Jira Trigger plugin for Jenkins: Obtaining Value from issue object - jenkins-jira-trigger

I'm trying to set up some automation using Jenkins and Jira Trigger plugin for Jenkins. I've set up a web hook at Jira side which is able to invoke build on Jenkins as desired.
I've a trouble with obtaining value for a custom field from incoming Jira request.
I'm trying to use "Issue Attribute Path" feature and I've also referred to post (How to use the 'Issue attribute path' in the parameter mapping of jenkins-trigger-plugin)
Howevevr I'm still unable to get value for custom fields customfield_10010, customfield_10011. I've tried with mapping like fields.customfield_10010, fields.customfield_10010.value, fields.customfield_10010.0.value,customfield_10010.0.value and similar combinations. I'm able to get value for other standard fields as suggested in plugin help. ex: status.name, description etc.
I could not get any clue from Jira documentation site either.
Parts of incoming json data is below for easy reference.
"issue": {
"id": "1000x",
"self": "http://localhost:3080/rest/api/2/issue/10007",
"key": "ABC-2",
"fields": {
"issuetype": {
"parent": {
"components": [
"timespent": null,
"timeoriginalestimate": 28800,
"description": ".....",
"project": {
"customfield_10010": [
"self": "http://localhost:3080/rest/api/2/customFieldOption/10019",
"value": "ABC-Custom 1",
"id": "10019"
"fixVersions": [
"customfield_10011": [
"self": "http://localhost:3080/rest/api/2/customFieldOption/10021",
"value": "ABC-Custom 2",
"id": "10021"

You can get the value of a custom field with the following syntax:
fields.find { it.id == "customfield_10010" }.value
I had the same problem and found this solution here:


Failed to run the pipeline (Pipeline) - Azure Data Factory

For testing purposes I'm trying to execute this simple pipeline (nothing sophisticated).
However, I'm getting this error:
The goal is to see if two variables are getting the right values (we have been facing some issues in our production environment).
This is the json with the definition of the pipeline:
"name": "GeneralTest",
"properties": {
"activities": [
"name": "Set variable1",
"type": "SetVariable",
"dependsOn": [],
"userProperties": [],
"typeProperties": {
"variableName": "start_time",
"value": {
"value": "#utcnow()",
"type": "Expression"
"name": "Wait1",
"type": "Wait",
"dependsOn": [
"activity": "Set variable1",
"dependencyConditions": [
"userProperties": [],
"typeProperties": {
"waitTimeInSeconds": 5
"name": "Set variable2",
"description": "",
"type": "SetVariable",
"dependsOn": [
"activity": "Wait1",
"dependencyConditions": [
"userProperties": [],
"typeProperties": {
"variableName": "end_time ",
"value": {
"value": "#utcnow()",
"type": "Expression"
"variables": {
"start_time": {
"type": "String"
"end_time ": {
"type": "String"
"folder": {
"name": "Old Pipelines"
"annotations": []
What am I missing, or what could be the problem with this process?
You are having a "blank space" after the variable name end_time like "end_time "
You can see the difference in my repro:
MyCode VS YourCode
Clearing that would make the execution just fine.
I faced a similar issue when doing a Debug run of one of my pipelines. The error messages for these types of errors are not helpful when running in Debug mode.
What I have found is that if you publish the pipeline and then Trigger a Pipeline Run (instead of a Debug run), you can then go to Monitor Pipeline Runs and it will show you a more useful error message.
Apart from possible blank spaces in variable or parameter names, Data Factory doesn't like hyphens, but only in parameter names, variables are fine.
Validation passes, but then in debug time you get the same cryptic error
I ran into this same error message in Data Factory today on the Copy activity. Everything passed validation but this error would pop on each debug run.
I have parameters configured on my dataset connections so that I can use dynamic queries against the data sources. In this case, I was using explicit queries, so the parameters appeared irrelevant. I tried with both blank values and value is null. Both failed the same way.
I tried with stupid but real text values and it worked! The pipeline isn't leveraging the stupid values for any work, so their content doesn't matter, but some portion of the engine needs a non-null value in the parameters in order to execute.

How to patch property of list in nested object with condition for restful api

How should i design a Restful API for PATCH operation that support update some property in the a list with condition?
say i have following json model:
"key1": "value",
"key2": "value",
"list": [
"property": "someValue",
"toBePatched": "value"
"property": "otherValue",
"toBePatched": "value"
I need to patch the "toBePatched" property in the list when the "property" equals to "someValue". By looking at the json patch here, i think it is a good way to go, but i dont think the json pointer supports the query? how should i define a path that supports "/list/property=someValue/toBePatch"?
One stupid way to do it is to pass it as query parameter to the api, and have some logic around it, but i dont think thats a standard way to do it.
{ "op": "test", "path": "/list/0/property", "value": "someValue"},
{ "op": "test", "path": "/list/0/toBePatched", "value": "value"},
{ "op": "replace", "path": "/list/0/toBePatched", "value": "the-new-value"}
test is important, it lets you verify that the server hasn't change the part of the document that you are intending to change. See section 5 on Error Handling for details.

