Matching a pattern with sed and getting an integer out at the same time - shell

I have an xml file with these lines (among others):
#Enter your required DEV environment after the ENV= in the next line:
I need to:
Verify that the text after ENV= is of the pattern DEV{1..99}
extract the number (in this case, 6) from the line ENV=DEV6 to some environment variable
I know a bit of awk and grep, and can use those to get the number, but I'm thinking of Sed, which I'm told matches patterns nicer than awk and takes less time. Also, I'm concerned about long long lines of greps matching the beginning of the line for that particular Env= .
How would I go about doing it with Sed? would I get away with a shorter line?
I'm a sed newbie, read a bunch of tutorials and examples and got my fingers twisted trying to do both things at the same time...

Can use grep also if pcre regex is available
$ cat ip.txt
#Enter your required DEV environment after the ENV= in the next line:
$ grep -xoP 'Env=DEV\K[1-9][0-9]?' ip.txt
-x match whole line
-o output only matching text
-P use pcre regex
Env=DEV\K match Env=DEV but not part of output
[1-9][0-9]? range of 1 to 99

I suggest with GNU sed:
var=$(sed -nE 's/^Env=DEV([0-9]{1,2})$/\1/p' file)
echo "$var"

awk -F'Env=DEV' '/Env=DEV[0-9]$|Env=DEV[0-9][0-9]$/{print $2}' input
echo '
awk -F'Env=DEV' '/Env=DEV[0-9]$|Env=DEV[0-9][0-9]$/{print $2}' input
To store it into any variable:
var=$(awk command)

In awk. First some test cases:
$ cat file
$ awk 'sub(/^Env=DEV/,"") && /^[1-9][0-9]?$/' file

You can used sed as
$ sed 's/^Env=DEV\([1-9][0-9]\?\)/\1/' file
You can directly use the above command in export command as
export YOUR_EXPORT_VARIABLE=$(sed 's/^Env=DEV\([1-9][0-9]\?\)/\1/' file)
(or) its pretty straight forward with perl
$ perl -nle 'print $1 if /Env=DEV.*?(\d+)/' file


How to delete a line (matching a pattern) from a text file? [duplicate]

