Add dynamic dependencies via command line - gradle

Is it possible to use CLI to add a jar with Gradle plugin (or task) to the build classpath without modifying build.gradle? Can the add JAR be resolved from Maven repository?
Is buildscript { dependencies { classpath }} controllable from CLI? And can I use CLI to make Gradle to resolve the JAR from Maven?
Basically I need to achieve the same situation as with Maven, which allows invoking any plugin by
mvn <plugin-group-id>:<plugin-artifact-id>:<plugin-version>:<plugin-goal>
I'm writing a pair of Maven and Gradle plugins to extract information about projects and their dependencies into JSON file, which can be later processed programatically. The idea is to be able to apply it on a large number of OSS projects and, therefore, without modifying them.

I think I get it now
if (hasProperty('extraDependencies')) {
def extraDeps = property('extraDependencies').split(',')
allprojects {
buildscript {
dependencies {
classpath extraDeps
command line
gradlew --init-script myinit-script.gradle, build


Gradle: Use a sibling subproject as plugin

I have a project with two subprobjects: gradle-plugin and plugin-consumer. I want to apply the plugin from gradle-plugin to plugin-consumer. I tried to do this:
// plugin-consumer/build.gradle
buildscript {
dependencies {
classpath project(':gradle-plugin')
apply plugin: ''
But I was greeted with the following error:
A problem occurred configuring project ':plugin-consumer'.
> Cannot use project dependencies in a script classpath definition.
I assume this is not supported because it'd require fully building gradle-plugin before plugin-consumer can be configured.
Fortunately I can use a fileTree dependency to accomplish my goal:
// plugin-consumer/build.gradle
buildscript {
dependencies {
classpath fileTree(includes: ['*.jar'], dir: '../gradle-plugin/build/libs')
apply plugin: ''
This works, but it feels like a massive hack and leads to "bootstrapping problems".
For example, I can't clean gradle-plugin because the (deleted) jar file is necessary for configuring plugin-consumer, which must be done to (re)build gradle-plugin.
Fortunately this can be avoided by always running build immediately after clean (in the same 'run' so to speak). This can be done manually (gradle clean build) or automatically (with clean.finalizedBy(build)). Again, this works, but feels like a hack.
At last, my actual question: is there a better way to do this?
Please note that gradle-plugin is an independent plugin that's not only used by plugin-consumer, therefore buildSrc is unfortunately not an appropriate solution here.
You can publish the plugin to your local Maven repository with the Maven Publish plugin. Then simply consume it like any other artifact.
Assuming you have something similar in your plugin project:
plugins {
Simply publish it locally:
./gradlew :my-plugin-project:publishToMavenLocal
Then in your consuming project, something like:
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
// apply plugin

What is supposed to happen to dependencies after gradle build?

I am trying out Gradle, and am wondering, what is supposed to happen to a project's dependencies after you run gradle build? For example, my sample projects don't run on the command line after they are built, because they are missing dependencies. They seem to compile fine, as gradle doesn't give me errors or warnings about finding the dependencies.
Gradle projects I've made in IntelliJ Idea have the same problem. They compile and run inside the IDE, but are missing dependencies and can't run on the command line.
So what is supposed to happen to the dependencies I declare in the build.gradle file? Shouldn't they be output somewhere together with my .class files? Otherwise, what is the point of gradle when I could manage this by editing my classpath?
Edit: Here is my build.gradle file:
apply plugin: 'java'
jar {
manifest {
attributes('Main-Class': 'Animals')
repositories {
dirs "D:\\libs\\gradleRepo"
dependencies {
compile name: "AnimalTypes-1.0-SNAPSHOT"
java {
Your Gradle build only takes care of the compile time and allows you to use the specified dependencies in your code (it adds them to the compile classpath). But it does not take care of the runtime. Once the JAR is build, you need to specify the runtime classpath and provide all required dependencies.
You may think, that this is bad or a disadvantage, but actually it is totally fine and intended, because if you build a Java library, you won't need to execute it, you just want to specify it as a dependency for another project. If you would distribute your library to a Maven repository, all dependencies from Maven repositories (module dependencies) would end up in a POM descriptor as transitive dependencies.
Now, if you want to build a runnable Java application, simply use the Gradle Application Plugin (apply plugin: 'application'), which will create a ZIP file containing the dependencies and start scripts providing your runtime classpath for execution.
Third-party plugins can also produce so-called fat JARs, which are JAR files with all dependencies included. It depends on your use case if you should use them, because often dependency management via repositories is the better way to go.

