How to rollback or not commit with sql loader [duplicate] - oracle

If while loading this file
$ cat employee.txt
using the control file (say) sqlldr-add-new.ctl I came to know all the records are faulty so I want the previously loaded records in that table (those that were loaded yesterday) to be retained if today's had any error. How to handle this exception.
This is my sample ctl file
$ cat sqlldr-add-new.ctl
load data
infile '/home/ramesh/employee.txt'
into table employee
fields terminated by ","
( id, name, dept, salary )

You can't roll back from SQL*Loader, it commits automatically. This is mentioned in the errors parameter description:
On a single-table load, SQL*Loader terminates the load when errors exceed this error limit. Any data inserted up that point, however, is committed.
And there's a section on interrupted loads.
You could attempt to load the data to a staging table, and if it is successful move the data into the real table (with delete/insert into .. select .., or with a partition swap if you have a large amount of data). Or you could use an external table and do the same thing, but you'd need a way to determine if the table had any discarded or rejected records.

try with ERRORS=0.
You could find all explanation here:
ERRORS (errors to allow)
ERRORS specifies the maximum number of insert errors to allow. If the number of errors exceeds the value of ERRORS parameter, SQL*Loader terminates the load. The default is 50. To permit no errors at all, set ERRORS=0. To specify that all errors be allowed, use a very high number.
On a single table load, SQL*Loader terminates the load when errors exceed this error limit. Any data inserted up that point, however, is committed.
SQL*Loader maintains the consistency of records across all tables. Therefore, multi-table loads do not terminate immediately if errors exceed the error limit. When SQL*loader encounters the maximum number of errors for a multi-table load, it continues to load rows to ensure that valid rows previously loaded into tables are loaded into all tables and/or rejected rows filtered out of all tables.
In all cases, SQL*Loader writes erroneous records to the bad filz


replicat failing on insert with no data found

Failing to understand in which situation will an insert fail with no data found error. Any insights please.
Oracle GoldenGate Delivery for Oracle process started, group REPA discard file opened: 2020-08-21 18:32:07.326069
Current time: 2020-08-21 18:32:08
Discarded record from action ABEND on error 1403
No data found
Aborting transaction on /zfssa/gg_02/ogg/dirdat/REPA/EX beginning at seqno 473 rba 425209949
error at seqno 473 rba 425214669
Problem replicating SRC.TABLE to TGT.TABLE.
Record not found
Mapping problem with insert record (target format) SCN:3329198919.29.23.78560...
An error by NO DATA FOUND usually points to a inconsistency problem. The REPLICAT is basically an application doing data manipulation using SQL statements. If it attempts to perform a DML and the database rejects it, normally is because of inconsistency with the attempted DML and the records related to it.
For example, attempting to delete a row which does not exist will fail with a database error. Aside from an Oracle GoldenGate bug, this usually points to target database inconsistencies. In other words, the target database is in a state that the customer did not expect it to be in.
Determine why your target database is not in the state that you expect it to be. Numerous reasons can cause this and below are some them. This list is by no means exhaustive.
Possible Causes
The use of parameters to ignore previous errors such as HANDLECOLLISIONS, REPERROR with IGNORE or DISCARD options.
Primary keys or key columns that are different between source and target database. They might be the same columns but the type and/or size are different.
The target database is manipulated by an application program.
The target replicat is MAPped by filters and selection, or the extract DML operations have filters. This will be based on your business needs and may or may not be intentional.
Non-primary key table updates. If all the columns are used for replication there are cases whereby more than one update can occur making subsequent DML operations fail.
Non-primary key table updates where KEYCOLS are used. These keys may not be unique. To test uniqueness of selected keys, run the query on the source database based on these KEYCOLS and sort them.
The language and characterset in use (NLS, double-byte or multibyte charset) is different and may cause unexpected conversion issues automatically done by the database. Use SETENV parameter to change the language and set this before the USERID parameter.
Your source database and target database are of a different type, for example Oracle to MSSQL and the conversion done on the primary keys or key columns are not what you expected.
There are other specific configurations, patches, features, default database behaviors and so on. Search the My Oracle Support (MOS) Knowledge base for the database error number, example: "ORA-01403" under the Oracle GoldenGate core product. Review these knowledge solutions to see if they are related to your issue.
In rare situations, this may be an Oracle GoldenGate bug in that a particular DML was not captured or the values were incorrectly interpreted. Please submit an SR if you think this is the case. You will need to provide in addition to the target replicat reports and materials stated above, all extract reports on the source machine and GoldenGate trails.
Duplicate Mapping in replicat parameter with ALLOWDUPTARGETMAP parameter
Incorrect use of Extract parameter THREADOPTIONS PROCESSTHREADS. This can cause it to miss data.
Possible Solutions
What do you need to investigate a replicat database issue?
For a start you will need the replicat parameter file, report file and discard file.
Report file: Contains all warnings, errors, tables that are already mapped, columns mapped or unmapped and all run time environment settings.
Discard file: Display in detail the issue with mapping this table that generates the database error, the columns, its values, position of the record in the GoldenGate trail.
Parameter file: Usually the parameters are within the report file but this will be useful if the report file has been rolled over (REPORTROLLOVER parameter).
What are the next steps?
Query your target database based on the above data. Depending on the database error, the report file and/or discard file may contain the exact SQL statement used. Nevertheless one should be able to construct the appropriate query. This is to confirm that the replicat has indeed reported the correct database errors.
For example if the Oracle DB error was ORA-01403 which means no data found, your query should be selecting the row with the primary keys or keys as specified. Your query should return the same results as the replicat.
Fixing the replicat.
The first thing to consider is whether you can ignore this error for now and resolve the situation later on. If your business allows you to do so then you may either exclude this table altogether (TABLEEXCLUDE) or simply skip this error (REPERROR , DISCARD). If you skip the error, then start the replicat with REPERROR but run it for a short while (stop replicat) and remove this REPERROR. Then restart the replicat.
Fixing the database.
No matter what the reason is, you will need to resync the table that caused this issue.
Configuration Issue
If you have Duplicate mapping in replicat parameters in the replicat parameter file and ALLOWDUPTARGETMAP parameter is used, DML will be applied twice. This leads to ORA-1403 error on delete operation and ORA-001 error for Insert operation. Remove the duplicate mapping to fix the issue.
Summary, there are a lot of possibilities for a no data found error in a replicat process in GoldenGate.
This could also depend on the type of replicat you are using. Many of them perform queries inside the database prior to actually performing a DML statement. The error you have can often result from a lack of permissions in the target database, or if you are using something like a database vault, or other technology which manipulates how DML is performed.