How would I use sed to delete all lines in a text file that contain a specific string?
To remove the line and print the output to standard out:
sed '/pattern to match/d' ./infile
To directly modify the file – does not work with BSD sed:
sed -i '/pattern to match/d' ./infile
Same, but for BSD sed (Mac OS X and FreeBSD) – does not work with GNU sed:
sed -i '' '/pattern to match/d' ./infile
To directly modify the file (and create a backup) – works with BSD and GNU sed:
sed -i.bak '/pattern to match/d' ./infile
There are many other ways to delete lines with specific string besides sed:
awk '!/pattern/' file > temp && mv temp file
Ruby (1.9+)
ruby -i.bak -ne 'print if not /test/' file
perl -ni.bak -e "print unless /pattern/" file
Shell (bash 3.2 and later)
while read -r line
[[ ! $line =~ pattern ]] && echo "$line"
done <file > o
mv o file
GNU grep
grep -v "pattern" file > temp && mv temp file
And of course sed (printing the inverse is faster than actual deletion):
sed -n '/pattern/!p' file
You can use sed to replace lines in place in a file. However, it seems to be much slower than using grep for the inverse into a second file and then moving the second file over the original.
sed -i '/pattern/d' filename
grep -v "pattern" filename > filename2; mv filename2 filename
The first command takes 3 times longer on my machine anyway.
The easy way to do it, with GNU sed:
sed --in-place '/some string here/d' yourfile
You may consider using ex (which is a standard Unix command-based editor):
ex +g/match/d -cwq file
+ executes given Ex command (man ex), same as -c which executes wq (write and quit)
g/match/d - Ex command to delete lines with given match, see: Power of g
The above example is a POSIX-compliant method for in-place editing a file as per this post at Unix.SE and POSIX specifications for ex.
The difference with sed is that:
sed is a Stream EDitor, not a file editor.BashFAQ
Unless you enjoy unportable code, I/O overhead and some other bad side effects. So basically some parameters (such as in-place/-i) are non-standard FreeBSD extensions and may not be available on other operating systems.
I was struggling with this on Mac. Plus, I needed to do it using variable replacement.
So I used:
sed -i '' "/$pattern/d" $file
where $file is the file where deletion is needed and $pattern is the pattern to be matched for deletion.
I picked the '' from this comment.
The thing to note here is use of double quotes in "/$pattern/d". Variable won't work when we use single quotes.
You can also use this:
grep -v 'pattern' filename
Here -v will print only other than your pattern (that means invert match).
To get a inplace like result with grep you can do this:
echo "$(grep -v "pattern" filename)" >filename
I have made a small benchmark with a file which contains approximately 345 000 lines. The way with grep seems to be around 15 times faster than the sed method in this case.
I have tried both with and without the setting LC_ALL=C, it does not seem change the timings significantly. The search string (CDGA_00004.pdbqt.gz.tar) is somewhere in the middle of the file.
Here are the commands and the timings:
time sed -i "/CDGA_00004.pdbqt.gz.tar/d" /tmp/input.txt
real 0m0.711s
user 0m0.179s
sys 0m0.530s
time perl -ni -e 'print unless /CDGA_00004.pdbqt.gz.tar/' /tmp/input.txt
real 0m0.105s
user 0m0.088s
sys 0m0.016s
time (grep -v CDGA_00004.pdbqt.gz.tar /tmp/input.txt > /tmp/input.tmp; mv /tmp/input.tmp /tmp/input.txt )
real 0m0.046s
user 0m0.014s
sys 0m0.019s
Delete lines from all files that match the match
grep -rl 'text_to_search' . | xargs sed -i '/text_to_search/d'
-n '/James\|John/!p'
/James|John/ {next;} {print}
-v 'James\|John'
perl -i -nle'/regexp/||print' file1 file2 file3
perl -i.bk -nle'/regexp/||print' file1 file2 file3
The first command edits the file(s) inplace (-i).
The second command does the same thing but keeps a copy or backup of the original file(s) by adding .bk to the file names (.bk can be changed to anything).
You can also delete a range of lines in a file.
For example to delete stored procedures in a SQL file.
sed '/CREATE PROCEDURE.*/,/END ;/d' sqllines.sql
This will remove all lines between CREATE PROCEDURE and END ;.
I have cleaned up many sql files withe this sed command.
echo -e "/thing_to_delete\ndd\033:x\n" | vim file_to_edit.txt
Just in case someone wants to do it for exact matches of strings, you can use the -w flag in grep - w for whole. That is, for example if you want to delete the lines that have number 11, but keep the lines with number 111:
-bash-4.1$ head file
-bash-4.1$ grep -v "11" file
-bash-4.1$ grep -w -v "11" file
It also works with the -f flag if you want to exclude several exact patterns at once. If "blacklist" is a file with several patterns on each line that you want to delete from "file":
grep -w -v -f blacklist file
to show the treated text in console
cat filename | sed '/text to remove/d'
to save treated text into a file
cat filename | sed '/text to remove/d' > newfile
to append treated text info an existing file
cat filename | sed '/text to remove/d' >> newfile
to treat already treated text, in this case remove more lines of what has been removed
cat filename | sed '/text to remove/d' | sed '/remove this too/d' | more
the | more will show text in chunks of one page at a time.
Curiously enough, the accepted answer does not actually answer the question directly. The question asks about using sed to replace a string, but the answer seems to presuppose knowledge of how to convert an arbitrary string into a regex.
Many programming language libraries have a function to perform such a transformation, e.g.
python: re.escape(STRING)
ruby: Regexp.escape(STRING)
java: Pattern.quote(STRING)
But how to do it on the command line?
Since this is a sed-oriented question, one approach would be to use sed itself:
sed 's/\([\[/({.*+^$?]\)/\\\1/g'
So given an arbitrary string $STRING we could write something like:
re=$(sed 's/\([\[({.*+^$?]\)/\\\1/g' <<< "$STRING")
sed "/$re/d" FILE
or as a one-liner:
sed "/$(sed 's/\([\[/({.*+^$?]\)/\\\1/g' <<< "$STRING")/d"
with variations as described elsewhere on this page.
cat filename | grep -v "pattern" > filename.1
mv filename.1 filename
You can use good old ed to edit a file in a similar fashion to the answer that uses ex. The big difference in this case is that ed takes its commands via standard input, not as command line arguments like ex can. When using it in a script, the usual way to accomodate this is to use printf to pipe commands to it:
printf "%s\n" "g/pattern/d" w | ed -s filename
or with a heredoc:
ed -s filename <<EOF
This solution is for doing the same operation on multiple file.
for file in *.txt; do grep -v "Matching Text" $file > temp_file.txt; mv temp_file.txt $file; done
I found most of the answers not useful for me, If you use vim I found this very easy and straightforward:

How to add 100 spaces at end of each line of a file in Unix

I have a file which is supposed to contain 200 characters in each line. I received a source file with only 100 characters in each line. I need to add 100 extra white spaces to each line now. If it were few blank spaces, we could have used sed like:
sed 's/$/ /' filename > newfilename
Since it's 100 spaces, can anyone tell me is it possible to add in Unix?
If you want to have fixed n chars per line (don't trust the input file has exact m chars per line) follow this. For the input file with varying number of chars per line:
$ cat file
extend to 10 chars per line.
$ awk '{printf "%-10s\n", $0}' file | cat -e
1 $
12 $
123 $
1234 $
12345 $
Obviously change 10 to 200 in your script. Here $ shows end of line, it's not there as a character. You don't need cat -e, here just to show the line is extended.
With awk
awk '{printf "%s%100s\n", $0, ""}' file.dat
$0 refers to the entire line.
Updated after Glenn's suggestion
Somewhat how Glenn suggests in the comments, the substitution is unnecessary, you can just add the spaces - although, taking that logic further, you don't even need the addition, you can just say them after the original line.
perl -nlE 'say $_," "x100' file
Original Answer
With Perl:
perl -pe 's/$/" " x 100/e' file
That says... "Substitute (s) the end of each line ($) with the calculated expression (e) of 100 repetitions of a space".
If you wanted to pad all lines to, say, 200 characters even if the input file was ragged (all lines of differing length), you could use something like this:
perl -pe '$pad=200-length;s/$/" " x $pad/e'
which would make up lines of 83, 102 and 197 characters to 200 each.
If you use Bash, you can still use sed, but use some readline functionality to keep you from manually typing 100 spaces (see manual for "Readline arguments").
You start typing normally:
sed 's/$/
Now, you want to insert 100 spaces. You can do this by prepending hitting the space bar with a readline argument to indicate that you want it to happen 100 times, i.e., you manually enter what would look like this as a readline keybinding:
M-1 0 0 \040
Or, if your meta key is the alt key: Alt+1 00Space
This inserts 100 spaces, and you get
sed 's/$/ /' filename
after typing the rest of the command.
This is useful for working in an interactive shell, but not very pretty for scripts – use any of the other solutions for that.
Just in case you are looking for a bash solution,
while IFS= read -r line
printf "%s%100s\n" "$line"
done < file > newfile
Say I have a file with 3 lines it it as
$ wc -c file
16 file
$ wc -c newfile
316 newfile
Original Answer
spaces=$(echo {1..101} | tr -d 0-9)
while read line
echo -e "${line}${spaces}\n" >> newfile
done < file
You can use printf in awk:
awk '{printf "%s%*.s\n", $0, 100, " "}' filename > newfile
This printf will append 100 spaces at the end of each newline.
Another way in GNU awk using string-manipulation function sprintf.
awk 'BEGIN{s=sprintf("%-100s", "");}{print $0 s}' input-file > file-with-spaces
A proof with an example:-
$ cat input-file
1234jjj hdhyvb 1234jjj
6789mmm mddyss skjhude
khora77 koemm sado666
nn1004 nn1004 457fffy
$ wc -c input-file
92 input-file
$ awk 'BEGIN{s=sprintf("%-100s", "");}{print $0 s}' input-file > file-with-spaces
$ wc -c file-with-spaces
492 file-with-spaces

Extract all characters after a match - shell script

I am in need to extract all characters after a pattern match.
For example ,
I need to extract all characters after "=". Output should be like
I cant go with perl or Jython for this purpose because of some restrictions.
I tried with grep , but to my knowledge I came as shown below only
echo "NAME=John" |grep -o -P '=.{0,}'
You were pretty close:
grep -oP '(?<=\w=)\w+' file
makes it.
it looks for any word after word= and prints it.
-o stands for "Print only the matched (non-empty) parts of a matching line, with each such part on a separate output line".
-P stands for "Interpret PATTERN as a Perl regular expression".
(?<=\w=)\w+ means: match only \w+ following word=. More info in [Regex tutorial - Lookahead][1] and in [this nice explanation by sudo_O][2].
$ cat file
$ grep -oP '(?<=\w=)\w+' file
One sed solution
sed -ne 's/.*=//gp' <filename>
another awk solution
awk -F= '$0=$2' <filename>
in sed we remove anything from the beginning of a line till a = and print the rest.
in awk we break the string in 2 parts, separated by =, now after that $0=$2 is making replacing the whole string with the second portion

awk and cat - How to ignore multiple lines?

