I start a local IIS express server by command:
IISexpress.exe /path:C:\inetpub\mypath /port:8082
When I browse localhost:8082 it shows well. But if I browse start with IP: 10.x.x.x:8082, I got a "HTTP Error 400. The request hostname is invalid."
Even though I had changed IIS express's applicationhost.config with
<binding protocol="http" bindingInformation=":8082:10.x.x.x" />
and restarted, why?
The command line (with /path) you used would ignore completely any config file. Please check Microsoft documentation for more details.
It is highly recommended that you do use /config instead of /path, as that exposes all settings to you.
I set up a new Perforce free service on my home server. I am able to connect to the service on the same machine using the visual client targetting localhost:1666. When I try to connect from my desktop I am unable to connect. I originally tried my public IP which is forwarded to my server, but when that didn't work I tried targetting my server locally as Server: "" In either case I get a similar error of:
Connect to server failed; check $P4PORT.
TCP connect to failed.
On my server "p4 set" shows:
C:\Users\Hephaestus>p4 set
P4EDITOR=C:\Windows\SysWOW64\notepad.exe (set)
P4PASSWD=13C72FC3B6AE5DF224D835D7A26332A0 (set)
P4USER=Hephaestus (set)
P4_1666_CHARSET=none (set)
On my desktop "p4 set" shows:
P4EDITOR=C:\Windows\SysWOW64\notepad.exe (set)
P4PORT= (set)
P4USER=jelamb (set)
I've also worked through most of this: http://answers.perforce.com/articles/KB/2960/. I tried turning my server's firewall off completely.
I've spent hours trying to figure this out and I'm just stumped. Why would I be unable to connect?
I ended up finding out that for whatever reason, adding the config stuff as system variables through Windows didn't do what I needed. Adding them via p4 command-line commands did the trick. Weird, but it works now :/.
The application log in the event viewer shows
Unable to load SiteMinder host configuration object or host configuration file
for Siteminder 12.51 on IIS 7.5 (64bit) OS Windows 2008 (64bit).
When do you get the error? Is it when you're configuring the Webagent?
Anyway, verify the following.
Verify your environment variables are set correctly, if must have references to the Webagent files, you may need to export the envvars in the webagent or policy server folder (nete_wa_env...) file.
if the host config object you're using exists? Verify this using the
Admin UI
If the hostname is configured in the policy server as a trusted host
Verify if the settings are correct in the corresponding SmHost.conf file in the webagent folder
Verify and eliminate any duplicate or conflicting lines in your IIS config files which refer to siteminder.
Verify the host config object and the agent config object settings.
make sure WebAgent.conf is pointing to the correct SmHost.conf and SmHost.conf has the correct HostConfigObject defined (with the exact case that is used in the Policy Store).
If the HCO in the Policy Store is named "DefaultHostSettings" and SmHost.conf contains HostConfigObject=defaulthostsettings you will get this type of error.
Try re-registering the web agent with the policy server using the smreghost command.
Could someone help take a look this weird problem? I'm still not able to connect remotely to my Postgresql.
My Steps:
Download and install the latest Postgresql to my local machine
Setup postgresql
Create a DB
Modify "pg_hba", add row "host all all md5"
Modify "postgresql.conf", make sure "listen_addresses = '*'"
Restart postgresql service
Open local PgAdmin, and connect to DB <-- Success!
From Remote desktop, do the same thing as #7 <-- Failed!
Error Message:
"Server doesn't listen"
"Could not connect to server......accepting TCP/IP connections on port 5432?"
I found "TCP Listening" when I type "netstat -a"
I checked firewall, it's not enabled
Can someone please help? Does anyone encounter this situation?
P.S, my os is Winserver 2008
Thanks in advance~
If you're connecting to the local machine via RDP then you'll be connecting via localhost and no firewall or LAN/WAN/NAT settings should affect pgadmin.
When you edit the pg_hba and postgresql.conf files Server 2008 doesn't usually let you edit them directly where they are. I usually copy them out edit them and then paste them back in. You'll need to authorise the paste from an Admin account.
I usually have a separate rule in "pg_hba" with "host all all md5" for local connections. Also ensure when you restart the service that it is running under the user "postgres" and not as some other user.
I am running Cassandra 1.2.1 on a remote Windows server. I set the yaml settings as following;
start_native_transport: true
I can connect the remote Cassandra server from my laptop by typing the IP address and port number;
connect XXX.XX.XX.XX/9160;
on cassandra-cli.bat
But I can not connect the remote Cassandra server from my .Net Application. I use casssandra-sharp;
using (ICluster cluster = ClusterManager.GetCluster("main"))
Here is the App.config;
<section name="CassandraSharp" type="CassandraSharp.SectionHandler, CassandraSharp" />
<Cluster name="main">
The application throws "Can't find any valid endpoint" exception. When I run Cassandra locally and try to connect, this code block perfectly works.
On remote server 9160 and 7000 ports are allowed on firewall. Any idea about the problem?
#rs_atl is right, it is a connectivity issue.
If you are using a client library and going to execute CQL commands, you need to set;
start_native_transport: true
which you already did. Just two lines below, you will see;
native_transport_port: 9042
in yaml file. That means you need to allow port number 9042 on firewall.
If you also using a cloud service like Azure do not forget to add an End Point.
If your code works locally but does not work on another machine, the only logical conclusion is there must be a connectivity issue.
I can't seem to get the NppFTP plugin to connect to my localhost (via XAMPP) for local development using Notepad++.
According to the http://localhost/xampp/ docs, the default username and password are 'newuser' and 'wampp' accordingly.
I'm using these settings:
port: 21
username: newuser
password: wampp
initial remote directory: C:/xampp/htdocs/myrootdirectory
The console just says 'Quit' right after I try and connect.
Anyone know what I'm doing wrong? And if it's because localhost is not a remote directory, how do I configure Notepad++ to browse my local files without relying on Windows Explorer?
If you're running on windows, make sure you're running your xampp control (xampp ui ) as admin. Then, you have yo check SVC checkbox before filezilla then click start. A pop-up will prompt and click Yes to install it as a service.
after that, click admin then click Yes. set you password then you're good to go.
In you're notepadd++, the settings are the same with the one you posted above.
Hope that helps.
Actually, it doesn't make sense to Filezilla into your localhost, you should just use the Notepad Plugin, Explorer.