.
Is there a way to block this preferences? Script/Config what ever.
Thank you

Use a sandboxing solution that prevents firefox from acessing or executing those external applications. On linux you can use firejail and configure it accordingly.


Can we disable user interactions with other applications in mac while our app is running?

I am working on a mac based application and need guidance on one of the features, what I am trying to do here is
When my app launches I don't want the user to interact with any other application unless the user hits the close button of the app. No keyboard shortcuts should be enabled for mac like cmd+spacebar etc.
My question is if this is doable? Is there official documentation from apple which says it won't allow doing this due to some technical reason?
macOS has supported "kiosk mode" since 10.6; it allows your application to:
Hide / deactivate the dock, menu bar and Apple menu
Disable switching and hiding of your application
Prevent restarting or shutting down the computer
Broadly,NSApplication exposes a bitmask property, NSApplicationPresentationOptions, that lets you select the combination of settings you want to use.
The best resource to read further is the archived documentation that #KenThomases located here and here.

Wrapper around web-app under Windows

I have an application with web interface. Unfortunately, it has all disadvantages of being a web page:
It doesn't have a standalone window, so users cannot manage it via the taskbar.
Users see the address line with something like 'http://localhost:8080' that is not a good idea for home users.
If users click on a tray icon, there is no way to activate the tab in a browser, which contain the application interface.
So, it would be nice to have a wrapper application with a browser within.
In case of IE I know it's possible to create a window with Trident ActiveX component. But what if it's Windows XP with IE6 but installed latest Chrome? I'd like to prefer Chrome since it supports a lot more features which the user will never see.
So, is there a way to wrap a page into Chrome/Firefox and make it look like a standalone application, if one of them is presented in the user's system? (The application shouldn't install anything large, so Chromium build is not an option).
P.S. I'm not interested in supporting other platforms than Windows.
Take a look at Chrome Apps.
I hope helps you.

Locking user to browser window (using .dll files)

Is it possible to lock a user in chrome using .dll files (NPAPI plugin) or any other method?
I want to invoke chrome browser in highly controlled environment preferably on Windows. I would download chrome for businesses and write policies such that user isn't allowed to access any url except one.
I would create a packaged app and create an application shortcut on desktop for user which goes to the url. So it will open in KIOSK mode. But I would want that user shouldn't be able to navigate away from chrome, specifically that window and shouldn't be able to use any other program until he logs out of the application or explicitly closes the window. That means disabling function /ctrl/alt and window keys.
Something like this but with chrome.
Even opening chrome itself in 'locked' mode is not a problem.
Has someone ever implemented it? Is it possible using NPAPI plugin or any other method? If anybody could direct me towards any such resources I would be grateful.
No, this is not realistically possible using an NPAPI plugin, at least not by itself. At minimum you'd need an extension (see
If you loaded it from an extension it might be possible to get the window handle of the browser and such, but I think you'd probably be better off with a separate app.

Programmatically Allow Access to IE7/IE8 clipboard

Is there a way to programmatically disable the "Allow Access" message box that keeps getting in the way of the user every time my program tries to read IE's clipboard?
You haven't explained where your program is running specifically. The client user may use Tools > Internet Options > Security > Custom... to adjust the security option. If you're hosting the web browser control, you can use the Feature Control Key to opt-out of clipboard protections.
Answering my own question: .NET Framework 3.0 has an API for that: IInternetSecurityManager.

Is it possible to set proxy settings in a Safari Extension?

As Apple introduce extension support in Safari 5, I want to make an extension that manage proxy settings directly in the browser (like AutoProxy for Firefox or Proxy Switchy for Chrome).
I skimmed the source code of Proxy Switchy. It is mainly written in Javascript/HTML, but uses an external binary bundle to do proxy switching. Is this scheme doable in Safari extension? If not, is there other way to manage proxy settings in the extension?
I am having exactly same question although it is almost 2016 already and I am using Safari 9.0.2. It seems that Apple does not provide such an API for defining browser-specific proxy in extensions as Google does for Chrome. So I guess one would have to deal with system-wide proxy settings, that is to find solutions for setting up app-specific proxy.
(this the the link, not advertising)
(answer from techrepublic and apple.stackexchange it's not advertising)
I think they say you can
Actually the easiest way is to use Apple's concept of 'Location'. In the Apple Menu, choose Location > Network Preferences ...
Most likely your current location is set as 'Automatic'. Choose "Edit Locations ..." in the selection menu, and add additional Proxy Locations. For each Location you can setup different proxy settings, which you can switch directly from the apple menu. Just make sure you edit the correct Network Interface on which you want to apply the proxy settings (if you are connected through LAN, but you set the proxy only on Wifi - it wouldn't work).
The Proxy Settings are under the [Advanced ...] button [proxies] tab. Enable and modify the proxies as you need.
Make sure that your Safari browser - or any browser you will be using - is set to use the "System Proxy Settings" ... and not it's own override. Safari always links back to the System Network Settings.
After considering this - would we still need a plugin doing essentially the same?
Yes it is possible to set proxy setting in safari. Please follow below steps.
1.) Open Safari if it is not already open.
2.) Choose Safari > Preferences, and then click Advanced.
3.) Click Change Settings.
The Network pane of System Preferences opens.
Use the information you got from your network administrator to change the proxy settings.
Click OK.
