I have a question regarding the last version of Elasticsearch.
Until the previous version I was using the following Java API search:
SearchRequestBuilder request = client.prepareSearch(index).setSource(jsonQuery)
Now setSource is deprecated and it is recommended to use setQuery(QueryBuilder) instead.
Is it possible to pass the whole json query as before?
This is the query syntax I was using and I would like to keep if it is possible:
+ "\"query\": {"
+ " \"bool\": {"
+ " \"filter\": { ... }"
+ " }"
+ " },"
+ " \"fields\": ["
+ " \"xxx\","
+ " ],"
+ " \"size\": 1000"
+ "}";
I do not want to split body, fields and size using:
Yes, you can use QueryBuilders.wrapperQuery() which will create an instance of WrapperQueryBuilder in order to achieve this:
SearchRequestBuilder request = client.prepareSearch(index)
.fields("xxx1", "xxx2");
I am wondering if it is possible to ignore part of query (not whole where part) conditionally. I have query in JPA
#Query("SELECT DISTINCT new it.akademija.wizards.models.document.DocumentGetReviewCommand(" +
"d.author.firstname, d.author.lastname, d.id, d.title, d.description, d.documentType.title, d.submissionDate)" +
" FROM Document d" +
" JOIN d.documentType dt" +
" JOIN dt.reviewUserGroups rug" +
" JOIN rug.users u WHERE u.username = :username" +
" AND d.documentState = it.akademija.wizards.enums.DocumentState.SUBMITTED" +
" AND u <> d.author" +
" **AND (lower(CONCAT(d.author.firstname, ' ', d.author.lastname)) like %:searchFor% " +
" OR lower(d.title) like %:searchFor%" +
" OR lower(d.description) like %:searchFor%" +
" OR lower(d.id) like %:searchFor%" +
" OR lower(dt.title) like %:searchFor%)")
Page<DocumentGetReviewCommand> getDocumentsForReview(#Param(value = "username") String username,
#Param(value = "searchFor") String searchFor,
Pageable pageable);
How can I ignore below part if searchFor param is null or blank ("")
AND (lower(CONCAT(d.author.firstname, ' ', d.author.lastname)) like %:searchFor% " +
" OR lower(d.title) like %:searchFor%" +
" OR lower(d.description) like %:searchFor%" +
" OR lower(d.id) like %:searchFor%" +
" OR lower(dt.title) like %:searchFor%)
You could just try adding logic which allows these conditions to be skipped should the search for term be null or empty:
(COALESCE(:searchFor, '') = '' OR
(LOWER(CONCAT(d.author.firstname, ' ', d.author.lastname)) LIKE %:searchFor% OR
LOWER(d.title) LIKE %:searchFor%" OR
LOWER(d.description) LIKE %:searchFor% OR
LOWER(d.id) LIKE %:searchFor% OR
LOWER(dt.title) like %:searchFor%))
I need to add my where conditions based in my filter object. If some value in the filter object is null, isn't necessary add the where condition of this parameter.
How to add a dynamic where?
name: "Teste";
age: null;
#Query(value="SELECT id FROM user WHERE name = FilterObject.name", nativeQuery = true)
public List<User> getUsers(???)
Other example:
name: "Teste";
age: 12;
#Query(value="SELECT id FROM user WHERE name = FilterObject.name AND age = FilterObject.age", nativeQuery = true)
public List<User> getUsers(???)
This is a highlevel example. Isnt the correct code. But... Is the necessary to understand my question
If a parameter of my filter is null this parameter isnt used in my where
Im Using spring boot with Spring Data JPA and my Query stay in my repository a Repository.
