Geometry intersection converting from direct geometry to buffergeometry - three.js

I am using Three.js. Found a really good Decal library written by Benpurdy. It's very easily modifiable and also used the techniques described here
However, the technique uses Geometry. The project I am on, uses BufferGeometry. I traced the code which does the geometry intersects and can't figure out the conversion from faces and vertices to attributes.
this.createGeometry = function(matrix, mesh) {
var geom = mesh.geometry;
var decalGeometry = new THREE.Geometry();
var projectorInverse = matrix.clone().getInverse(matrix);
var meshInverse = mesh.matrixWorld.clone().getInverse(mesh.matrixWorld);
var faces = [];
for(var i = 0; i < geom.faces.length; i++){
var verts = [geom.faces[i].a, geom.faces[i].b, geom.faces[i].c];
var pts = [];
var valid = false;
for(var v = 0; v < 3; v++) {
var vec = geom.vertices[verts[v]].clone();
if((vec.z > 1) || (vec.z < -1) || (vec.x > 1) || (vec.x < -1) || (vec.y > 1) || (vec.y < -1)) {
} else {
valid = true;
if(valid) {
var uv = [];
for(var n = 0; n < 3; n++){
uv.push(new THREE.Vector2( (pts[n].x + 1) / 2, (pts[n].y + 1) / 2));
decalGeometry.vertices.push( pts[n] );
// update UV's
var newFace = geom.faces[i].clone();
newFace.a = decalGeometry.vertices.length - 3;
newFace.b = decalGeometry.vertices.length - 2;
newFace.c = decalGeometry.vertices.length - 1;
return decalGeometry;
Appreciate if anyone could shed some light on how to go about pursuing this? Thanks.

I ended up solving the problem by writing another function to compute intersections with buffergeometry. Took me a while trying to understand the original buffer geometry code.
this.createGeometryFromBufferGeometry = function(matrix, mesh) {
var geom = mesh.geometry;
var decalGeometry = new THREE.Geometry();
var projectorInverse = matrix.clone().getInverse(matrix);
var meshInverse = mesh.matrixWorld.clone().getInverse(mesh.matrixWorld);
var faces = [];
for(var i = 0; i < geom.attributes.position.array.length; i+=9){
var pts = [];
var valid = false;
for(var v = 0; v < 9; v+=3) {
var vec = new THREE.Vector3(geom.attributes.position.array[i+v],geom.attributes.position.array[i+v+1],geom.attributes.position.array[i+v+2]);
console.log((i+v) + " " + (i+v+1) + " " + (i+v+2) );
if((vec.z > 1) || (vec.z < -1) || (vec.x > 1) || (vec.x < -1) || (vec.y > 1) || (vec.y < -1)) {
} else {
valid = true;
if(valid) {
var uv = [];
for(var n = 0; n < 3; n++){
uv.push(new THREE.Vector2( (pts[n].x + 1) / 2, (pts[n].y + 1) / 2));
decalGeometry.vertices.push( pts[n] );
var newFace = new THREE.Face3()
newFace.a = decalGeometry.vertices.length - 3;
newFace.b = decalGeometry.vertices.length - 2;
newFace.c = decalGeometry.vertices.length - 1;
return decalGeometry;

BufferGeometry() has a method .fromGeometry(). Populates this BufferGeometry with data from a Geometry object.
var geom = new THREE.BoxGeometry(1,1,1);
var bufGeom = new THREE.BufferGeometry().fromGeometry(geom);
UPD. You can use the other way round.
var bufGeom = new THREE.BoxBufferGeometry(1,1,1);
var geom = new THREE.Geometry().fromBufferGeometry(bufGeom);

Quick and dirty solution is to create geometry from bufferGeometry and after calculating dispose created geometry
this.compute = function()
this.geometry = mesh.geometry
this.geometry = new THREE.Geometry().fromBufferGeometry(this.geometry);


handling objects offscreen for a view frustum

I have a view frustum that works great when looking at stuff from a distance. But for example, when i stand in the middle of a square, my current system struggles to place vertices which are behind me.
For example the image below demonstrates looking at a tile from a distance vs standing on top of it ...
My proccess for putting things onto screen can be described in 5 steps
cross product the co-ordinates of the object with my camera matrix
cross product the result of 1 with my projection_matrix
normalize the result of 2 by dividing through the 4th dimension of my co-ordinates (my w co-ordinate)
cull results of 3 (its not causing the problem, i tried without culling)
cross product 4 with to_screen_matrix
Basically the problem i have, is this procces is great at putting things on the screen but sometimes an object isnt on the screen... what co-ordinates should be used then?
