change laravel resource url - laravel

is there a way to customize Laravel 5 resource URLs ?
For example, change user/1/edit to user/edit.
That's because I don't want anybody to see the id in the URL. I think it is database information and shouldn't be revealed.
The point is that I want to do this without changing my routes. On the other hands I want to do this by using resource routes I have and not by adding some new routes to them , as you know when you define a resource route in your project it automatically adds some predefined routes to the route table and you are forced to use them in the way they are. For example you have to send a GET request to user/{user} for showing the user. Now I want to have a URL like user/{username} for doing this without adding a new route, IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE?
if there is a way for achieving this I appreciate it if you share it here.
Thanks a lot

Since in most cases id is an auto incremented value and guessable, better you can use any other unique column of users table here, e.g username and then using that column instead of id in resource controller. Suppose you've an unique username column in your table So, if you use that instead of id your call to user edit will be like:
{!! route('user.edit', $user->username) !!} // let's say username is shahrokhi
which is equivalent to
Now for example, in your resource controller to edit a user details code may be like:
public function edit($username)
$user = User::where('username', '=', $username)->firstOrFail();
// rest of your code goes here
And so on for other methods.


attach the unique id with the URL cross entire app in Laravel

I have created an application like a portfolio, every user has a unique id or username, I need to generate a copy of this for each user by adding the ID in the URL as a parameter, I know how to do that surly, but I need to attach only with the one Route and then it will still across entire pages and requests for this user? is there any way to do that?
I think I can do it in this way, and then I will store it in the session? is it possible? and is it the best way, because I need the official or professional way
Route::get('/uid', [HomeController::class, 'home'])->name('home');
Let's assuse you want to have theese routes for example
Based on document you can use group to add prefix to all the routes
Route::prefix('/{uid}')->group(function () {
Route::get('/profile', [HomeController::class, 'profile'])->name('profile');
Route::get('/prot', [HomeController::class, 'prot'])->name('prot');
Using this you can pass uid across all routes that created in this groups

Difference Between index.php?id=1 and index.php/id/1

If I want to create RESTful APIs, which one should I choose?
How do the URLs as index.php/id/1 work? I think it's a file path, not a URL.
If I want to get an image as, it may have conflicts with{param}. How do I solve?
BTW, I use Laravel now.
Thanks so much.
The difference is in route model binding
This allows you to get the model with the id that is passed into the route
So for example a route like this:
Route::get('users/{user}', 'UsersController#getUser');
Will allow you to do this in you method:
use App\User
public function getUser(User $user) {
return $user;
This means that you get the full record for the id that is in the route.
So your Questions:
1: I would use this for sending model id's
2: the variables in the route are passed in that order to the method allowing you to get access to them.
3: You will need to be careful with your routes as you can have conflicts. having said that Laravel does not use a traditional directory structure for storage. I believe that if you have a folder stucture of /public/img and that folder contains an img named 1.png it will get the image but I have not tested this.

Laravel Hide Div ID From View

On the page, there will be several posts by a user. Each post has an id # to identify it which is used when editing or deleting the post. With blade, I can make it so that hidden ID div only shows up when the authenticated user is on their own profile (since only they are allowed to edit or delete the posts).
However, I also have a liking feature that also uses that hidden ID div. I don't want someone to view the page source, change the ID, then click the like button. Is there a way to include the ID in the view, but not allow it to be changed?
I could try do to some validation on each like such as match the user, body, time posted, and ID and if that doesn't match then throw an error. Curious if there's a better way.
<div class="post-like">
The $postId is that hidden ID div
public function getLike($postId)
$post = Post::find($postId);
if (!$post) {
return redirect()->back();
if (Auth::user()->hasLikedPost($post)) {
return redirect()->back();
$like = $post->likes()->create([]);
return redirect()->back();
It's not wise expose users' ID like this, but if you really need it, Laravel provides a way to handle users' action authorization. It can be done using either policies or model scopes.
Alternatively, you can ignore those authorizations and use UUID instead ID.
There is a nice package that handles it for you. Basically you'll just need to add a new field to the users' table.
In my applications I use both of them.
If I understand your question correctly, here's one idea: you can hide the actual post ID by concatenating your ID with some server-side only "key" and hashing.
For example:
In your app.php you add something like "post_mask_key" => "super_secret_123456"
...and in your code, something like:
$maskedPostId = sha1(\Config::get("app.post_mask_key") . $postId);
Then, share $maskedPostId with your view, which will be embedded into the HTML. The user can try to change it but when it is submitted, you can re-generate the hash easily (since you know both the key and ID server side) and compare the two.
Note: this approach is cryptographically weak but should be sufficient for masking a non-critical item like a post ID.