What types (configurations) of dependencies are available out of the box in Gradle?

I want to write a Gradle script to download a JAR file from Maven and combine it with some other resources to create an RPM file using the nebula.ospackage plugin.
I can't declare the dependency using the compile configuration as it is not available without using the java plugin (and it also doesn't make sense to use compile as I am not compiling anything).
Is there a type of dependency I can use for this purpose?
Or am I required to use the java plugin?
As far as I understood java plugin will not be required. Please have a look a the script below - you can define custom configuration and use it in build script. As you can see, java plugin is not applied:
repositories {
configurations {
dependencies {
lol 'junit:junit:4.12'
task cp(type: Copy) {
into ('lol')

maven project as dependency in gradle project

I have a project which is using Gradle as build tool and a second subproject which is using Maven's POM. I don't have the freedom of changing build tool on the subproject.
What I want to achieve is to add my project with Maven POM as dependency on my Gradle project.
Where root (current dir) is my project with Gradle and contains the build.gradle, the Maven project is under vendor/other-proj/ with POM file just under that directory.
I have tried these variations on my build.gradle file:
1st try:
project(':other-proj') {
projectDir = new File("vendor/other-proj/pom.xml")
dependencies {
compile project(':other-proj')
2nd try:
dependencies {
compile project('vendor/other-proj/')
3rd try:
dependencies {
compile project('vendor/other-proj/pom.xml')
4th try:
dependencies {
compile files 'vendor/other-proj/pom.xml'
I can't find anything related on the web, it seems most Gradle/Maven use cases are affected by publishing to Maven or generating POM, but I dont want to do any of those.
Can anybody point me to right direction?
you can "fake" including a Maven project like this:
dependencies {
compile files("vendor/other-proj/target/classes") {
builtBy "compileMavenProject"
task compileMavenProject(type: Exec) {
workingDir "vendor/other-proj/"
commandLine "/usr/bin/mvn", "clean", "compile"
This way Gradle will execute a Maven build (compileMavenProject) before compiling. But be aware that it is not a Gradle "project" in the traditional sense and will not show up, e.g. if you run gradle dependencies. It is just a hack to include the compiled class files in your Gradle project.
You can use a similar technique to also include the maven dependencies:
dependencies {
compile files("vendor/other-proj/target/classes") {
builtBy "compileMavenProject"
compile files("vendor/other-proj/target/libs") {
builtBy "downloadMavenDependencies"
task compileMavenProject(type: Exec) {
workingDir "vendor/other-proj/"
commandLine "/usr/bin/mvn", "clean", "compile"
task downloadMavenDependencies(type: Exec) {
workingDir "vendor/other-proj/"
commandLine "/usr/bin/mvn", "dependency:copy-dependencies", "-DoutputDirectory=target/libs"
You cannot "include" a maven project in gradle settings.gradle. The simplest way would be to build the maven project and install it to your local repo using mvn install(can be default .m2, or any other custom location) and then consume it from your gradle project using groupname:modulename:version
implementation 'vendor:otherproj:version'
It is possible to depend directly on the jar of the maven project using compile files but this isn't ideal because it wont fetch transitive dependencies and you'll have to add those manually yourself.

gradle combining multiple build script dependecies

gradle multiple build script dependencies
We am in the process from transacting my our build scripts from ant to gradle. The ant build is configured the old way without using ivy and getting the dependencies from a lib folder.
We have a number of custom ant tasks packaged in jar. To run the tasks in that jar we also need some other third parties dependencies from the same lib folder.
Being a complex build we cannot afford to move everything in one go and would rather move one bit at a time as we find some time to do it.
I was able to run those custom ant tasks from the gradle build but I am having problems accessing classes from or tasks jars in my gradle build scripts.
In the build script section we have a class path entry needed for artifactory plugin and I tried to add some more class path entries to make our local libs available.
buildscript {
dependencies {
// This dependency below is needed by artifactory plugin which we download
classpath "org.jfrog.buildinfo:build-info-extractor-gradle:3.0.1"
I tried lots of combinations but I could not get it to work. What we want is to be able to do something like below:
buildscript {
dependencies {
classpath {
fileset(dir: "${antBuildDir}/customTasks", includes: 'myTasks.jar'),
fileset(dir: "${antBuildDir}/lib", includes: '*.jar')]
Any idea about how can I address this or any other suggestions if you think I am on the wrong path.
Thank you in advance.
