error during installing visual studio 2017 - visual-studio

I am trying to install Visual Studio 2017 RC and I keep getting this error:
[2ea4:002f][2016-11-20T21:47:00] Package
failed to install. MSI:
Properties: REBOOT=ReallySuppress ARPSYSTEMCOMPONENT=1
MSIFASTINSTALL="7" USING_EXUIH="1" , Return code: 1714, Details: The
older version of Microsoft Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 2017
RC Office Integration Language Pack (x64) - ENU cannot be removed.
Contact your technical support group.

We were able to force uninstall the problematic package using this Microsoft tool, after which we were able to install VS2017 normally.
The package name in our case was: Microsoft Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 2017 RC Office Integration Language Pack (x64) - ENU​

With my experience, this happens when Visual Studio 2017 setup cannot uninstall/repair/upgrade an existing package. Try this:
Quit the VS 2017 installer setup and go to this location "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\VisualStudio\Packages\Microsoft.TeamFoundation.OfficeIntegration.Resources"
There must be an .msi file with name "tfs_officeIntegrationCoreRes.msi" (based on your error message - it appears that you have office tools installed as part of previous VS installation)
Run that msi and remove the component (there must be a remove option). Once done restart the VS 2017 setup again and this time you shouldnt get this error at least.
Hope this helps.

after several tries, I had no solution. Then restarted the computer and run the installer again. No installation errors :)


Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio closes immediately after startup

Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio closes in about five seconds after startup. The startup splash screen is displayed, but after that, nothing. No messages are being displayed (even in a console) and no logs occur in a Windows Event Viewer. I have tried to install different SSMS versions , i.e. 16.X, 17.Y, but it have not helped. I have also tried to repair VS 2017 and SSMS.
This problem occurred for the first time, when I uninstalled Visual Studio 2015 and its related components, like SSMS, and installed VS 2017 and newer version of SSMS (16.X).
What can I do to make SSMS not closing immediately after startup?
Step 1: Just delete this file:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 18\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Platform\Microsoft.VisualStudio.MinShell.Interop.pkgdef
Alternatively, rename the file so it does not have the .pkgdef extension.
Step 2: Optionally, you can remove the following Windows Registry Key (created at SSMS 18 startup using the .pkgdef file mentioned above):
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SQL Server Management Studio\18.0_IsoShell_Config\RuntimeConfiguration\dependentAssembly\bindingRedirection\{8BC7AF31-B6DA-4B97-8B36-F0500DECB147}
I had this same problem running SQL Server 2017 on Windows Server 2012 R2.
• After installing SSMS 18.0 General Availability release (GA), when started, it always closed immediately.
• So I installed Visual Studio 2019 Community Edition with the Data storage and Processing workload and somehow SSMS 18.0 (GA) ran fine without closing, but just once. The next times I tried to start SSMS 18.0 (GA) again, it always closed immediately.
• Having lost my trust on this GA release, I decided to uninstall it and try with a previous release.
• Using the Chocolatey package manager for Windows I installed SSMS v17.8.1 and everything is working fine now.
Can't believe, that the only solution was to install VS 2015 again. So I use VS 2017 in everyday work, but I must have VS 2015 installed as well, just to make SSMS work...
I took a look at this. Problem seems to be with SMSS installing Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable. When that happens, Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 gets uninstalled. However, if you look at the System Requirements at this page:
Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Applications 2017
you'll see that Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Applications 2017, which is also installed by SMSS v18.0, requires Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable.
So, it seems the crash is caused by Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Applications 2017 when it tries to find Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable and can't since Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable removed it.
Don't bother trying to install Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable if 2017 is already there. Installer for 2015 won't do the install if it sees 2017 is already there. Uninstalling 2017 so 2015 will install works, but then, when you reinstall 2017, 2015 is removed.
I guess stay on SMSS v17.9.1 for now.
According to this article SMSS Immediately closes (a load of work....), it should work again:
1) Uninstalled Visual Studio 2015 with VisualStudioUninstaller (thanks Andrea)
2) Uninstalled Visual Studio 2017 (above uninstaller not help a lot for 2017)
3) Uninstalled Visual Studio 2015 Shell
4) Uninstalled all related SQL apps including (SSMSs).
4) Reinstalled Visual Studio 2017 and SSMS 16
SMS Release 18.0 has a repair option if you run the download. Try the repair option. It's new.
In my case, it was SqlServer Management Studio 18. and the solution was to
Copy the Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.8.0 file from
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 18\Common7\IDE\PrivateAssemblies\Interop
and override the file in
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 18\Common7\IDE\PublicAssemblies

