Tell <%= ... %> not to add a space - phoenix-framework

I use the following code in a template to render a date:
<% if job.end_month do %>
<%= "#{job.end_month}/" %>
<% end %>
<%= "#{job.end_year}" %>
This results in 3/ 2014 and not in 3/2014. How can I force Phoenix not to add a space after "#{job.end_month}/"?

One solution would be to create an external helper that did this for you:
def job_string(%Job{end_month: nil}), do: job.end_year
def job_string(job), do: "#{job.end_month}/#{job.end_year}"
Then just use that in your view:
<%= job_string(job) %>
Alternatively if you don't want to do all that and would prefer a messier sort of look:
<% if job.end_month do %>
<%= "#{job.end_month}/#{job.end_year}" %>
<% else %>
<%= "#{job.end_year}" %>
<% end %>


Middleman shows syntax error when using a link_to block

I'm using Middleman 4.2 with Middleman-blog 4.0.2.
When I have:
<% blog.tags.each do |tag, articles| %>
<%= link_to "#{tag.titleize} - #{articles.size}", tag_path(tag) %>
<% end %>
I get the desired <a> element output:
Test Tag - 1
But when I change the link_to to a block:
<% blog.tags.each do |tag, articles| %>
<%= link_to tag_path(tag) do %>
<%= tag.titleize %> - <%= articles.size %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
I get a syntax error:
/source/blog/index.html.erb:43: syntax error, unexpected ')' ...<< ( link_to tag_path(tag) do ).to_s; #_out_buf << '
I can't seem to figure out why I'm not able to get the same output here.
Any pointers?
I just realized I had the wrong erb tag on the line with the link_to helper.
The correct code looks like this:
<% blog.tags.each do |tag, articles| %>
<% link_to tag_path(tag) do %>
<%= tag.titleize %> - <%= articles.size %>
<% end %>
<% end %>

cached votes not updating with validates_presence_of in model

I have acts_as_taggable installed and working for my products with cached votes.
After I tried to finish my validations inside the Product model with validates_presence_of the cached votes are not getting updated anymore.
Anyone had the same problem?
Any hint is appreciated.
Basic validation inside the product model. If this line is not there, the cached_votes work:
validates_presence_of :original_url, :format => URI::regexp(%w(http https))
How I trigger the votes:
<% if user_signed_in? %>
<% if current_user.liked? likeable %>
<%= form_tag unlike_path(likeable_type: likeable.class.to_s, likeable_id:, method: :post, remote: true do %>
<% button_tag class: 'btn btn-block liked' do %>
<%= fa_icon 'heart-o' %> unlike
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% else %>
<%= form_tag like_path(likeable_type: likeable.class.to_s, likeable_id:, remote: true do %>
<% button_tag class: 'btn btn-block' do %>
<%= fa_icon 'heart' %> like
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% else %>
<%= link_to new_user_registration_path do %>
<% button_tag class: 'btn btn-block' do %>
<%= fa_icon 'heart' %> like
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>

add form (non-nested) dynamically in rails

pls can someone explain how I can dynamically add another copy of a form in rails?...been working on this for almost 2hrs. I messed around with .clone() and .appendTo in jquery, but it didnt work. Also, most of the materials I found online (like on railscast #196 and stackoverflow) focused heavily on nested forms. My form is nested, but I actually just want to add the parent form again. The photos which are nested use the html multiple attributes so I'm guessing that will handle multiple files upload for each parent form (btw I'm using paperclip).
If I just need to modify the railscast code please let me know.
<%= form_for(#user_book, html: { multipart: true }) do |f| %>
<% if #user_book.errors.any? %>
<div id="error_explanation">
<h2><%= pluralize(#user_book.errors.count, "error") %> prohibited this user_book from been saved:</h2>
<% #user_book.errors.full_messages.each do |msg| %>
<li><%= msg %></li>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<%= f.text_field :title, placeholder: "enter title...", id: "book_title" %>
<%= f.text_field :category, placeholder: "enter category..." %>
<%= file_field_tag 'user_book[user_book_photos_attributes][][photo]', :multiple => true do |p| %>
<%= p.file_field :photo %>
<% end %>
<div class="actions">
<%= f.submit %>
<% end %>

Conditional statement in "" in Ruby?

In my erb file, I have the following code in the body tag:
<% #tasks.each do |task| %>
<%= %>
<% end %>
This is working, but I only want to display if task.otherAttribute does not equal -1.
For some reason, I can't figure out how to do this! Any tips much would be much appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
Try this:
<% #tasks.each do |task| %>
<%= if task.otherAttribute != 1 %>
<% end %>
<% #tasks.each do |task| %>
<%= unless task.otherAttribute == 1 %>
<% end %>
I will provide some more options for future reference:
<% #tasks.each do |task| %>
<% if task.otherAttribute != 1 %>
<%= %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% #tasks.each do |task| %>
<%= task.otherAttribute == 1 ? '' : %>
<% end %>
Good luck!
I tend to use #select and #reject for this idiom, since that's basically what you're doing.
<%= #tasks.reject{|t| t.other_attribute == -1}.each do |task| %>
<%= %>
<% end %>
These come from the Enumerable module, which most things with an #each method include.
You can put conditionals into your ERB code.
<%= if task.otherAttribute != 1 %>
You can also perform more complex tasks with a more verbose syntax. It's not necessary in your case, but you could also do more traditional if/else blocks like so:
<% if task.otherAttribute != 1 %>
<%= %>
<% end %>

Facebooker2 returning users UID but not name

I am just using the standard Facebooker2 setup.
<%= fb_connect_async_js %>
<% if current_facebook_user %>
<%= "Hello #{fb_name(current_facebook_user, :useyou => false)}!" %>
<%= fb_logout_link("Logout", request.url) %><br />
<% else %>
<%= fb_login_and_redirect('/login', :scope => 'user_about_me') %>
<% end %>
What displays on the page is:
Hello <fb:name uid="73648576" useyou="false"></fb:name>
I am sure there's something very basic wrong here, but I've followed the instructions, done tutorials, wetc. and continue to get this result.
Any help most appreciated!
Not sure why fb_name isn't working, but you could use the other method as specified in the readme. In this case, you need to call the fetch method on current_facebook_user first:
<% if current_facebook_user %>
<% current_facebook_user.fetch %>
<%= "Welcome #{current_facebook_user.first_name} #{current_facebook_user.last_name}!" %>
Ref: (around 9:36)