How to tune Oracle's SQL*Loader append?

I am writing a Java program that creates a CSV file with 6,800,000 records conforming to specific distribution parameters and populates a table using Oracle's SQL*Loader.
I am testing my program using different sizes of records (50,000 and 500.000). The CSV File generation by itself is quite fast, using concurrency it takes miliseconds to create and insert these records into a file.
Inserting said records, on the other hand, is taking too long. Reading the log file generated by SQL*Loader, it takes 00:00:32.90 seconds to populate the table with 50,000 records and 00:07:58.83 minutes to populate it with 500,000.
SQL*Loader benchmarks I've googled show much better perfomances, such as 2 million rows in less than 2 minutes. I've followed this tutorial to improve the time, but it barely changed at all. There's obviously something wrong here, but I don't know what.
Here's my control file:
Another important info: I've tried using PARALLEL=TRUE, but I get the ORA-26002 error (Table MY_TABLE has index defined upon it). Unfortunatly, running with skip_index_maintenance renders the index UNUSABLE.
What am I doing wrong?
I have noticed that soon after running the program (less than a second), all rows are already present in the database. Yet, SQL*Loader is still busy and only finishes after 32-45 seconds.
What could it be doing?
One thought would be to create an external table and set the name to the csv file. Then after creating the file you can run a sql script inside Oracle to process the data directly.
Or, look at the following (copied from here:)
This issue is caused when using the bulk load option in parallel to load an Oracle target that has an index on it. An Oracle limitation.
To resolve this issue do one of the following:
· Change the target load option to Normal.
· Disable the enable parallel mode option in relational connection browser.
· Drop the indexes before loading.
· Or create a pre- and post-session sql to drop and create indexes and key constraints