Below is a drawing of what i think the problem is
below is my screen_projection function
return_screen_projection(dont_cull = false){
var position = cross_product(this.position , player.camera_matrix())
position = cross_product(position , projection.projection_matrix) // does this just convert the position to cameras reference frame.
for (let i = 0; i < position.length; i++) {
position[i] = position[i]/position[3]
if (dont_cull == false){
for (let i = 0; i < position.length; i++) {
if (i != 1){
if (this.is_this_object_behind_player()){for (let ii = 0; ii < position.length; ii++) {position[ii] = -9999;} console.log("culling1")}
if (position[i] > 2){for (let ii = 0; ii < position.length; ii++) {position[ii] = -9999;} console.log("culling2")}
if (position[i] < -2){for (let ii = 0; ii < position.length; ii++) {position[ii] = -9999;} console.log("culling3")}
} // also all examples say set position = 0 if culling
position = cross_product(position , projection.to_screen_matrix)
return [position[0],position[1]]
how could i better handle the position of a vertex offscreen, when some vertexes of the object im dealing with are on screen?
################## extra info below
below is a blob of 300 lines of code (sorry , i cant make it more minimal and reproducable with just a copy n paste)
running the below in a web browser will give you an example of the problem (w,a,s,d) to move (you start mired in the middle of an object, you may wish to step back to see better the first time)
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script async src=""></script>
<div id="canvas div" style = "position: relative; left: 0px; float:left; top: 0px;" >
<h1> first person below </h1>
<canvas id="mi_canvas" width="300" height="300" style="border-style: solid;"></canvas> <br>
var floor_y_pos = 9
canvas = document.getElementById("mi_canvas");
ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
render_distance = 1000;
fov = math.pi / 2
class Projection{
var NEAR = player.near_plane
var FAR = player.far_plane
var RIGHT = Math.tan(player.h_fov/2)
var LEFT = - RIGHT
var TOP = Math.tan(player.v_fov /2)
var m00 = 2*NEAR / (RIGHT - LEFT)
var m02 = (RIGHT + LEFT)/(RIGHT - LEFT)
var m11 = 2*NEAR / (TOP - BOTTOM)
var m12 = (TOP + BOTTOM) /(TOP - BOTTOM)
var m22 = (FAR * NEAR) / (FAR - NEAR)
var m23 = -2 * NEAR * FAR / (FAR-NEAR)
this.projection_matrix = [
var HW=player.H_WIDTH
var HH = player.H_HEIGHT
this.to_screen_matrix = [
function multiply(a, b) {
var aNumRows = a.length, aNumCols = a[0].length,
bNumRows = b.length, bNumCols = b[0].length,
m = new Array(aNumRows); // initialize array of rows
for (var r = 0; r < aNumRows; ++r) {
m[r] = new Array(bNumCols); // initialize the current row
for (var c = 0; c < bNumCols; ++c) {
m[r][c] = 0; // initialize the current cell
for (var i = 0; i < aNumCols; ++i) {
m[r][c] += a[r][i] * b[i][c];
return m;
function mi_position_matrix_multiplier(A, B)
var new_matrix = []
for (var new_num_ind = 0; new_num_ind < A.length; ++new_num_ind)
this_num = 0;
for (var a_ind = 0; a_ind < A.length; ++a_ind)
this_num += (A[a_ind] * B[a_ind][new_num_ind])
return new_matrix;
function pythagoras(thing1, thing2)
dist = (((thing1[0]-thing2[0])**2)+((thing1[1]-thing2[1])**2))**0.5
return dist
class vertex{
constructor(x, y,z , id){ = id
this.position = [x,y,z,1]
this.min_dist = 1.5 // minimum possible distance between player and object
var arrow_length = 0.0001;
var pointing_position = [player.position[0]+(player.forward[0]*arrow_length) , player.position[2]-(player.forward[2]*arrow_length)]
var dist1 = pythagoras([this.position[0],this.position[2]], pointing_position)
var dist2 = pythagoras([this.position[0],this.position[2]], [player.position[0],player.position[2]])
if (dist1 < dist2){
return true;}
else if (dist1 > dist2){
return false;}
return_screen_projection(dont_cull = false){
var position = mi_position_matrix_multiplier(this.position , player.camera_matrix())
position = mi_position_matrix_multiplier(position , projection.projection_matrix) // does this just convert the position to cameras reference frame.