Adding attribute to a user when register in Laravel 5.1

When a user Register, I want to add location data for the user.
I get those with GeoIP.
So, each time a user is created, I would like somewhere to add Country, City, etc.
I was thinking about setting Hidden fields in view, but I think it a hugly way to do it, and I'm sure there is a better way to do...
Any Idea???
Any time I create a record that needs extra data, involves inserting additional records into additional tables, etc, I create a service class. Something like "UserCreator" then I pass it the input, do any additional operations, wrap multiple database calls in a transaction and so on.
That said there are so many ways to do what you want. You could Input::merge(...) then save, you could separate the process of creating a user from your controller / route function, etc.
If you are just getting started with Laravel and/or your project is rather simple, then you probably want to look at Input::merge
I solved it using Request Contructor as said here in laracast
In the Form Request's constructor I inject \Illuminate\Http\Request. I can then add my value to the request instance as such:
public function __construct(\Illuminate\Http\Request $request)
$request->request->add(['date_of_birth' => implode('-', $request->only('year', 'month', 'day'))]);

Laravel unique user profile url like facebook

Assume I have a site with a unique URL for users, e.g.
I want users to be able to create their own user urls like to
The problem here is that my site has static pages such as: about, help, contact, download.
On the profile page, when users change their url, i apply this validator to their new profile url:
'username' => 'required|alpha_dash|max:20|min:3|unique:users'
In this situation, if the user chooses their new profile url to the same as a Route of my app (help, about, download...), their URL looks like:, this is troublesome.
Of course, the Validator will return true because that name is valid: min=3, max=20 and unique in "users" table ( "users" table not contains any control, of course).
To solve this, I add name of some Route to "users" table (about,contact,download...), so they cannot make their profile URL like,
But this is not good idea, because I might add more Routes in future.
PS: I dont like URL like, must be
Please help me to solve this.
You can use Route::getRoutes() to get all registered routes in your application
$routes = Route::getRoutes();
foreach($routes as $route){
echo $route->getUri(); // getUri will return the url pattern it matches
Now you can use this to check if the username doesn't appear in your routes.
But be careful! If you want to add routes in when the application is running you will have to check everytime that there's no user that has taken the name you want to chose.
Here are some possibilities
1. Call static page routes first
You can either call the static routes first and then at the end you do a catchall like lukasgeiter suggested, or you might even do a check in the controller and go through your static pages first. The problem here is that the user can create the user (e.g. "about") but then when they call that page, they would see the about page, even though they've correctly created the username, this might create a confusion.
2. Blacklist
Another way would be to create a blacklist for these usernames, so that people can't even register these types of usernames (this would be similar to your solution of pre-creating those usernames, but this way would be a bit cleaner and more easily expandable). Using this you will always have the trouble that someone will have used the username, once you want to use it as a static page. E.g. when you want to expand into another country.
3. Static pages on one level lower
E.g. you can create the static pages one level lower, such as, so there would be no clash.
4. Prepend character before username
This is the way I went, because the other ways were technically a bit too risky for me. So I chose the '#' sign for my users. So is my current solution. It works in different languages (as opposed to would only work in languages, where profile is the correct term)
I think Flickr went from to Google+ doesn't really let you decide, but makes suggestions (AND adds the +). Twitter and Facebook let users choose their own, I would assume they have a blacklist. LinkedIn uses /in/.
