Odoo Managing Database Page - odoo-9

I am trying to remove the other html/xml elements for the page where you can restore or delete database. Does anyone know the location from the local files so i can edit the file?

C:\Program Files (x86)\Odoo 9.0-20161004\server\openerp\addons\web\views\database_manager.html
File path on local servers.


Debugging using Laravel Log files

I am trying to isolate a problem in a backend logic using log file. I have made a custom log file for the purpose because default log file has too much content to filter through. The module is already live so I have to read the log file from the server to debug the problem. I noticed that while performing commit, the log files I created was in gitignore. So I wanted to know how it works. Are log files generally placed in gitignore? And do servers make their own log files?
Yes, the server will create its own log file. Version control should not work with them since the information they contain will be relative to the environment in which they are contained (your server in this case). Therefore, by default, in the storage/logs directory you will find a .gitignore file with the content:
! .gitignore
which will cause none of the files contained in it to be managed by Git.
If your new log file is in this directory, it will not be processed by Git either.

PhpStorm Remote FTP "no files found"

I am new to PhpStorm and try to connect the project to my existing folders and files on my FTP server. I configured the deployment settings first in the settings menu and for testing via "create project from existing files" in another project. Both ways, I can connect to my FTP server and can browse through the server folders.
But not all of the files are shown in PhpStorm. E.g. I can find the file index.php but not 2.bs-test.template.php in the developer folder (which exists on FileZilla but not for PhpStorm). Therefore, some folders are completely "empty" for PhpStorm and I cannot download and edit these files...
When I try to download the error "No files or folders found to process" occurs.
Does anyone know how to fix this problem?
Solution: In my case, some folders had suffixes like .../foldername [2]/....
PhpStorm is not able to read files in these folders with special suffixes like [2]. After I removed the suffixes the files appeared - without any changes in remote settings.

apache nifi recursively fetch files from web server directory

I have web server with autoindex module that lists all files and folders. Something like that:
How can i recursively fetch all files using Apache NiFi? I tried to use ListFTP/FetchFTP processors, but without any luck.
Can someone tell me what processors should i use for this task?
As remote path you should specify the root folder from which you want to List/Fetch all files and sub folders.
In your case, you put /FILE/store/0002550267/ as remote path, so only files and folders in this directory will be picked up.
Change remote path to /File (or / if you want all files on the server) and you should see all files being listed.

Magento - how to delete imported csv files

Could you explain me where the csv files are stored allready imported and how can I delete the old ones? I guess this will not affect the datebase.
Many thanks!
You can delete them via ssh. They are located under the var/imports folder. From the root of your magneto folder execute rm var/imports/*.csv

How to export ftp list from phpdesigner 8?

I've got ftp connections list in phpDesigner.
How to export or to save it?
you can find the ftp xml file in:
C:\Users\your user dir\AppData\Roaming\phpDesigner
For Windows XP users (and I assume they still exist in numbers!)... the Path is:
C:\Documents and Settings\[Windows-User]\Application Data\phpDesigner
For example, I've Windows User account with the name "Ruturaaj". So, my path looks like:
C:\Documents and Settings\Ruturaaj\Application Data\phpDesigner
It's quite handy to know this folder because it contains some other useful XML files as well. For example, look for "autocomplete.xml". This is the file that contains all Auto-Complete code snippets you've added to phpDesigner over a period of time. Now that you know this folder path, I'd suggest to backup this folder and simply overwrite the files with new installation to setup same environment over and over again.