for (let i = 0; i < position.length; i++) {
position[i] = position[i]/position[3]
if (dont_cull == false){
for (let i = 0; i < position.length; i++) {
if (i != 1){
if (this.is_this_object_behind_player()){for (let ii = 0; ii < position.length; ii++) {position[ii] = -9999;} console.log("culling1")}
if (position[i] > 2){for (let ii = 0; ii < position.length; ii++) {position[ii] = -9999;} console.log("culling2")}
if (position[i] < -2){for (let ii = 0; ii < position.length; ii++) {position[ii] = -9999;} console.log("culling3")}
} // also all examples say set position = 0 if culling
position = mi_position_matrix_multiplier(position , projection.to_screen_matrix)
return [position[0],position[1]]
class player{
this.position =[0,0,0,1.0]
this.forward = [0,0,1,1]
this.up = [0,1,0,1]
this.right =[1,0,0,1]
this.h_fov = 3.1415926535/3
this.v_fov = this.h_fov * (canvas.height / canvas.width)
this.near_plane = 1
this.far_plane = 100
this.moving_speed = 0.2
this.rotation_speed = 0.1
this.H_WIDTH = canvas.width/2
this.H_HEIGHT = canvas.height/2
this.anglePitch = 0
this.angleYaw = 0
var rotate = multiply(rotate_x(this.anglePitch) , rotate_y(this.angleYaw))
this.forward = [0, 0, 1, 1]
this.up = [0, 1, 0, 1]
this.right = [1, 0, 0, 1]
this.forward = mi_position_matrix_multiplier(this.forward , rotate)
this.right = mi_position_matrix_multiplier(this.right , rotate)
this.up = mi_position_matrix_multiplier(this.up , rotate)
this.angleYaw += angle}
var x = this.position[0];
var y = this.position[1];
var z = this.position[2];
var w = this.position[3];
return [
[-x,-y,z, 1]
var rx = this.right[0]
var ry = this.right[1]
var rz = this.right[2]
var w = this.right[3]
var fx = this.forward[0]
var fy = this.forward[1]
var fz = this.forward[2]
var w = this.forward[3]
var ux = this.up[0]
var uy = this.up[1]
var uz = this.up[2]
var w = this.up[3]
return [
return multiply(this.translate_matrix(), this.rotate_matrix());
var key_code = parseInt(event.keyCode)
if (key_code == 37 || key_code == 39 || key_code == 83 || key_code == 87 || key_code == 119|| key_code == 115)
var dx = Math.cos(this.angleYaw)*this.moving_speed
var dy = Math.sin(this.angleYaw)*this.moving_speed
// console.log("that were moving = dx , dy = "+dx.toString()+" , "+dy.toString())
if ( key_code == 37 || key_code == 87 || key_code == 119) {
this.position[0] += -dy
this.position[2] += dx
if (key_code == 39 || key_code == 83 || key_code == 115) {
for (let i = 0; i < this.position.length; i++) {
this.position[0] += dy
this.position[2] += -dx
else {
if ( key_code == 38 || key_code == 65 || key_code == 97) {
if (key_code == 40 || key_code == 68 || key_code == 100) {
function translate(pos){
return np.array([
function rotate_x(angle){
return [
function rotate_y(a){
return [
[math.cos(a),0, -math.sin(a),0],
[math.sin(a), 0 , math.cos(a),0],
function update_matrix_info_debug(matrix_name, matrix){
if (matrix[0].length > 1)
for (let x = 1; x < matrix.length+1; x++) {
for (let y = 1; y < matrix.length+1; y++) {
document.getElementById(matrix_name.toString()+"_"+x.toString()+y.toString()).innerHTML = matrix[x-1][y-1]
else {
for (let x = 1; x < matrix.length+1; x++) {document.getElementById(matrix_name.toString()+"_"+"1"+x.toString()).innerHTML = matrix[x-1]}
class two_d_surdace {
constructor(verex1,verex2,verex3,verex4 , colour){
this.vertices = [verex1,verex2,verex3,verex4]
this.colour = colour
var each_point = []
for (let i = 0; i < this.vertices.length; i++) {
ctx.fillStyle = this.colour;
var moved_to_first_yet = false
for (let vertex = 0; vertex < this.vertices.length; vertex++)
if (moved_to_first_yet == false)
moved_to_first_yet = true
ctx.moveTo( each_point[vertex][0],each_point[vertex][1]);
else{ctx.lineTo( each_point[vertex][0],each_point[vertex][1]);}
function if_off_screen(x, y)
if (x> canvas.width || x < 0){ return true;}
if (y > canvas.height || y < 0){ return true;}
return false;
function if_most_of_these_numbers_are_off_screen(numbers){
var threshold = 1; //Math.floor(numbers.length*0.49)
var counter = 0
for (let i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) { if (if_off_screen(numbers[i][0], numbers[i][1])){ counter +=1} else{} }
if (counter >= threshold){return true}
return false;
player = new player();
projection = new Projection()
floor = new two_d_surdace(new vertex(50,floor_y_pos,50) , new vertex(-50,floor_y_pos,50) , new vertex(-50,floor_y_pos,-50) , new vertex(50,floor_y_pos,-50) , '#F90' )
$(document).on("keypress", function (event) {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);

AmChart- After updating fieldMappings and dataSet,Graph is not plotting

Problem Statement:
after updating fieldMappings and dataSet during runtime(After clicking on a button) for a stockgraph, validateNow() / validteData() is not plotting the graph.
