Use spring property in #ColumnTransformer - spring

I try to use database encryption for single fields with Spring and Jpa (Hibernate). Here is the part of the Entity:
read="AES_DECRYPT(UNHEX(lastname), UNHEX(SHA2('secret', 512)))",
write="HEX(AES_ENCRYPT(?, UNHEX(SHA2('secret', 512))))"
private String lastname;
This uses Mysql-functions to encrypt and decrypt my field, so I do not have to care in Java.
My problem is that I cannot hardcode the passphrase in my Java-Code, but Java-Annotations only allow non-dynamic final Strings as params. How do I use a spring application property to replace the passphrase 'secret'?
I cannot use a Jpa-Converter, because I want to be able to filter and sort by lastname. I also tried to subclass MySQL5InnoDBDialect and register a StandardSQLFunction, but that does not work conceptually with #ColumnTransformer because these functions are registered in the context of JPA, not SQL. I also thought of programmatically manipulating the hibernate config before it is used to create the EntityManagerFactory, but I do not know how to do that. Any help appreciated.


How to change Jackson to detect all fields in a POJO, other than only public ones?

When using Spring Boot for a project, Jackson came as default to serialize objects back and from Jsons. I realize that Jackson fails if you don't have public accessors, e.g., getters/setters, or public fields in your POJO.
The behavior is different when I switch to Gson. It detects all fields regardless of their visibility. For this reason, I ended up using Gson.
I felt a little uncomfortable about switching my POJO access rules; It would force some refactoring in the project structure.
So, no problems using Gson, but is there a way of change Jackson's behavior?
Jackson does support reading values from private member fields, but does not do it by default.
You can configure the behavior globally in the Spring Boot config like
visibility.field: any
visibility.getter: none
visibility.setter: none none
(this config will only look for member fields and no longer check get, set and is methods)
You could also use the #JsonAutoDetect annotation to do the same setting for a specific class.
Try to set visibility at ObjectMapper level,
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
mapper.setVisibility(PropertyAccessor.ALL, Visibility.NONE);
mapper.setVisibility(PropertyAccessor.FIELD, Visibility.ANY);

QueryException when using Spring Data Rest with EclipseLink on Multi-Tenant System

I am using Spring data rest and EclipseLink to create a multi-tenant single table application.
But I am not able to create an Repository where I can call on custom QueryParameters.
My Kid.class
public class Kid {
private Long id;
#Column(name = "tenant_id")
private String tenant_id;
#Column(name = "mother_id")
private Long motherId;
//more attributes, constructor, getter and setter
My KidRepository
public interface KidRepository extends PagingAndSortingRepository<Kid, Long>, QuerydslPredicateExecutor<Kid> {}
When I call localhost/kids I get the following exception:
Exception [EclipseLink-6174] (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.7.4.v20190115-ad5b7c6b2a):
org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.QueryException\r\nException Description: No value was provided for the session property [eclipselink.tenant-id].
This exception is possible when using additional criteria or tenant discriminator columns without specifying the associated contextual property.
These properties must be set through EntityManager, EntityManagerFactory or persistence unit properties.
If using native EclipseLink, these properties should be set directly on the session.
When I remove the #Multitenant annotation on my entity, everything works fine. So it has definitively something to do with EclipseLink.
When I don't extend from the QuerydslPredicateExecutor it works too. But then I have to implement all findBy* by myself. And even doing so, it breaks again. Changing my KidsRepository to:
public interface KidRepository extends PagingAndSortingRepository<Kid, Long> {
Collection<Kid> findByMotherId(#Param("motherId") Long motherId);
When I now call localhost/kids/search/findByMotherId?motherId=1 I get the same exception as above.
I used this tutorial to set up EcpliseLink with JPA:, meaning the PlatformTransactionManager, the createJpaVendorAdapter and the getVendorProperties are overwritten.
The tenant-id comes with a jwt and everything works fine as long as I don't use QuerydslPredicateExecutor, which is mandatory for the use case.
Turns out, that the wrong JpaTransactionManager is used we I rely on the QuerydslPredicateExecutor. I couldn't find out, which one is created, but having multiple breakpoints inside the EclipseLink Framework code, non of them were hit. This is true for both, using the QuerydslPredicateExecutor or using the custom findby method.
I have googled a lot and tried to override some of the basic EclipseLink methods, but non of that worked. I am running out of options.
Does anyone has any idea how to fix or work around this?
I was looking for a solution for the same issue; what finally helped was adding the Spring's #Transactional annotation to either Repository or any place from where this custom query is called. (It even works with javax.transactional.) We had the #Transactional annotation on most of our services so the issue was not obvious and its occurrence seemed rather accidental.
More detailed explanation about using #Transactional on Repository is here: How to use #Transactional with Spring Data?.

How to list resolvedDataSources from AbstractRoutingDataSource?

I implemented Dynamic DataSource Routing using Spring Boot (JavaConfig) to add and switch new DataSources in runtime.
I implemented AbstractRoutingDataSource and I need access to all resolvedDataSources that is a private property. How can I do it?
I actually don't know why that field has not been made protected to let implementing classes access the data sources set. Regarding your questions two options come into my mind.
Option 1:
Copy the code of AbstractRoutingDataSource into a class of your own. Then you can expose the resolvedDataSources simply by a getter. This should work as long as the configuration relies on the interface AbstractDataSource and not AbstractRoutingDataSource.
Option 2
Pick the brute force way by accessing the field via Reflection API

Can MongoTemplate provide automatic translation?

I have a simple persistent pojo like:
public class Peristent {
private String unsafe;
I use Spring Data mongoTemplate to persist and fetch the above object. I also need to encrypt the Persistent.unsafe variable and store a complex representation of that in backend, everytime I try to save Persistent object.
Can I annotate Persistent, or provide some sort of hooks where I can make the aforementioned translations without me having to do that in the Pojo code manually. This has to happen automatically during mongoTemplate.insert.
Spring Data currently only support Type based conversions. There is an issue for supporting property based conversion, which you might want to track.
Therefore annotating won't work. What you could do is, create use a separate class for the property, which just wraps the String and register a custom converter for that type. See for details, how to do that.

Missing Converter when using Spring LdapTemplate with Grails Validateable annotation

I'm using the Spring LDAP (docs) library in a Grails application. I have a class annotated with the #Entry annotation, so it is mapped to an LDAP server. This all works quite beautifully.
However, when I add the Grails #Validateable annotation (to enable validating the LDAP class similarly to Grails domain classes) and attempt to retrieve data from LDAP (i.e. a findAll operation on the LdapUserRepo, or similar), I get the following exception:
Message: Missing converter from class java.lang.String to interface org.springframework.validation.Errors, this is needed for field errors on Entry class com.ldap.portal.LdapUser
Basically, it seems like the AST transformation performed by the #Validateable annotation is producing extra fields (namely the errors field) on the LdapUser object. It appears that Spring LDAP, in processing the #Entry logic, assumes a default mapping for the fields property (probably interpreting it as a string field on the LDAP object). When it gets nothing from the LDAP server, it attempts to set the field of type ValidationErrors to a value of type String -- an empty string.
I did some looking in github and found this code that seems relevant and may support my theory.
My question is: is this behavior expected for annotations, and how can one prevent fields added by one annotation from being inappropriately processed by another annotation?
At present the best workaround I've come up with for my specific issue is to add an errors field to my LdapUser object and mark it as transient (so that LDAP ignores it):
ValidationErrors errors