I need to extract Voip log from a D-Link router, so I've setup a little python script that executes a command in this router via telnet.
My script does a "cat /var/log/calls.log" and returns the result, however...
it also sends non-important stuff, like the BusyBox banner, etc...
How can I ignore lines from 1 to 6 and the last 2 ?
This is my current output:
yaba#foobar:/stuff$ python
BusyBox v1.00 (2009.04.09-11:17+0000) Built-in shell (msh)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.
DVA-G3170i/PT # cat /var/call.log
1 ,1294620563,2 ,+351xxx080806 ,xxx530802 ,1 ,3 ,1
DVA-G3170i/PT # exit
And I just need:
1 ,1294620563,2 ,+351xxx080806 ,xxx530802 ,1 ,3 ,1
(it can have multiple lines)
So that I can save it to a CSV and later to a sql db.
Thanks, and sorry my bad english.
Why not use a pattern in AWK to match the text you want?
python | awk '/^[0-9]/{print}/'
The whole POINT of AWK is matching lines based on patterns and manipulating/printing those matched lines.
Edited to add example run.
Here's a junk data file based on your sample above.
$ cat junk.dat
BusyBox v1.00 (2009.04.09-11:17+0000) Built-in shell (msh)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.
DVA-G3170i/PT # cat /var/call.log
1 ,1294620563,2 ,+351xxx080806 ,xxx530802 ,1 ,3 ,1
DVA-G3170i/PT # exit
Here's running it through AWK with a filter.
$ cat junk.dat | awk '/^[0-9]/ {print}'
1 ,1294620563,2 ,+351xxx080806 ,xxx530802 ,1 ,3 ,1
No need for SED, no need for counting lines, no need for anything but AWK. Why make things more complicated than they need to be?
In one call to sed:
sed -n '1,6d;7,${N;$q;P;D}'
or for picky versions of sed:
sed -ne '1,6d' -e '7,${N' -e '$q' -e 'P' -e 'D}'
You could also do it based on matches:
sed -n '/^[0-9]+/p'
or something similar.
But why doesn't your Python script read the file and do the filtering (instead of calling an external utility)?
python | sed -e 1,6d -e '$d'
So that might work. It will filter out the first 6 and the last, which is what your example indicates you need. If you really want to clobber the last two lines then you could do:
python | sed -e 1,6d -e '$d' | sed -e '$d'
But wait ... you said awk, so...
python | awk '{ if(NR > 7) { print t }; t = $0 }'
This might work for you:
sed '1,6d;$!N;$d;P;D' file
I'm not sure this is the best way to do it (maybe D-Link router has FTP or SSH support) but you can do it with awk:
awk '/cat/, /exit/' | sed -e '1d' -e '$d'
awk will print everything between lines containing "cat" and "exit", unfortunately including these two lines. That's what the remaining commands are for, I couldn't figure out how to do it nicer than that...

Appending to line with sed, adding separator if necessary

I have a properties file, which, when unmodified has the following line:
I would like to use sed to append to that line a value so that after sed has run, the line in the file reads:
But, when I run the script a second time, I want sed to pick up that a value has already been added, and thus adds a separator:
That's the bit that stumps me (frankly sed scares me with its power, but that's my problem!)
Thats easy! If you're running GNU sed, you can write it rather short
sed -e '/worker.list=/{s/$/,myValue/;s/=,/=/}'
That'll add ',myValue' to the line, and then remove the comma (if any) after the equal sign.
If you're stuck on some other platform you need to break it apart like so
sed -e '/worker.list=/{' -e 's/$/,myValue/' -e 's/=,/=/' -e '}'
It's a pretty stupid script in that it doesn't know about existance of values etc (I suppose you CAN do a more elaborate parsing, but why should you?), but I guess that's the beauty of it. Oh and it'll destroy a line like this
which will turn into
If that's a problem let me know, and I'll fix that for you.
you can also use awk. Set field delimiter to "=". then what you want to append is always field number 2. example
$ more file
$ awk -F"=" '/worker\.list/{$2=($2=="")? $2="test" : $2",test"}1' OFS="=" file
$ awk -F"=" '/worker\.list/{$2=($2=="")? $2="test" : $2",test"}1' OFS="=" file >temp
$ mv temp file
$ awk -F"=" '/worker\.list/{$2=($2=="")? $2="test1" : $2",test1"}1' OFS="=" file
or the equivalent of the sed answer
$ awk -F"=" '/worker\.list/{$2=",test1";sub("=,","=")}1' OFS="=" file