Note: MACD0 is added from 25th element onward and expoSignalLine0 is added from 33rd element onward in the dataprovider and fieldMapping is also getting updated and can be verified same in console.enter code here
Following is the Code snippet:
(addMACD function is called on click of a button)
function addMACD() {
var chart = AmCharts.charts[ 0 ];
AmCharts.MACDGraphs = 0;
AmCharts.expoSignalLineGraphs = 0;
var MACDField = "MACD"+ AmCharts.MACDGraphs;
var expoSignalLineField = "expoSignalLine"+ AmCharts.expoSignalLineGraphs;
chart.dataSets[0].fieldMappings.push( {
fromField : MACDField,
toField : MACDField
fromField : expoSignalLineField,
toField : expoSignalLineField
var currClose;
var prevClose;
var twelveDayEMA =[];
var twentySixDayEMA =[];
var MACDarray = [];
var signalLineArray = [];
var MACDperiod = 9 ;// 9 day exponential average
for ( var i = 1; i < (chart.dataSets[0].dataProvider.length); i++) {
var dp = chart.dataSets[0].dataProvider[i - 1];
prevClose = parseFloat(dp["close"]);
var dp = chart.dataSets[0].dataProvider[i];
currClose = parseFloat(dp["close"]);
if( i==1){
twelveDayEMA[i] = (0.15*currClose) + (0.85*prevClose);
twentySixDayEMA[i] = (0.075*currClose) + (0.925*prevClose);
twelveDayEMA[i] = (0.15*currClose) + (0.85*twelveDayEMA[i - 1]);
twentySixDayEMA[i] = (0.075*currClose) + (0.925*twentySixDayEMA[i - 1]);
if(i >= 25){
MACDarray[i] = twelveDayEMA[i] - twentySixDayEMA[i] ;
dp[MACDField] = MACDarray[i];
if(i == 25){
signalLineArray[i] = MACDarray[i];
signalLineArray[i] = ( MACDarray[i]*(2/( MACDperiod + 1)) ) + ( signalLineArray[i - 1]*(1-(2/( MACDperiod + 1))) )
if(i >=33){
dp[expoSignalLineField] = signalLineArray[i];
if ( chart.panels.length == 1 || chart.panels.length == 2 || chart.panels.length == 3 || chart.panels.length == 4 || chart.panels.length == 5) {
var newPanel = new AmCharts.StockPanel();
newPanel.allowTurningOff = true;
newPanel.title = "MACD";
newPanel.showCategoryAxis = false;
graph1 = new AmCharts.StockGraph();
graph1.valueField = MACDField;
graph1.useDataSetColors = false;
graph1.title = "MACD";
newPanel.stockGraphs.push( graph1 );
graph2 = new AmCharts.StockGraph();
graph2.valueField =expoSignalLineField;
graph2.useDataSetColors = false;
graph2.lineColor = "#990000";
graph2.title = "MACD2";
newPanel.stockGraphs.push( graph2 );
var legend = new AmCharts.StockLegend();
legend.markerType = "none";
legend.markerSize = 0;
newPanel.stockLegend = legend;
chart.addPanelAt( newPanel, 1 );
You have to call validateNow first, then call validateData.
Alternatively, you can call validateNow(true, false) which has the same effect as calling the two functions separately.
Updated fiddle

Three.js - can I detect geometry 'islands' when importing?

I'm importing .3DS models into Blender 2.72b, then exporting them with the Three.js import/export addon. The models have multiple geometry 'islands' (separate groups of connected faces and vertices), each with its own material. I'd like to be able to pair each material with its corresponding island, without having to create separate THREE.Geometry objects. After some digging, I found this question which suggests using a THREE.MeshFaceMaterial to achieve multiple materials for one object. The only problem is that the geometry in that example is a simple cube, whereas my models have hundreds of faces spread across 2-5 islands.
Does Three.js have functionality for identifying geometry 'islands' in a mesh?
No. three.js does not have functionality for identifying geometry 'islands' in a mesh.
When using MeshFaceMaterial, WebGLRenderer breaks the geometry into chunks anyway -- one chunk for each material. It does that because WebGL supports one shader per geometry.
I would not merge all your geometries, and then use MeshFaceMaterial, only to have the renderer break the single geometry apart.
