View results tree sampler in jenkins - performance

Is it possible to see "view results tree " sampler of jmeter in jenkins. I want to see all my request and response data of jmeter in jenkins. i am not able to find it

By default JMeter does not store the response data when it is being run in non-GUI mode, however you can override this by adding the next lines to file (located in "bin" folder of your JMeter installation)
But be aware that:
It changes results output format to XML so if you have any post processors which explicitly rely on CSV default format (i.e. HTML Reporting Dashboard) - they might fail
Storing request and response data causes massive RAM and Disk IO overheads so JMeter will consume way more memory hence throughput might be lower. It is recommended to use the above settings only for debugging or investigation when something definitely goes wrong and revert them back to defaults once you figure out and eliminate the root cause.
See Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide for more information on using JMeter Properties and ways of setting and overriding them


How to include endpoint in Jmeter results .xml file?

I am outputting results from 30 tests to a single xml file.
Currently the file includes latency, connection time, and whether it returned OK. I want the endpoint I am hitting to also be shown. My tests run in sequence and output to a single file.
It's Save URL checkbox:
You can also achieve the same by amending JMeter Results File Configuration like:
and others set to false
Put your changes to file, JMeter restart will be required to activate the changes.
More information:
Configuring JMeter
Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide

JMeter won't write response data

I'm running tests with JMeter (master+10 slaves) on elasticasearch. I'm getting error 400 for some requests but they are a bit elusive:
When I run the requests manually with curl or pasting them on kibana's console, I don't get errors.
Every time I run the tests using jmeter, using the same requests and under the same conditions, I get a different number of errors.
So I was thinking of inspecting the response bodies from jmeter. But all the ways I've tried failed:
I've created a View Result Tree element and checked all boxes on the "configure" panel. When I run the script, it logs everything except response data
I've tried a BeanShell post processor to write all responses on a file. But it apparently is being 'ignored' when I run the script
Both these solutions work on my machine, but not on the server (which I don't have total control over). I'm passing on the command line to start jmeter.
What else could I try?
This is an optimization that JMeter makes for distributed testing related to the mode:
To avoid JMeter stripping the response data set in of servers snd controller:
As by default it is:
By default JMeter slaves don't send response data to the master, you can choose a different sample sender if you need more data.
Writing response data into a file using Beanshell should work in any case (however consider using JSR223 Test Elements and Groovy for this), just make sure that:
your Beanshell PostProcessor is placed correctly according to JMeter Scoping Rules
there are no Beanshell-related messages in jmeter.log files
you will need to collect the log files from each slave manually after test run, they will not be generated on the master

jmeter- missing to save output - save responses to a file

I am doing a performance test for an API and trying to hit it 120 times within a minute. Every time I hit, the output files written to the folder is less than 120. I never get the correct number of output files. Sometimes, I get 119, 115, 117.
Out of 120 hits, 50% is passed and 50% is failure scenarios. When checked the output folder, files are missed to write from both passed and failed scenarios.
Could someone help me to understand what could be the reason?
Jmeter Version 3.1
I would suggest temporarily enabling storing request and response details. You can do it by adding the next lines to file (the file is located in JMeter's "bin" folder)
Once done - restart JMeter to pick the property up
Run your test
When it's finished open .jtl results file with View Results Tree listener and inspect request and especially response details to detect any issues
If you won't find any clues add the next line to file:
and look for the message starting with
Error saving sample ....
Don't forget to revert back the configuration changes once you do the troubleshooting.
Configuring JMeter
Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide

How to log only error responses in jmeter

I have the following params setup on jmeter, I am running my script in a loop which is creating huge logs(jtl file), Can I log only error responses ?
You can configure JMeter to save response data only for failed samplers by adding the next lines to file:
If you want to completely disable saving any metrics for successful samplers add the next line to the same file (however you won't be able to get reliable metrics this way):
Configuring JMeter
Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide

loading .jtl file does not give complete result in gui, can not see response data

I am running Jmeter in non-gui mode. When I load the resulting.jtl file in jmeter I can see sample result but it does not give me sampler request and response data. Help appreciated!
By default sampler request and response data are not stored in the .jtl file. To override this behavior you need to "tell" JMeter to store the data. To do so locate the following properties in file which lives under /bin folder of your JMeter installation, uncomment and change to "true" values of the following:
Alternatively you can pass these properties during command-line execution via -J key as follows:
jmeter -n -t /path/to/your/script.jmx -l /path/to/results/file.jtl
See Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide for more information on dealing with JMeter properties.
Also be aware of the fact that storing requests and especially responses will have negative impact on your load generator(s) performance.