Merge profile based on 2 property in Apache-Unomi

I am trying to build an customize logic in action for profile merging, can anybody suggest me how to create a rule where I can merge profile based on email and phone-number, as of now I am able to do with only one property value email. you can find the sample rule below in code :
"metadata": {
"id": "exampleLogin",
"name": "Example Login",
"description": "Copy event properties to profile properties on login"
"condition": {
"parameterValues": {
"subConditions": [
"type": "eventTypeCondition",
"parameterValues": {
"eventTypeId": "click"
"operator": "and"
"type": "booleanCondition"
"actions": [
"parameterValues": {
"mergeProfilePropertyValue": "eventProperty::target.properties(email)",
"mergeProfilePropertyName": "mergeIdentifier"
"type": "mergeProfilesOnPropertyAction"
"parameterValues": {
"type": "allEventToProfilePropertiesAction"
In order to be able to merge based on multiple identifiers you would have to extend the default built-in action to support that.
This can be done by creating a module but it will require some Java knowledge since this is how Unomi is implemented.
The code for the default merge action is available here:

Can't get FHIR message to decode

I am trying to integrate with a service that provides FHIR ImageStudy messages in JSON format. Once I have the JSON message I need to convert the message to XML.
I am using the FHIR-net-api found here, https://github.com/ewoutkramer/fhir-net-api I posted earlier and got help using this library to parse standard image study messages. Here is a link to my earlier post, FHIR JSON to XML decoding in BizTalk
The service I am connecting to has added some extensions to the image study message and when I attempt to parse it I get an error that the parser failed line 1 character 1.
My understanding is that if the extension are done correctly the FHIR-net-api library should be able to parse the JSON to XML. Is this correct?
Can anyone identify if the test message below is compliant to the FHIR standard, if not what is wrong with it? I have shortened the message to only contain a single image study but the service returns multiple in a bundle. I have also removed identifying information.
"resourceType": "Bundle",
"total": 15,
"entry": [
{"resource": {
"resourceType": "ImagingStudy",
"id": "LALA.e1e6683d-f6d9-e311-ae0e-0050568f64",
"contained": [
"resourceType": "Organization",
"text": {"div": "LALA"},
"name": "LALA"
"resourceType": "Procedure",
"id": "Procedure1",
"code": {"coding": [ {
"code": "RAD-HANB",
"display": "HANDS BIL"
"extension": [ {
"url": "https://someplace.org/fhir/extensions/imagingstudy-examstatus",
"valueString": "Finalized"
"started": "2013-12-03T12:30:00-08:00",
"accession": {"value": "A12345BH"},
"procedure": [{"reference": "#Procedure1"}],
"series": [ {
"modality": {
"system": "http://www.dicomlibrary.com/dicom/modality/",
"code": "CR"
"bodySite": {"code": "UEX"},
"instance": [
{"title": "DiagnosticReport"},
"title": "DiagnosticImage",
"content": [
"url": "/fhir/Patient/91111/ImagingStudy?_query=imageUrl&_id=6683d-f6d9-e311-ae0e-0050568f6477&-mrn=12345T&-organization=lala&accession=tester&-status=F",
"title": "Something"
"url": "/fhir/Patient/9111111/ImagingStudy?_query=html5Url&_id=e1e6683d-f6d9-e311-ae0e-0050568f6&-mrn=123345&-organization=lala&accession=testing&-status=F",
"title": "HTML5"
I suspect that you got a message like this: Error parsing XHTML: Incorrect document syntax. at line 1 row 1. source = " at line 8 col 13
That's what I get once I clean up the instance a little bit to include only the resource and not the wrapper from the Bundle and check it against http://fhir2.healthintersections.com.au/open/.
The first issue is that the narrative inside your div tag is not valid. It needs to look like this:
"div": "<div>LALA</div>"
However there are a bunch of others. The narrative is missing status. Narrative isn't actually allowed on contained resources, you're missing a bunch of mandatory elements, etc. Just go to the link above and paste your JSON into the "upload" box at the bottom of the page and select "validate". That will give you a full report of the issues. (Not all of those will necessarily impact your ability to convert between JSON and XML, but presumably you'll want to fix them regardless.)

Google People API - Is it possible to get custom fields?

I need to import google contacts to my application. For that I try to use the Google People API but I didn't find an option to get the contacts custom fields.
Is it possible to get contact custom fields with the new Google People API?
Should I use the old Google Contacts API for that?
Request the userDefined projection with your personFields.
String url = "https://people.googleapis.com/v1/people/me/connections" +
The response looks like this:
"userDefined": [
"metadata": {
"primary": true,
"source": {
"type": "CONTACT",
"id": "5629e24b082d1a66"
"key": "label1",
"value": "foo"
"metadata": {
"source": {
"type": "CONTACT",
"id": "5629e24b082d1a66"
"key": "label2",
"value": "bar"
For more details, see https://developers.google.com/people/api/rest/v1/people#Person.UserDefined
You can also update custom fields even though the documentation does not currently list userDefined as a valid field for updatePersonFields as the field mask.