You can merge geometries that share a single material if you wish.
three.js r.69
I tried with a function but still is not accurate, it produce more geometries than non connected geometries:
If somebody could have a look on it, it would be grate.
function groupGeometryIntoNonConnectedGeometries(geometry) {
const material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
side: THREE.DoubleSide,
vertexColors: THREE.VertexColors
let geometryArray = [];
const indexArray = geometry.index.array;
const positionArray = geometry.attributes.position.array;
const positionCount = geometry.attributes.position.count;
const color = new THREE.Vector3(geometry.attributes.color.array[0], geometry.attributes.color.array[1], geometry.attributes.color.array[2]);
const totalTriangles = indexArray.length / 3;
let geometryCount = 0;
let indexValueAlreadyVisited = new Uint8Array(indexArray.length);
let structure = [];
* indexValue: {
* child: [ [indexval0, indexval1], [] ],
* parent: null
* }
// Initialize Structure:
for (var vextexIdx=0; vextexIdx<positionCount; vextexIdx++) {
structure[vextexIdx] = {
child: [],
parent: null
for (idx=0; idx<totalTriangles; idx++) {
const geoIndex1 = indexArray[idx*3];
const geoIndex2 = indexArray[idx*3+1];
const geoIndex3 = indexArray[idx*3+2];
const triangleIndexVertexArray = [ geoIndex1, geoIndex2, geoIndex3 ].sort(function(a, b) {
return a - b;
structure[ triangleIndexVertexArray[0] ].child.push(triangleIndexVertexArray[1], triangleIndexVertexArray[2]);
structure[ triangleIndexVertexArray[1] ].parent = triangleIndexVertexArray[0];
structure[ triangleIndexVertexArray[2] ].parent = triangleIndexVertexArray[0];
let count = 0;
let currentCount = 0;
let geometryStructureArray = [];
for (let strIdx=0; strIdx<structure.length; strIdx++) {
if (structure[strIdx].parent == null) {
currentCount = count;
geometryStructureArray[currentCount] = {
name: "G_" + currentCount,
indexMap: {},
currentIndex: 0,
indexArray: [],
positionArray: [],
colorArray: []
count += 1;
if (structure[strIdx].child.length > 0) {
const childLen = structure[strIdx].child.length / 2;
for (let childIdx=0; childIdx<childLen; childIdx++) {
const vertexIndex0 = strIdx;
const vertexIndex1 = structure[strIdx].child[childIdx*2];
const vertexIndex2 = structure[strIdx].child[childIdx*2+1];
const v0 = new THREE.Vector3( positionArray[strIdx*3], positionArray[strIdx*3+1], positionArray[strIdx*3+2] );
const v1 = new THREE.Vector3( positionArray[vertexIndex1*3], positionArray[vertexIndex1*3+1], positionArray[vertexIndex1*3+2] );
const v2 = new THREE.Vector3( positionArray[vertexIndex2*3], positionArray[vertexIndex2*3+1], positionArray[vertexIndex2*3+2] );
// check vertex0
if (geometryStructureArray[currentCount].indexMap[vertexIndex0] == undefined) {
geometryStructureArray[currentCount].indexMap[vertexIndex0] = geometryStructureArray[currentCount].currentIndex;
geometryStructureArray[currentCount].positionArray.push(v0.x, v0.y, v0.z);
geometryStructureArray[currentCount].colorArray.push(color.x, color.y, color.z);
geometryStructureArray[currentCount].currentIndex += 1;
} else {
// check vertex1
if (geometryStructureArray[currentCount].indexMap[vertexIndex1] == undefined) {
geometryStructureArray[currentCount].indexMap[vertexIndex1] = geometryStructureArray[currentCount].currentIndex;
geometryStructureArray[currentCount].positionArray.push(v1.x, v1.y, v1.z);
geometryStructureArray[currentCount].colorArray.push(color.x, color.y, color.z);
geometryStructureArray[currentCount].currentIndex += 1;
} else {
// check vertex1
if (geometryStructureArray[currentCount].indexMap[vertexIndex2] == undefined) {
geometryStructureArray[currentCount].indexMap[vertexIndex2] = geometryStructureArray[currentCount].currentIndex;
geometryStructureArray[currentCount].positionArray.push(v2.x, v2.y, v2.z);
geometryStructureArray[currentCount].colorArray.push(color.x, color.y, color.z);
geometryStructureArray[currentCount].currentIndex += 1;
} else {
// Convert to geometryArray:
const geometryStructureArrayLen = geometryStructureArray.length;
const object3d = new THREE.Object3D();
for (let geoIdx=0; geoIdx<geometryStructureArrayLen; geoIdx++) {
const geo = new THREE.BufferGeometry(); = "G_" + geoIdx;
const geoPositions = new Float32Array(geometryStructureArray[geoIdx].positionArray);
const geoColors = new Float32Array(geometryStructureArray[geoIdx].colorArray);
const geoIndices = new Uint32Array(geometryStructureArray[geoIdx].indexArray);
//console.log(geoIdx, "geoPositions: ", geoPositions);
//console.log(geoIdx, "geoColors: ", geoColors);
//console.log(geoIdx, "geoIndices: ", geoIndices);
geo.index = new THREE.BufferAttribute(geoIndices, 1, false);
geo.attributes.position = new THREE.BufferAttribute(geoPositions, 3, false);
geo.attributes.color = new THREE.BufferAttribute(geoColors, 3, true);
const mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geo, material); = "M_" + geoIdx;
//return [structure, geometryStructureArray, object3d, count];
return object3d;
Best regards
This is I think the correct way:
function unmergeGeometryArray(geometry) {
// Asumptions:
// geometry is BufferGeometry
// The geometry has no index duplicates (2 equal positions with different index) neither empty triangles, the geometry has been processed with mergeVertices function
// normal attribute is discarded, can be recomputed after, only color and position attributes are taken into account
const material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
side: THREE.DoubleSide,
vertexColors: THREE.VertexColors
const indexArray = geometry.index.array;
const positionArray = geometry.attributes.position.array;
const positionCount = geometry.attributes.position.count;
const totalTriangles = indexArray.length / 3;
let triangleVisitedArray = new Uint8Array(totalTriangles);
let indexVisitedArray = new Uint8Array(positionCount);
let indexToTriangleIndexMap = [];
let missingVertices = positionCount;
let missingTriangles = totalTriangles;
// Functions:
function computeTrianglesRecursive(index, out){
//console.log("- start of computeTriangles with index:", index);
if (indexVisitedArray[index] === 1 || missingVertices === 0 || missingTriangles === 0) {
indexVisitedArray[index] = 1;
missingVertices -= 1;
let triangleIndexArray = indexToTriangleIndexMap[index];
for(let i=0; i<indexToTriangleIndexMap[index].length; i++) {
let triangleIndex = indexToTriangleIndexMap[index][i];
if (triangleVisitedArray[triangleIndex] === 0) {
triangleVisitedArray[triangleIndex] = 1
missingTriangles -= 1;
//console.log("-- index: ", index, "; i: ", i, "; triangleIndex: ", triangleIndex);
childIndex1 = indexArray[triangleIndex*3+1];
computeTriangles(childIndex1, out);
childIndex2 = indexArray[triangleIndex*3+2];
computeTriangles(childIndex2, out);
function computeTriangles(indexTocheck){
let out = [];
let startIndex = indexTocheck;
let indexToCheckArray = [indexTocheck];
let i = 0;
while (i<indexToCheckArray.length) {
let index = indexToCheckArray[i];
if (indexVisitedArray[index] == 0) {
indexVisitedArray[index] = 1;
missingVertices -= 1;
let triangleIndexArray = indexToTriangleIndexMap[index];
for(let j=0; j<indexToTriangleIndexMap[index].length; j++) {
let triangleIndex = indexToTriangleIndexMap[index][j];
if (triangleVisitedArray[triangleIndex] === 0) {
triangleVisitedArray[triangleIndex] = 1;
missingTriangles -= 1;
let rootIndex = indexArray[triangleIndex*3];
let child1Index = indexArray[triangleIndex*3+1];
let child2Index = indexArray[triangleIndex*3+2];
if (indexToCheckArray.indexOf(rootIndex) === -1) {
if (indexToCheckArray.indexOf(child1Index) === -1) {
if (indexToCheckArray.indexOf(child2Index) === -1) {
i +=1;
return out;
// In the first loop we reorder indices asc order + generate map
for (triangleIndex=0; triangleIndex<totalTriangles; triangleIndex++) {
const geoIndex1 = indexArray[triangleIndex*3];
const geoIndex2 = indexArray[triangleIndex*3+1];
const geoIndex3 = indexArray[triangleIndex*3+2];