unique constraint violated error performance

I am inserting in a table millions of records , such operation will need hours or maybe a day. After 2 hours the connection through my pc was disconnected, so I want to repeat the insert from the start.
My Question
which is faster ? truncate the table and repeat it again , or creating a primary key and continue, however an error will be raised because of 'unique constraint violated' for every record that was inserted in the last 2 hours.
Truncating the table (If full refresh)is the best option Hands down. There's also SKIP parameter, if you use Oracle's SQL*Loader utility. Let me explain to some extent!
Also try loading the table with SQL*Loader using DIRECT load option. Which means loading the table by loading into the data blocks, instead of conventional INSERT statements.
By this kind of loading, you can enable UNRECOVERABLE , which means no/less redo log written, so the loading is very fast >70% than conventional INSERT.
But, the downside of this loading is, ALL indexes on this table, except NULL constraints will be made UNUSABLE, before the start of loading, and the data will be loaded. And on SUCCESSFUL completion, SQL*Loader tries to re-enable the index, by rebuilding it. So, if in case my any reason, the loading had interrupted, the error messages will be logged properly, and the index would be left UNUSABLE.
More Details on : Please find Here
Also, using SQL*Loader, you can load using Conventional loading, which means SQL*Loader would generate the chunk of INSERTs using the file , and process it. In this type of loading, all the INDEXES will be left as such, and the table remains unharmed.
If at all any error happens, SQL*Loader will log a SKIP parameter, which means , by next run, if you specify that number, the table will loaded from that point of the file.
More Details on SQL*Loader : Here
Not sure how you are loading your table but this is a classic situation where you should use external table of Oracle.

ORA-00054 while loading large data file

I get ORA-00054 while loading large data files(~ 10 gb)
The error occurs when this a new file is loaded after a previous file.
Any ideas how I can solve this?
One possible scenario.
Is this a direct path load ? If so, please check the v$locked_object view and see if is being locked by someone during your load.
select dbao.object_name
from v$locked_object vlo,
dba_objects dbao
where vlo.object_id = dbao.object_id
and dbao.object_name = 'Table that you are trying to load...'
From the Oracle Documentation at
Locking Considerations with
Direct-Path INSERT
During direct-path INSERT, Oracle
obtains exclusive locks on the table
(or on all partitions of a partitioned
table). As a result, users cannot
perform any concurrent insert, update,
or delete operations on the table, and
concurrent index creation and build
operations are not permitted.
Concurrent queries, however, are
supported, but the query will return
only the information before the insert
Maybe this is linked to tablespace datafile sizes, table size, because ORA-00054 usually appears when an ALTER statement is run.
I do not pretend to be right here.
Check those views.
DBA_BLOCKERS – Shows non-waiting sessions holding locks being waited-on
DBA_DDL_LOCKS – Shows all DDL locks held or being requested
DBA_DML_LOCKS - Shows all DML locks held or being requested
DBA_LOCK_INTERNAL – Displays 1 row for every lock or latch held or being requested with the username of who is holding the lock
DBA_LOCKS - Shows all locks or latches held or being requested
DBA_WAITERS - Shows all sessions waiting on, but not holding waited for locks
Your table seems to be locked: ORA-00054
It can be because of the way that Oracle driver handles the BLOB types (the driver locks the record, opens an stream to write the binary data, and needs "some help" to release the record).
I would try the next secuence:
Load the first file
Load the second file

sqlldr corrupts my primary key after the first commit

Sqlldr is corrupting my primary key index after the first commit in my ctl file. After the first, no matter what I set the rows value to in my control file, I get:
ORA-39776: fatal Direct Path API error loading table PE_OWNER.CLINICAL_CODE
ORA-01502: index 'PE_OWNER.CODE_PK' or partition of such index is in unusable state
SQL*Loader-2026: the load was aborted because SQL Loader cannot continue.
I'm using Oracle database and client
I know the issue is not due to duplicate rows because if I set the rows directive to a huge value, the index is not corrupt after sqlldr does a single commit for the entire file. This provides me with a workaround, but it's still a little alarming...
Thanks for any guidance anyone can give.
I don't use SQL*Loader much on production tables, but from what I've read, you need to use conventional load.
from the SQL*Loader documentation
When to Use a Conventional Path Load
If load speed is most important to
you, you should use direct path load
because it is faster than conventional
path load. However, certain
restrictions on direct path loads may
require you to use a conventional path
load. You should use a conventional
path load in the following situations:
* When accessing an indexed table concurrently with the load, or when
applying inserts or updates to a nonindexed table concurrently with the
To use a direct path load (with the exception of parallel loads),
SQL*Loader must have exclusive write
access to the table and exclusive
read/write access to any indexes.
I believe the issue was that Oracle did not have time to rebuild the indices on the table in question, so I increased the batch commit size to a number larger than the number of records I was importing.
That fixed the issue.