My Original request:
#Query(value = " SELECT "
+ " solicitacao.nm_orgao AS nmOrgao, "
+ " solicitacao.ds_ano_exercicio AS exercicio, "
+ " solicitacao.nm_organismo AS nmOrganismo, "
+ " dadosBancarios.valor AS valor, "
+ " dadosBancarios.valor * dadosBancarios.vl_taxa_cambio AS valorReais, "
+ " dadosFinanceiros.vl_dotacao_disponivel AS vlDotacaoDisponivel, "
+ " solicitacao.id_solicitacao AS codigoPagamento "
+ " solicitacao.tp_solicitacao_status AS idFase, "
+ " organismo.id_orgao AS idOrgao, "
+ " solicitacao.id_organismo AS idOrganismo, "
+ " pagamentos.id_status_pagamento AS statusPagamento "
+ " FROM "
+ " tbs_solicitacao solicitacao "
+ " JOIN tbs_dados_bancarios dadosBancarios ON solicitacao.id_solicitacao = dadosBancarios.id_solicitacao "
+ " JOIN tbs_dados_financeiros dadosFinanceiros ON dadosFinanceiros.id_solicitacao = solicitacao.id_solicitacao "
+ " JOIN tbs_organismo organismo ON organismo.id_organismo = solicitacao.id_organismo "
+ " JOIN tbs_pagamentos pagamentos ON dadosFinanceiros.id_dados_financeiros = pagamentos.id_dados_financeiros ",nativeQuery = true)
List<Object[]> getRelatoriosProgramacao();
You can use Spring Data JPA specifications:
You simply have to implement the method toPredicate:
Predicate toPredicate(Root<T> root, CriteriaQuery<?> query, CriteriaBuilder builder);
In this method you get root, query and the CriteriaBuilder to create a Criteria API where predicate.
Event methods like findAll take a Specification.
I seem to be doing something wrong in my OleDbCommand, but I don't know what it is. I am trying to create another table in my access database that is exactly the same as the first but with a different name, by copying everything from one and using SELECT INTO. I don't know why it doesn't work.
OleDbCommand copyAttendanceCommand = new OleDbCommand("SELECT * INTO '" + "Attendance " + DateTime.Now.Day + "/" + DateTime.Now.Month + "/" + DateTime.Now.Year + "' FROM Attendance",loginForm.connection);
The Error message that I get says "Syntax error in query. Incomplete query clause." Does anyone know what that means?
Table or field names with spaces are not specified with '' around them, but with square brackets.
Your command should be:
"SELECT * INTO [Attendance " + DateTime.Now.Day + "/" + DateTime.Now.Month + "/"
+ DateTime.Now.Year + "] FROM Attendance"
You may even format your date to make the code more readable:
string today = DateTime.Today.ToString("d'/'M'/'yyyy");
string sql ="SELECT * INTO [Attendance " + today + "] FROM Attendance";
OleDbCommand copyAttendanceCommand = new OleDbCommand(sql, loginForm.connection);
I'm trying to carry the ID to the next page, but all i manage to get is review.php?ID= without the ID.
Here is the code:
html = html + "Name:" + name + "Type : " + type + "Location : " + location + '<input type="button" value="Write a review!" onclick=parent.location="review.php?ID=" ('+ ID +') />' + "<br/>";
Thanks in advance for any help.
There's a couple things wrong here. You have mismatched quotes (single and double), and I'm pretty sure the id shouldnt have spaces round it with parens. The embeded quotes need to be escaped, too
something like this:
html = html + "Name:" + name + "Type : " + type + "Location : " + location +
"<input type='button' value='Write a review!' onclick='parent.location=\"review.php?ID=("+ID+")\" />" + "<br/>";
I'm having an issue trying to get my SQL query which works fine in SQL Developer (Oracles free database tool) to also work using Spring's NamedParameterJdbcTemplate class.
My query is:
String sql = " SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ( " +
" FROM FC, FE " +
" AND FC.FC_SPC_ID = :spcId " +
" ) " +
It has something to do with my dates, formatting perhaps? When I don't use the WHERE clause in the outer select it works, when it's included 0 is returned from the count - as I mentioned running the SQL directly returns expected results.
Any advice?
Oh my, I was in fact looking at the wrong database!!