const triangleIndexVertexArray = [ geoIndex1, geoIndex2, geoIndex3 ].sort(function(a, b) {
return a - b;
if (indexToTriangleIndexMap[geoIndex1] === undefined) {
indexToTriangleIndexMap[geoIndex1] = [triangleIndex];
} else {
if (indexToTriangleIndexMap[geoIndex2] === undefined) {
indexToTriangleIndexMap[geoIndex2] = [triangleIndex];
} else {
if (indexToTriangleIndexMap[geoIndex3] === undefined) {
indexToTriangleIndexMap[geoIndex3] = [triangleIndex];
} else {
//indexArray[triangleIndex*3] = triangleIndexVertexArray[0];
//indexArray[triangleIndex*3+1] = triangleIndexVertexArray[1];
//indexArray[triangleIndex*3+2] = triangleIndexVertexArray[2];
let geometryTriangleArray = [];
let index = 0;
while (index<indexToTriangleIndexMap.length && missingVertices>0 && missingTriangles>0){
let out = [];
if (indexVisitedArray[index] === 0) {
out = computeTriangles(index);
if (out.length > 0) {
index += 1;
let geometryArray = [];
for (let i=0; i<geometryTriangleArray.length; i++) {
let out = {
positionArray: [],
colorArray: [],
indexArray: [],
indexMap: [],
currentIndex: 0
let triangleArray = geometryTriangleArray[i];
for (let j=0; j<triangleArray.length; j++) {
let triangleIndex = triangleArray[j];
let rootIndex = indexArray[triangleIndex*3];
if (out.indexMap[rootIndex] === undefined) {
out.indexMap[rootIndex] = out.currentIndex;
// add vertex position and color
if (geometry.attributes.color != undefined) {
out.currentIndex += 1;
let child1Index = indexArray[triangleIndex*3+1];
if (out.indexMap[child1Index] === undefined) {
out.indexMap[child1Index] = out.currentIndex;
// add vertex position and color
if (geometry.attributes.color != undefined) {
out.currentIndex += 1;
let child2Index = indexArray[triangleIndex*3+2];
if (out.indexMap[child2Index] === undefined) {
out.indexMap[child2Index] = out.currentIndex;
// add vertex position and color
if (geometry.attributes.color != undefined) {
out.currentIndex += 1;
// Add indices:
out.indexArray.push(out.indexMap[rootIndex], out.indexMap[child1Index], out.indexMap[child2Index]);
const geoPositions = new Float32Array(out.positionArray);
const geoColors = new Float32Array(out.colorArray);
const geoIndices = new Uint32Array(out.indexArray);
const geo = new THREE.BufferGeometry(); = "G_" + i;
geo.index = new THREE.BufferAttribute(geoIndices, 1, false);
geo.attributes.position = new THREE.BufferAttribute(geoPositions, 3, false);
geo.attributes.color = new THREE.BufferAttribute(geoColors, 3, true);
return geometryArray;

Away3D 4.1 performance issues - how to optimise a scene with many identical meshes?

I have created a simple test using Away3D 4.1 (2500 cubes) but performance is a lot lower than i expected - only 10 FPS.
I assume i am making a noob mistake (being a noob and all) so here are relevant pieces of code:
var light1:DirectionalLight = new DirectionalLight();
light1.position = new Vector3D(400, 300, -200);
light1.lookAt(new Vector3D());
light1.color = 0xFFFFFF;
light1.ambient = 0.25;
lightPicker = new StaticLightPicker([light1]);
Creating cubes:
var material:ColorMaterial = new ColorMaterial(0x999999);
material.lightPicker = lightPicker;
material.specular = 0;
var mesh:Mesh = new Mesh(new CubeGeometry(50, 50, 50), material);
for (var i:uint = 0; i < 50; i++)
for (var j:uint = 0; j < 50; j++)
var cube:Mesh = Mesh(mesh.clone());
cube.x = 100*(i-25);
cube.y = 25;
cube.z = 100*(j-25);
And the camera:
camera = new Camera3D();
camera.position = new Vector3D(0, 1000, -5000);
camera.lookAt(new Vector3D(0, 0, 0));
camera.lens.far = 10000;
Stage3D output in Scout shows that there are many calls between each drawTriangles call and my basic understanding tells me that drawTriangle calls should be 'batched'.
I know that some other frameworks have batch methods but i havent been able to find anything related to Away3D.
Thanks in advance for any help.
It looks like Merge (thanks to Varnius for spotting that) is the recommended way to do it with previous versions, but it doesn't work in 4.1 (see away3d forum thread).
