Jmeter with Oracle 12c: the ";" is unusable - oracle

I have a jMeter 3.0 to oracle 12 c using thin connection (used ojdbc 7 and 7_c) and I cannot use the row end line ( ; ). It always returns
Cannot create PoolableConnectionFactory (ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended
If I remove the ";" from the query everything goes fine. How can I fix this?

I found a workaround for this that avoids having the semi-colon problem:
JDBC Request Query Type needs to be: Update Statement
The query needs to be processed as a block
SQL Statement
There are specific SQL structures that can't be executed as a block but still this enables having legit SQL code within the request and enhances having several statements in the same request.

If you are using JDBC_Request Sampler, you should NOT keep semi-colon as a trailing at the end of a line for SQL query,
Do not enter a trailing semi-colon.
so, without semi-colon, it should work properly and no need to include that.


Oracle ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended

I try to use golang and query data from Oracle. My SQL query is:
But it gives an error:
EXTRA *errors.withStack=dpiStmt_execute: ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended
My SQL query works fine when I query in SQL*Plus, but errors when I use golang.
I'd try running the query without the terminating semicolon, as Alex Poole pointed out. A lot of Oracle client libraries (i.e. cx_Oracle in python, ADO.NET Oracle Libraries) do complain if you try to execute a query ending with the semicolon (which is perfectly legal in SQL/Plus)
If the offset is not specified, it is assumed that it is 0 (zero). So, remove that clause (as it does nothing in your case), i.e.
select * from table1
and use that query in golang.
I am pretty sure that just your closing semicolon is to much. The semicolon is a character to separate several SQL statements or to close a pl/sql block. So when you write it at the end of a SQL statement the parser doesn't know how to handle it, cause he only awaits a single SQL statement.

Weblogic JDBC Connections: multi-statement init SQL

When setting up a data source in WLS we can give it an init SQL statement, which is executed immediately after creation of every connection for this data source.
So far we are using..
SQL ALTER SESSION SET current_schema=user01
.. as we are logging in using an application user02 which has less rights than the owner user01, but we still want the data source to see the schema.
Now we'd like to add some session meta information to the DS connections, for debugging purposes on the DB side. The statements..
DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.set_module('qux', 'garp');
.. allow you to set custom strings as identifiers, which will then show up in colums of V_$SESSION, thus giving the DBA some more information about a DB connection.
My problem
How is it possible to have multi-line init SQL statements? Note that the init SQL syntax expects an SQL command which is preceded by SQL and which does not end in a semicolon ;.
What I tried so far is something along the lines of..
execute immediate 'ALTER SESSION SET current_schema=uzms01';
DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.set_module('qux', 'garp');
.. but I keep getting errors. :(
Looks like there was a small syntax irregularity which I did not spot because SQL developer executes it without problems...
The following snippet works (note the parentheses after immediate):
execute immediate('alter session set current_schema=user01');
DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.set_client_info('my client');
DBMS_APPLICATION_INFO.set_module('my module', 'my action');

oracle SQL plus how to end command in SQL file?

I have SQL file with few commands.
What it the correct way to end lines in the script?
Is it slash [/] semicolon [;] both?
Is there any diffarent between regular sqls and Stored procedure code?
Thank you
For normal SQL statements, either a / on a line by itself, or a ; at the end of the command, will work fine.
For statements that include PL/SQL code, such as CREATE FUNCTION, CREATE PROCEDURE, CREATE PACKAGE, CREATE TYPE, or anonymous blocks (DECLARE/BEGIN/END), a ; will not execute the command. Since PL/SQL uses semicolons as line terminators, its use as a command terminator must be suppressed in these statements. So in these cases, you must use / to execute the command.
In my experience, people prefer to use the semicolon when possible and use the slash only when required.
Note that for SQLPlus client commands -- such as SET or EXECUTE -- no command terminator is necessary at all, although people often end them with a semicolon out of habit.
; is the way you should end your sql commands, same goes for PLSQL procedures:
select * from dual;
select sysdate from dual;
select table_name from user tables;
exec dbms_output.putline('Hello');
Usually we can use ";" to end sql statement,
but for create functions, triggers, procedures you have to use "/" after ";" to end SQL statement.
"/" might not be required when you use some developers tool like, oracle SQL developer, toad etc, but it should be mandate when you execute your query directly in the linux machine.

How do I debug Oracle dynamic sql in sqlplus?

I have a PL/SQL statement that uses EXECUTE IMMEDIATE to execute a query. However, I'm having difficulty figuring out how to even get the text of the query that's being executed. I can't use dbms_output as the query is greater than 255 characters. Is there any way to make sqlplus echo the string that's passed in to EXECUTE IMMEDIATE?
What version of Oracle are you using? 255 is the default line length for DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(). Before 10g we could display 1048 characters in a single call. Since then it is 32K.
Alternatively you should consider using an IDE which supports DBMS_DEBUG. For instance, SQL Developer does so, and it is free from Oracle. Find out more.
You can try to attach a profiler to the database (honestly I have only done that for SqlServer) and run the procedure since the profiler will show any query made to the DB you will be able to pick it up there and do the necessary debugging.
Hope it helps..
How to print large strings N characters at a time.
Modify to suit your needs.
FOR i IN 0..10 LOOP
You could insert the string into a logging/temporary table and examine it.

How to see the actual query executed by an Oracle report containing an error

Like most Oracle Reports in O*Financials, the query is made up of dynamic parts depending on the parameters entered.
When I run the concurrent request the log file contains an obscure error:
ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended
d.acctd_amount_dr, d.amount_dr) ) C_AMOUNT , trx . trx_number C_TRX_NUMBER FROM ar_cash_receipt_history crh , ar_distributions d , gl_code_combinations gc , ar_batches b , ar_cash_receipts cr , hz_cust_accounts cust_acct , h
(I don't know why it puts spaces in between the trx.trx_number which is one of my changes.)
I have no experience with Oracle Reports itself. But what always works to see which sql statements are being sent from a client to an Oracle db, is a sqlnet trace. For instructions about how to configure sqlnet to create a trace file, please consult the Oracle sql*net documentation or take a look at the OraFAQ.
And please, don't forget to deactivate the tracing feature again after you are done with that sql statement.
Thanks guys.
I copied the query text and concatenated in all the parameters like &LP_ORDER_BY and then displayed it with an SRW_MESSAGE in the BEFORE_REPORT trigger.
Bit tedious, they should have some available field that holds the query.