Install SSDT for Visual Studio 2017 community fails on recursion too deep

"Setup Failed" Recursion too deep; stack overflowed 0x800703E9.
I have windows 10 and newest visual studio version. I have tried rebooting to make sure I have as many resources as possible. I have 4g ram.
If the SSDT installer gives you multiple instances of Visual Studio to choose from, try the "new" option.
I ran into this problem trying to install SSDT 15.8.1 on Windows Server 2012 R2 with the latest version of Visual Studio 2017 (v15.8.6) already installed. The SSDT installer gave me 2 options in a dropdown box.
Install tools to this Visual Studio 2017 instance:
Visual Studio 2017
Install new SQL Server Data Tools for Visual Studio 2017
When I chose the first option: Visual Studio 2017 (presumably the existing instance), I ran into the cryptic "recursion too deep" error. I installed the SSRS extension for VS (as suggested by others on Stack Overflow) and tried running the SSDT installer again for the existing Visual Studio 2017 instance. I got the same "recursion" error.
I tried one more time, but this time chose the 'Install new SQL Server Data Tools for Visual Studio 2017' option. This time the install process completed!
Apparently there is an installer inconsistency between the latest versions of SSDT and Visual Studio. The suggested fix is to start with a previous installation of Visual Studio 2017, install the latest SSDT on top of that, and then upgrade Visual Studio. This is a very time consuming fix. It appears this is only necessary for the SSIS components - the SSAS and SSRS pieces are available as Extensions within VS, and I believe they still install successfully from there.
Please re-run the VS community 2017 installer or go to Control Panel-Programs and Features, uninstall the previous SSDT version for VS 2017, then re-install it, you can have a look at this similar issue.
If this issue persists, please use to gather the installation logs and find under the %temp% folder, then upload the file to Onedrive and share the link here.
You should uninstall the current version of SSDT before install a new version.
If your computer have some pages blocked, you could download the specific version offline installer (Download the header, then use SSDT-Setup.exe /layout [Folder]) for the former version and new version of SSDT.
How I got past it:
Uninstall the Visual Studio extensions for Reporting Services (and Analysis Services) projects in case if you going to select them during SSDT set up. Note: remember to run VS as administrator to do the uninstall.
Reboot VS2017 (just out of general principle.)

Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 community edition installation errors

I'm trying to install visual studio 2015 and it's coming back with these errors:
Team Explorer for Visual Studio 2015 -> Fatal Error
Microsoft NuGet - Visual Studio 2015 -> Package Failed
Microsoft Visual Studio Connected Services -> Packages Failed
Azure AD Authentication Connected Services -> Packages Failed
Microsoft Azure Mobile Services Connected Service -> Package Failed
Microsoft Azure Storeage Connected Service -> Packages Failed
Microsoft.VisualStudio.Office365 -> Package Failed
I've googled this and seen that this is already a question here with a solution,
Multiple Errors Installing Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition. I'm only asking another question because I couldn't post mine on the original one.
The soultion states that the c++ redistributable must be repaired because they are getting the 64 and 32 bit dlls mixed up. So I repaired them but it still installs the dlls to the wrong folder and I thought that maybe if I move them myself that would do the trick, but the visual studio installer seems to install them again anyway undoing my changes.
Does anyone have any other suggestions to make on how to get around this problem?
I 've tried all the workarounds without success and what finally do the trick was to uninstall all visual studios and all Microsoft Visual C++ XXX Redistributable x86 and x64 versions.
Then, run the Visual Stuido installer again.
Hope it helps!

Visual Studio 2012 - MSVCR110.dll error

I have a Windows 7 Express, with Visual Studio 2012. When I run it I get this message:
"C:\windows\system32\MSVCR110.dll is either not designed to run on Windows or it contains an error. Try reinstalling the program again using the original installation media or contact your system administrator or the software vendor for support".
I tried these things:
Repairing Visual Studio with installation.
Uninstalling and installing again.
Installing .Net framework manually.
Installing Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Redistributable
Getting the .dll from a computer with a working Visual Studio 2012.
Using a different installation of Visual Studio.
Nothing worked and I have no idea what's the problem.
The two installations that I've used worked on different computers with the same operating system.
Please I need ideas!!
Do you have Windows 7 Service Pack 1 installed? If Not do that first.
Even after that you have two options:
Remove & Reinstall by downloading a new copy of Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 Update 4
Check System requirements section carefully it requires Windows 7 Service Pack 1 installed to work.
Reinstall Visual Studio 2012 with Update 4

How to deploy a Office 2010 add-in with Visual Studio 2010 setup & deployment?

We have an error during the installation after running our installation:
Component Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime (x86 and x64) has failed to install with the following error message:
"A failure occurred attempting to install the Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime (x86 and x64)."
The following components failed to install:
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime (x86 and x64)
See the setup log file located at 'C:\Users\***\AppData\Local\Temp\VSD831C.tmp\install.log' for more information.
The log file return:
Verifying file integrity of C:\Users\***\AppData\Local\Temp\VSD831C.tmp\VSTOR40\vstor40_x64.exe
WinVerifyTrust returned -2146869232
File not trusted
Installing using command 'C:\Users\***\AppData\Local\Temp\VSD831C.tmp\VSTOR40\vstor40_x64.exe' and parameters ' /q:a /c:"install /q /l"'
Process exited with code 536870913
Status of package 'Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Tools for Office Runtime (x86 and x64)' after install is 'InstallFailed'
How proceed to install successfully our Office 2010 add-in?
UPDATE: Ok for your answers but the goal is to deploy the app with the installer I test. So the end-user will have the same error as me. The goal is to avoid this error in the setup configuration in Visual Studio 2010. How can I add VSTO 4 runtime in the installer and obtain no error?
It may be Microsoft bug. They have released un-signed version of the installer that throws error:
WinVerifyTrust returned -2146762496. File not signed.
I'm not sure if it will help in your case. The fix for me was to download new version from Microsoft downloads website .
The full description of the bug is available here:
VSTO Runtime installation error
Are you you installing with elevated privalages? That may be why WinVerifyTrust is not trusting vstor40_x64.exe.
Second thing to check is if you are installing in order - first the .NET run time (3.51 or 4.0, depending on your add-in), then vstor40_x86.exe or vstor40_x64.exe (depending on client machine x86 or x64), then your solution.
If it's not as simple as this, check out Troubleshooting Office Solution Deployment and/or Troubleshooting ClickOnce Deployments (if you're using ClickOnce).