However, user kurono posted a solution in the forum that works (at least for my scenario) so i reproduce it here in case anyone else has the same problem:
var material:ColorMaterial = new ColorMaterial(0x999999);
material.lightPicker = lightPicker;
material.specular = 0;
var mesh:Mesh = new Mesh(new CubeGeometry(50, 50, 50));
var meshes:Vector.<Mesh> = new Vector.<Mesh>();
for (var i:uint = 0; i < 50; i++)
for (var j:uint = 0; j < 50; j++)
var cube:Mesh = Mesh(mesh.clone());
cube.x = 100*(i-25);
cube.y = 25;
cube.z = 100*(j-25);
var bigMesh:Mesh = doMerge(meshes, material);
The magic is in the doMerge() method:
function doMerge(meshes:Vector.<Mesh>, material:MaterialBase):Mesh
var isub:ISubGeometry;
var rawVertsAll:Vector.<Number> = new Vector.<Number>();
var rawIndicesAll:Vector.<uint> = new Vector.<uint>();
var rawUVsAll:Vector.<Number> = new Vector.<Number>();
var rawNormalsAll:Vector.<Number> = new Vector.<Number>();
var rawTangentsAll:Vector.<Number> = new Vector.<Number>();
var offset:uint = 0;
var verts:Vector.<Number>;
var normals:Vector.<Number>;
var tangents:Vector.<Number>;
var uvs:Vector.<Number>;
var indices:Vector.<uint>;
var i:uint;
var j:uint;
var k:uint;
for (k = 0; k < meshes.length; k++)
var m:Mesh = meshes[k];
isub = m.geometry.subGeometries[0].cloneWithSeperateBuffers();
verts = new Vector.<Number>();
normals = new Vector.<Number>();
tangents = new Vector.<Number>();
uvs = new Vector.<Number>();
indices = isub.indexData;
for (i = 0; i < isub.numVertices; i++)
verts.push(isub.vertexData[i * isub.vertexStride + isub.vertexOffset]);
verts.push(isub.vertexData[i * isub.vertexStride + isub.vertexOffset + 1]);
verts.push(isub.vertexData[i * isub.vertexStride + isub.vertexOffset + 2]);
normals.push(isub.vertexNormalData[i * isub.vertexNormalStride + isub.vertexNormalOffset]);
normals.push(isub.vertexNormalData[i * isub.vertexNormalStride + isub.vertexNormalOffset + 1]);
normals.push(isub.vertexNormalData[i * isub.vertexNormalStride + isub.vertexNormalOffset + 2]);
tangents.push(isub.vertexTangentData[i * isub.vertexTangentStride + isub.vertexTangentOffset]);
tangents.push(isub.vertexTangentData[i * isub.vertexTangentStride + isub.vertexTangentOffset + 1]);
tangents.push(isub.vertexTangentData[i * isub.vertexTangentStride + isub.vertexTangentOffset + 2]);
uvs.push(isub.UVData[i * isub.UVStride + isub.UVOffset]);
uvs.push(isub.UVData[i * isub.UVStride + isub.UVOffset + 1]);
for (j = 0; j < indices.length; j++)
indices[j] += offset;
offset += isub.numVertices;
rawVertsAll = rawVertsAll.concat(verts);
rawNormalsAll = rawNormalsAll.concat(normals);
rawTangentsAll = rawTangentsAll.concat(tangents);
rawUVsAll = rawUVsAll.concat(uvs);
rawIndicesAll = rawIndicesAll.concat(indices);
var geometry:Geometry = new Geometry();
var subGeometry:SubGeometry = new SubGeometry();
return new Mesh(geometry, material);
And voila! 10fps becomes 60fps
Yeah, you should batch your draw calls. I don't have much experience with Away3D but after a quick look through their API reference it seems that should help you to merge all those cubes into one large batched mesh.
Are you getting 10 fps in the debug player or the release version?
I ran your code and get 20 fps in the debug player but 50+ fps in the release version.
I tried merging and didn't see any improvements. Plus, if you want to access the individual cubes, merging will make that quite complicated :)

loading multiple collada objects at the same time Three.js

i have to load the same collada object multiple times.
Here is the code
var ai = [];
function setupAI() {
var c = getMapSector(cam.position);
var loader = new THREE.ColladaLoader();
loader.options.convertUpAxis = true;
loader.load('models/monster.DAE',function colladaReady( collada ){
var op = collada.scene;
skin = collada.skins [ 0 ];
for (var i = 0; i < NUMAI; i++) {
var o = THREE.SceneUtils.cloneObject(op);
o.scale.x = o.scale.y = o.scale.z = 0.006;
do {
var x = getRandBetween(0, mapW-1);
var z = getRandBetween(0, mapH-1);
} while (map[x][z] > 0 || (x == c.x && z == c.z));
x = Math.floor(x - mapW/2) * UNITSIZE;
z = Math.floor(z - mapW/2) * UNITSIZE;
o.position.set(x, UNITSIZE * 0.15, z); = 100;
//o.path = getAIpath(o);
o.pathPos = 1;
o.lastRandomX = Math.random();
o.lastRandomZ = Math.random();
o.lastShot =; // Higher-fidelity timers aren't a big deal here.
but this gives error in this line
var o = THREE.SceneUtils.cloneObject(op);
but if i put loader inside the loop it becomes heavy and not load in browser.
