How J2EE Application Server serves a single WebService Call - spring

During a coding session for a project I ran into a doubt.
My doubt is, how title suggests, about how J2EE Application Server serves a single WebService Call​.
When a call to a WS is made by a client, the J2EE AS create a new thread to serve it? I don't need to worry about multiple and simultaneous calls to a WS implementation, right? (which is a Operation and a method in Java)
Another doubt is about #Autowired in Spring (with singleton instantiation which is the default).
In this web application, I'm creating a Spring Context in the usual way, in the web.xml I put the usual tag wich refers to a context-spring-xml config file using the ContextLoaderListener Spring class.
For instance:
In this case, for every bean which is #Autowired (with singleton) I've a single instance for the entire Application Server? Or every time a WS Call is made a thread is created and the single thread has its single instance of every defined bean in the spring xml config file?
Let's consider that the ServiceImplementation class is a spring bean itself, managed as singleton.
We use Apache Camel as ESB exposing service Consumer as SpringRouteBuilder classes.

When a call to a WS is made by a client, the J2EE AS create a new thread to serve it? I don't need to worry about multiple and simultaneous calls to a WS implementation, right?
Right. But you have to worry about your #Autowired singleton thread-safety.
It must not have any instance variables used during process of request/response. It may have only configuration/setting properties.
In this case, for every bean which is #Autowired (with singleton) I've a single instance for the entire Application Server?
Not right.
It will not be for the entire AS. It is in scope of your web application. That is about applications isolation from each other.
That means when same #Autowired class defined in two different web applications' Spring contexts (e.g spring-context.xml in web.xml inside both WAR) - each application Spring context will have its own singleton.


Will a new instance of Singleton scoped object in a WebApplicationContext be created if the application is closed and started again in Spring MVC

In a Spring MVC app, will a new instance of Singleton Class in WebApplicationContext ,be created if the application is closed and then started again?
Say there is a singleton scoped DAO class with some member variables(states) that were modified in the application and then the application was closed.
Now when we run that app again, would the previous changes(made before the application was closed) be still there for that DAO or it will be a fresh singleton instance when the app restarts ?
Fresh singleton instance.
Assuming that by "Singleton" you mean bean scope:
Singleton scoped bean is created by IoC container during startup of application, and then it is stored there. So, anytime you inject a class of specific type, IoC container returns that single instance it created
IoC container in Spring applications can configure bean only according to configuration metadata (check annotation-based and java-based configuration). IoC container is represented by ApplicationContext class.
ApplicationContext "lives" only when application lives. When application is stopped, ApplicationContext dies, and loses all beans with all their variables values.
DAO pattern concerns creating interface for communication with data source (in persistence layer, by using e.g. EntityManager, configured properly with metadata stored in e.g. If you have a domain object (object, which "represents" database record), that have been modified inside application and not saved somewhere externally (e.g. in database), than it is lost, when application stops.
If it was a web application, then application will be down when the server stops or undeploys the given war if war was the artifact, or in case of jar(embedded server like in spring boot) application closes by terminating the program by quitting.
In this case when application is quitted, jvm process will also quit and the spring container inside your application will also quit with it, and when spring container is no longer up, the objects contained in it will also be not available.
Hence, you will get a fresh instance on app restart.

How many containers in spring MVC?

I am new to spring. I wanted to know two things :
Does the Dispatcher Servlet and ApplicatonContext exists in two different containers (in terms of spring).
Also, if they are part of same container, then how is it possible that spring is creating two beans if I scan the classes in both of their config files?
Will be very thankful for any help.
SpringMVC has one Container i.e WebApplicationContext(Interface)
A Context represents your environment. It represents the state surrounding where you are in your system. For example, in web programming in Java, you have a Request, and a Response. These are passed to the service method of a Servlet. A property of the Servlet is the ServletConfig, and within that is a ServletContext. The ServletContext is used to tell the servlet about the Container that the Servlet is within. So, the ServletContext represents the servlets environment within its container. Similarly, in Java EE, you have EBJContexts that elements (like session beans) can access to work with their containers.(copy/paste from qoura)

DispatcherServlet and ContextLoaderListener in Spring

What is the difference between DispatcherServlet and ContextLoaderListener in Spring framework? Do we need to configure both of them in web.xml when we are using spring framework?
AFAIK each DispatcherServlet will have a WebApplicationContext. By default the DispatcherServlet looks for a spring configuration file named [appname]-servlet.xml under WEB-INF folder.
Do we need to configure DispatcherServlet?
Yes, every spring application should configure DispatcherServlet as it is the one through which all the requests are routed. It decides the appropriate method of the controller class to handle the request. Once controller returns the model along with the logical view, DispatcherServlet takes the help of ViewResolver to resolve the view (generally JSPs) and will pass the model data to the view, which is finally rendered on the browser.
Do we need to configure ContextLoaderListener?
No, this is not mandatory. Spring applications can live with out ContextLoaderListener.
Why do we need ContextLoaderListener?
Usually when we build multi-tier applications we don't want to clutter all the beans in one config file [appname]-servlet.xml. For example if you configure spring security you wanted to include all those beans in security-context.xml, in the same way all the beans belonging to service layer are configured in applicationContext.xml and some would like to configure beans belonging to DAO layer in dao-context.xml. So when you configure all these beans in different context files, you need to let know spring that these files exist as spring only knows about [appname]-servlet.xml. ContextLoaderListener will help spring recognize all the other context files.
Hope this helps!
The root WebApplicationContext is a Spring Application Context shared across the application.
A DispatcherServlet instance actually has its own
One can have multiple DispatcherServlet instances in an application, and each will have its own WebApplicationContext.
The root WebApplicationContext is shared across
the application, so if you have a root WebApplicationContext and
multiple DispatcherServlets, the DispatcherServlets will share the
root WebApplicationContext.
However, for a simple Spring MVC application, one can even have a situation where there is no need to have a root WebApplicationContext. A DispatcherServlet would still have its own WebApplicationContext, but it doesn’t actually need to have a parent root WebApplicationContext.
So, which beans should go in the root Web Application Context and which beans should go in the DispatcherServlet’s Web Application Context?
Well, general beans such as services and DAOs make their way in root Web Application Context, and more web-specific beans such as controllers are included in DispatcherServlet’s Web Application Context.
When DispatcherServlet starts up, it creates a Spring application context and starts
loading it with beans declared in the configuration files or classes that it’s given.
But in Spring web applications, there’s often another application context. This
other application context is created by ContextLoaderListener
Whereas DispatcherServlet is expected to load beans containing web components
such as controllers, view resolvers, and handler mappings, ContextLoaderListener is
expected to load the other beans in your application. These beans are typically the
middle-tier and data-tier components that drive the back end of the application.
Good luck!

