Spring cloud stream #InboundChannelAdapter not working - spring-boot

I am trying to get the easiest spring cloud stream example to work, so I decided to implement the one from the reference guide reference guide.
I want it to work with kafka so I made too application both with
as a dependency. I also tried with rabbitMq by replacint it with
I can't get it to work however. I don't get any exceptions and i can see that the source puts works, the sink however isn't printing the message. I am sure that it connects correctly to kafka/rabbitMq, because i don't get any exceptions and if i don't run kafka/rabbitMq I do get exceptions. I am also using the destination parameter when i run the apps (like it says in the guide), so it should be using the same destination.
I am using spring boot 1.4.2.RELEASE and spring cloud Camden.SR2
Anyone know what i missed?


spring boot and datadog getting metrics

I have configured the following in my application but i cant seem to get some metrics from http.servlet.request published to datadog.
Spring 2.7.1
My props is as follows
So i can see http.servlet.request, but i cant seem to get http.servlet.request.max or http.servlet.request.count.. i really wanted latency is that even possible?
im using tomcat with spring as per standard, Anyone got any ideas why this would be the case why im not seeing

Using Java functional API with Spring Cloud Data Flow and Polled Consumers

I am working on a project that is trying to use the polled consumer API. However, existing documentation, blog posts and sample code seems to use deprecated annotations (such as org.springframework.cloud.stream.annotation.Input). This seems to be because they are relying on the older style of Spring Cloud stream applications rather than using Java functional api (e.g., java.util.function.Function), as shown in other examples such as this one, given in the same repo.
Is there a way to use functional style with polled consumers in Spring Cloud Stream?
You are using outdated documentation. The most current is available from the project site - https://spring.io/projects/spring-cloud-stream#learn.
The section you are looking for is - https://docs.spring.io/spring-cloud-stream/docs/3.1.5/reference/html/spring-cloud-stream.html#spring-cloud-streams-overview-using-polled-consumers

Spring Integration Invoking Spring Batch

Just looking for some information if others have solved this pattern. I want to use Spring Integration and Spring Batch together. Both of these are SpringBoot applications and ideally I'd like to keep them and their respective configuration separated, so they are both their own executable jar. I'm having problems executing them in their own process space and I believe I want, unless someone can convince me otherwise, each to run like they are their own Spring Boot app and initialize themselves with their own profiles and properties. What I'm having trouble with though is the invocation of the job in my SpringBatch project from my SpringIntegration project. At first I couldn't get the properties loaded from the batch project, so I realized I need to pass the spring.active.profiles as a Job Parameter and that seemed to solve that. But there are other things in the Spring Boot Batch application that aren't loading correctly like the schema-platform.sql file and the database isn't getting initialized, etc.
On this initial launch of the job I might want the response to go back to Spring Integration for some messaging on Job Status. There might be times when I want to run a job without Spring Integration kicking off the job, but still take advantage of sending statuses back to the Spring Integration project providing its listening on a channel or something.
I've reviewed quite a few Spring samples and have yet to find my exact scenario, most are with the two dependencies in the same project, so maybe I'm doing something that's not possible, but I'm sure I'm just missing a little something in the Spring configuration.
My questions/issues are:
I don't want the Spring Integration project to know anything about the SpringBatch configuration other than the job its kicking off. I have found a good way to do that reference to the Job Bean without getting my entire batch configuration loading.
Should I keep these two projects separated or would it be better to combine them since I have two-way communication between both.
How should the Job be launch from the integration project. We're using the spring-batch-integration project with JobLaunchRequest and JobLauncher. This seems to run it in the same process as the Spring Integration project and I'm missing a lot of my SpringBootBatch projects initialization
Should I be using a CommandLineRunner instead to force it to another process.
Is SpringApplication.run(BatchConfiguration.class) the answer?
Looking for some general project configuration setup to meet these requirements.
Spring Cloud Data Flow in combination with Spring Cloud Task does exactly what you're asking. It launches Spring Cloud Task applications (which can contain batch jobs) as new processes on the platform you choose. I'd encourage you to check out that project here: http://cloud.spring.io/spring-cloud-dataflow/

How to set up a swagger-ui standalone server/application?

I would like to set up a standalone swagger-ui application, to view the different APIs from different servers in one central place.
In a second step I would like to customise swagger-ui to show multiple APIs at once.
I don't want to add swagger-ui to all the servers that provide swagger api-docs though.
To do so I would like to use spring boot and thought this should be an easy task. However, I have trouble getting it to work.
Here is what I did:
Generated a Spring Boot application using https://start.spring.io
included spring-boot-starter-web
added io.springfox:springfox-swagger-ui:2.3.1 dependency
When opening http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html I see a 404 error and UI seems broken:
Is there any reason for using Spring-boot instead of a simple web server for this?
See for example here with Nginx, including some basic authentication (pretty old link but still looking alright), or in the ReadMe of the swagger-ui github reposiory directly for easily serving with Connect/gulp-serve inside Docker (the setup can also be reproduced directly without Docker if wanted).
Also I have no idea why you're getting resources requested by the page on a different port... Just ask in case you still need help now on this topic.

Spring YARN: How to create a Tracking UI and correctly wire a proxy to it?

I want to deploy an application with a web interface. I want to use Spring YARN for this because that eases all the basic setup, and I can start the application with java -jar.
What steps do I have to do to:
have my application expose a web interface
have the tracking URI I get when submitting it proxy to that web interface
Unfortunately, I cannot find anything about this on the net, there is npthing on that particular issue in the Spring documentation and Google searches do not get me the correct results either.
Easiest way to do this is simply use Spring YARN Boot application model and framework is then trying to do the heavy lifting on your behalf. I actually showed a demo of this during my session at SpringOne 2GX 2014. You can find my session recording from youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qlvX7_r9aUA.
Interesting stuff for this particular feature is at the end (starting from 1:16:22) and you can see how web server address is registered into YARN resource manager and how I query it using a Spring YARN Boot CLI (around 1:32:13). Spring YARN will actually see that there is an embedded servlet context and registers it automatically. In this demo property "server.port=0" makes tomcat to choose random port which is then registered.
Code for this particular UI demo can be found from github https://github.com/SpringOne2GX-2014/JanneValkealahti-SpringYarn/tree/master/gs-yarn-rabbit. Demo was around RabbitMQ just to have some real UI functionality and not just a dummy hello world page.
There's also more up-to-date sample in https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-hadoop-samples/tree/master/boot/yarn-store-groups which doesn't have a real UI(just Boot management endpoints). Thought it's relatively easy to add Spring MVC magic there just by following normal Boot functionality(i.e. following https://spring.io/guides/gs/rest-service).
Lemmy know if this helps!