Spring MVC - code based servlet container initialization

I am a newbie and going through spring learning curve and i have a question to understand what cases i will be using code based servlet container initialization against xml initialization in web descriptor file.
The reason for my question is, at this time i wanted to spend time in learning what is used most of the time rather overloading many concepts which might be provided with the framework just for flexibility.
Any advice?
Thanks for reading
The main reason you'd want to use Java based container initialization is when you want to register Spring managed Servlet, Filter, and XxxListener objects.
For example, when you want to register a ServletContextListener, you specify
in the deployment descriptor. The container takes that fully qualified class name and uses reflection to find the corresponding Class object which it instantiates to get an instance. In other words, the object is uniquely managed by the container. You can't have Spring inject fields easily.
On the other hand, with a ServletContainerInitializer, or the corresponding Spring class, you can specify Servlet, Filter, or Listener beans in your Spring context (either through XML or #Configuration classes) and register those Spring-managed instances directly through the ServletContext.
Note that there are still some configurations for which you need to use the deployment descriptor.

Spring-MVC: What are a "context" and "namespace"?

From XmlWebApplicationContext javadoc:
By default, the configuration will be taken from "/WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml" for the root context, and "/WEB-INF/test-servlet.xml" for a context with the namespace "test-servlet" (like for a DispatcherServlet instance with the servlet-name "test").
What does it mean a Spring context?
What is the root context? What other kinds of Spring context are there?
What is a namespace?
Some follow-up questions:
What is a Spring ApplicationContext - is it some "thing" that holds the beans that are defined in a configuration XML file?
Looking at the code of ContextLoaderListener, it looks like it loads the data defined in the config XML file(s). But my Spring web app works without defining this listener or any other listener. How could it be?
In what scenarios would it make sense to have more than one instance of Spring's DispatcherServlet?
Is the root context (data from applicationContext.xml) applicable to every instance of DispatcherServlet, while other contexts (e.g. data from test-servlet.xml) applicable only to the relevant DispatcherServlet (i.e. test)?
"Spring context" = a Spring ApplicationContext.
"root context", in terms of a web application, means the main context that's loaded and used by the webapp. Typically, you'll start the root context with a ContextLoaderListener.
The root context isn't really a "kind" of context. It's just a role that a context plays. You have one root context in a webapp. Other contexts are not the root context. They're usually children of the root context.
A namespace here refers to the scope of an instance of Spring's DispatcherServlet. All it's saying right there is that if you name your servlet "test" in your web.xml, then by convention, Spring will look for a file named "test-servlet.xml" to use as that dispatcher's context. Incidentally, each context like this which is created for a dispatcher becomes a child of the root context.
Edit: To answer your new questions:
Follow the link in the first line of my answer to learn about the ApplicationContext. If you have questions not answered there, I'd suggest posting a new SO question.
The root context is optional. If you don't have the ContextLoaderListener defined, then you just don't have a root context. When you use a DispatcherServlet, it starts its own ApplicationContext, and it will get the beans it needs from there.
I don't know of one off the top of my head. I suppose if there were a need for drastically different configurations between some of the URL resources in your app, that might drive you to do it.
Yes. To state it in the proper terms, the root context is the parent context of any context started for a DispatcherServlet. Beans in a parent context are accessible through and by the child context, but the reverse isn't true.
In a web application, the architecture is usually divided into layers like the popular MVC structure.
So a web app comprises basically of a layer that handles the client requests i.e HTTPRequests
and a layer that services those requests .
To summarize : classes that are meant to handle the Http requests i.e the controllers which are mapped to urls come under the test-servlet.xml. This is called as WebapplicationContext containing only the beans that are required mainly to handle the client requests.
Now the next part is the Service/Dao layer that comprises of your business logic. Beans that perform such logic are loaded under ApplicationContext object.
Now you may ask why have they separated these things in to files or two different objects.
Its because, an application have the same business logic that can be used by multiple clients working on different protocol. You may use the same service layers to handle RMI as well as HTTP calls.
So Spring created a parent context that is started us as an ApplicationContext. And then if your applicationhandles web requests, you can create a dispathcher servlet which has its own Webapplicationcontext and initialized as a child of the parent context.
So all the parent beans can be referenced in the child and can be overiden but not vice versa
